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CHILD is a priceless gift from Allah SWT.

However, baby dumping is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. The baby dumping refers to discarding or leaving alone, for an extended period of time, a child younger than 12 months of age in a public or private setting with the intent to dispose of the child. Based on Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistics found a total of 580 babies were found dumped between year 2000 to 2006. This number of cases increase every year where as much as 65 baby dumping cases has increased to 83 cases in the year 2006. In the first 5 months, almost everyday there are reports on dumped baby cases.You read it on the front page of the newspaper or see it on the nightly news...a newborn baby found in a back alley. This scenario had been more serious from day to day although there are a lot about this in the mass media. Mostly,among teenagers always seen to be involved in this situation. Teenage parents give birth in a motel room and leave the child for dead in a dumpster. A girl gives birth in a school bathroom at night. throws the baby into the garbage or in the toilet.These stories relate to one of the most frightening realities of our culture today: some children are viewed as problems to be thrown away rather than gifts to be treasured. More recently, the tragedy of Baby Dumping has begun to be addressed by state legislatures throughout the nation. For example, a number of states have passed laws to provide funding, care, and services for dumped children. These legislative actions have also established 'safe houses' public centers such as fire stations, police stations, and other public areas where women can bring unwanted children rather then leave them in trash receptacles. The hope is that, by offering an alternative to dumping, women might leave their children with people who can help the baby. Surprisingly, these cases have got a lot of attention from the community. So, what are the best opinions and ways that should be taken to prevent this scenario from spreading? Posted by Baby dumping among teenagers in Malaysia at 11:06 PM 24 comments Links to this post Child dumping is the practice of dumping offspring outside of legal adoption.The dumped child is called a foundling or throwaway. According to a reliable statistics, one baby is dumped every week. A figure that has trebled in the past decades. Causes include many social and cultural factors as well as mental illness. One factor that leads to child dumping is teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage or underage girl becoming pregnant.This pregnancy of teenagers are a mere result of the gratification of sexual urges. That pregnancy might not happen only if studies were prioritized rather than having relationships with the opposite sex. No premarital sex, no early pregnancy. Worst thing about this is that it is the child that will suffer. If not aborted, they are dumped by their biological parents. Another factor is the family break-up. Family break-ups happen after a long period of misunderstandings, fighting and unhappiness. Sometimes they happen suddenly and it is hard to understand why there needs to be change at all. Children are mostly affected by this kind of situation. If both their mother and father decided to a divorce and one cannot raise their child

alone, tendency is that they will dump their child. This child will become homeless and found himself alone. Poverty is also another factor that causes child dumping. Persons in cultures with poor social welfare systems who are not financially capable of taking care of a child are more likely to dump him/her. Political conditions, such as difficulty in adoption proceedings, may also contribute to child dumping, as can the lack of institutions, such as orphanages, to take in children whom their parents cannot support. Societies with strong social structures and liberal adoption laws tend to have lower rates of child dumping. Psychologists believe that even short-term dumping can damage a childs emotional and social development. Even short separations could have a negative effect on the childs ability to form close relationships, said Dr Michael Boulton, a child psychologist at the University of Keele. Babies often form attachments with their mother before birth. They know their mothers smell and turn to them when anxious or distressed. If they suddenly find they have gone it can be very damaging. Dr Boulton said that mothers who dump their children normally do so under desperate circumstances. Having ones first child is the most stressful experience someone can go through. Young mothers can be vulnerable, especially if they are alone and do not have the experience or social support to cope.

PREVENTION Long-term solutions to the problem of baby dumping require efforts at prevention. Steps must be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis, and increase communication within families and communities.

Sexuality Education

Baby dumping presumably results from unwanted pregnancy. To prevent baby dumping, it is therefore ultimately necessary to educate individuals about sexuality. We supports age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, and recommends that schools and communities provide comprehensive sexuality education to all youth and families.

