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A Sea of Writings The room smelled of wood, old paper and ink.

It was dimly lit and sparsely furnished with only a low table in the middle. However, it was by no means empty. Scrolls and manuscripts lay scattered about on the worn tatami mats. Some were blank; others were heavy with tiny, meticulously written characters. The air was heavy with late summer heat, and almost completely silent. A pale young woman shifted the scroll before her with a sigh, beads of sweat rolling down her cheek, staining a blank part of the parchment. She blinked, trying to focus her eyes and continue writing, but the brush felt unsteady in her hand, and her eyelids sagged with exhaustion. Leaning onto the table, she could breathe in the scent of ink and parchment, until the deep breaths of sleep overcame her. ==== Summer turned swiftly to autumn, and the chilled wind blew a familiar visitor to the gates of the Karibusa estate. The wooden panel set into the thick stone wall lifted to reveal the stern, set face of an elderly woman. She narrowed her eyes at the white haired man, but spoke with an air of familiarity. Oh. You, she stated flatly. Back again, eh Ginko? Tama, he greeted, unable to keep a smile from his cigar laden lips. She led him inside, where he set down his bag and pulled off his shoes. The house was very traditional, of course, but very well preserved. Plain, but well lived-in. And your work hows it been going? Tama asked politely. Mm, same old, same old. And hows Tanyu doing? he returned, shouldering his belongings and following Tama through the halls. Oh, just like you, the same; still writing. Shes resting at the moment though, so please keep your voice down. The silence when they didnt speak was remarkably comfortable and professional. They walked slowly and, if they did speak, kept their voices hushed. Are you here to view the archives again? she asked as they rounded a corner down a narrow hallway. Yes. Wait here for a moment, please. She slid open the doors at the end of the hall to what appeared to be an empty room. Ginko stepped aside as she closed the doors behind them carefully. On the opposite wall might have been a closet or storage, but she pulled those doors open to reveal a hidden stone door with an impossibly heavy lock. Pulling a key from the sleeve of her kimono, she unlocked the door and pushed it open. Ginko ducked as they entered and descended the steep stairway. At the bottom was a lantern which Tama lit and lifted off its mount on the wall.

They descended further into the dark catacombs, the wooden stairs and bridges creaking under their weight, but sturdy all the same. About half a mile underground they came to the buildings that served as the Mushi archives; carefully documented knowledge of hundreds of Mushi masters, allowed only to a special few. And what would you like to see today? Tama asked as they entered. Well, Im caught up on most of the work of the past generations, so Then youre already at Miss Tanyus generation. Im impressed. They start on that shelf there, she said, gesturing to the first shelf along a far wall. Ginko thanked her as she turned to leave. Oh, one more thing, she turned back to him, holding out her hand. Those cigars of yours, give them to me. Im not gonna smoke in here, he said, perturbed that she would even entertain the idea. Im sorry, but I cant take any chances, Ginko. Her steely eyes regarded him firmly. The Archives are priceless. The scrolls here are more than just guides to sealing away Mushi. You havent forgotten that, now, have you? Ginko set his precious cigar box in her waiting hand. No, of course not, he said respectfully. She neednt have worried about him smoking around these precious artifacts. As a Mushi master, he knew just how invaluable these archives were. The collected wisdom of Mushi masters, passed down through the generations. Indeed, these archives are priceless. All the more so because of their reason for being here, he thought as he untied and perused a newer looking scroll with Tamas neat penmanship. Foreword: circumstances regarding the birth of Tanyu, daughter and fourth generation scribe of the Karibusa family, as recorded by Tama Minai, Mushi master to the Karibusa family. ==== Twenty years earlier The tense silence was broken at last by the newborns cry. The midwives overseeing the birth looked at the child with awe. Tamas lips were pursed firmly, belying her calm appearance. It had happened at last. Are you certain? asked the childs father, white knuckled beside Tama. Yes, theres no mistaking it, Tama answered firmly. She has the birthmark. She is a fourth generation scribe.

