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Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Diploma OBJECTIVES Look at three modes of communication Written Verbal Non verbal Provide tips

ips on effective communication

Why are Communication skills important? These skills help us succeed Both professionally & personally Communication takes place in three ways Written Verbal Non Verbal Well look at each in detail

Written Communication First create an outline The goal here is to organise your thoughts Organisation will help the writing task There are three ways to outline Climactic order Chronological order Spatial order

Climactic Order Begin with least important detail or point One that perhaps seems innocuous Build up in your work to most important The key point that youre interested in Provides broad context Example: biography Start with birth, finish with an event Chronological order Flows with time May start in the distant past And conclude with the present But the order doesnt matter Only that it references time Example: history of events

Spatial Order Defined by physical location Discussion is driven by relative order Starts with the nearest, moves to the furthest From top to bottom From left to right Example: flat pack assembly instructions Logical Order Patterns or methods to approach organization of ideas Specific details Pros and Cons An imposed order of importance Compare and contrast

Example: list ordered as least to most Important Create a framework Start at a high level Most important points After the high level Avoid detail provide high level Think paragraph per outline point Take your time! Then finally start to write Using your outline Flesh out and provide details If the outline was constructed properly This part will be easy Just write!

At this point is to just get your ideas on paper Let the text flow out of you Worry about spelling and grammar later Revise The single largest part of writing The rule is: revise, revise, revise! Review what was you said? Was this what you wanted to say? Can you say it simpler? Dont be afraid to delete and try again Revise Set aside adequate time This is the most time consuming part But absolutely necessary

Refer back to your outlines Make sure that content flows Evaluate Your structure Are you saying what you think you are? Dont be afraid to delete Revise Evaluate your writing in totality Look carefully at your vocabulary Replace commonly used words This adds depth to your writing Proof Presentation is key what to look at here Spelling Turn on automated tools If unsure use a dictionary Consistency matters!

Grammar Turn on automated tools If unsure ask Proof Put your work away for a while Difficult to spot errors while writing So look at it after a week or so has passed Fresh eyes will spot errors Or ask a friend! Having never read your work they will offer fresh insight Tips Write as if your readers are idiots Assume minimal knowledge on readers part

KISS Make sure your structure is logical And flows Use simple words Avoid Florid descriptions Complex or technical words Tips Three steps to effective written communication Tell em what youre going to say Say it Tell em what you said Spelling One of the most effective ways to say professional Verbal Your voice is powerful

Changing your voice impacts verbal Two aspects How you sound What you say Avoid speaking in Flat monotones Speaking is more than saying words Tone carries weight How you say things can change meaning Voices communicate emotions And people react to emotions Speed Vary speed Talk fast to excite Talk slow to build suspense

Talking at the same speed is boring Include pauses Pause break from presentation Allow listeners time to process Speed Talk at a proper speed Slow speakers perceived poorly Listeners believe them to be less intelligent Fast talkers perceived as knowledgeable Masters of their material So speak slightly faster than normal But speak slowly enough to be understood Striking a proper balance is a task

Tone A low pitch of delivery carries authority commands respect And this applies to females as well! British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously took voice lessons But vary pitch This makes your delivery more interesting Inflection Downward inflection Lower your pitch on some words This communicates confidence, authority & Certainty Upward inflection Raise your pitch on certain worlds

This communicates surprise, uncertainty & doubt Loudness Very easy to control But makes an impact either way Too loud Annoying, irritating or shows domineering, aggressive behaviour Too soft Inaudible, timid or demonstrates a lack of authority Loudness Moderate volume Raising or lowering to stress words or phrases Lower your voice to dramatize points

This causes your listeners to concentrate and pay Attention Raising voice Captures attention is their minds are wandering Emphasizes your point Articulation Good articulation makes speaker sound educated So clearly articulate each word & phrase Be concise! Less is more Answer questions tersely Articulation Pause Pauses can impact Break up speech

Allow for words to be processed Creates anticipation Dont overuse Formal Examples: presentations, awards, etc Create a framework What do you want to tell your audience? WRITE IT DOWN! Informal Meetings with clients, etc Non verbal Majority of in person communication Non verbal, aka body language Facial expressions Gestures Proximity Eye contact Posture

Vocal volume Vocal tones We must master non verbal Interaction with others Continuously signal non verbally All non verbal signals are important Five distinct modes of non verbal Repetition Verbal message reiterated Contradiction Verbal message contradicted Substitution Can enrich a verbal message Complementing Adds impact to a verbal message Accenting Emphasizes a verbal message Mastering non verbal is key Helps us understand others

Increases trust Allows us to communicate non verbally But many send conflicting non verbal Can seriously damage communication Types of non verbal communication Facial expressions Basic emotions Universal across cultures Posture and movements Universal Gestures We all use gestures But these can be very different across cultures Eye contact Can communicate basic feelings Interest, hostility

Allows us to interpret how our verbal signals are being received Touch Reinforces messages Proximity Differs by culture Can influence reception of verbal messages Vocal volume Loudness Softness Vocal tone Authoritative Questioning Others Non verbal communication Watch what others do When they talk Pay attention Watch what you do

When you talk Focus Stay calm Be consistent Look for cues

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