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1205 252 Unit Operation of Food Engineering

Dr. Supatpong Mattaraj Instructor Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University
Presented to

Introduction: Evaporation
Objective: To protect microbiological growth and assist in reducing transportation and storage costs To remove water from liquid foods to obtain concentrated liquid products, resulting in a smaller differential of temperature between the heating medium and the products, thus reducing rate of heat transfer. Evaporation differs from dehydration because the final product of evaporation process remains in liquid state Evaporation differs from distillation because the vapors are not divided into fractions as in distillation

Students from Food Engineering (Agricultural ) Semester 2/2545

Contents : Evaporation Type of evaporation

Design of a single-effect evaporation Design of a multiple-effect evaporation

Single-effect evaporator

Heat exchanger-stream used as heating medium for transferring heat from low-pressure stream to the product. The product inside the evaporator chamber is kept under vacuum, thus introducing temperature difference between stream and product which boils at low temperature (minimize heat damage) Condenser - affect condense of vapor and separate it out of the system Separator - separate vapor from concentrated product The vapors produced are discarded and stream condenses inside the heat exchanger and the condensate is discarded

Multiple-effect evaporator Stream is used only in the first effect The vapors are reused as the heating medium in another evaporator chamber. The partially concentrated product leaving the first effect is introduced as feed into the second effect. The product from the second effect becomes feed for the third effect. The product from the third effect leaves at the desired concentration This is called a forward feed system.

Types of Evaporator
1. Batch-Type Pan Evaporator
- Simplest and oldest types of evaporator - The product is heated in a stream-jacketed spherical vessel - The heating vessel may be open to the atmosphere or connected to a condenser and vacuum. - Vacuum permits boiling the product at temperatures lower than the boiling point at atmospheric pressure, thus reducing the thermal damage to products. - The heat-transfer area per unit volume is small and the residence time of the product is longer up to several hours.

2. Natural Circulation Evaporator

- Short vertical types, 1-2 m long and 50-100 mm in diameter. - The heat-transfer area per unit volume is small and the residence time of the product is longer up to several hours. - The concentrated liquid falls back to the base of the vessel through a central annular section.

Types of Evaporator
3. Rising-film Evaporator - A low-viscosity liquid food is allowed to boil inside 10-15 m-long vertical tubes. - The upward movement of vapors causes a thin liquid film to move rapidly upward. - A temperature differential of at least 14 oC between the product and the heating medium is necessary to obtain a well-developed film. - High convective heat-transfer coefficients are achieved in the system. 4. Falling-film Evaporator - It has a thin liquid film moving downward under gravity on the inside of the vertical tubes. - This is more complicated system than rising-film evaporator. - The residence time is about 20-30 seconds, compared with a residence time of 3-4 minutes in a rising-film evaporator.

Types of Evaporator
5. Rising/Falling-film Evaporator - The product is concentrated by circulation through a rising-film section followed by a falling-film section. 6. Forced-circulation Evaporator - Consists of a noncontact heat exchanger where liquid food is circulated at high rates. - A hydrostatic head is used to eliminate the boiling of the liquid. - The temperature difference across the heating surface in the heat exchanger is usually 3-5 oC. - Axial flow pumps are used to maintain high circulation rates with linear velocities of 2-6 m/s, compared with a linear velocity of 0.3-1 m/s in natural-circulation evaporators. Low capital and operating costs when compared with other types of evaporator.

Types of Evaporator
7. Agitated Thin-Film Evaporator - Suitable for viscous fluid foods (i.e. tabular or plate evaporators). - Require higher rates for heat transfer due to high agitation. - The major disadvantages are the high capital and maintenance costs and low processing capacity. - Plate evaporators use the principles of rising/falling-film, and forced-circulator evaporators.

Design of a single-effect evaporator

Dilute liquid feed is pumped into the heating chamber and stream is introduced into the heat exchanger. The temperature of evaporation T1 is controlled by maintaining vacuum inside the heating chamber. Heat and mass balances conducted on the evaporator system allow determination of various design and operating variables (i.e. mass flow rates, final concentration of products, and heat exchanger area.

