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Cleansing Our Body, Mind and Spirit at Hacienda del Sol Our intention is to assist all participants to cleanse

very comfortably by: Providing a natural environment Preparing light raw foods and juices for you to have a balanced intake of nourishment coming into your body while you cleanse. Supporting you with yoga, meditation, rest, massage and group support Providing colemas (colon cleanses) to deeply cleanse your digestive system. Sharing information about cleansing and about your digestive system. Being available for your personal situation. During the cleanse we will work in the following ways: Diet of raw foods and juicing colon cleansing skin brushing (please bring your own brush) clay bath skin cleanse sunbathing yoga meditation massage (abdominal massage)

optional bodywork sessions are offered (the price is extra) support for your cleanse note: Some cleanses focus on nutrition, include acupunture, continuum bodyflow or some other sessions included. (These groups have an additional cost
to pay for the specialists in those fields) MAINTAINING AN ACID ALKALINE BALANCE Disease cannot exist in a balanced ph system.Over acidity, is a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a PH-balance environment which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When acids need to be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition. The next most important physiological function our bodies perform is the maintaining of a balanced pH following breathing and the heart beating. Regulation of pH is essential because every enzyme system, cell, organ and gland in the body is influenced by pH. Excluding accident and genetic weakness, dis-ease often begins to occur after we have altered our normal pH balance

and become deficient in minerals, especially organic (plant) electrolyte minerals (not rock minerals) The body cannot efficiently use rock minerals. It must use the minerals that have passed through the plant kingdom. The minerals have been chelated to a protein molecule through the magic of photosynthesis. Many of our organs and glands become severely challenged, weakened, toxic, and sluggish even when a slight depletion of any of the electrolytes occurs. Only slight changes in pH from normal levels can cause extreme alteration in the rates of chemical reactions inside and outside of our cells. And depletion means that health is plummeting and healing is inhibited until the depletion has been rectified. Depletion also means that acids are accumulating. Sodium, potassium, calcium magnesium, lithium and phosphorus are the main electrolytes that the body uses.. When we eat, we chew the food and it goes into the stomach. Here it is saturated by HCL (hydrochloric acid). HCL has an extreme acid pH of 0.5.This is the only place in the body that needs to be acid. This low pH activates pepsinogen enzymes, which are essential for efficient digestion of protein. After the stomach has completed its digestive phase, it releases the chime (the mixture of food, stomach acid and enzymes) through the pyloric valve. The chime is now highly acidic and as it enters the duodenum, it is saturated by large amounts of alkaline fluids from the Brunner glands, bile, and pancreatic juices. To maintain good health, it is absolutely essential that our intestines maintain an alkaline environment, because the pancreatic and other 22 intestinal enzymes can only function optimally in a pH above 7. Not only that, before

the body can absorb the nutrients into the bloodstream and use it, it must bring the food up to 7.4 pH of the blood. Our bodies have several incredible control mechanisms to assure pH control. One process is called the buffer system. By eliminating complex explanations, we can say that the first step is for the body to buffer the acids by absorbing the acid with the electrolyte organic sodium and bicarbonate. Each time an acid is buffered by the sodium, the pH rises. In this process the body brings the acids to a level which it can safely remove them from the body through the kidneys and control pH. But each time an electrolyte is used to buffer acids, the electrolyte is removed forever. Minerals (electrolytes) are one of the deep secrets of Spiritual Nutrition. Minerals are frequencies of Light, frequencies of information, and frequencies of creation for the material world in the universe which we live. What we are made of and what we need to keep us alive The Earth is made of minerals. Our body is made of minerals. Minerals activate all the catalysts for enzymatic reactions in the body. They activate the vitamins. They activate all the organ structures, and in fact, are the basis of all the organ and cellular structures of the body. Minerals are the builders of the system. They are the frequency rates in the system. They are not necessarily the energy makers, however. The human body is composed entirely of minerals and water. The water molecule is the one that acts as a powerful solvent within the human system, bringing in nutrients and washing out waste particles. Without the essential minerals and trace minerals, we could not survive.

