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Online Income Done Right!

Table of Contents
1. Rules to blog by, for blog publishers and readers 2. How to write web site and article content that sells 3. Top 5 Mistakes made by Online Marketers. Don't make these mistakes and sabotage your promotional efforts 4. 10 Tips for Writing Business Communications that get results! 5. What to do when your customer says No! 6. What is absolutely crucial for your business success? Joy, that's what! You either have it, or you've had it. 7. On the value and necessity for persistence if you expect to be successful. 8. Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why. 9. Planning on making money online this year? Unless you avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't got a prayer. 10. You SAY you're in business, but that proposition is dubious, as this article reveals in shocking detail. 11. The personal ad you'd love to post... but don't have the guts! 12. 100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want more money and want it NOW!

Online Income Done Right!

Rules to blog by, for blog publishers and readers

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Maybe HE likes all the hubbub. But will you? The calm of my Cambridge, Massachusetts neighborhood was punctuated the other day by student protestors outside Harvard University's Science Center. There 1960's wannabees chanted "Harvard, Harvard, shame on you, honoring a racist fool." The cause of this mayhem was Professor Martin Peretz and his latest blog post on his The New Republic website: "But, frankly Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims." It was more than enough to stir up a reaction from the politically correct, who live to chant and picket. They shouted... they taunted... they heckled... and HE, owner of The New Republic, the subject of so much fuss, got valuable, eye-catching full-page publicity in The Boston Globe, New England's paper of record. Bingo! One of America's most experienced provocateurs had succeeded, yet again, in using his blog to get even more publicity for his "take no prisoners" opinions. Martin Peretz' blog had done its work and done it well. Will yours? It most assuredly will... if you understand the true purpose of a blog, run it accordingly, and learn to be a responsible blog publisher and blog reader. Here are recommendations to assist you. Bogs MUST be honest. The purpose of a blog is to give ANYONE ANYWHERE in the world, whatever creed, class, station, nationality, or political position, the opportunity to be heard on any subject whatsoever. Thus, your task as a blogger is to open yourself up... to tell the truth, straightforwardly, honestly, bluntly. The blog is, first and foremost, about you, its publisher and focus. To write anything other than the whole truth, so help you God, is to demean the medium -- and yourself. If you are new to blogging, you'll find this kind of openness difficult, challenging. Most people grow up adept at masking their true opinions. For fear of what the listener may say or do, we moderate and water down the way we really feel and what we say. That will never do on a blog where truth is called for at all times. Now, you may think you are a straightforward, honest person but blogging will show you soon enough that you, like all social beings, are considerably more adept at masking how we feel, our true views, rather than telling them. In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", for instance, there is an incident that makes this point lucidly, succinctly. Atticus Finch is walking with his children past Miss DuBois' home. She is a notorious termagant and scold. Does he say that to her? Certainly not. He lifts his hat cordially, saying "Good afternoon, MissDuBois. You look pretty as a picture." Scout, his young daughter, says just loud enough "You notice he don't say a picture of what." Miss DuBois just catches a few words and wants to know what the impish Scout has said... but Atticus Finch is a wise man, a gentleman and Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 3 of 35

Online Income Done Right! knows the value of good relations, over the strict, unyielding truth. He lifts his hat again and moves his children along. Most of us would do the same. But bloggers cannot. Bloggers must opt for candor, honesty at all times. The more honest YOU are, the more reactions you will get. Take Professor Peretz, for example. Given that he is an experienced blogger, I take him at his word, when he writes his latest anti-Muslim diatribe. Others, who feel differently, will abhor and detest what he has written... and propose such sanctions as having a speaking engagement at Harvard cancelled. But this is wrong. Voltaire, that very clever fellow, said it best: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Unfortunately, sanctimonious members of the Academy (usually the least intelligent on campus) have forgotten their true calling: facilitating free speech, not suffocating and penalizing it. Blogs, then, do the work academicians should do (the reason they are given tenure to do), but are now too often emasculated, self-protecting and lazy to do. Thus, when you write, the objective is always to achieve Harvard's ultra clear motto: "Veritas", the pure and always unsimple truth. Write regularly,consistently. One of the major problems with most blogs is that they are not regularly produced. Remember, whatever else a blog may be it is also and always the story of your life. It is a window into your thoughts and occupations. Blogs must therefore be regularly undertaken. Don't start it.... unless you mean to do it. Write regularly and consistently, being always aware that the first day you do not feel like writing your blog is the very day you must be sure to write it... or risk the ending of your blog altogether. The more honest you are, the more and stronger reader reaction you should expect. When Professor Peretz posted his incendiary opinions about Moslims (a subject on which he writes often), I suspect he knew that tea cups in Cambridge and beyond would be rattled. What's more, being a true provocateur,he probably relishes the instant, insistent responses of those he has provoked. He might not like being followed through Harvard Yard by hecklers... but he cannot truly have been awfully surprised by such a response. Relish, rather than alarm, was most probably his reaction. You, too, need to reach this level of reaction and response as you achieve greater candor and honesty in your bog. Because as my grandfather used to say, some damned idiot is sure to protest; the stronger the opinions rendered, the stronger the response from those disagreeing. (He would have been a great blogger, grandfather Walt would have been.) Prepare for the reaction... expect it... ignore it. Blogging is one of the jewels of the Internet... treat it with care and consideration. Millions and millions of folks have come and gone on this planet without leaving even a foot print in the dust. To our chagrin and detriment, we do not know them in any way at all. But blogging has changed all that, not merely for the potent and celebrated... but even unto the lowest among us. At last they have a place for their opinions...not matter how alarming, uninformed, and (to the rest of us) silly they may be. And this is a very good thing... for our job is to cherish the bloggers, Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 4 of 35

