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Journal of Management HRD Magister Management Programme of Syiah Kuala University, 2011

Sitti Zubaidah*
*Departemen of Magister Management on Post Graduate Programme at Syiah Kuala University Street : Syech Abdul Rauf No.1 Darussalam Banda Aceh Tel:62(0651) 7407938,E-mail : ____________________________________________________________________________________ Abstrak - The objective of this research is to observe the influence of organizational culture and leadership style on managing human resource in construction companies at Banda Aceh. The research method is using regression analysis, with the object of research on effects of organizational culture and leadership style on managing human resource in construction companies at Banda Aceh, and the number of respondents is 100 people through the Slovin formula. The result showed that F count > F table based on F Test is accepting alternative hypothesis and refusing zero hypothesis. It is means that organizational culture (variable X1) and leadership style (variable X2), by together have a significant effect on managing human resource in construction companies at Banda Aceh. While by partial showed that organizational culture (variable X1) has a significant effect on managing human resource in construction companies at Banda Aceh because value of t count > t table, with significant level = 5%. Beside that leadership style (variable X2) has not a significant effect on managing human resource in construction companies at Banda Aceh. Keynote : Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and On Managing Human Resource at Construction Companies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION The building of development in Indonesia specially for Aceh Province to be binding rivalry in construction companies between one company to other companies. The binding competitive could make construction company should be optimum potensial and each competencies in managing company resources, there are financial, human being, technology, material, culture, and management system. II. BACKGROUND Increasing capablility in managing construction company resources in order to face competitor that more competitive need to do anticipation steps through to do various reparation to commonly cases happen in contruction company to link to company quality management . Several determining factors influence on successfull contruction company that is internal factor, external factor and market forces. Company internal factor is one of urgen factor and has 42% influence to succesful in run company. Influence of internal factor to successful in run company is dominated by organization culture, leadership style, human resources, technology, material, and finacial [1]. Organization culture and leadership style organization are significant in managing human resource at construction company and this is very appointed that company can be competited with other company in local, regional and international level. Organisation culture can be defined how someone manifestation opinion method nad behavior in company. Simillary to [2] that organizational culture as a set of shared as assumption and understanding about organization function. Until

Journal of Management HRD Magister Management Programme of Syiah Kuala University, 2011

this can be understood As social glue, social deal and beliefs member share. A firms culture therefore, through its value and operating belief, exerts commanding influences on how its employees perceive events [3] with the result that organisation culture is be a famous as important thing for project succesfull included organisation changing. Example given [4] said that : even good technology can be sabotaged if it is perceived to interfere with the established social network. Besides that leadership style also influence working system process that forming in the construction company. Leadership is how to infulence other to achieve company goal. Add by McLean and Smith (2003) that Leadership is defined as the use of non coercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group member toward goal attainment. Because of that influence of organization culture and leadership style in managing human resource at construction companies is a problem will be studied in this research with title Influence of organization culture and leadership style in managing human resources at construction company (case study at construction company at Banda Aceh City). III. AREA OF STUDY For getting data in this study, the writer was conducted this direct study in construction company which has Working Legal and included Anggota Badan Pembangunan Daerah Gabungan Pengusaha Konstruksi (BPD GAPENSI) Aceh, with research object about organization culture and leadership style in managing human resources at construction company of Banda Aceh City. Population in this research are employee and or leader of construction company of Banda Aceh City, 405 people. Its because of number of variance employee in construction company and this is not permanet based on packet needed.
Table. 3.1. Total Population in Construction Company of Banda Aceh City based on Grade No Construction Company Grade Sampling Up Constructin Company 01 31 Grade A ( 6 7 ) Middle Construction Company 02 165 Grade B ( 4 -5 ) Minor Construction Company 03 209 Grade C ( 2 3 ) Total 405 Resource : BPD GAPENSI ACEH (2010)

construction project is all or part of circle project in planning and or implementing, monitoring and evaluating in arcitectural, civil, mechanical, electrical, and each enviromental also equipment to give shape to the building or other phisic (Chapter 1, paragraph 1 Law No.18 Year 1999). As Company Service, so human resource in construction company is one of aspect which very important for directness company. Therefore, the contractor is demand on more profesional in managing his/ her company resources, they are human resouces (employee), Financial (capital), management, knowledge and technology. All organization have unwriten culture which implemented behavior standart that good and not received by employee. After some months, many employees understood their organization culture. Meanwhile many organization has sub culture always created around working groups with add standart behavior set or modificated. They still have dominant culture that influence to all value employee which reputed very valuable by organization. [5] Company organization culture can hight influence in managing and implementing company resource. This case is symbolic to valuable and promotable behaviour by the company. According to [6] that organization culture is including employee in developing and organization progress, as below :

