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1.1.Background of study The successful education mostly depends on how applicative is the school curriculum setting up. The applicative curriculum always considers the weaknesses and the richness of the school resources one of the important components in searching the success. In developing countries, particularly

Indonesia, the rich innovation of teaching techniques is needed. Indonesia has changed the curriculum four decades, start from colonialism curriculum, 1994 curriculum, 2004 curriculum, KBK curriculum and the last KTSP curriculum or 2006 curriculum. Changing of curriculum is spirits of reformation on education of department; it is influences on the quality of human resources on every institution in our country. English Teachers Competence in designing curriculum is the key important point in the school curriculum development. Having good curriculum planning particularly syllabus design will result on good teaching learning process in the English classroom. The syllabus always comprises learning objective, indicator, teaching technique, to get the goal of teaching learning process, so the materials could be easily accepted and understood by the pupils. Therefore the skillful English teacher is needed to produce applicative syllabus. Based on my own

experiences at senior vocational high school in Samarinda, most teachers get difficulties in designing English syllabus. For example, mostly teachers find difficulties in translating indicator to the aim of learning. Learning from at the reality above the writer seriously wants to identify and investigate the teachers ability in designing syllabus as a part of the implementation of KTSP at Senior High Vocational School. It is wished that the result of the research are able to provide valuable data for the head teacher as well as the local education authority Dinas Pendidikan samarinda to make appropriate educational policies in improving English Teachers competences in Senior Vocational high school as result teachers have good capabilities in

designing Curriculum particularly. Therefore it will be interesting to scrutinize the phenomenon AN ANALYSIS OF THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHERS COMPETENCES IN DESIGNING ENGLISH SYLLABUS IN SAMARINDA 2012 1.2. Statement of the Problems. To get deeply information the writer will be investigated in this research are formulated problems of the study as follows 1. How is the ability of Senior Vocational High School English teachers in designing syllabus? 2. What difficulties are faced by Senior Vocational High School English teachers in designing syllabus?

3. What are the most dominants difficulties faced by Senior Vocational High School English Teachers in designing syllabus?

1.3 The purposes of the study This study formulated the purpose of the study for getting data more deeply 1. To know the ability of Senior Vocational High School English teachers in designing syllabus. 2. To know the difficulties faced by Senior Vocational High School English teachers in designing syllabus? 3. To know the most dominants difficulties faced by Senior Vocational High School English teachers in designing syllabus? 1.4. Reasons for Choosing the Research Topic The reputation of the teacher professional is become worse in Indonesia. Many factors contribute to this condition. One of them is the lower quality of teacher in syllabus and lesson plan designing, as he/she is not get well trained. The other reason, as teacher has big job and problems faced, limited time to set syllabus and lesson plan also the teacher get pressure to full his time minimum 24 hours meeting per week in teaching learning process from the phenomena above it is possible for teacher get difficulties in syllabus and lesson plan designing this condition implicated on the implementation KTSP. 1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of the study used for LPM, Head of educational administrator for Head master and English teachers of Vocational high school to decided that English teacher could be said professional teachers . The writer hope it can be used to give the information about the result " AN ANALYSIS OF THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHERS COMPETENCES IN DESIGNING ENGLISH SYLLABUS IN SAMARINDA 2012 . Moreover for LPM it can be used to give information to the province of National Education to decide for the educational police. 1.6 Definition Key words

Design: This involves all the preliminary work that is carried out to ensure that the curriculum is relevant, appropriate and workable. At this stage, the curriculum is conceptualized and attention is paid to arrangement of the varied components. Considerations include the focus on the philosophical underpinnings, goals, objectives, subject matter, learning experiences and evaluation ; all established in consultation with stakeholders. At present, emphasis is being placed on the learner in curriculum development activities.

Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is not dentical with it.

A syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and tested.

A vocational school (or trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach only job-specific skills, and as such have been better considered to be institutions devoted to training, not education. That purely vocational focus began changing in the 1990s "toward a broader preparation that develops the academic" and technical skills of students, as well as the vocational.[1]

The term competence has arrived in the international literature since Chomsky coined it in 1965. Since then, this notion has been used by different authors, some with the original sense as meant by Chomsky, and some others use the term in different sense according to their research or writing purposes. That is probably why Taylor (1988) says that the word competence has been widely used and abused.

1.7 Organisation of Thesis

To make this thesis proposal clear and well organized, it is divided into


Research Methodology This research is a descriptive qualitative. It is only to describe the ability of the Senior Vocational High School English teachers in developing and designing English syllabus. the research techniques is descriptive qualitative method, the reason is the collected data is qualitative, data sources are interview, questioner and syllabus was designed by English teacher of Senior Vocational High School in Samarinda. In collecting data the writer use interview the reason is the writer get permit to follow-up leads and thus obtain more data and greater clarity stated by walter (p.436). The interview has advantages in collecting data it means that we get higher proportion of the sample completed each interview item than the corresponding questionnaire item.

