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(1) Planning Teacher: Pn. Nooakma Hj.

Awang Lah School: SK Datok Keramat 1 Class: 3 Kepujian Date: ___/___/___

1.1 Lesson objectives / learner outcomes: (what is the lesson focus? / what will the pupils learn?)
The pupils will get to know the name of the sea creatures.

1.2 Links to National Curriculum: 2.4 Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. 3.4 Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 4.4 Construct simple sentence with guidance. 1.3 Links to Primary Language Learning Objectives:
2.4.1 Recite simple poems and sing songs by joining in with words and phrases. 3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.

1.4 Links to previous & future lessons: Students have learnt about buildings/places and directions in the previous lessons. 1.5 Language analysis: (key language learning focus)
Vocabulary : sailfish / stingray / lionfish / angelfish / barracuda / goby / flatfish

1.6 Materials & resources:

Textbook Page : 26 pictures card, word cards

1.7 Outline lesson structure: (proposed timing, stages, interactions, use of materials) Timin Stage g 5 mins
1. Set Induction Teacher plays an animated song entitled if I lived under the sea. 2. Pupils sing the songs by following the lyrics. 3. Teacher asks students what they saw in the video.


Materials & Resources Video If I lived under the sea Barney


4. Teacher introduces todays topic to the students Sea World.

(2) The Lesson Timi ng 10 mins

.Pre-reading 1. Write the following heading on the board: SEACREATURES

Stage & procedure

T/ Observation notes P

Instructions Explanation s MT use

T/ P


Tell pupils that the word creatures means animals.

Questioning Modelling Grading T/P talk Dealing with Errors Praise Feedback Listening/ Speaking Personalisat ion Adapted to Ps Staging Pace Meaningful Interaction

3. Pupils take turns to name the animals found in the sea. Write their responses on the board.

While reading 1. Teacher shows a poem on the screen. 2. Teacher reads the poem with the correct intonation and pronunciation. 3. Pupils listen and repeat. 4. Teacher explains the vocabulary in the poem.

15 mins

Post reading 1. Teacher divides the class into eight groups. 2. Teacher distributes the word puzzles to each group. 3. Pupils have to arrange the puzzle to form a picture of sea creature. 4. Then , name the sea creatures by arranging the alphabets given.

25 mins

5. After that , pupils have to write the characteristics of the sea creatures on the manila card. 6. Pupils present their work. Closure 1. Teacher shows a picture of sea turtles eating plastic bag. 2. We should love the environment by keeping the sea clean in order to save the sea creatures.

Class management/dyna mic Materials Resources

5 mins

(3) After the Lesson 3.1 Reflection: How satisfied am I ...

that the lesson ... 1234 5 that I ... 1234 5

had clear learning objectives ? met the learning objectives ? was clearly linked to the curriculum objectives ?

created a positive learning environment ? related lesson material to pupils' needs and interests ? communicated well with my class ? (instructions, explanations, questioning, elicitation, gestures, eye contact, voice, moving around)

matched the abilities of the pupils ? was well/logically sequenced and managed ?

modelled and used English well ? supporting the verbal with the visual well ? (gesture, expression, pictures, board work, etc)

was well paced ? had a variety of interactions ? was pupil centered ? (they were actively involved) had a variety of activities to promote learning and maintain attention ? had an appropriate balance of L1/L2 ?

promoted listening and speaking skills ? promoted personalised/genuine use the language presented ? dealt with learning mistakes when appropriate to do so ? motivated the pupils well ? (praise, feedback, encouragement, reinforcing positive learning behaviours) checked understanding and learning ?

3.2 Identification of strengths, issues and needs (with mentor)

3.3 Action plan (with mentor)

Overview Knowledge Use Presentatio n




Descriptors (key areas and sub-components) Knowledge (of language, of the curriculum, of the pupils, of planning) (1) of language taught (language analysis pron, structure/grammar, collocation, function, formality, etc.) (2) of the National Curriculum & Primary Language Learning Objectives (3) of the pupils' needs, strengths & weaknesses (as a group and as individuals) (4) of classroom management & dynamics (control and discipline, pupil participation according to ability, pair/group work, T vs P talking time) (5) of lesson planning (single lessons & from lesson to lesson) Use (of language) (1) teacher's classroom language to present tasks (instructions, explanations, questioning, eliciting, MT use) (2) teacher's classroom language to present language (modelling, voice, grading, fluency of, appropriacy of) (3) teacher's classroom language to motivate (praise, feedback, encouragement, reinforcing positive learning behaviours) (4) supporting the verbal with the visual (gesture, expression, pictures, board work, etc) (5) teacher's own language use (language competency clarity, diction, intonation) Presentation (of language in context, of materials, of the lesson) (1) promotion of meaningful interaction (2) promotion of listening and speaking skills (back to basics primary focus of Nat Curr) (3) promotion of personalised use by the pupils of language and skills presented (4) of materials and resources (quality of, clarity of, appropriacy of) (5) of the lesson (cohesive lesson structure, staging and pacing) 3. Reflection - Decriptors for self-assessment Try and base your personal assessment of the lesson you gave on a 5-point scale, where you feel: 1 = very concerned about a number of aspects. 2 = not satisfied, but had some positive points. 3 = generally satisfied, but concerned about certain aspects. 4 = quite satisfied overall. 5 = very satisfied.

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