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Introduction Chromosome DNA Gene Example and their relationships References 3 4 11 14 22 29

Genetics: The study of gene and heredity We all possess different characters and features, where do they come from? How do DNA and GENE affect protein synthesis, which in turn affect heredity? What is the relationship between chromosome, DNA and gene?


Threadlike structures that are visible under the light microscope only after stained with dyes. named as colored body located in nucleus of cells, mitochondria of animal cells and chloroplasts of plant cells
composed of chromatin (DNA + protein =


Histone vs. non-histone

Histone: small basic proteins with +ve charge that facilitates their binding to ve DNA Non-histone : acidic proteins with ve charge that are likely to bind to +ve histones in chromatin

one DNA molecule wrapped around octamers of histone proteins

Consist of two threads called chromatids joined at a point called the centromere

Chromosome packing:
1. DNA winds onto nucleosome

spools 2. The nucleosome chain coils into a solenoid 3. The solenoid forms loops, and the loops attach to a central scaffold 4. The scaffold plus loops arrange themselves into a giant supercoil

1. Characteristics of species: Chromosomes differ in size and morphology within and between species. The number of chromosomes is characteristic of the species. 2. Loci for alleles of a gene: A pair of genes is located on one pair of homologous chromosomes.

3. Packing:
Several levels of packing enable chromosomes that would be several millimeters or even centimeters long to fit into a nucleus that is a few micrometers in diameter. 4. Efficient cell division: At cell division, chromosomes condense by a tightening of the coiling. This condensed state permits easy manipulation by the nuclear spindle.

General information: Genetic code of life Found on the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell in eukaryotic cell Structure first constructed by J.H.Watson and F.H.C.Crick.


of 2 polynucleotide strands

coiled as a -helix structure building monomer: nucleotide= 5-C deoxyribose sugar + a phosphoric acid + nitrogenous base 4 different bases found in DNA: purines: adenine(A), guanine(G) pyrimidines: thymine(T), cytosine(C)

Structure of 4 types nucleotides in DNA

Purine nucleotides:

Pyrimidine nucleotides:

DNA structure
Sugar-phosphate backbone
formed by phosphodiester bonds 2 chains held by complementary pairs of bases( A-T, C-G) Bound by loose Hydrogen bond 2 chains: complementary anti-parallel (5 3strand and 3 5strand) 10 pairs of nucleotides are present in a full turn of DNA helix (3.4nm or 34A) Able to replicate in a semiconservative mode.

DNA as a genetic materials

1. The complementary base pairing enable replication and coping of DNA in a semi-conservative manner. 2. DNA molecule is metabolically stable allow the information to be transferred from generation to another with only little variation. 3. The H-bond can be easily broken and reformed, allowing DNA replication and transcription

Structure, function & importance

fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity carries information from one generation to the next a segment of DNA, composed of a transcribed region (region for transcription) and a regulatory sequence that makes possible transcription (sequence to start and stop transcription).

Whats a functional unit?

One-gene-one enzyme hypothesis - Each enzyme is specified by a gene. - Each reaction is specifically catalyzed by a single enzyme. - Genes control biochemical reactions by producing enzymes. Colinearity - The linear sequence of nucleotides in a gene determines that of amino acids in a protein.

External /internal signal Transcription Intron removal from primary transcript mRNA Exit nucleus and enter cytoplasm translocation at ribosome on RER, in cytoplasm, mitochondria & chloroplasts Formation of primary structure of protein Further processing and packaging of polypeptide in RER & golgi complex (e.g. enzymes) Transported within cell or exported to other cells for regulation

The biological role of most genes is to carry or encode information on the composition of proteins. This composition , together with timing and amount of production of each protein, is an extremely important determination of the structure and physiology of organisms.

Example: Synthesis of Hemoglobin in Red Blood Cells

Normal people
Hgb A 2 alpha & 2 beta chains - 95% of total Hgb A2 2 alpha & 2 delta chains - 3% of total Hgb F 2 alpha & 2 gamma chains - 2% of total

Mediterranean anemia
hereditary disorders defective production of hemoglobin decreased production and increased destruction of red blood cells

Cause: inheritance of defective genes Type: alpha and beta

1. Alpha: genes located on chromosome #16 2. Beta: gene located on chromosome #11

To summarize the relationship:

The Overall Relationship As a conclusion

The sequence of nucleotides in a section of DNA (the gene) determine the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide, the type of protein being synthesized. gene is just the specific portion of the DNA molecule that contain the information required to synthesize a particular protein A single DNA molecule contains many GENES

their relationship are

In the nucleus, the DNA bound and coiled with protein histone to form chromosome. Thus, each chromosome carries a number of genes Genes stay together in the chromosome as a unit during cell division

1. Russell, Peter J., 2002, iGenetics, San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings, p.13-14, 45-55 2. Griffiths, AJF, Miller, JH, Suzuki, DT, Lewontin, & RC, Gelbart, WM, 2000, 7th ed, An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, WH Freeman & Co. NY, p.2-4, 89-94 3. D. Peter Snustad, Micheal J. Simmons. Principles of Genetics. 2003. Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA p. 3-5, p.50-52, 279-283

Ma Choi Man (Martina) Wong Nga Sze (Doris) Lau Lap Tai (Napoleon) Mak Hang Fai (Patrick) Yeung Wing Yee (Queencie)

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