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Sacred Cow DA (MOOOOOOO)

The economy is growing now Reuters, 12/14 news source (US economic growth seen brighter into 2012, 12/14/2011, The economy has probably picked up speed in the last in November growing at their slowest pace in five months. The plans untouchable fiat designates it as an off-budget project this has a snowball effect and kills the economy Greenspan, 96 former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Allen, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 4/17/1996) On behalf of myself and the other members of the commitment and ability of the government to control federal spending. Extinction Auslin, 9 Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (Michael, The Global Economy Unravels, Forbes, 3/6/2009, What do these trends mean in the short and medium be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. Timeframe is immediate Tanner, 11 senior fellow with the Cato Institute (Michael, Bankrupt: Entitlements and the Federal Budget, Cato Policy Analysis, No. 673, 3/28/2011, Given the much larger debt levels we currently face, the investors bail, leaving the U.S. treasury borrowing at much higher rates. Turns the case sacred cows destroy budgetary policy which means the plan wont be implemented evidence should supersede the durability of fiat Moskowitz, 11 senior writer for Live Science and (Clara, How Would a Government Shutdown Affect NASA?, 3/2/2011, If that scenario does come to pass, a government shutdown the steps necessary to ensure they have the proper support." All sacred cows are being cut now including NASA Sanchez, 11 correspondent for the National Journal (Humberto, House GOP Proposes Cuts to Scores of Sacred Cows, The National Journal, 2/9/2011, The House Appropriations Committee proposed today to cut funding for drop by $246 million, and Rural Development
Programs would decline $227 million.

Econ high now consumer spending and jobs Rugaber, 12/13 economics staff writer for the AP (Christopher, Retail sales are helping economy grow consistently, 12/13/2011, /?page=2) Economic growth is picking up in the final three months , tighten lending and make it harder for U.S. businesses to expand. Only permanent budget expenditure sends a signal that destroys fiscal discipline Kasich, 96 former chair of the House Budget Committee (John, Truth in Budgeting Act won't balance a thing, The Times Union, 4/1/1996) The objective of this bill, in Washington-speak, is to the commitment and ability of government to control federal spending.'' Russian economic decline causes nuclear war

Filger, 9 author and blogger for the Huffington Post (Sheldon, Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined of the Global Economic Crisis is its least
dangerous consequence.

The plan creates endless sacred cows thats Greenspan means the airborne laser would be funded Hodge, 11 (Nathan, Pentagon Loses War to Zap Airborne Laser From Budget, The Wall Street Journal, 2/11/2011, But if the administration's budget request doesn't include funds to Mr. Gates canceled Future Combat Systems. (The FCS's
overall cost: $18 billion.)

ABL deployment destroys strategic stability with Russia and China enables the U.S. to neutralize their deterrents Rozoff, 10 contributor to The Centre for Research on Globalization (Rick, U.S. Tightens Missile Shield Encirclement Of China And Russia, 3/4/2010, context=va&aid=17948) The U.S. has not substituted the missile encirclement of Russia with and prepare the way for conventional and nuclear first strikes. That causes nuclear war and extinction Chisak, 10 (Alex, Dangerous Crossroads in US Military Strategy: From Deterrence" to "Nuclear Compelence", Centre for Research on Globalization, 2/6/2010, context=va&aid=17446) It is unlikely that any nation would launch a nuclear be subject to the consequences of any third global conflict. Air Force pushing for CTL Sassoon, 8 Founder of Solve Climate and MA in Journalism from Columbia University (David, Coal Loses Steam, The Guardian, 2/12/2008, The Air Force is the other place where dirty coal gambit to circumvent democratic policymaking on energy and climate issues. CTL would be funded as pork barrel spending that causes warming Barbalance, 7 (Kenneth, Congress proposes massive subsidies to convert coal into diesel fuel, 5/31/2007; The coal to liquid fuel proposals working their way through government owned Synthetic Fuels Corporation is just such an

Extinction Tickell, 8 Climate Researcher (Oliver, On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction, The Guardian, 8/11/2008, We need to get prepared for four degrees of global by human emissions could propel us towards a similar hothouse Earth. Defense spending is getting cut now because of a push to eliminate sacred cows the plan reverses that trend by creating endless sacred cows thats Greenspan Montgomery and Kane, 11 economic policy and federal budget correspondent for the Washington Post, AND, correspondent for the Washintgon Post (Lori and Paul, GOP compromise on debt: Cut military spending?, The Washington Post, 6/26/2011,
As President Obama prepares to meet Monday with Senate leaders where more than a third of voters hail from military families.

Cuts improve effectiveness and force innovation

Irvine, 11 researcher at the Center for a New American Security who specializes in security policy, counterterrorism and transnational threats (Matthew, Death of a sacred cow, C4ISR Journal, 9/1/2011, Amid future cuts, it is important to recognize not only support the best intelligence workforce in the world is a priority. That solves conflict and independently accesses leadership Spencer, 2k policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation (Jack, Heritage Foundation Reports, lexis) The evidence indicates that the U.S. armed forces are not ready aggressively in regions of vital national interest, thereby preserving peace. Global nuclear war Arbatov, 7 Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Editor of Russia in Global Affairs (Alexei, Is a New Cold War Imminent?, Russia in Global Affairs, 5(3), July/September, However, the low probability of a new Cold War and the device in one or several major capitals of the world. The plan creates endless sacred cows thats Greenspan means FCS would be funded Committee on Armed Services, 8 (Armed Services Committee Unanimously Approves Defense Authorization Bill, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Armed Services Committee Ranking Republican: This bill is literally of the Army and should be funded accordingly. FCS causes solid-state lasers National Defense Magazine, 1 (Directed-Energy Weapons Promise 'Low Cost Per Kill', Laser weapons for ground combat--ranging from air-defense chemical operators" from potentially being blinded by a laser beam, he said. Extinction Marshal, 95 professor and internationally recognized expert on laser and light bio-effects in the field of ophthalmology (John L., A Horrifying New Laser Weapon That the World Should Ban Now, 4/12/1995, GENEVA In the next few years a new and horrifying weapon humanity surviving the challenges of the next century are slim. FCS is divided into Brigade Combat Units Krepinevich, 9 President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (The Future of U.S. Ground Forces, Future_of_US_G.pdf)
The Service has for decades fielded forces specialized for airborne to prevent such a contingency from arising in the first place.

That guts readiness Sinnreich, 6 writer for The Lawton Sunday Constitution (Richard Hart, Disarming The Armys Manning Problem Wont Solve It, , 1/29/2006,
Meanwhile, still another recent Pentagon-directed study has fared no invaded Iraq with a ground force too small for the job.

That solves conflict and independently accesses leadership Spencer, 2k policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation (Jack, Heritage Foundation Reports, lexis) The evidence indicates that the U.S. armed forces are not ready aggressively in regions of vital national interest, thereby preserving peace.

Air conditioning thumps the disad *** STAR THIS CARD Zimmerman, 11 (Jess, Military spends more to air condition tents than NASAs entire budget, Grist, 6/17/2011, Steve Anderson, a retired brigadier general who was Petraeus' chief logistician Iraq and Afghanistan. That's more than NASA's entire annual budget.

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