Of a total of 90 minerals, there are approximately 23 key minerals, including 16 major minerals and 7 minor trace minerals: Sodium,potassium,magnesium,lithium,carbon,chlorine, fluorine,hydrogen,iodine,iron,manganese,nitrogen,oxygen,silic onsulfur,zinc,cobalt,copper,germanium,selenium and phosphorus are the main electrolytes (minerals) that the body uses. The more acids we consume, especially from acid-forming foods, the greater the potential of an electrolyte deficiency. A key to good health is to eat enough food that has a greater amount of electrolyte minerals than acids alkaline-forming food. When we eat too much acid-forming food, we drain our bank account of electrolytes. We can also become electrolyte mineral deficient from emotional stress. Once our electrolyte storehouse is depleted, declining health is inevitable and one problem after another develops. Too much depletion means death because our bodies cannot live without electrolytes. With this understanding, it becomes obvious that the most important factor in treating any disease is to supply the body with the organic electrolyte minerals that it lacks and that it unequivocally is for regeneration. Without a full supply of electrolytes, our bodies cannot maintain themselves, much less heal themselves. The difference between alkaline-forming and acid-forming food is that the alkaline-forming foods contain an abundance of the electrolyte minerals needed to buffer acids in the food, and help build the bodys reserve. The acid-forming foods do not. Instead, they force the body to retrieve the buffering electrolytes from its reserve. The same thing occurs with stress. Stress creates acids, and stress has no electrolytes at all. Both acid-forming foods and stress cause a deficit in the

bodys reserve, which is needed for exercise, thinking, coping with illness, and healing. Acid Substances Cigarettes Alcohol All drugs and chemicals Industrial, medicinal, psychedelic, pesticides, herbicides All dairy Meat Eggs White sugar White flour All processed foods and any additives Negative emotions and thoughts Alkaline Substances Raw vegetables watercress, beets, broccoli, cabbage, celery, pumpkin, alfalfa (all sprouts) peas, onions, kale, cucumber, chlorella, chard, peppers, rutabaga etc. Sea veggieskombu, wakame, nori Barley green Spirulina Wheat grass Wild greens (dandelion leaves) Apples avocado grapefruit lemon orange watermelon all berries sunflower seeds millet

soaked and raw seeds/nuts Teas. dandelion tea,banchi tea,Kombucha,ginseng probiotics culture fresh juices mineral water stevia all herbs a relaxed state of mind meditation yoga and/or peaceful exercise a peaceful environment with peaceful people around

Organic Sodium You may wonder how people become deficient in sodium, for most people add sodium chloride (table salt) to almost every meal they eat. This is vital to understand. Sodium chloride (table salt), cannot be used by the body. Minerals from rock have no protein and are therefore highly caustic and toxic to our bodies. Too much potassium chloride, for example, can kill you. Sodium chloride is so toxic that it can increase blood pressure and is an irritant to cell membranes, and cannot be used efficiently in the buffer system or in our cells. The body can only efficiently use sodium that been chelated to a protein molecule. Minerals chelated like this are referred to as organic. The fact that sodium chloride (table salt) cannot be used in metabolism has been proven by clinical studies. One study revealed that when sodium chloride was given to individuals who are prone to hypertension, their blood pressure rose, but when organic sodium was given to these same people, their blood pressure moved towards normal. It was also found that sodium chloride induced the body to lose calcium, whereas

organic sodium induced a decrease in calcium loss. An interesting fact arose in this study that completely baffled the researchers. Whenever sodium chloride was ingested, the body quickly removed it. However, when organic sodium was given, the body held it. Himalayan salt (Gama genuine Himalayan Crystal salt) is hand extracted, hand washed and stone ground. It contains up to 84 minerals and trace elements. Himalayan salt is prepollution and without environmental impact. It is absolutely pristine, purest, totally natural, unrefined, cleanest and most complete salt available. It is identical in minerals to the ancient primal ocean with all the minerals and trace elements our body needs, because it is from the same origin our bodies have evolved. Why we need to cleanse To give our system a rest Allow our system to do the cleansing and regulating Help our system restore its vitality Aid the body with cleansing to unclog and places that are blocked such as the small or large intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and stomach. Restore the ph balance Balance our weight Cleansing can help heal many things Blood sugar imbalances..hyperglycemia,diabetes Heals and cleans our organs..stomach,liver,kidneys,gallbladder,pancreas,lung s,colon,spleen,skin Rid arthritis Strengthen our immune systems Blood flowvaricose veins

