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====10 excellent, free online education resources===== 1. Code Year = http://codeyear.

com/ how to code (any language) According to Code Year, anyone can learn the basics of computer programming in j ust one year. 2. W3Schools = W3Schools is a fantastic resource for those interested in brushing up on their W eb development skills.(HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more.) 3. TED = (videos) the videos can be freely shared and reposted. TED speakers discuss a wide array of topics from technology and design to science and culture and present them in the most innovative and engaging ways possible within an 18-minute window of time. 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology = Brush up on your college-level writing and reading skills without paying an exor bitant amount. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a slew of undergrad and graduate courses available online for free through its OpenCourseWare progr am. Over 2,000 courses cover architecture and planning, engineering, humanities, arts, social studies, science, and many other academic areas. Some of the most popular classes online include Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Linear Algebra, Single Variable Calculus, and I ntroduction to C++. Some classes include interactive Web demonstrations, streami ng video lectures, and complete textbooks written by MIT professors. 5. iTunes U = 6. Khan Academy = (videos) Khan Academy currently covers K-12 math, and science topics like biology, chemis try, cosmology, astronomy, and physics. The site also dabbles in finance and his tory, and a recent partnership with Smarthistory added hundreds of art history v ideos to the library. The content is made in "digestible 10 to 20 minute chunks, " and students are encouraged to complete practice exercises and assessments. Th e videos are done in a conversational style, taking a different approach to math and science instruction than most are used to. 7. Peer 2 Peer University = (Everything) Classes range in subject from Python programming to pencil drawing. traditional formal higher education," P2PU uses the Internet to make educational materials openly available for free. 8. University of the People = 9. Academic Earth =

(video) an online video education site,Covers a wide range of subjects, including art an d architecture, astronomy, biology, business, economics, computer science, envir onmental studies, psychology, media studies, and law. 10. CK-12 = (school and College subjects) Books FlexBooks=books Much of the content is remedial, but many will benefit from reviewing subjects l ike calculus, trigonometry, and biology. ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 1. [good]

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