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10 Basic Tech Questions

1)What is MVC ? MVC is stands for Model View Controller. its a basic architecture for apple follows Model Class, Object, Database,filesystem, its dont see the user. View What ever the user can see , all UI elements includes view. Controller Links the views and models, if make any change in the view corresponding change is occurred in model also and wise verse .

2)Explain Memory leak ? If we allocated a memory for an object and if we are not releasing the memory ,it will leaked to misuse of memory. 3)Whats the use of calling autorelease function to a object ? This mainly used for memory management, whenever an obect send a messae autorealice that object will added to the autorelice pool in the main function , so when the main function sends a relice message that all object inside that pool that will dealloc. 4)What are delegates ? Way to customice the behaiveor of a class. To use adegigate method First we should adopt that protocol inside the class Two types of function are in delegate Requerd (we should implimented that function comes under requerd other wise the program will crash)

Optional ( as per the requrment we implement the optional functions) 5)Explain iOS Architecture ? Core os,core services, media,cocoa touch, your app. 6) What is Web Service ? Web Services can convert your application into a Web-application, which can publish its function or message to the rest of the world. Used to communicate b/w the remote servers The basic Web Services platform is XML + HTTP Web services platform elements:

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

What is SOAP? SOAP is an XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP. Or more simple: SOAP is a protocol for accessing a Web Service.


stands for Simple Object Access Protocol is a communication protocol is a format for sending messages is designed to communicate via Internet is platform independent is language independent is based on XML is simple and extensible allows you to get around firewalls is a W3C standard

What is WSDL? WSDL is an XML-based language for locating and describing Web services.

WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language


is is is is

based on XML used to describe Web services used to locate Web services a W3C standard

What is UDDI? UDDI is a directory service where companies can register and search for Web services.


stands for Universal Description, Discovery and Integration is a directory for storing information about web services is a directory of web service interfaces described by WSDL communicates via SOAP is built into the Microsoft .NET platform

7) How to write a init function for a custom class ? -(id) init If (Self= [supperint]) { Code here; } return self

8) Explain different types of compiler directives used in Objective C ? Implementation, class, property, synthesize, import 9) Explain collections ? Array is an orderd collection, Dis is a key value pairing,

Mutable array used for modifying the particular array

10) What are different methods to save the data ? Text files, plist..database. What is plist. We r user for permenet saving the data, the info plist is used for all the information about the app 11)What is retaining count? It is used 4 memory management,when we creat an object the retain count is 1, 12)What are the memory management function? Alloc, retain,autorealese, relice, copy assign,dealloc. 13) Outline the class hierarchy for a UIButton until NSObject. UIButton inherits from UIControl, UIControl inherits from UIView, UIView inherits from UIResponder, UIResponder inherits from the root class NSObject

14)What is core data?

Core data is a framework its provide by apple, to handled in db. Backend of the core data is squlate3 it self. Core data has some classes its wraped the sql3 so that the db fields not visible to others classes related

15)What is squlite? Stretchered quarry language Database of ios. Its sqlite wait simple, Step 1: Copy the database,

Then copy bundle to document folder. Step2: open th db Then edit th db like creat the table, edit. Then fetching the data from database.

What is iOS? iOS (known as iPhone OS prior to June 2010) is Apple's mobile operating system. Originally developed for the iPhone, it has since been extended to support other Apple devices such as the iPod touch, iPad and Apple TV. Apple does not license iOS for installation on third-party hardware. BEGINNER How would you create your own custom view? Subclass the UIView class. Whats fast enumeration? Fast enumeration is a language feature that allows you to enumerate over the contents of a collection. (Your code will also run faster because the internal implementation reduces message send overhead and increases pipelining potential.) Whats a struct? A struct is a special C data type that encapsulates other pieces of data into a single cohesive unit. Like an object, but built into C. Whats the difference between a NSArray and a NSMutableArray? A NSArrays contents can not be modified once its been created whereas a NSMutableArray can be modified as needed, i.e items can be added/removed from it.

Explain retain counts. Retain counts are the way in which memory is managed in Objective-C. When you create an object, it has a retain count of 1. When you send an object a retain message, its retain count is incremented by 1. When you send an object a release message, its retain count is decremented by 1. When you send an object a autorelease message, its retain count is decremented by 1 at some stage in the future. If an objects retain count is reduced to 0, it is deallocated. Whats the difference between frame and bounds? The frame of a view is the rectangle, expressed as a location (x,y) and size (width,height) relative to the superview it is contained within. The bounds of a view is the rectangle, expressed as a location (x,y) and size (width,height) relative to its own coordinate system (0,0). Is a delegate retained? No, the delegate is never retained! Ever!

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