We characterize organizational culture along the dimensions of learning and develop-ment, participative decision making, support and collaboration, power sharing, communication and tolerance for conflict and risk. Learning and development refers to an emphasis on individual learning and development; participative decision making culture encourages employees to participate in the firms decision-making process; a culture of support and collaboration has employees willing to cooperation with each other and ready to offer needed help; power sharing reduces focus on turf, politics, and status; communication refers to the organizations internal and external information exchange and interaction; tolerance for conflict and risk taking measures the degree to which the organization accepts conflict and risk. The leadership like this to puss organization culture foward to employee knowledge to speciall skill leading through a knowledge lens. The leadership is done by intellectual power, conviction, persuasion, dan interactive dialog. This mekanism builds confidence and engagement also to rise up trust and commitment. This mekanism including strategy and tactical in implemeting leadership. As a formula of strategy of vision, strong advocacy in

IV. LITERATURE REVIEW Contractor is company that budge in construction service. Construction service can be definited as consultation service, construction planning service, contruction implementing service, and monitoring and evaluating construction project. Where as

Journal of Management HRD Magister Management Programme of Syiah Kuala University, 2011

vission, rule model, creating intelectual company at Banda Aceh City less from 35 years than stimulate and creating organization structure above 36 years old and under 45 years old. Marital status of respondent can be explaned that which easy to comunicate.[7]
V. DATA ANALYSIS AND MODEL Result analysis data in this reseach using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). In general descriptive analysis to result of reseach using statistical tools like means percentase. Than to see how significant using mulytiple regression. The equation as follows. [8] Equation Multiple Regresi Linear : Y= Where : Y = Managing Human Resource in Construction Company. a = Constanta X1 = Organization culture X2 = Leadeship Style b1 = Regreesion Coefisien Regresion Organzation Culture b2 = Regresion Coefisien Leadership Style e = Error term. Comparison Fcount atau Tcount dengan Ftable atau Ttable at = 0.05; if showed : a. If Fcount Ftable, or error probability under from 5%, so Ho is rejected, and Ha is received, Its meant variace from regression model is succesfull that organization culture and leadeship style are significant as simultaneous in managing of human resource at contruction company at Banda Aceh city. For that all hypothesis are proven to be researched and also as partial. b. If Fcounth Ftable, or error probability under from 5%, so Ho is received, and Ha is rejected, Its meant variace from regression model is not succesfull that organization culture and leadership style simultaneous significant to managing of human resource at contrsuction company at Banda Aceh City. And also as partial. VI. RESULTS Based on the research table 4.1. under here that responden gender of contruction company Banda Aceh City is men 49 people (61.3%) , and women 31 people (38.8%). This showed that employee of construction company of Banda Aceh City dominant men that women. Related to respondent old that 26 people (32.5 %) under 30 years oled, 25 people (31.3%) between 31 s/d 35 years old, 19 people (23.8%) between 36 s/d 40 years old, and 10 people (12.5%) among 41 45 years old. It showed that employee of construction

65 people (81.3%) have been married, and 15 people (18.8%) not merried yet. For working period 15 people (18.8%) under 2 years, 22 people (27.5%) between 3 4 years,26 people (32.5%) between 5 7 years, 6 people (7.5%) between 8 10 years and 11people (13.8%) above 10 years. If seen from working period almost means 5 7 years of construction company Banda Aceh City. Thus respondent carrateristic based on education that (6.3%) is 5 people Junior High School, 22 people (27.5%) Senior High School, 25 people (31.3%) Diploma, 24 people (30.0%) post graduate (S1), and 4 people (5.0%) Master Degree (S2). For education contractor in contruction company at Banda Aceh City are Diploma dan Post Graduate.
Tabel 4.1 Karakteristik Responden No 1 Respondent Caracteristic Jumlah 31 49 26 25 19 10 65 15 15 22 26 6 11 5 22 25 24 4 22 32 26 6 24 11 11 12 16 (%) 38.8 61.3 32.5 31.3 23.8 12.5 81.3 18.8 18.8 27.5 32.5 7.5 13.8 6.3 27.5 31.3 30.0 5.0 27.5 40.0 32.5 7.5 30.0 13.8 13.8 15.0 20.0 Gender a. Perempuan b. Laki Age a. < 30 years old 2 b. 31 35 years old c. 36 40 years old d. 41 45 years old Marital Statur 3 a. Married b. Not Married Yet Working Period a. < 2 Years b. 3 4 Years 4 c. 5 7 Years d. 8 10 Years e. > 10 Years Education a. SMP/ MTsN b. SMA/ MAN c. Akademi/ 5 Diploma d. Sarjana ( S1 ) e. Sarjana ( S2 ) Employee contrct a. Volunteer b. Temporary 6 Contract c. Permanent Contract Montly Incomen a. < Rp. 1.000.000,b. Rp. 1.000.000,- s/d 1.499.999,c. Rp. 1.500.000,s/d 1.999.999,7 d. Rp. 2.000.000,s/d 2.499.000,e. Rp. 2.500.000,s/d 2.999.999,f. > Rp. 3.000.000,Sumber : Data Primer 2011 ( diolah )