Balances high and low blood pressure Cleans our blood Why we get sick When our system is out of balance is too acidic which is most common or if it is too alkaline we can get sick. When our ph level is in balance we do not get sick. Mucoid Plaque.Richard Anderson This layer of mucus, when adhering closely to the mucosal surface, probably functions as a barrier to membrane digestion and most likely also to absorptionwhere, with increasing age, the mucus layer becomes more pronounced and widespreadFurthermore,mucus on the mucosal surface inhibits the presence of normal disaccharidase activities. The phrase mucoid plague is a coined term that was developed to describe the complex glycoproteins secreted by intestinal glands, which form a get-like slimy mucus layer and can coat the various hollow organs, especially the intestinal canal. In the intestines and stomach, mucoid plaque usually forms a continuous overlay. It is composed of a structured fibillary network and is arranged in layers. Mucoid is a general term for mucin, mucoprotein, or glycoprotein, which is the primary constituent of mucoid plaque. Plaque designated a film of mucus on a surface. The mucoid plaque can line the entire alimentary canal, from the tip of the tongue and all the way to the other end. The development of the mucoid plaque is generally associated with acid bile. Bile should not be acidic; in fact, bile pH should be above 8.0, which is quite alkaline. However, with most

people in the Western World, especially meat-eating people, their bile pH is well below 8.0, even as low as 4.5. This low pH is caustic it irritates and burns the intestinal wall. In this acid environment, the gut wall is forced to protect itself and does so by secreting mucin, thereby lining the gut with a protective mucus shield. Other irritants to our alimentary canal, which can also trigger mucoid plaque, are table salt, alcohol, drugs, acid-forming bacteria, heavy metals, pathogenic micro-organisms, and parasites. The primary causes of acid bile- acid-forming foods and stress need further emphasis. Included in acid-forming foods are grains, especially bread; cereals; sugar soft drinks; and coffee. A major hidden cause of acid production is eating foods that the body is unable to digest. More than 50% of Americans cannot digest wheat properly, and it is known that more than 50% cannot digest milk and other dairy products. When people continue to live the lifestyles that cause bile to become acid, mucoid plaque production continues without reprieve, and of course it continues to build, becoming thicker, firmer, and more widespread. The accumulated mucoid plaque may be several inches thick, but in most areas of the gut, it is probably less than one-quarter of an inch thick. It occurs in the stomach, as well as on the entire surface of both the small and large intestines. Even the health care professionals, enlightened as to the benefits of cleansing, generally consider only the four to six fee of the colon, ignoring the 22 feet of the small intestine, and the stomach. Especially the small intestine is critical for full digestion, and absorption of nutrients. Because most people are in the habit of eating toxic highprotein (acid-forming)foods with each meal, and often in between, bowel problems and mucoid plaque development is the meat-eating world are epidemic, along with gallstones, arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue, mental and emotional problems, and many related disorders.

It is important to know that mucoid plaque appears to be the forerunner of many, many disease conditions. Not just in the bowel, but diseases throughout the entire body. This fact cannot be overemphasized. Continuous ingestion of acidforming foods and unnatural, processed, so-called foods causes a gradual increase of mucoid plaque, which becomes thicker, firmer, and increasingly toxic the perfect breeding ground of armies of pathogenic micro-organisms and parasites. It becomes lie the city dump, full of unbelievable amount of filth. Mucoid plaque is also highly adhesive, and therefore the reversal of the condition seldom, if ever, occurs during ones lifetime (Do you know that the best carpenter glue is mad out of milk?) Unfortunately, even the people who have changed their diets and eat only raw fruits and vegetables still have mucoid plaque clinging to their bowels until they take the necessary steps to remove it. And fortunately, with the use of specific herbs in specific combinations, the body can release the mucoid plaque, layer after layer. When mucoid accumulations augment, the peristaltic action in the intestines may become less and less effective, and one form or another of constipation or diarehea often develops. Most people are constipated. Constipation is characterized by having less than two bowel movements daily, and even having two is less than ideal. A gradual weakening of the bodys immune system may also occur after a long-term toxic bowel environment destroys the natural bacterial environment, causes nutritional deficiencies (especially B vitamins and amino acids), weakens the liver, induces congestion, and interferes with nerve meridian points related to hundreds of other parts of our anatomy.