Schematic of a single-effect evaporator

condenser mv,T1 Vacuum ejector

ms, Ts System boundary U, A

mf, Tf, xf mp, T1, xp

ms, Ts

Single-effect evaporator: mass balance on flow stream and product solid

Overall mass balance:
m f = mv + mp

Single-effect evaporator: enthalpy balance

Enthalpy balance:
mf H f (Tf , x f ) + ms Hv (Ts ) = mv Hv (T1 ) + mp H p (T1 , x p ) + ms Hc (Ts )

= xpm

ms is the mass flow rate of stream (kg/s)

mf is the mass flow rate of dilute liquid feed (kg/s) mv is the mass flow rate of vapor (kg/s) mp is the mass flow rate of concentrated products (kg/s) xf is the solid fraction in feed stream xp is the solid fraction in product stream

Hf(Tf,xf) is enthalpy of dilute liquid feed (kJ/kg) Hp(T1,xp) is enthalpy of concentrated product (kJ/kg) Hv(Ts) is enthalpy of saturated vapor at temperature Ts (kJ/kg) Hv(T1) is enthalpy of saturated vapor at temperature T1(kJ/kg) Hc(Ts) is enthalpy of condensate T1(kJ/kg) Ts is temperature of stream (oC) T1 is the boiling temperature maintained inside the evaporator chamber(oC). Tf is the temperature of dilute liquid feed (oC)

Single-effect evaporator: enthalpy balance

Total enthalpy for dilute liquid feed: Total heat content of stream :

Single-effect evaporator: Heat exchanger

The rate of heat transfer:
q = UA (T s T1 ) = m s H v (T s ) m s H c (T s )

mf H f (Tf , x f )

Hf (Tf , xf ) = cpf (Tf 0 oC)

ms H v (Ts )
H v (Ts )

Where q is the rate of heat transfer (W) U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K) A is the area of the heat exchanger (m2) The overall heat-transfer coefficient decreases as product becomes concentrated, due to increased resistance of heat
Hv (T1 )

Enthalpy of saturated vapor at Ts obtained from stream table A.4.2: Total enthalpy of the vapor leaving the system :
mv H V (T1 )

Enthalpy of saturated vapor at T1 obtained from stream table A.4.2:

transfer on the product side of the heat exchanger. Stream economy: used to express the operating performance of an evaporator; the ratio of the rate of mass of water vapor produced from the liquid feed per unit rate of stream consumed
Stream economy = mv ms

Total enthalpy for concentrated product stream leaving the evaporator: mp H p (T1, x p )
Hp (T1, xp ) = cpp(T 0 oC) 1

Where cpp is the specific heat content of concentrated product (kJ/kg. oC) Total enthalpy for condensate leaving the evaporator:

ms Hc (Ts )
H c (Ts ) from Table A.4.2

Example: Single-effect evaporator

Apple juice is being concentrated in natural-circulation single-effect evaporator. At steady-state conditions, dilute juice is the feed introduced at a rate of 0.67 kg/s. The concentration of the dilute juice is 11% total solids. The juice is concentrated to 75% total solids. The specific heats if dilute apple juice and concentrate are 3.9 and 2.3 kJ/kg.oC, respectively. The stream pressure is measured to be 304.42 kPa. The inlet feed temperature is 43.3 oC. The product inside the evaporator boils at 62.2 oC. The overall heat transfer coefficient is assumed to be 943 W/m2. oC. Calculate the mass flow rate of concentrated product, stream requirements, stream economy, and the heat transfer area. Given mass flow rate of feed mf = 0.67 kg/s concentration of food xf = 0.11 concentration of product xp = 0.75 stream pressure = 304.42 kPa feed temperature Tf = 43.3 oC boiling temperature T1 in evaporator = 62.2 oC overall heat transfer coefficient U = 943 W/m2.K specific heat of dilute feed cpf = 3.9 kJ/kg. oC specific heat of concentrated product cpp = 2.3 kJ/kg. oC

Example: Single-effect evaporator

Solution: (1)
x f m f = x p mp
0.11 0.67 kg / s = 0.75 mp mp = 0.098 kg / s

The mass flow rate of concentrated product is 0.098 kg/s


mf = mv + mp mv = m f mp

mv = (0.67 kg / s) (0.098 kg / s) = 0.57 kg / s

The mass flow rate of vapors is is 0.57 kg/s

(3) Enthalpy balance

H f (T f , x f ) = c pf (T f 0 o C ) = (3 .9 kJ / kg . o C ) ( 43 .3 0 C 0 o C ) = 168 .9 kJ / kg H p (T1 , x p ) = c pp (T1 0 o C ) = ( 2 .3 kJ / kg . o C ) ( 62 .2 o C 0 o C ) = 143 .1 kJ / kg

Example: Single-effect evaporator

(3) Enthalpy balance: From table A.4.2 Temperature of stream at 304.42 oC = 134 oC (interpolate) Enthalpy for saturated vapor Hv (Ts = 134 oC) = 2725.9 kJ/kg Enthalpy for saturated liquid Hc (Ts = 134 oC) = 563.41 kJ/kg Enthalpy for saturated vapor Hv (T1 = 62.2 oC) = 2613.4 kJ/kg

Example: Single-effect evaporator

(4) Stream economy
Stream economy = mv 0.57 = = 0.89 kg water evaporated / kg stream ms 0.64

