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ADAMS COUNTY 2012 REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY -- AGENDA (Except for registration and the call to order, times are

approximate) 7:30-9:00am Registration of County Delegates and Alternates 9:00 am Call to Order -- Invocation -- Pledge of Allegiance 9:05 Begin seating Alternate Delegates for those seats where Delegates are absent -- Welcome and Purposes of Meeting -- Introduction of Committees: Credentials, Teller, Rules, Resolutions -- Announcement of Appointments: Sergeants at Arms, Parliamentarian, Timekeeper -- Recognition of dignitaries and party officials 9:25 Credentials Committee Report -- Adoption of Credentials Report Rules Committee Report -- Adoption of Rules (as published) Adoption of Agenda (as published) Ratification of County Officers to State/CD Assemblies Ratification of Precinct Committee Persons elected at Feb 7 caucuses (as published) (Amendment of Credentials Report, if necessary) 9:45 -- Ballot distribution for County Commissioner designations to primary ballot Nominations from the floor for County Commissioner candidates District 1, District 2 Nominating Speeches, Commissioner Candidate Speeches (7 minutes TOTAL for each candidate) Voting and collection of Commissioner ballots Election of Vacancy Committee for Designee/Nominee for County Commissioner 10:45 Explanation of process to apply to run as a National Delegate Explanation of House District break-out groups: -- Process for electing State & CD delegates (and alternates) (Permission for House District Chairmen to recess County Assembly, Call to order HD Assembly) -- Process for designation of candidate(s) to primary ballot for the HD (and later, SD) and for election of the vacancy committee for a nominee/designee for HD or SD -- Report of Teller Committee for the designation to the ballot of County Commissioner candidates 11:15 Break into House Districts for election of State/CD delegates and for individual HD assemblies (very brief break to get and bring back food, at HD Chairs discretion) 1:45 -- Reconvene County Assembly; immediately recess and break into SD21 and SD25 assemblies

2:10 -- Reconvene County Assembly Teller Committee Report for Dels/Alts to State and CD assemblies/conventions -- *Ratify list of Delegates/Alternates to State and Congressional Assemblies and pass out or confirm everyone received the appropriate call(s), including for HD56 multi-county assembly -- Resolutions Committee Report -- vote on resolutions (by number/ as published) 3:00 Announcements 3:10 Adjournment VERY IMPORTANT: Post-adjournment paperwork for all HD/SD Chairs, HD and SD Candidate designees, Commissioner Candidate designees, and County Chair/Secty. A notary public will be available. (Please dont sign anything in advance) This is also the time when those who want to run for National Convention may fill out and turn in their paperwork. Paperwork people should gather at the front of the room by the stage.

*Its possible we will be able to announce results of Dels/Alts to higher assemblies within the House Districts before they adjourn, but we wont know for sure until we see how fast the counting and tiebreaking process goes. If we can announce in the HDs, we will pass out the calls to the various assemblies there. If not, we will pass out the calls after the entire assembly has reconvened. All elected Dels/Alts to higher assembly should be sure to stay until they have received their call(s.) (Hopefully, they will all stay right on through the important process of voting on Resolutions.) Regardless of when we are able to announce at the Assembly, we will be able to announce the names of elected Delegates and Alternates, but its doubtful well have the ranking for Alternates by then. In that case, we will publish the ranking to all County Delegates and Alternates within 72 hours after the Assembly.

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