Online Income Done Right! protecting and defending them, even at their most reprehensible and loathsome. And that includes you, too, Professor Peretz, as you sit in comfort and security here in Cambridge, spewing venom. I defend to the death your right to say it... and blog it worldwide. Defending you, I have done the right thing, while taking joy from the fact that every hostile word you blog drives down the certified circulation figures of your moribund rag, The New Republic. In the end the marketplace, not censorship, will determine your fate. So blog on....

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Online Income Done Right!

How to write web site and article content that sells

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It was Bill Gates, the sage with prophetic talents and the deepest of pockets, who said it first: "Content is king." Per usual billionaire Bill was right. Problem is, he omitted the directions on how to produce the site and article content you need so much. Humbly, I rectify his omission. Here then are the necessary steps for producing web site and article copy that sells. 1) Know thy audience. The purpose of creating site content is to build relationships and loyalty with your designated populations... and produce content that gets them to RETURN and RESPOND. Are you, therefore, clear on just who you are producing content for? Say you are running an insurance agency and want to insure more business from people with large and valuable art and artifact collections. Before you write word 1 of content, you must know and WRITE DOWN a description of the kinds of people you want to attract. Every word you write thereafter, all the content you produce is for -- them! 2) Write content that brings you business In this report, I am showing you how to write site content that sells. For details on how to write the great American novel, you must seek other counsel. Thus, your next step towards producing site content that sells is to brainstorm subjects and to craft the all-important title. Again, consider the insurance agent aiming for lucrative antique collection accounts. He needs a title like this: "7 things you need to know about insuring your antiques and collections." Alternatively, try this "7 things you don't know about insuring your antiques that make you vulnerable." Or, "5 things you can do right now to decrease the cost of your antiques insurance." Note: a title like this peeks reader interest... the public designated for this content wants to know, is desperate to know, just where there may be holes, flaws, and omissions in their policies. Your content (and your title) play to their need to know, including fears and anxieties which motivate prompt response to you. 3) Brainstorm subjects to be included in your article or site content The most cogent content is brainstormed and outlined before a single word is written. First, and most importantly, sit down at your desk and write down the topics you want (and your reader must have) in this content. Personally, I take one 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet and (in my execrable hand writing) detail all the key points about the subject at hand. Then, having brainstormed all, I arrange these points in logical order, thus: first do this, then this, then this, etc. Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 6 of 35

