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Healthy 100

BioMetrix Wellness

n this fascinating world of ours, life has its ups and downs. Life unfolds as an awesome panorama making us wonder that these natural undulations in life's landscape, with a sudden lush green forest, a breezy sea front, a garden with the heart-rending call of the 'Koyal', tall mountains piercing the cloud cover, all these in some way provide opportunities to rejoice. But as time passes we know that we can never hold on to a scenery, nor is there any 'action replay', in real life. We need to savor each flavor, each moment and move ahead. And this aspect of surprises waiting for us in every fold, keeps alive the child within us. True innocence. To be preserved. There are no mistakes in life, says my Guru. Don't brood over the past, it's dead and is just an illusion now. The future, is only a dream, and equally unreal. Move on says he. Absorb the present. Only the present moment is real. Any thing before or beyond this moment is just an illusion. Witness life and learn. The day we consider we have learnt everything, its time to depart. How true. Yet at times life carries us into blind alleys without any escape route. What do we do then?

Faith or shraddha illumines the pathway for moving on. Often it takes these blind alleys to come back to faith. So if you look at it that way the blind alley was an opportunity thrown in to let you return to faith. Faith begins at home. Faith in your self enables you to have faith in others and even faith in the Supreme. Life is full of opportunities and wonder, when we take the positive view. For then we connect to the cosmic spirit, which takes the steering wheel of our life's wagon. The same spirit that dwells within. But a word of caution here. In this causal world rational thought must lead us. And vigilance cannot be surrendered totally. Very easily one may slip into inadvertence. This gives leverage to the shadripus ( the six enemies) to fling a banana peel on your path and there you slide down to the previous landing in shock and trauma. Yet, vigilance has shades of doubt in it, and is quite unsettling when over-stepped . Some day we come to realize that doubt, pride, anger, anxiety, jealousy and hatred, all those negative thoughts and emotions are only various forms taken by primordial fear. Fear of death, that all life forms share in common. Fear itself being

distortion of love has an important role in safeguarding the body from terrestrial dangers. But it is truly 'Love' that draws in Prana energy from the cosmic powerhouse into the psychic heart, priming the mind. The mind empowers the body through our breath. When the mind dwells on this sensual body, fear takes hold of the mind, mainly as a safety device from terrestrial dangers. Fear can be seen as the result of Dwaita(duality) awareness, whereas Advaita(Unity) awareness erases it to restore Supreme love. When there's no second whom can one fear? A true bhakta(devotee) would be steeped in the nectar of the indwelling Lord. With the Supreme within can he desire anything else? There go his wants, satiation takes their place. Unbounded joy is his blessing. This earth becomes Heaven for him. Need he fear anyone at all? For truly there's no one there, that can be called as separate from you. When the British imported, and later cultivated tea in India, little did they know that tea would some day become a national addiction. It is interesting to know that the most innocuous cuppa can trigger a mini explosion of primordial fear-fight or flight response releasing adrenaline into the blood-stream, giving us a

quick-fix energy boost. We find it refreshing, but only for a while. And the after effects of this deplete body energy, rob us of muscle tone, leaving us exhausted, making us ask for a repeat dose of the addictive material, or a fix stronger like tobacco or any other. So we are hooked. If tea is India's national addiction, coffee indeed can be considered the international one. Both being harmful drugs that make us dependent, robbing us of good health, loss of muscle tone, protruding tummy, uncontrollable flab, exhaustion and much worse are the rewards that we inadvertently receive. Know these drugs as bloating agents, stealing our natural beauty, poise and elegance to disgrace us. But for the ease with which inadvertence landed us into this, de-addiction seems an impossible, yet a desirable goal. However such programs are accessible to us for restoring our will power and to overcome our weaknesses, empowering us back to our natural health. Disciplined life that uses all those nature's gifts to mankind, like sharp reflexes and observation power, faculty of discrimination of truth from untruth,

sharp intellect that uses unbiased reasoning to move on the correct course, effectively dodges inadvertence and pitfalls. We saw how we lose muscle tone due to narcotics. What exactly is muscle tone? And why is the loss of it so dangerous? The body's work force consists of muscles, tendons, ligaments, among others. The heart circulates 8 tons of blood (our fluid organ) through the network of arteries, veins and capillary blood vessels during 24 hours. The heart is our priming muscle indeed. It reaches nutrients, oxygen, vitamins to all parts of the body. It also washes off the debris of dead cells and other garbage. All this activity is controlled and regulated by the hypothalamus our homeostasis center. In the pink of health the process of degeneration of body cells is adequately compensated by that of regeneration of new cells. It is said, in a 12 year period, we get a new body comprising of all new cells. This process of body's rejuvenation every 12 years is a marvel in itself, if taken full advantage of. There are tremendous possibilities that await us around the corner, to shrug-off ageing as a necessary