Key words

Design: This involves all the preliminary work that is carried out to ensure that the curriculum is relevant, appropriate and workable. At this stage, the curriculum is conceptualized and attention is paid to arrangement of the varied components. Considerations include the focus on the philosophical underpinnings, goals, objectives, subject matter, learning experiences and evaluation ; all established in consultation with stakeholders. At present, emphasis is being placed on the learner in curriculum development activities.

The term competence has arrived in the international literature since Chomsky coined it in 1965. Since then, this notion has been used by different authors, some with the original sense as meant by Chomsky, and some others use the term in different sense according to their research or

writing purposes. That is probably why Taylor (1988) says that the word competence has been widely used and abused.

Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is not

dentical with it.

. A syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and tested.

A vocational school (or trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach only job-specific skills, and as such have been better considered to be institutions devoted to training, not education. That purely vocational focus began changing in the 1990s "toward a broader preparation that develops the academic" and technical skills of students, as well as the vocational.[1]


Curriculum Planning and Research Division. 2001. English Language Syllabus 2001. For Primary and Secondary

School. Singapore: Ministry of Education.

Depdiknas. 2005. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional

Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas Republik Indonesia.

Feez, S. dan H. Joyce. 2002. Text-Based Syllabus Design. Sydney: NCELTR, Macquarie University.

Pusat Kurikulum. 2004. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris 2004. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

The subject of the research on in study are English teacher in Senior Vocational High School in Samarinda. The population of the subject at

According to Nasution (1999), the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements on the objectives, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of instructional activities to achieve certain educational goals. Objectives include the national education goals as well as conformance to specification, state and regional potential, education unit and learners. Therefore, the curriculum prepared by the educational unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential in the region.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 (UU 20/2003) about the System of National Education and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) about the National Standards of Education has mandated curriculum unit level education of primary and secondary levels of education have been prepared by educational unit based on the content standards and pass the competency standards and is guided by the guidelines established by BSNP Level of Education Curriculum Unit (KTSP) is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). It is fresh air for almost teacher in

Indonesia to increase the creativities, innovation, and motivation on design English syllabus. English teacher get free to create the classroom management that make class situations more fun. KTSP was done on seminar or well trained for English teacher in Indonesia consist of 33 provinces that need interesting bugged. To distribute this curriculum not only seminar for base level but also teacher creates MGMP as community of teacher to develop syllabus MGMP is good media of teacher to discussing and practice making syllabus and lesson plan. But reality this media is not effective to improve the teacher

knowledge about implementing new curriculum. Other side curriculum makes almost teacher in our environments get difficulties in implemented in the school. Kinds of well trained or seminar of KTSP curriculum was followed by teacher but it is still makes the teacher confuse on writing syllabus because still many differences perception of set up the syllabus and just copy paste from the other teacher. From the situation above the writer interesting to investigate more detail the teacher on design syllabus and to know truly of government regulation was implemented. And I get the problem How is the Vocational High School English Teachers Competences in Designing English Syllabus in Samarinda? The research design used by the writer is descriptive observation about Vocational High School English Teachers Competences in Designing English Syllabus in Samarinda.


Depdiknas. 2005. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional

Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas Republik Indonesia.

Pusat Kurikulum. 2004. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris 2004. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Munby, J. 1978. Communicative Syllabus Design. Cambridge University Press

KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the SBC is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.

KTSP Emphasis is on developing the ability to do (competence) and tasks with specific performance standards so the results can be felt by students in the form of mastery of a set of specific competencies. This educational program standard device should be able to deliver students to have a competency of knowledge, and values used in various fields of life.

Indeed, KTSP is a curriculum that reflects the knowledge, skills and attitudes which refers to the concept of education as suggested by Bloom, which in turn can improve students' potentials optimally. Accordingly, the curriculum is prepared to foster the learning process in schools oriented mastery competencies that have been determined by integrative. OH developed is able to adapt to various changes (containing the basic principles, are flexible in accordance with the times) and its development through the accreditation process that allows the subjects can be modified within their growing demands. Thus, this curriculum is the development of knowledge, understanding, abilities, values, attitudes and interests, to perform a skill or task in the form of skills and sense of responsibility. Furthermore, this curriculum is a curriculum design that was developed based on a number of specific competencies, so that after completing a certain educational level, students are expected to master a series of competencies and apply them in later life.

KTSP implementation in Indonesian education system does not just change the curriculum, but it involves fundamental changes in the education system. Application of KTSP requires a paradigm shift in teaching and schooling, because the application of KTSP not only caused changes in concepts, methods and strategies of teachers in teaching, but also concerning the pattern of thought to carry away, philosophically, the commitment of teachers, schools and education stakeholders.

In KTSP placed teachers as facilitators and mediators who help keep students' learning process goes well. The main attention on students learning, not on discipline or the teacher. The function of a facilitator or mediator that means, namely: (1) to provide learning experiences that enable students are responsible to make design and process; (2) provide or provide activities that stimulate students' curiosity and help them to express ideas, provide the means that stimulating students to think productively, provide opportunities and experiences of conflict, (3) monitor, evaluate, and indicates whether the student thought the road or not. Teacher shows and questioned whether students apply knowledge to deal with new problems. Teachers help students evaluate hypotheses and conclusions.

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