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Title: Online Progress Report System

The main aim of the project is to provide student marks through online & to allow different privileged users to record those marks using applications GUI. In our application we have 3 different roles (privileged users) .They are Administrator, DepartmentAdmin and Student. Administrator has the central control on the whole system. Administrator role is to add or change or remove users of all roles & can also assign different users to different roles. DepartmentAdmin role is to add or change or remove users of respective department staff and its students. Student is a role who has only permission to check the academic reports. Also have permission to change own allowed account settings.

We have 2 types of modules 1) Functional Modules As from behavior of application we have 3 Functional Modules. They are Administrator, DepartmentAdmin and Student. These are explained in introduction. 2) Technical Modules As from implementation of application we have 3 Technical Modules. They are a) Login Module b) DAO Module c) GUI Module

Login Module: This module is a feature offered by glassfish server. Using JDBC Realm configurations we register our user credential table (user_table), role table (group_table) at server & using form authentication configuration at web.xml & sun-web.xml of application we will secure entire application. DAO Module: To provide filtered information to GUI we use this module. With this we can achieve reusability & modularity. Java DAO Classes in this module will return filtered entity instances using JPA (EclipseLink).All Entity Classes are auto generated by IDE from Database tables. Entity Classes are images of Database Tables. (DAO{Database Access Objects}) GUI Module: This uses JSF (Advanced JSP) & Ice faces to provide UI. This module will call different methods in DAO module to access DB & to render that information on UI. This module will allow user to communicate with the application.

Architecture Diagram

Hardware Requirements 1) Processor: 800MHz Intel Pentium 3 (or)

Software Requirements 1) Net beans 6.9 with Iceface Plugin 2) Glassfish V2 Server 3) Java 1.6 (or) later 4) MySQL 5.1 & Navicat DB Client 5) EclipseLink Persistence API

2) Main Memory : 512 MB 3) 750 MB free disk space

1) Can sustain heavy load. 2) High security (Form authentication & SSL Enabled). 3) Clustering capacity (Host glassfish server can combine more than one workstation processing capacity considering all of them as a single cluster). 4) Enhanced & Friendly GUI using Ice faces. 5) Less browser load time using Component based rendering. 6) Can run with any DB Vendor(MySQL, Oracle etc.)

1) Since Host Glassfish server is Java EE & Application Server it consumes more system resources.

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