evil. Ayurvedic life-style has all these wonders waiting to be unfolded, only when mankind would gain wisdom to tap them. Now when the muscles, including our priming muscle, our heart, lose elasticity, their normal activity becomes regressive, sluggish, blood circulation slows down, causing garbage deposits in tiny capillaries, paralyzing them. So neither can these blocked capillaries reach essential nutrients for cell regeneration to critical organs, nor can they clean up the debris effectively. Result: accumulation of toxins and garbage. Ageing has begun. Sedentary life-style with body aches and pains follows, hastening the ageing process. A fist full of capsules, insulin pens, a daily dose of liquor, convenient omission of morning walks from the doctor's prescription, define the high-end journey towards the inevitable. Primordial fear becomes the presiding Deity. Heavy boredom, for waiting is always boring. Waiting for what? Waiting for the body to fall. Now, let's come back to the blockages of blood vessels. With the blood circulation network progressively getting junked, with reduction in volume of the

circulatory zone, the same 8 tons now rushes through. Blood pressure naturally increases. To clear the debris the Hypothalamus, our autonomous centre of action, responsible for homeostasis takes further action within its scope. Loss of muscle tone also weakens the system's ability to cope with more blood pressure. The BP lowering tablets that are normally prescribed target reduction of increased blood pressure by 'unspecified?' means to save system failure and prevent death. Now we must understand this point well. This action utterly confuses the autonomous controller Hypothalamus. We know that in the body's family higherarchy the Hypothalamus is its head, and running the show of maintaining system equilibrium. So the life saving BP tablet's daily intervention challenges the supremacy of this head, confusing it, affecting all homeostasis and limbic activity in the body. The human barely survives, utterly confused and deflated, the flab keeps growing by leaps and bounds since the hormone factories in the body until now activated by the hypothalamus, just manage to keep functioning below par, intensifying age related illnesses which had no reason to ingress but for this BP tablet intervention. Life, if one has the temerity to call it so, is laced with depression and anxiety.

Now we have to see the colossal damage that a simple tea addiction can cause. The demographic data indicates much higher incidence of high BP in India as compared to the global average. Other stronger drugs like coffee, alcohol nicotine and beyond these have conspired to keep the human race from attaining its fullest potential by spreading sickness and mayhem on an immeasurable scale, while shortening human life. Nature had not intended this kind of sub-human existence for man but man's weaknesses have landed him in this predicament. The traditional life style had some very useful tips that man can still follow with some adjustments today, and improve the quantity of his life, restoring 100 as the life span bench mark. A 100 years of healthful and energetic life without a family doctor or a personal psychiatrist help is not a distant pipe dream it's a real possibility even today and how?

Role of Traditional knowledge People actually have lived a healthy 100 years and beyond in the past. Ayurveda is the self help knowledge system that enabled the sages to lead a pure and simple life in pursuit of Yogic Unity with the Supreme. Some persons erroneously believe that Ayurveda is just another therapeutic system of treatment. Ayurveda, Yoga , Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy are all such non-invasive life-enriching systems that are supportive of good health practices and beyond. The purpose of life was realized by the sages in deep trance and heightened awareness. All this traditional knowledge through theVedas was directly received from the Supreme. Purpose of life Human life with its exceptional faculties of rational thought, dedication and intelligence, and to top it all man's discriminating capacity to choose truth from an admixture with falsity, does have a purpose. And what can that be? Man is the only creature, the epitome of perfection on this earth. He/she is the only one that has the capacity to see beyond this existence and realize his identity with

the Supreme. As many have done before, man has this capacity within him to purify his mind and annihilate it so that the individual Soul merges into the SpiritSupreme, never to return to this illusory space-time-existence cycle again. A lofty goal for human life! All traditional knowledge, Indian, Chinese, Greek or Red Indian contain practical methodologies to chart a pure and serene, healthy life, undoubtedly with the intent of moving closer to this objective. Chinese tradition with acupuncture, other reflexology practices and herbal medicine is rich with this knowledge, which can be very easily applied today, by all of us. Reflexology was found to unblock the clogged capillaries when intelligently applied, and life-style adjustments made to consolidate these gains. Indian mantra or tantric practices have addressed psychiatric and psychosomatic conditions to restore good health.

Yes, good health is a condition that releases your mind, purifies it to let you go beyond body, mind, intellect and reach your destined Spiritual heights. Nothing impure can enter the sanctum of the Spirit. Returning to this fascinating world of ours, we come to realize that all this dazzling drama of epic proportions sucks us into its shifting eddy currents, blocking rational thought and action on our part. And how does this happen? When we drop vigilance and rational thinking, we start with a small irrational act, let's say like tea drinking, without considering, perhaps even oblivious of its negative repercussions. We pamper our ego, which was defined by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa over a century ago, as the 'core of the onion after removing all the peels', as if anything except tears be found there. Can ignorance be allowed to masquerade as Bliss? All of us at some point in life find an alibi in it. Was it our weakness or our strength, not caring for the devastating effects of addiction, no matter major or minor?

It makes us forget that we are the Eternal Spirit entrapped in this mind, as the sages have realized in deep trance. The body is a fascinating probe with 5 sensors that our mind has released in this world of space-time-causation. Our weakness drops us down into the pit of this lowly body identity. Body being perishable, primordial fear takes possession of our mind expressing as the shadripus, the six enemies, locking it up into a solitary cell till death would release it. We need to know that will power is essential, to keep away from the deceptive traps of this fascinating world and many times to evade peer pressure too. And this object of Healthy 100 years, even beyond is achievable. The secret is: It is achievable, with a life full of love, self confidence, humility, cheer and celebration.

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