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Chapter 8, Lesson 8 Exponential Growth and Decay

To model exponential growth

Vocabulary: independent variables, dependent variables, hypothesis Materials: Independent Design Diagram, graph paper, unprocessed cheese, gelatin, white Pacing:

State Standards

A.PS.4, A.CN.6, A.CN.7, A.A.9

board/SMARTboard 35minutes
Targeted Resources

1. Plan: Math Background

Exponential functions are widely used to model many types of growth and decay. The graph of an exponential growth function rises from left to right at an ever increasing rate while that of an exponential decay function falls from left to right at an ever decreasing rate.

2. Do Now: Math Journal (5 minutes)

Have you ever observed mold growth? Where? What factors contribute to this growth? How fast do you think that mold would begin to grow on a piece of cheese if it were not refrigerated?

Targeted Resources

3. Discussion (5 minutes)
Students will discuss their thoughts from their do now journal entry. Each group will share an idea with the class and ideas will be written on the board.

Targeted Resources

4. Teach: Lesson Content (20 minutes)

Students will be introduced to the Moldy Oldies project. Once they have read over the task sheet and rubric, each group will set up their experiment. Teacher will provide gelatin, cheese, and ziploc bags. IDD (Cross-curricular work) Since students will be working on a culminating exit project in their science classes, they will use the Investigation Design Diagram (IDD) that is used in their science labs to log their hypotheses, variables, data, and observations throughout this experiment in math class. Students will collaborate in their groups and write down their hypotheses in addition to the variables being studied, etc. Teacher will circulate and assist lower-level students who may need guidance in establishing independent and dependent variables. Review information as a class to ensure that students are following the correct steps and have the correct information in their charts. Students will then make initial observations prior to any growth/change. Students will revisit their experiments two times per week. Number of hours (from the start of the experiment) will be recorded in addition to observations being made. If/when mold begins to grow, students will record the number of boxes (on the graph paper) that is covered by mold. After the first observation of mold is made, students should calculate percentage of growth using the percent change formula.

Targeted Resources

Percent change = change/original x 100 This formula will be posted where all students can revisit. Students should also note this formula on the IDD for future reference and reinforcement.

5. Teach: Closure (5 minutes)

Recap on the events of the day. Groups that are beginning to see change in experiments will be asked to share their finding with the class.

Targeted Resources

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