As bowel problems advance, dis-ease conditions also advance, seemingly in direct proportion to the dysfunction of the digestive system is the hub of our entire body. Every single cell depends upon the digestion of our food. The bowel feeds every organ, every tissue, and every cell in our bodies. When the bowel environment and function has become contaminated or inefficient, the cells and organs in the rest of the body will reflect that contamination and dysfunction. A toxic and acid bowel means toxic blood and lymph, toxic organs and cells, and poor health. In the words of P.L. Clark, B.S.,M.D., Acidosis and toxicosis are the primary causes of all disease. Rid the body of these poisons and correct the habits of living, and good health will be regained and maintained. And, Just as maggots and lies require the filth of the manure pile in which they grow and propagate, so the human organism must become broken down and filthy through bad habits of living before the tissue and juices of the body will permit the harbouring and growth of any noxious bacteria. And she continues, However, in view of the scientific researchers, whose insight have been cast aside by conventional medicine, it is just as reasonable to assume that the maggots and flies found in a manure pile cause the manure pile, as it is to assume that the various kinds of germs and bacteria, bacilli, or microorganisms, by whatever name you may call them, found in a thoroughly filthy body poisoned with food, drugs, and bad habits, caused the condition of ill health. Scientific studies have shown that even a small layer of mucoid plaque appears to function as a barrier to effective digestion and absorption, and may cause protein and carbohydrate intolerance. For there are more than 22 known digestive enzymes that are secreted into the intestines, which are essential for thorough digestion. When mucoid plaque

lines the intestines, how can these enzymes make contact with the food we hope to digest? And even if there are enough enzymes to digest the food, how can the food be absorbed through the intestinal wall? Poorly digested food is a major contributor to toxicity. Common Bowel Disorders Bernard Jensen Constipation: Constipation is more than a simple and temporary failure or a chronic difficulty in having a bowel movement. Bowel difficulties such as a constipation and its resultant autointoxication, which are symptoms of a poor diet and lifestyle, cause many problems. Constipation increases the workload of the other excretory organs the skin, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the lungs. These other organs and systems become hyperactive, overworked, and eventually worn out. Constipation, always results in a clogging of the colon. Bowel movements every two to three days are considered normal by many people and even by some medical doctors but inadequate bowel movement and poor bowel hygiene are the sources of an untold number of disorders in the body. People from primitive cultures who live totally apart from modern civilization and consume a diet of pure whole natural foods foods unprocessed and seldom cooked usually have a bowel movement about one-half hour following each meal. Westerner who consume many processed and devitalized foods, usually cooked or even overcooked, are happy to attain one bowel movement a day.

Diarrhoea: It is common for people to think of diarrhoea as being the opposite of constipation. In fact, diarrhoea is usually just another form of constipation. When the bowel becomes impacted with feces, the body will often liquefy the colon contents in a last-ditch effort to rid itself of the toxic waste accumulation. Continued diarrhoea can severely dehydrate the body and upset its electrolyte balance. Diverticular Disease (bowel pockets): Diverticula constitute a deviation of the normal and regular bowel wall. In cases of faulty bowel elimination, diverticulas, which resemble little sacs, form along the wall of the large intestine. Diverticulas may also form in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and jejunum (next to the duodenum and extending to the ileum) The diverticula tend to retain some fecal waste as it passes by, and in time more accumulates to cause the bowel pockets. These conditions often cause putrefaction, which results in considerable gas (se Flatulence), discomfort, and reabsorb ion of toxins into the body, followed by autointoxication. If the diverticulas become inflamed this is then acute and very serious. Bowel pockets need not become inflamed if cared for properly. Leaky Bowel Syndrome: leakage of undesirable materials through the bowel wall into the blood and lymph is often caused by inherent weakness formed in embryonic stages. Harmful lifestyle habits together with inherent weaknesses can cause changes in the bowel that allow the absorption of toxic materials through the bowel wall. These harmful lifestyle habits include deficient diet, lack of exercise and poor bowel habits (setting regular times for bowel movements and cleansing the bowel movements and cleansing the bowels). Cleansing the Liver