Tama was correct; the wriggling baby had a coal black birthmark that engulfed her entire right leg. The mark of the Karibusa scribes. ~~~~ Ten years earlier Miss Tanyu! Where are you?! went Tamas irritated voice through the house. The same Karibusa Tanyu was hobbling down the hall on her crutches as quickly as she could, her goal the open door at the end of the hall. Tama appeared behind her. Please return to your room this instant! Tama ordered. No! the ten year old bit back, tears pricking at her eyes. For once, I wanna play outside like other kids! Why is studying how to read and write all I ever do?! And why does my leg look so strange and why wont it move?! Tamas face and voice softened at the girls questions. I am sorry, child. Your life has not been easy and these questions of yours do deserve answers. She paused thoughtfully. Youre old enough to understand now. Come, Ill tell you everything. So Tama sat Tanyu down, and told her the story of her ancestors. To begin with, that birthmark on your right leg is a remnant of a Mushi sealed away inside you. My family and yours have been connected for generations. It was my Mushi master ancestors who sealed forbidden Mushi away in the body of your ancestor. Forbidden? Tanyu asked softly, gripping the offending leg. Yes. Tama shut her eyes as she continued. To understand, we must go back to the beginning. Back then, flora and fauna lived in harmony with Mushi; where flora and fauna flourished, so too did Mushi alongside them. Where they died off, the Mushi did as well. Once upon a time, a terrible catastrophe struck the land, killing flora, fauna and Mushi alike. It was then that they first appeared a type of Mushi never before encountered, one that attempted to erase all other forms of life. Tanyus eyes were wide with a mixture of wonder and fear. What was it like? She almost feared the answer. There are no records of its shape, nor how it was sealed in your ancestors body. All I know is the story that my family has passed down. Your ancestor was pregnant when mine sealed the Mushi inside of her. She managed to survive, but there was a side effect: her body turned as black as coal. The Mushi continued to live inside her body to the very end, when sadly, your ancestor died giving birth to her child.

Since then, once in every few generations of the Karibusa family, a child is born with a coal black birthmark, a reminder of the Mushi sealed within. Tanyu gripped her deformed leg tightly. You mean the Mushi are alive inside of me? Her voice was shaky, on the verge of tears from this revelation. Does that mean that Im going to die too? Panic laced her tone, but Tama was quick to reassure her. I will not let that happen to you Tanyu! I promise you that! She raised her worn but gentle hands to Tanyus face, cupping it as she would her own child. You have the power to put those Mushi to sleep. Not just for a while, but forever, and I will help you do it. When you have more fully mastered the scribes art, we will pack up the collected knowledge recorded by our ancestors. We will establish a new archive, and there we will bur y the forbidden Mushi forever. When that is done, your black birthmark will disappear. Your afflicted leg will heal, and youll be able to walk on it at long last. Three generations before you have gradually been eradicating those Mushi; you will be the one to finally free your family from their curse. And so, one foggy night, Tama packed up their belongings on a cart and took Tanyu deep into the countryside, to their new home. It had been the homes of all the Karibusa scribes, and would now be Tanyus. Miss Tanyu this is our new home. ==== Tanyus eyes fluttered open, and she lay still for a moment, contemplating her dream. It was one shed had many times, though not recently. That old dream again she muttered, sitting up. How odd. She reached for her pipe and put it to her lips with a smile as she mused on her dream. And so I began to learn the process of how to put the Mushi to sleep under Tamas instruction. It was a little surprising at first You must write down everything Im about to tell you. Word for word, note for note, all of it, Miss Tanyu. Tama told me stories about Mushi, and her experiences slaying them as a Mushi master. They seemed like the stuff of fantasies, but they were completely true. There were so many stories. One day she might regale me with tales of Mushi roundups, accompanied by her distinct dramatic flair, of course. And on the next, tell sad stories by lamplight; fascinating stories of faraway lands, and strange people. However, whenever I wrote her stories down, an intense pain ran through my birthmark.

~~~~ Tama, are the Mushi leaving my body? Is that why it hurts? Tanyu was huddled over the table, eyes clenched shut in pain. Thats correct. Writing down the stories of how I slew Mushi in the past thats what kills the forbidden ones coursing inside you. Tanyu let a tiny sob of pain escape her. I realize its painful, but you must bear it, Tanyu, Tama gently consoled. Tanyu trembled as she waited for the pain to pass, sitting up when it had faded to a dull throb. Tama because of my family, your fate was sealed to become a Mushi master, wasnt it? You couldve had a different life, a happier one. Instead youve had to take care of me. You must hate me sometimes because of that. Tama offered a rare smile. If I ever had any ill will, it completely disappeared the moment I laid eyes on you the day you were born. Miss Tanyu, I am grateful to you and your family. Tanyu listened intently to her adopted grandmother and pursed her lips the same way Tama did. Lets continue. Tell me more. Are you sure, miss? Tama asked, not wanting to push her protge too far. Yes, Tanyu answered, completely resolute. ~~~~ The pain Tama did all she could to ease it, but it was something I had to learn to deal with over time. Eventually, Tama exhausted her stories, so she invited other Mushi masters to tell theirs. And I heard them all ~~~~ There was only one sure way to wipe out the vermin Mushi. I found its natural enemy in the mountains. The Mushi master talking to Tanyu lifted a small glass vial for emphasis. The Mushi inside this vial I released a large number of them in the area. Within a month, there wasnt a trace of the vermin Mushi. Afterwards, I destroyed those other Mushi as well. Tanyu listened, but her lips were set in an uninterested frown. Another story about killing You cant have too many of their species around, after all, the Mushi master continued. Not to worry, they were easy to dispose of. I knew exactly what to do. Tanyu knew the man meant no ill intent, but she sensed such venom behind his words, such malice. Couldnt he have dealt with the vermin without killing them? There had to be a way

