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Mall Fea..

The Golden .Jubilee celebra- Livernois from 8 a.m. to mid-1mall will be used for introduc-!reaches Woodward and Maple tion will give Ferndale residents night for the Golden Jubilee lng conte t winners, drawings'lhurSl. a.D opportunity to tryout a pat'ade and an entertain'ment!contests, shows, and a sing- Geary said the northbound concept they strongly opposed mall. Ialong. An evening street dance lanes on Woodward would be two years ago. . Nine-Mile has been temporar- will be the final mall event. divided to handle all traffic When the city's latest master ily closed in the past fot' Fern- Saturday morning's parade while the parade was in prog plan was under study in 1966 dale's Memorial Day parade, route will follow the normal ress. He said he does not expect many residents and business- but this will be the fust oppor- Memorial Day route, starting at it to last more than an hour. men opposed a Nine-Ivlile mall tuoity to experiment with the Livernois and Maplehurst, and Nine-Mile t I' a f fie will be concept, .which would h a v e mall concept. Imoving south at Woodward to diverted all day at Woodward closed. Ferndale's main business Mrs. June KotJarek, genei-al Nine-Mile, where it will swing and at Livernois. Under a plan district to traffic. chait'man of the Golden Jubilee, west past the reviewing stand. similar to the proposed "ring Under the plan, traffic would said her group asked the city Captain Donald R. Geary of road" system, westbound traf be re-routed on "ring roads" to for permissioJ} to use Nine-Mile the Ferndale Police Depart- fic will be shuttled south to flow around the business dis- rather t han a city park "be- ment said Nine-Mile would be Troy at Livernois, and east trict on Nine - Mile west of cause of its central location." closed at 8 a.m. to allow prepa- bound traffic will move north Woodward. This section would The' Golden Jubilee parade rations for the day's events, and to Withington at Woodward, ex then become a shopping mall.' will pass a reviewing stand be- t hat Woodward's southbound, cept while the parade is passSaturday, Nine-Mile will be tween Allen and Woodward be-lanes would be closed shortly jng, when traffic will have to closed between Woodward anct fore breaking up at Allen. The Iafter 10 a.m. when the parade move farther north.

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