Responding to Unwanted Pregnancy

Individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies must receive support and services. Communities should examine their capacity to provide the range of supports and services needed by individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies. These services must also be publicized; people cannot use services that they do not know about. Finally, education efforts should strive to increase communication among youth, families, and communities. Increased communication may minimize the shame and secrecy associated with an unwanted pregnancy and make young people more likely to take advantage of supports and services in their families and communities. The other ways to prevent this problem are : - focusing the prevention programs towards the regions and categories of population with increased risks of dumping; - setting up a coherent reporting and monitoring system as regards the dumping and the risk of abandonment; - hiring social workers in all sanitary units depending on the number of doctors existing in the unit; - hiring community medical assistants and physicians in all the communities presenting increased risks of dumping; - standardizing the written forms and the procedures of registering women which get admitted in maternities in order to give birth; - elaborating procedures for keeping records of mothers and children without identity papers and creating a database on this matter. " Having sex after marriage is safer and it can reduce the abortion and baby dumping rate. It also helps us be more responsible and not to have sex just to satisfy our lust "

mpower congratulates the Selangor state government for the setting up of Rumah Perhentian Sementara in an effort to protect and care for abandoned babies. As the number of abandoned babies and baby-dumping cases are increasingly being reported, this initiative is seen as another positive move taken in order to address the issue. However, as much attention is given to protecting and caring for these unfortunate infants, the Selangor state government and other states should also focus on supporting the mothers most of whom happen to be teenage single and unwed mothers.

We believe that, be it through Rumah Perhentian Sementara or other safe houses, there is an urgent need to provide more services centres for these traumatised mothers, which are nonjudgemental, to help them make informed decisions. Counseling and legal services should also be made available to help them understand other options pertaining to their newborns. Should the mother choose to keep the baby, she must be informed of where she can seek help in order that both mother and child have access to food and security. If the baby is given into foster care or for adoption, the mother must be advised of her legal rights. Adolescent mothers are less likely to stimulate their infant through affectionate behaviours such as touch, smiling and verbal communication, or be sensitive and accepting towards the babys needs. Those who had more social support were less likely to show anger or remorse toward the child. One study showed that the correlation between earlier childbearing and failure to complete high school reduces career opportunities for many young women and as such, avenues for education should be made available to them to complete their formal education. [Pregnancy, Poverty, School and Employment at Minnesota Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Prevention and Parenting]. Empower notes with deep regret that other quarters have not been able to emphatise with the womens plight and instead have suggested actions to ostracise the women since they do not appear to fall within societys expectations of what a woman should be. These unfortunate actions include special schools to only educate women who throw away babies; harsher punishment; and even the death penalty. These are not useful and in fact further stigmatises the women as being loose; lack morals; need to be disciplined on their sexual behaviours and in short, need to be knocked into shape as they do not appear to fall within societys expectation of what a woman should be. On the other hand, very little discussions have focused on the males who are also part of the problem, except for meeting out death penalty that unfortunately violates human rights principles. These men need to have counseling and made to be more aware of their responsibilities and be accountable for their actions. Empower recommends that all state governments take the initiative to: 1. develop more centers for mothers and babies that will make women feel safe and secure to seek help and support 2. develop counseling for the young fathers to understand responsibility, accountability and to treat women with respect and as equals 3. advocate for the implementation of a comprehensive sex education and for the Ministry of Education to conduct full training for all teachers on sex education that promotes safety, security and respectful social relationships.

This is a long term solution which will educate the young to make responsible decisions and to be accountable for the consequences of their relationships, and to take preventive measures to protect themselves against sexual violence. The writer is programme officer, Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower).

Cause And Effects Of Baby Dumping

Causes of Baby Dumping One of the causes of baby dumping is teenagers are lack of sex education. Most of the parents failed to inject the knowledge of sex into the mind of their children when their children were small. They feel shy or uncomfortable when their children ask them about sex. Besides that, parents always assume that their children will know everything naturally when they become adult. They are giving less response to those questions and less clear explanation to their children. Parents are less giving a clear view about sex and always claim that their children are too small to know about sex. Most of the schools are facing the same problems. They do not have sex education as a compulsory teaching subject in school. Teachers are also refused to give information of sex to their students because they think that giving sex education to students is not part of their jobs and most of them are having the same thinking as parents. They are failed to give students a correct thinkingof sex. Therefore, children gain less information of sex. When they
became teenagers, they started to feel curious about the differences between boys and girls. They felt curious about their boyfriends and girlfriends too. They tried to have sex with their partners because they would like to try anything that they never try before at this stage. Most of them have sex without using any safer tools such as condom to prevent pregnant. This shows that they are lack of sex education. Baby dumping usually happened on teenagers. Teenagers choose to dump their baby because they have no capability to grow their child on their own. Most of the teenagers are full time students and their daily expenditures are fully supported by their parents. Poor students do not have extra money to support a baby. Even though some of them work as a part time worker but their salary are very little and only can support their daily stuffs. Strong financially support is a must for grow up a baby. Having a baby...