Online Income Done Right! Brainstorm and point prioritizing are key to successful content. Note: for best results, you should have no fewer than 5 points in any individual article or not more than 10. The content may appear skimpy and inadequate if you have too few points while having more than 10 over burdens your reader (and future customer), causing him to postpone reading -- and response! 4) Now write. You are now ready to write the content, for you have considered your audience and what they need to know (and will most thank you for); you have brainstormed the subjects to be included and arranged them in the proper order. Yes, you are ready to write. Sit yourself down in your writing place (you do have one, don't you), a place where you can write undisturbed, inviolate to the crafting of superb content Go there now. Determine your writing schedule. You should be able to produce draft site content in 2-4 hours, depending on how experienced a writer you are. Always set a date and time for the conclusion of Draft 1. Never leave it open-ended. Things without deadlines are things less likely to be done. Note: Remember, what you are writing now must be a conversation between you and your reader (who is, let's be clear, your future customer, too.) The content must, therefore, be written accordingly. The word "you" (meaning you, the reader) must predominate. You must not write for an amorphous audience of the unknown. You must write instead to and for the chief benefit of each individual reader... just as if the reader was sitting beside you and you were explaining one thing after another of importance to her. This is vital. 5) Read, review, revise your content. Now hear this: the best writing is re-writing. Thus, when you have finished Draft 1, let it sit overnight. It is the rare, experienced, polished writer who can write such content, review such content, and post the finished product all in a day. Some may disagree, but I remain convinced time and patience are necessary ingredients in the very best content. When ready, read your content aloud. No sentence should be more than one breath. If your sentences are turgid and flow slowly, awkward, break them into shorter lines, easier to read. Your tempo should be allegro, not andante. 6) Revise, revise, revise. Having finished your first revisions, it is time for... more revisions. As much time should be spent on revising your content as writing it in the first place. This, then, should be your schedule: Day 1, write the content. On this same day, do the first revisions. Day 2, after letting the content sit overnight, awake early (personally I do this between 5-7 am because that is when my schedule is clear and I have the fewest interruptions. In other words, I can focus.) Then do at least one more content revision. 3) On Day 3, do a final content review. There should be few, if any, changes at this point. Your content should be word perfect, light, graceful, moving; content that will impact the reader, because it impacts you! 7) The Resource Box Now add the crucial Resource Box and About the Author details. Having written content that helps Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 7 of 35

Online Income Done Right! your reader and future customer, it is now manifestly appropriate to include something that helps you... and that is precisely what the Resource Box and About the Author sections do. Treat them accordingly. Be sure to include all the means you wish customers to use to get in touch with you, including email, URL, telephone, cell phone, etc. Believe me, the useful content you have given them will inspire response. Depend on it. Exult. You deserve it! You have now done a useful thing. Your content is now available for use on blogs, ezines, site postings, et al. Take a moment to congratulate yourself. You deserve it. You have taken what you know and can do and transformed it into a focused means of generating new customers and really helping them. You may be a tad fatigued by your effort; that's natural. But what you've written can live for years and help thousands. And that's a true cause for jubilation.

Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012

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Online Income Done Right!

Top 5 Mistakes made by Online Marketers. Don't make these mistakes and sabotage your promotional efforts
Today I am tackling one of the BIGGEST problems faced by new online marketers. The problem is this, the inability to market effectively. This causes so many marketers incredible frustration! The result, they throw up their hands in despair and quit long before they see any results. This is what I hear from people day after day in my role as an online Home Business Consultant. "I am posting, and promoting but not getting any leads or sales! Help me!" If this is you, keep reading, I am going to tell you what you need to know about marketing. It is true that you can be promoting every day but if you are making one or all of the 5 common mistakes I've outlined here, you won't get the results you want. Take note, this is important stuff if you are really serious about making money online. 1. The first mistake made by new online marketers is this: Not knowing WHAT to market. I talk to people daily, nice people who want to sell something online and earn some extra money. They sign up or this and for that, they get Affiliate Memberships all over the web hoping to get better results by being involved in everything they can get their hands on. There intentions are good, they are motivated but they stumble right off the bat by not knowing what to market. Here's a quick guide for you on WHAT to Market: -Pick products to market that are DIGITAL. Digital products are those that can be bought and sold instantly online. You get your commission sooner, the buyer gets their product instantly! It's no-fuss no-muss and the best way to start your web marketing experience and see some results. -In most cases there is no cost to be a product Reseller or Affiliate - hurray! -Pick Reseller products from a reputable long-standing company that specializes in helping vendors connect with affiliates to sell products online -Pick products or affiliate programs that provide advertising copy, banners, and sales aids along with referral links so you can easily promote the products -Pick products that catch YOUR EYE! Newest releases, products with catchy names, trendy topics, those with positive buyer feedback, and return guarantees are best! -Look for Joint Venture releases so you can be one of the first to promote the products when first released for sale Finally, FOCUS! Keep your eye on the prize - profits - don't spread yourself too thin. Narrow your efforts to a few products and put 100% effort into your campaign. 2. The second most common mistake made by new online marketers is this: Not knowing HOW to market. I am always surprised at the answer people give me when I ask how they are marketing online. They look at me perhaps thinking what a ridiculous question that is! They tell me they are sending out their website address. When I look at their website I see a site that is oh so boring! It reads like a brochure with company history, and a few pages of fluffy copy. Yes, of course it is important to promote your website address BUT if you wish to capture leads you must do this - get the prospects contact information! Getting the contact information from a prospect is often very difficult to do with a standard corporate site. The answer to this problem is to create what are called LANDING pages, or Squeeze pages. These are single page sites that have one purpose and one purpose only - get you a LEAD - and better yet lead to a sale! Some companies provide Landing Pages for you when you become a Reseller for their products. Landing pages help you build your marketing list. Every person may not be a buyer today, but on your mailing list they may enjoy future products you offer. Offering an Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 9 of 35