~~~~ It didnt matter who was telling the story. They were all about one thing: killing. The pain in my leg was nothing compared to the immense pain I felt in my heart. This killing was the result of arrogance towards these tiny life forms, and the unfounded fear of things different from whats familiar. No one ever said as much, but I could sense it. I wanted the killing to stop. ~~~~ The Mushi master that had come that day stroked his beard at Tanyus question, eyes glinting behind the goggles he wore. Without killing them? I dont know of such stories. Of course he didnt. None of them ever did. Look, youre just a child. Youve never come face to face with Mushi before. Only an experienced Mushi master should say such. Tanyu was a little embarrassed, but it was the answer she was expecting. ~~~~ The wind had calmed significantly and the sun was out. Tanyu grabbed her crutches and went outside for some fresh air and to clear her mind. He was right, of course. Perhaps I was out of line. I began to feel like there was nothing I could do to change things. She sat down on a rock, fists clenching as the feeling of helplessness welled up inside her the more she dwelled on the train of thought. If I could only use this leg she muttered to herself, clenching her fist even more tightly. A polite Excuse me, miss, brought her out of her musings. She looked over to see Ginko smiling politely at her. Are you one of the Karibusas? yes, she answered politely, though she really wasnt in the mood to talk to a Mushi master. I thought so, he took the cigar between his fingers and slowly exhaled the smoke. I was told that no one else lives out in these parts. The eye that wasnt covered by white hair wandered to her coal black foot and widened in awe. Oh that must be the black birthmark Ive heard so much about. His tone was calm and observant, but almost childishly inquisitive. Tanyu scrutinized him, eyes narrow. You must be a Mushi master. He grinned past the cigar. I understand that you collect stories about Mushi. In exchange, one gets to peruse the Karibusa archives, correct?

She covered her face in exasperation, letting her chin rest in her palm. Sorry. Im not in the mood. Ive heard more than enough stories about killing Mushi, thank you. Ginkos grin grew even wider as he settled on the rocky soil next to Tanyu. Ah, stories without killing. Well, this your lucky day; I know a few of those. Tanyu remained skeptical. Yes, but I doubt theyd be of much use to Fine, Ginko interrupted. If you dont want me to tell you about the Mushi that eat moles. That got her attention. M-moles? She turned to him, expression curious. Oh no, its nothing, he said offhandedly, but Tanyu was convinced. She finally found the story shed been longing to hear. Go on, tell me, she said with a wistful smile. I want to hear all about those Mushi. ==== Tanyu snuck Ginko inside, leading him to the underground archives for the first time. Normally, any Mushi master that passes through these doors must get Tamas permission first. To be honest, she probably wouldnt approve of you, so lets just say we keep this between you and me. Ginko was, of course, astounded by the sheer volume of information stored in the Karibusa archives. Incredible, he said breathlessly as he looked around. Listen, Tanyu warned, you have to be very careful how you handle the documents here. Theres a dangerous species of Mushi lying dormant in the character strings. Ginko didnt pay it much mind; he was too busy pulling a scroll from the shelf, eager to read and looking like a child with a new toy. Yeah, Ive heard about that the forbidden Mushi. Dont worry, Im pretty hard to kill, he chuckled. This place, he said as he unrolled the manuscript, its like a gold mine for Mushi masters. Yes, that it is, Tanyu murmured sadly, but, everything in here is a record of killing and death. There was a thoughtful pause. Suddenly, she turned to Ginko, a passion and determination in her eyes and in her heart that she hadnt felt for many years. Lets change that. I want to hear about people and animals and Mushi living together. She leaned back on her crutches with a smile. Ill arrange things with Tama so you can come here from time to time. All youd have to do, if you dont mind, is talk to me. Ginko returned the smile. My pleasure, he said, eager to fill these valuable archives with beautiful tales of Mushi and humans and animals all prospering together. ====