The Liver The liver is the largest glandular organ of the body. It weights about 1.5kg. It is reddish brown in color and is divided into 4 lobes of unequal size and shape. The liver lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm but also spans towards the left side of the diaphragm. Blood is carried to the liver via 2 large vessels called the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the aorta of the heart. The portal vein carries blood containing the digested food that was absorbed from the small intestines. Hepatic cells make up about 60% of the liver tissue. These specialized liver cells carry out more chemical processes than any other group of cells in the body. The change most of the nutrients we consume into forms our bodies can use. They: Convert sugars and store and release them as needed, thereby regulating our blood sugar level. Break down fats and produce cholesterol Produce blood protein including clotting factors Remove ammonia from our body Detoxify drugs and alcohol Produce bile A second important group of liver cells are the Kupffer cells. They: Remove damaged red blood cells Destroy microbes and cells debris Because your liver fulfils so many vital functions you would die within 24 hours if it stopped working, and more than 500 diseases are rooted in a dysfunctional liver

The Liver-gallbladder flush It is the job of the liver to make bile. 1 -1.5 Quarts a day. The liver if full of tubes that deliver the bile to one large common bile duct. The gallbladder is attached to this duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about 20 minutes and the stored bile finishes its trip down the duct into the small intestines. For many persons, including children the biliary tub is chocked with gallstones. Some develop allergies, migraines, pms, but some have no symptoms. There are a dozen varieties of stones most which have cholesterol crystal in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan color They can be the size of a grain of sand or be up to 3cm in size. At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, scientists suggest a dead bit of parasite started the stone to form. Gallstones pick up bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way nests of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach or intestinal disease can be cured without removing these gallstones from the liver. As the stones grow and become more numerous the pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile and the digestion of fats and protein becomes poor, much less cholesterol leaves the body and it sink into the blood vessels.

Forming Good regular Habits for a healthy Life Regular rest and sleep. Optimal bedtime is between 9:00 and 1pm Regular exercise and physical activity Morning and/or evening walk Yogasun salutations Body squatting forms a very important, natural part of life among all tribal people. Benefits include: Improved respiration of all cells in your body. The squat incorporates the use of almost all the muscles in your body. Increased Chi or life force through important meridians (which control most psycho physiological functions in the body). Improved pumping of fluids, aiding in the removal of waste and the delivery of nutrients to the cells in all bodily tissues. Beneficial physiological stress to your hormonal system. The squat movement encourages easier passage of feces through the colon and more regular bowel movements. Start off with just a few squats, and increase the number by 1 5 each day. When you are capable of per-forming 100 squats in a row, your body will start relying on Chi (life force) for its energy requirements instead of using up its physical energy resources.

Exercise only up to 50 percent of your capacity. Dont allow yourself to become tired. For example, if you can swim for 30 minutes before feeling tired, swim only for 15 minutes. In time, your capacity for more exercise will increase. Over exercising, such as in endurance training, weakens the immune system heart and lungs and floods the blood with harmful, acidic chemicals. Expose your body to fresh air at least once or twice every day for a minimum of half an hour to ensure proper circulation and an adequate oxygen supply to its trillions of cells. Do some meditation practise of your choice. Regular mealtimes Lunch should be the main meal of the day. Eat at or around 12:00 12:30pm Evening meal should be light, since digestive power is low in the evening. There are very few digestive secretions after 8:00p.m. a heavy meal taken in the evening remains mostly undigested Eat dinner between 6:00p.m., so that the main digestion is completed before bedtime and does not interfere with your sleep. Eat your meals at about the same time every day so that the digestive system can always perform at its best. Eating at different times each day makes it difficult for the body to produce the right amount of digestive juices required for each meal,

Drinking water Eight glasses a day Drink water on rising Drink at least hr before meals Drink 2 hrs after meals Do not drink before bed or you will disrupt your sleep to go to the bathroom

References Dr. Jensens guide to better bowel care Dr. Bernard Jensen Spiritual Nutrition - Gabriel Cousens Cleanse and Heal Thyself RichardAnderson Timeless secrets of health and Rejuvenation - Andrea Moritz

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