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Describing People
Cut out some pictures of people from magazines - pop stars, sportsmen, TV stars. Exercises: 1. Use the lists below to describe their appearance or how they look. 2. Pairs work: one student can write down a description from a picture and the other student must guess who it is. 3. Describe yourself, another student, your Teacher.


Build frail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, fat, skinny, wellbuilt


tall, tallish, short, shortish, medium height

young, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s





round, oval, square, with scares, wrinkles, freckles, sun-tanned, pale

big round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow

bald, straight, curly, spiky, wavy

casual, scruffy, shabby, smart, tidy, messy

Describing Character - What's he like? Is she nice? Exercises:

1. Use the words below to describe what your friends, family and teachers are like. 2. In pairs: one student writes down a description and the other student must guess who it is.

careful, hardworking, worried, cheerful, broadminded, active, curious, secretive

aggressive, tough, careless, practical, sensible, independent, strong-minded, stupid

dull, boring, imaginative, ambitious, crafty, sensitive, gentle, naive

generous, loyal, selfcontrolled, moody, trusting, modest, tolerant, friendly

energetic, confident, selfish, shy, stubborn, reliable, clumsy, intelligent

Personality and Appearance 1.Tell me about your father. What kind of person is he? 2. What does he look like? 3. What does your mother look like? 4. How about your little sister? Clothing 5. What is your brother wearing? 6. What kind of shoes does he have (on)? 7. Is Susan wearing a dress? 8. Anything else? Description 1.Well, he's very friendly, smart and funny. 2.He's young, short and handsome. He has straight black hair and green eyes. 3.She's tall, thin and beautiful. She has blonde hair and wears glasses.

4.She has curly red hair and a cute smile. Everybody likes her. 5.He's wearing light brown pants and an orange t-shirt. 6.Sneakers, and he's wearing white socks. 7No. She's wearing a blue skirt and a yellow blouse. 8.Yes. She's wearing boots and carrying a purse. Terkadang kita perlu menceritakan mengenai seseorang kepada orang lain, baik dari segi identitas, kepribadian, penampilan, kebiasaan dan lain-lain. Nah, bagaimana anda melakukan ini dalam bahasa Inggris? Berikut contoh dialog tentang menceritakan mengenai seseorang. Dialog: Kepribadian dan Penampilan A: Tell me about your father. What kind of person is he? (Ceritakan padaku tentang ayah kamu. Dia orangnya seperti apa?) B: Well, he is very friendly, smart and funny. (Baiklah, ayahku itu sangat ramah, cerdas, dan menyenangkan). A: What does he look like? (Bagaimana penampilannya?) B: Hes young, short and handsome. He has straight black hair dan green eyes. (Dia masih muda, agak pendek dan tampan. Rambutnya hitam lurus dan matanya berwarna hijau). A: What does your mother look like? (Bagaimana penampilan ibu kamu?) B: Shes tall, thin and beautiful. She has blonde hair and wear glasses. (Dia itu tinggi, kurus dan cantik. Rambutnya pirang dan memakai kacamata). A: How about your little sister? (Bagaimana dengan adik perempuan kami?) B: She has curly red hair and a cute smile. Everybody likes her. (Rambutnya merah keriting dan senyumannya sangat manis. Setiap orang menyukainya). Pakaian A: What is your brother wearing? (Pakaian apa yang dikenakan saudara lelakimu?) B: Hes wearing light brown pants and an orange t-shirt. (Dia mengenakan celana panjang berwarna coklat terang dan kaos oranye). A: What kind of shoes does he have (on)? (Sepatu bagaimana yang dipakainya?) B: Sneakers, and hes wearing white socks. (Sepatu karet, dan dia memakai kaos kaki putih).

A: Is Anty wearing a dress? (Apakah anti mengenakan gaun?) B: No. Shes wearing a blue skirt and a yellow blouse. (Tidak, dia memakai rok biru dan blus warna kuning). A: Anything else? (Ada lagi informasi tambahan?) B: Yes. Shes wearing boots and carrying a purse. (Ya, dia mengenakan sepatu boot dan membawa sebuah dompet).

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