Namibia: Baby Dumping A Growing Social Problem In Country

IN April 2008, staff at Gammams Water Care Works in Windhoek estimated that they discover an average of 13 bodies of newborn babies each month in human waste flushed down toilets. These damning statistics were tabled in the report on the motion of baby dumping in Namibia in the National Assembly on Tuesday. In terms of the findings of this report, the problem of baby dumping "is a significant one". Concealment of birth cases reported in the country rose by about 283 per cent from 2003 to 2007 - from 6 to 23 reported cases. During 2004, 13 cases were reported, while 17 and 15 cases were brought to the Police's attention in 2005 and 2006 respectively. The report, tabled by Elia Kaiyamo, was compiled by the parliamentary standing committee on human resources, social and community development. Various stakeholders, including the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC), the Women and Child Protection Unit of the Police, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Unicef and
Women Solidarity met twice during 2009 to deliberate on how to tackle the problem. One of the obstacles that the committee identified is that it is difficult to estimate the true extent of infanticide and baby dumping in Namibia, as such cases often go unreported. "However, Police statistics and information suggest that the problem is a significant one. An investigation of case law on infanticide indicates that charges of murdering a newborn infant are usually combined with charges of concealment of birth," the report states. It was further established that the reasons for baby dumping cannot be attributed to a single factor. Reasons that were cited include tradition, as some young women fear rejection by their parents or the community if they are found to have had a baby outside marriage; rejection by a partner and the accompanying economic vulnerability. Furthermore, the committee found, a sex worker who must care for and breastfeed an infant will not be able to carry on...

On Baby Dumping

KUANTAN, 29 May 2009: A female student of a religious secondary school, near here, was arrested after admitting that she had dumped her baby boy near a house in Balok Makmur yesterday. Kuantan police chief ACP Mohd Jasmani Yusoff said the 16-year-olds mother had brought her daughter to the Kuantan police headquarters around 11am. The student confessed to her action and was arrested under Section 318 of the Penal Code for concealing the birth. However, she has been sent to the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA) today for post-partum treatment, he said when met by reporters, here, today. He said the student had also filed a police report stating that she was raped by a friend which led to her pregnancy. Police are investigating the students report, he said. Yesterday, the body of a newborn baby boy was found wrapped in newspaper with a note in a village in Balok Makmur. The body was found by villager Mohd Hafiz Ismail, 32, near his house while he was going out to work. The note said, please bury him as I am unable to. Bernama
Mazlan Mohamad, director of the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Teachers Training Institute in Kuantan, Pahang, on a circular that prohibits trainee teachers of the opposite sex from riding together on motorbikes or in cars on or outside campus. He did not consider the measure extreme as students had not complained. He also said teacher trainees frequently left the campus in pairs, and that this might affect the sensitivities of residents in the surrounding community who had a different level of tolerance for such things. Trainees caught would not be punished, however, but given counseling, Mazlan added. (Source: College bars couples from riding motorbikes, cars, Malaysiakini, 17 Aug 2010) Stop New Years Day and Valentines Day celebrations Baby dumping in Malaysia: causes and solutions (2) reddit Malaysia is grappling with the rising cases of abandoned babies, "forcing" the Malaysian police to investigate baby-dumping...

Baby dumping in Malaysia: causes and solutions (2)

They were left in rubbish bins, on doorsteps and on the streets, prompting the government to consider treating these cases as murder or attempted murder. Dr. Meriam Omar Din, a psychology counsellor at the International Islam University in Kuala Lumpur believes that cultural stigma that emphasizes abstinence is the main reason why pregnant girls are so eager to hide their pregnancy. "What they are doing is against the value of the family. It is like it is a mistake. They become desperate, perhaps they cannot see the right person who can help them find the solution," Meriam said in an interview with Xinhua. "By the time they star thinking, the baby is out. That is the reason why they would rather take the risk then to be rejected by the family. "In our religion, of course having sex (before marriage) is wrong, but throwing away a baby is worse. So I think throwing a baby is no longer caused by religious factor but cultural factor," Meriam added. She said the society's tendency to blame teenage pregnancy on women rather than men -- could also be a contributing factor to the rising cases of abandoned babies. "The woman has to make the decision alone, and they do not have anyone to turn to and the man by then is not there anymore. To them, it is their fault because they are pregnant. The man does not want to get married with them. "If the embarrassment is one factor, if the man still stays and is willing to get married, I do not think they will throw the baby, " said Meriam. Women's shelters like the Kewaja Rehabilitation Centre are havens for many desperate young girls who are pregnant, helping them recover psychologically and physically while equipping them with skills that could get them a job after delivering a child. These shelters protect them momentarily from relatives and friends. Meanwhile, religious bodies in Malaysia have also geared up to conduct frequent checks on dormitories and hotel rooms against illicit sexual activities.