(5) Area of heat transfer

q = UA(Ts T1 ) = ms H v (Ts ) ms H c (Ts )
A (943 W / m 2 . o C )(134 o C 62.2 o C ) = (0.64 kg / s)[2725.9 kJ / kg 563.14 kJ / kg] 1000J / kJ

m f H f (T f , x f ) + m s H v (Ts ) = mv H v (T1 ) + m p H p (T1 , x p ) + m s H c (Ts )

(0.67 kg / s )(168.9 kJ / kg ) + (m s kg / s)(2725.9 kJ / kg ) = (0.57 kg / s )(2613.4 kJ / kg ) + (0.098 kg / s )(143.1 kJ / kg ) + ( m s kg / s )(563.41 kJ / kg )

2162.49ms = 1390.5 ms = 0.64 kg/s

A = 20.4 m2

Design of a multiple-effect evaporator

Dilute liquid feed is pumped into the first evaporator chamber while stream enters the heat exchanger and condenses, thus discharging heat to the product. The condensate is discarded. The vapors produced from the first effect are used as the heating medium in the second effect, where the feed is the partially concentrated product from the first effect and so on. The desired final concentration is pumped out of the evaporator chamber of the third effect. mf, Tf, xf

Schematic of a triple-effect evaporator

mv3, T3 mv2

mv1 ms, Ts

U1, A1

U2, A2

U3, A3

mf1, xf1

mf2, xf2

mp, T3, xp

Triple-effect evaporator: mass balance on flow stream and product solids

Overall mass balance:
m f = mv1 + mv 2 + mv3 + m p

Triple-effect evaporator: enthalpy balance

Enthalpy balance for each effect:
mf Hf (Tf , xf ) + ms Hv (Ts ) = mv1Hv (T1) + mf 1Hf 1(T1, xf 1) + ms Hc (Ts )

= xpm

mf 1Hf 1(T1, xf 1) + mv1Hv (T1) = mv2Hv (T2 ) + mf 2Hf 2 (T2, xf 2 ) + mv1Hc (T1)

mf is the mass flow rate of dilute liquid feed in the first effect (kg/s) mv1, mv2, mv3 are the mass flow rates of vapor from the first, second, and third effect, respectively. (kg/s) mp is the mass flow rate of concentrated products from the third effect (kg/s) xf is the solid fraction in feed stream to the first effect xp is the solid fraction in product stream from the third effect

mf 2H f 2 (Tf 2 , xf 2 ) + mv2Hv (T2 ) = mv3Hv (T3 ) + mp Hp (T3, xp ) + mv2Hc (T2 )

Subscripts 1, 2, and 3 refer to the first, second, and third effect, respectively.

Triple-effect evaporator: heat exchange

Heat transfer across heat exchanger:

Example: double-effect evaporator

Calculate the stream requirements of a double-effect forward-feed evaporator to concentrate a liquid food from 11% total solids to 50% total solids concentrate. The feed rate is 10,000 kg/hr at 20 oC. The boiling of liquid inside the second effect takes place under vacuum at 70 oC. The stream is being supplied to the first effect at 198.5 kPa. The condensate from the first effect is discarded at 95 oC and from the second effect at 70 oC. The overall heat-transfer coefficient in the first effect is 1,000 W/m2. oC; in the second effect it is 800 W/m2. oC. The specific heats of the liquid food are 3.8, 3.0, and 2.5 kJ/kg. oC at initial, intermediate, and final concentrations. Assume the areas and temperature gradients are equal in each effect. Given mass flow rate of feed mf = 10,000 kg/hr = 2.78 kg/s concentration of feed xf = 0.11 concentration of product xp = 0.50 stream pressure = 198.5 kPa feed temperature Tf = 20 oC boiling temperature T2 in second effect = 70 oC overall heat transfer coefficient U1 in the first effect = 1000 W/m2.K overall heat transfer coefficient U2 in the second effect = 800 W/m2.K specific heat of dilute feed cpf = 3.8 kJ/kg. oC specific heat of feed at intermediate concentration cpf = 3.0 kJ/kg. oC specific heat of concentrated food product cpp = 2.5 kJ/kg. oC

q1 = U 1 A1 (Ts T1 ) = ms H v (Ts ) ms H c (Ts )

q2 = U 2 A2 (T1 T2 ) = mv1 H v (T1 ) mv1 H c (T1 ) q3 = U 3 A3 (T2 T3 ) = mv 2 H v (T2 ) mv 2 H c (T2 )

Stream economy:

Stream economy =

mv1 + mv 2 + mv 3 ms

Schematic of a double-effect evaporator

mv2, T2

Solution: double-effect evaporator

(1) Mass balance:

= xpm

( 0 . 11 )( 2 . 78 kg / s ) =

( 0 .5 ) m

mv1 ms, Ts

= 0 . 61 kg / s

U1, A1

T2 System boundary
U2, A2

(2) Total amount of water evaporating:

m f = m v1 + m v 2 + m p 2.78 = m v1 + m v 2 + 0.61 m v1 + m v 2 = 2.17 kg / s

mf, Tf, xf

mf1, xf1

mp, T2, xp

(3) Stream is being supplied at 198.5 kPa or 120 oC, T2 is 70 oC; The total temperature gradient is 50 oC.
T1 + T2 = 50 o C

Solution: double-effect evaporator

(4) The area of heat transfer in the first and second effects are the same:
q1 q2 = U 1 (Ts T1 ) U 2 (T1 T2 )
ms H v (Ts ) ms H c (Ts ) m H (T ) mv1 Hc (T1 ) = v1 v 1 U1 (Ts T1 ) U 2(T1 T2 )

Solution: double-effect evaporator

(5) From table A.4.2;
At Ts = 120 o C ; At Ts = 95 C ;

H v (Ts ) = 2706 .3 kJ / kg H c (Ts ) = 503 .71 kJ / kg H v (T1 ) = 2668 .1 kJ / kg H c (T1 ) = 397 .96 kJ / kg H v (T2 ) = 2626 .8 kJ / kg H c (T2 ) = 292 .98 kJ / kg

At Ts = 70 o C ;

Solve equation;
[(ms kg / s) (2706.3 kJ / kg) (ms kg / s) (503.71 kJ / kg)] 1000 J / kJ (1000 W / m 2 . o C )(120 95) = [(mv1 kg / s) (2668.1 kJ / kg) (mv1 kg / s) (397.96 kJ / kg)] 1000 J / kJ (800 W / m 2 . o C) (95 o C 70 o C )
= 2270.14 mv1 20,000

(5) Value for enthalpy of product T =25 oC:

H f (T f , x f ) = c pf (T f 0) = (3.8 kJ / kg. o C)(20 o C 0) =76 kJ / kg H f 1 (T1 , x f 1 ) = c ' pf (T1 0) = (3.0 kJ / kg. o C)(95 o C 0) = 285 kJ / kg H f 2 (T2 , x f 2 ) = c pp (T2 0) = (2.5 kJ / kg. o C)(70 o C 0) = 175 kJ / kg

2202.59 m s 25,000


0 . 088 m s = 0 . 114 m v 1

Solution: double-effect evaporator

(6) Solve equations: (6.1)
mf Hf (Tf , xf ) + ms Hv (Ts ) = mv1Hv (T1) + mf 1Hf 1(T1, xf 1) + ms Hc (Ts )

Solution: double-effect evaporator

Overall equations:
1. mp = 0.61 kg/s 2. mv1+mv2 = 2.17 kg/s 3. 0.088 ms = 0.114 mv1 4. 2202.59 ms = 2668.1 mv1+285 mf1 -211.28 5. 2270.14 mv1 = 2626.8 mv2 + 175 mp 285 mf1

(2.78)(76) + (ms )(2706.3) = mv1 (2668.1) + m f 1 (285) + ms (503.71) 2202.59 ms = 2668.1 mv1 + 285 m f 1 211.28

(6.2) mf H f 1(T1, x f 1 ) + mv1Hv (T1 ) = mv 2 Hv (T2 ) + mp H f 2 (T2 , x f 2 ) + mv1Hc (T1) 1

m f 1 ( 285 ) + m v1 ( 2668 .1) = m v 2 ( 2626 .8) + m p (175 ) + m v1 (397 .96 ) 2270 .14 m v1 = 2626 .8 m v 2 + 175 m p 285 m f 1

Five unknown and five equations to solve:

1. mp + 0 ms + 0 mv1 + 0 mv2 + 0 mf1 = 0.61 2. 0 mp + 0 ms + mv1 + mv2 + 0 mf1 = 2.17 3. 0 mp + 0.088 ms 0.114 mv1 + 0 mv2 + 0 mf1 = 0 4. 0 mp + 2202.59 ms 2668.1 mv1 + 0 mv2 285 mf1 = -211.28 5. -175 mp + 0 ms + 2270.14 mv1 2626.8 mv2 + 285 mf1 = 0

Solution: double-effect evaporator

0 1 0 0 0 0 . 088 2202 .59 0 0 175 0 1 0 .114 2668 . 1 2270 . 14 0 1 0 0 2626 .8 0 m p 0 m s 0 m v1 = 285 m v 2 m 285 f 1 0 . 61 2 .17 0 211 . 28 0

m p ms mv1 = mv 2 m f1

0.61 1.43 1.10 1.07 1.46

kg / s kg / s kg / s kg / s kg / s

Stream economy:
Stream economy = mv1 + mv2 1.10 + 1.07 = = 1.5 kg water vapor / kg stream ms 1.43

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