Present Tanyu sat quietly with her pipe for a while until Tama slid the door open with the intent to wake her up. Miss Tanyu? Oh, youre already awake I see. Ah, yes, Tanyu greeted her mentor warmly. Feel like company? Ginkos here. That was music to Tanyus ears. Shed been missing Ginkos stories lately. Then I shouldnt keep him waiting, she said with a smile. Meanwhile, in the catacombs, Ginko was still poring over the archives intently. Nothing was out of the ordinary until a small blotch on the paper caught Ginkos eye. It wouldnt have been strange, except it was moving. Bookworm eggs. A rising feeling of dread welled up within Ginko as he scrambled for another scroll. Sure enough, more of the tiny single cell creatures had eaten away at most of the paper. What was worse, the character strings were falling off the page and slinking away. Ginko bolted to get Tama, but to his good fortune, he ran into her at the bottom of the stairs. Tama! Bookworms are hatching! Theyre eating the paper! Her face drained of color almost instantly. If anything rattled Minai Tama, it was this. Theyre gonna break the seal! The small candle he was burning went out as character strings fell from overhead, following their brethren upstairs. Miss Tanyu! Tama called in a panic. Tama almost never sounded so urgent. Tanyu hobbled over to the door as quickly as she could. What is it? The Mushi are escaping! Theyve broken through the seal, and theyre headed your way! Millions of character strings poured into the room, coating every available surface. Tama and Ginko followed quickly behind them. Tanyu looked around with a soft tsk. So troublesome This is bad, muttered Ginko. Dont worry. Theres no way they can get out of this room. Tanyu watched the strings crawled fervently over each other in an attempt to escape. She only chuckled. So youre still alive. Im surprised. Yeah, so am I, he answered. They sure dont move like theyve been dormant for centuries.

Not them, Ginko, I was talking about you. There was some amusement in her voice that he hadnt caught her little joke. He gave her a look as though his response was obvious. Like I said, Im hard to kill. So, he continued, can you return these things to their proper place? Dont worry about it, she said with a knowing smile. Ive got a few tricks to control Mushi up my sleeve. She held out her hand to Tama, who handed her a pair of long chopsticks. Ginko glanced around once the character strings had stopped moving. Gently poking one of the walls with a fingertip, he wasnt surprised to find it sticky with a thick paste. Be careful, this room is coated with a special paste in case the Mushi try to get out. Her lips set in that familiar way of hers as she took a deep breath and set to work. Volume one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, chapter one. As Tama unrolled a fresh scroll, Tanyu very carefully put her chopsticks to the wall and gently lifted the character string, looking at it fondly before lifting the rest of it off with a grand flourish. She tossed the string to Tama, who pressed the characters to paper. She repeated the process for chapters two and three. Ginko could only watch in awed silence. You have all the texts memorized? Well, whether there are bookworms or not, all paper will eventually disintegrate, she explained. From time to time, I have to recopy the text. Memorization is important. Of course, reconfiguring the text can be difficult when theyre trying to wriggle away, but Id be lying if I said I didnt find it entertaining. Tama shot Ginko an annoyed look. These infernal Mushi have more or less become Miss Tanyus pets, Tanyu only laughed sheepishly. Ginko snickered, calming down now that the Karibusa scribe had the Mushi under control. Yes, well, they can be rather cute in their own way. Do you think its safe to keep so many Mushi here? Its alright. Besides, Id have much more trouble making copies without them. Thats quite a dangerous job youve got there, Tanyu, he remarked with a teasing grin. I know, but its my familys legacy. After all, this is what I was born and raised to do. ==== A few hours later

And so, as generations before her had done, there lived a woman drowning in a sea of written characters. The end. Tanyu chuckled, taking another puff from her pipe. Well I already know that story. Tell me another. Please? Ginko took a drag off his cigar. Hmm I think we should call it a day. Come on, not yet. Less than half of what youve told me will be useful for sealing away Mushi. You had a hard day yesterday. Dont overdo it. Her face fell and she ran her long fingers through her hair in defeat. Sure, alright All the same, Tanyu laid out a scroll and prepared to transfer what Ginko had told her that day onto it. She paused, mentally preparing herself. Ginko will you stay with me until I finish? This process was painful enough without having to go through it alone. Of course, he said solemnly. Closing her eyes, Tanyu put her pointer and middle fingers to the paper. Character strings covered her body, pulled from the ink black birthmark on her leg, and flowed neatly onto the page. Each time she did this, her birthmark got smaller. It was a terribly painful process, but one that she was glad to do, if she could spare the Mushis lives. ==== And so there lived a woman who was ravaged by Mushi; but instead of hate, she treated them with love, and sealed them away forever, without doing any harm. The end.

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