And the Malaysian government is now contemplating on teaching sex education in school -- a much debated move for parents who fear it would promote sexual behaviors at a young age. Malaysians are struggling to curb teenage pregnancies and stop more babies from being abandoned. It is hard to find the perfect solution that everyone agrees on, but experts are now suggesting that it is about time that they stop telling young people what not to do, and instead educating them on how to make the right choices.

Social Problem : Baby Dumping

Babies dumping means that the baby that abandon or throw away by their parents at any places without take care the babies. Babies dumping happening almost every day. According to Community, Family and Women Ministry baby dumping cases had already achieved to thousands per a year. Suddenly this problem has become as a big issue in Malaysia. Why this problem could happen? What had happened to our youths? Below are the statistics of babies dumping in Malaysia.

These statistics are babies dumping that reported. Babies dumping, who founded without reported are not included in this statistic. Actually, what is the reason result this situation?? Let me share my opinion. In my opinion, I think the lives of teenagers are too free without parents control. You can look what among of student did in campus or college. Some of them make a date try to do something as couple. Sometimes they make something further. Therefore, parents should not only care about their job only. They need to pay attention to their child. Secondly, peer influence. Parents who are always busy work are result their child have more time to gather with their friends rather than them. Therefore, this situation will become worst when their child are friend with gangster or friends who have many bad habits. So that, when their friends persuade them do somethings, they just follow what their friends say. Because for them, this is the way to show that they are best friends. These situation was result many social problem like theft, rape case, and one of them is baby dumping. There have several ways to reduce this problem, that is : Firstly, parents control.Parents should care about their children activities and friends. Parents must know what their children doing and with whom their children are friend with. Secondly, government can restrict the rule and regulation about babies dumping.

Baby dumping among teenagers in Malaysia

There are three effects of Baby dumping.That is effects on individuals, the Baby and society. The effect of individuals is cause by illegal way of aborting the child and left a bad effect on them because of the wrong path, they use to abort the baby just like herbs and alcoholic substances.So, the individual will have high risk of death caused by bleeding and infection on mothers womb's. A professional consultant Gynecology, Prof. Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj, from "Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia"(HUKM),said this illegal abortion does not take into account the health's aspects could cause harm because it does not follow the procedure that are conducted by unprofessional groups. Another way is dangerous and is not clean by inserting foreign objects into the womb. Women involved who do abortion without proper medical procedures take high risks facing death following infection and bleeding in the uterus. In addition, it is potentially experiencing bleeding in the stomach which can cause the woman unconscious or worse death. Womb also suffered injuries when doing an abortion because those who perform them are traditionally not qualified will use sharp objects such as wood, twigs or wooden sticks. Bleeding sometimes can not be detected quickly, but take a long time. There are not aware of them until they bleed unconscious. Dr Zainul said, the long period of time, it is difficult for pregnant women to do abortion because the process can also cause bowel and uterus problems when sticks channel ovarian one clogged. If a woman is pregnant she may experience a pregnancy outside the womb. For those who had suffered injuries before, the uterus can rupture according to the statistics of death among infants who are not removed by those spontaneously and cause death.Otherwise, the effects of abortion also can cause psychological effects on the mental and emotions after marriage, especially depression, especially when age is often thought of as the content is never removed. Dysphonic effects include experience in the womb, which raised pain more than experience during the menstrual process.

EFFECT ON INFANTS *Infant mortality rate is higher due to medical care is not perfect * according to statistics infant mortality by unresponsible person in 2 years ago, had increased 135 case from 2008 to 2009. *cause contempt, regarded by society as adults *problem if you want to marry because there is no guardian *difficult for schools because there is no birth registration

EFFECTS ON SOCIETY -Cause the abortion will be mimicked by others. most cases of baby dumping in the county are using the same way that removes a newborn baby into the trash. This shows there is replication of their cruel way to remove the baby into the the trash.

-the case -negative views from society.




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