Journal of Management HRD Magister Management Programme of Syiah Kuala University, 2011

For respondent working period that 22 people (27.5%) as volunteer, 32 people (40.0%) as temporary employee and 26 people (32.5%) as permanent employee. Meanwhile monthly income of respondent is > Rp.1.000.000,- to 6 people (7.5%), 24 people (30.0%) monthly income between Rp. 1.000.000,- s/d 1.499.999,- to 11 people (13.8%) monthly income between Rp. 1.500.000,- s/d 1.999.000,- to 11 people (13.8%), 12 people (15%) between Rp. 2.000.000,- s/d 2.499.999,-monthly income between Rp. 2.500.000,- s/d 2.999.999,- and monthly income above > Rp. 3.000.000,- 16 people (20.0%). This showed that employee of construction company as temporary staff and monthly income generally Rp. 1.000.000,- s/d 1.499.999,Based on result of research from Table 4.2, showed that all statement have correlation above critis value 5% that is above 0.220 till all questions in this questioner is valid and can be used for the research. And based on reliability analysis showed that alpha value for each variable of respondent perception can be saw from some variable that is organization culture variable (X1) get alpha score 0.799 = 80%, Leadership style variable (X2) get alpha score 0.669 = 67% , managing human resources at construction company (Y) get alpha score 0.727 = 73%. Therefore reliability measure to research variable showed that credibilitas Cronbach Alpha above 0.60. Organization Culture of Construction Company at Banda Aceh City. Hypothesis this research is organization culture of construction company at Banda Aceh City significant in managing human resources. And based on result of research organization culture get means 4.04, Its meant organization culture of construction company at Banda Aceh City is significant in managing human resources. For that statistic analysis showed that organization culture significant in managing human resources at contruction company of Banda Aceh City. Leadeship Style of Construction Company at Banda Aceh City Hyphotesis this research is leadership style at construction company of Banda Aceh City significant in managing human resouces. Based on result of researched that leadership get score means 4.08. Its meants that leadership style direct significant in managing human resources. Thus, statistical analysis showed that leadership style is significant in managing human resources at construction company of Banda Aceh. Managing Human Resource at Contruction Company of Banda Aceh City Hypothesis this research is organization culture and leadership style significant in managing human resources at construction company of Banda Aceh City. And based on result of research that managing human resources get means score 4.20, and this suitable with needed by a contruction company. For that statistic analysis showed that organization culture and leadership style which implementing at contruction company of Banda Aceh City is significant in managing human resources. VI. CONCLUSIONS

Organization culture and leadership style at construction company of Banda Aceh City have significant in managing human resources. This case can be showed on statistic analysis that is relationship between independent dan dependent variable. Based on both variable research, showing that organization culture is dominant than leadership style in managing human resources at construction company Banda Aceh City. From F Test get score Fcount > Ftable , so this meants receive alternatif hyphotesis and reject nul hyphothesis. So that variable of organization culture and leadership syle are significant in managing human resources at construction company of Banda Aceh City. And t Test that variable of organization culture is significant in managing human resources because score tcount > ttable, with significant level = 5% so that those variable are significant in managing human resources at construction company of Banda Aceh City. REFFERENCES [1] Sudarto, Identifikasi Permasalahan Pada Faktor Internal Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI, Edisi No. 2. Tahun XXI, pp 102 110, Juni 2007. [2]Deshpande, R., and Webster, F.E., Organizational Culture and Marketin - Defining the Research Agenda,Journal of Marketing (53:1), pp 4-5, 1989. [3]Schein, E.H., Organizational culture and leadership. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1985. [4] Martinsons, M.G., and Chong, P.K.C. The influence of human factors and specialist involvement on information systems success, Human Relations (52:1), pp 123-152, Jan.1999. [5]Amri,DR., Perilaku Keorganisasian (Organizational Behavior). Diktat. Magister of Management (MM), Postgraduate Program of Syiah Kuala University Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 2007.

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