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Personal assignment AAP (A) W1

calculation of goodwill cost of investment (-)net assets acquired on 1-1-2007 "s" osc pre acquisition profit pre acquisition reserve 55%x875000= parent goodwill (+)NCI goodwill total goodwill (-)goodwill impaired


RM 856400 485000 210000 180000 -481250 375150 125000 500150 -50000 450150


calculation of retained profit "p"profit (-)goodwill impaired (-) URP-inventory -plant "s"profit (-) pre acquisition profit (+)depreciation overchange 55%x


RM 730300 -50000 -6000 -100000 574300

320000 -210000 110000 10000 120000 CSOFP

66000 640300

calculation of Non-controlling interest RM "s"osc Retained profit (+)depreciation overcharge Rvaluation Reverve 45%x +NCI Goodwill COFP 320000 10000 330000 220000 1035000 RM 485000 RM

465750 125000 590750

Consolidated statement of financial position for the paris group at 31-12-2009

non-current assets tangible assets (2045600+1047000-100000+10000) intangible assets-Goodwill current assets inventories (425400+1145000-6000) trade receivables (335400+125200-50000) bank and cash (23000+46600+20000) total assets osc-"p" share premium account revaluation reserve (260000+22000) retained profit non-controling interest non-current liabilities 10%loan notes(500000+200000) current liabilities trade payables bank overdraft loan interest(50000+16000) total equities and liabilities

RM RM 3002600 450150

533900 410600 89600 4486850 1310000 356000 282000 640300 590750


418800 123000 66000 4486850

(B) (i) associate means an entity , including an unincorporated entity such as a partnership , over which the investor has significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture . significant influence is the power to participate in financial and operation policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies . (ii) the gains and losses are recognized in the financial statement of the latter only in so far as to shares of other investor in the associates . (iii) According to the method, the investment in an associate is initially recorded at cost and will increase or decrease the amount of books to recognize the portion that corresponds to the investor in the outcome of the exercise obtained by the participating institution after the date of acquisition. The investor will recognize in its income for the year, the portion that corresponds to the results of the investee. Distributions received from the investee reduce the carrying amount of investment. Might be necessary making adjustments to reflect the alterations suffered by the proportional share stake in the entity as a result of changes in other outcome of the investee entity . These changes include those arising from the revaluation of property, plant and equipment and of exchange differences to convert the financial statements of business abroad. The portion corresponding to the investor in these changes will be recognized in another overall result of this. That is how the associate is reported .

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