Online Income Done Right! option to join your mailing directly on your Landing Page gives people 100% control over opting in to your mailing list or not. You build your list while ensuring that people have voluntarily joined your mailing list. Here's a quick guide to creating responsive landing pages: -They should be FAST Loading! Skip any animation, video or annoying distraction that just makes people click OFF! -Use images that are colorful, directive, and related to the theme of your product -Your copy MUST be short, punchy, laden with benefits - speak directly to the reader -Your copy should tell readers what they get if they ACT now! Limit the offer, even better! -Capture the contact information of the reader so you can deliver what they asked for -The more goodies, freebies, offers, and cool stuff you can give people the BETTER the response! -Always include an option for people to join your mailing list and give them GREAT reasons to want to do so! Unlike a website, a landing page should be EXCITING, BENEFIT-LADEN and accomplish this: Look reader! You get this! Do this to get it! Do it NOW and also get this BONUS! 3. Here is the third most common mistake I see new marketers making: Not KNOWING WHERE to Market Marketing is NOT simple but if you know what you are doing it can be. The key is to find the sites, the niches where you can target your market. Market to the right people instead of the masses with solid products and you will get instantly better results. Here's a quick guide to knowing WHERE to market: -Do a Google search to find sites related to what you are promoting, then target those sites for your marketing campaigns -Use every available niche market you can find and post there, this includes Forums, Classified Ad Sites, Banner Exchanges, Twitter and Social Networking and Bookmarking sites. -Do not discount FREE and low cost advertising options like Safelists, and Traffic Exchanges. These are excellent ways to target a specific market -You do NOT have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on advertising. Find the sites where your target market exists, then place low cost ads including safelist posts, banners, and classified ads. Don't even think about buying pay-per-click ads at sites like Google unless you have deep pockets and know what you are doing. -Learn what backlinks are and why they are SO VERY important to generating traffic and achieving better search engine indexing for your site, products or business. -If any of the terms above are foreign to you, you have some homework to do, I have included some resources below. 4. Are you ready for the fourth and perhaps most fatal mistake made by new online marketers? Not knowing how to TRACK your promotional campaigns If you are going to spend time and money to promote a product or service you MUST, you absolutely MUST know where you are getting your results. Ad Tracking is a 100% requirement! If you are not tracking your ads, and the clicks you get and from where, you are promoting blindly. What happens when you don't watch what you are doing? You can fall in a hole! Online this can be a hole where you fall in and throw your money into wasted ad campaigns. I've seen more people allow paid advertising to eat up their entire budget than I want to think about. Smart marketers that get results know exactly the ad campaigns that get results, and the sources they came from. Get an Ad Tracker Tool. Some advertising sites provide you with data on number of clicks to your ads, or impressions. This is important, just be sure you understand what those terms mean. A click is usually far more powerful for you then a "view". You want ACTIVE respondents, real people actually clicking on your ad to see it. This is much different than an "exposure" or a "view" with the Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 10 of 35

Online Income Done Right! latter being considered passive and very weak marketing, often provided free. For best results you will ALWAYS get better results from paid advertising than from free advertising but don't discount free promotion, it is a good way to earn advertising credits if you have a small advertising budget. If you buy advertising be SURE you get some kind of way to validate the promotion, the click rate, and actual IP addresses of unique respondents to ensure the hits are legitimate and not computer generated. Make sure your respondents will be geographically specific too, from countries that you wish to target. For example, Canada or the USA. If you have your own domain you are fortunate, as you can benefit from an Ad Tracking tool that tracks all your promotional activities and traced to your website domain address. 5. The fifth common mistake I see online marketers making is very straight-forward. Not being realistic or giving it enough consistent time and effort to see results. I know we live in an instant gratification world but if you are new to online marketing you will need to be more realistic. Promotion takes a lot of CONSISTENT effort using a number of strategies at a number or web sites. By tracking your ads you can see instantly where your efforts are being productive. Be prepared to try various copy, be cognizant that some products will sell better than others, some advertising resources will deliver better than others. Vary your offers, change up your products as needed, update landing pages, post to a number of sites and track the results. Take some time to learn about some of the terms used in this article. Be honest with yourself about what you are doing. Are you serious about earning money online or are you doing this as a hobby? Your level of hunger and ambition to succeed will be your motivator. The good news is that once you have built your mailing list, and found niche sites and advertising resources that work, your job to promote gets easier but NEVER goes away.

Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012

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Online Income Done Right!

10 Tips for Writing Business Communications that get results!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Face it. If you're like most people having to write is... worse than getting a root canal. You're not good at it... you know you're not good. You hate sitting down to write... even though you have things that need to be written... and need to be written NOW! It's not a pretty picture. Cheer up. I'm about to solve your writing problems forever with a handy check-list you can print and keep readily at hand to be consulted each time the situation calls for something written by you. 1) Be clear on what you want to say... what you need the recipient to read. A major reason writing is so difficult for so many people is because they have not considered the objective BEFORE writing a word. WRONG. Good business writing is based on stating a clear objective, like this: I want my customer Linda to order her Venetian blinds today for installation 30 days from now. Knowing where you're going... and what you want to achieve... makes getting there a whole lot easier. 2) Be clear on what the customer gets. The person you are writing to -- your customer -- is the most important person on this planet at this moment. Your job in writing to her is to ensure that she understands EXACTLY what she is getting from you... and exactly what you want her to do and HOW you want her to do it. ALL business communications that work are based on just 4 vital words: YOU GET BENEFIT NOW. Before you write a single word write down each and every benefit the customer is getting from you. Start each of these benefits with the words YOU GET... and make what they get clear, compelling, and motivating. 3) Make an offer and make sure that offer is meaningful. As I write the economy is punk, anaemic and anything other than robust. So what? That just means that in order to motivate your customer, you must improve your offer, adding another scoop to the ice cream cone you are offering. Craft this offer before using it. Make sure that what you're offering is valuable... and that you present it in such a way that it jumps off the page and seizes the recipient's brain, thereby inducing that "I've got to get this" feeling that ensures success and money in YOUR pocket. Offers are everything... when you're making a grand one, say so in no uncertain terms. 4) Keep what you write short and sweet. People hate reading only slightly less than they hate writing! Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 12 of 35

Online Income Done Right! Dwight Eisenhower, who after all was a military man, required his cabinet secretaries to present their policy recommendations in memoranda not more than 1 page. The president's point was simple: if you're clear on your objective, one page is sufficient to get your point across. 5) NEVER use text language in a business communication. Text language is sloppy language; it's also language that can easily be misunderstood. The essence of business writing is enabling your customer to get the gist, the essential point promptly and easily. Text message s are often confusing and unclear, the exact opposite of what you want: just because people get it fast, doesn't mean they get it accurately! 6) Make sure you give your customers crystal-clear instructions on what to do and how to do it. Before asking a customer to follow your instructions... follow them yourself. You might find the results instructive. The sad truth is, far too many instructions for customers have never been tried by the people providing these instructions. As a result, they are muddled, confusing, incomplete, and unclear. Ouch! That's why you must try them before you send them. Do that now! 7) Make it clear how to get in touch with you. As humans we have created a network of communications which enables us to connect instantly with people worldwide. Problem is, we're less dazzling about providing the necessary instructions enabling us to profitably use this network. Be different! Give your customers the complete and essential communications information required to connect with you... and make these details clear and easy to follow. This information should include, but is not limited to: * telephone * fax * cell phone * e-mail, etc. 8) Review your communication before sending it. Receiving as I do dozens of business communications daily, I can assure you that if proof reading is not dead, it most assuredly is on the critical list. People nowadays claim to be so "busy" that they beg your indulgence for sending communications that would embarrass a schoolboy, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy in the extreme. That's why you must never forget this: people, fairly or not, evaluate your ability to handle a project by not only how quickly you deliver your words... but by the accuracy with which you present them. In short, presenting properly is an important ingredient in whether the customer decides to do business with you at all. That's why the most important writing you will EVER do is! 9) "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing." Now for the acid test. Does it move? The less experience you have had in writing prose that both informs and moves people to action, the more important is this step: reading what you've written before sending. A word of caution: this stage can be painful, very painful indeed if what you've written is full of grammatical and other errors; if it's turgid, sluggish, like walking through a bog. Yes, it can be painful indeed. Remember, you can only advance if YOU deal with such problems before you inflict them on your Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 13 of 35

Online Income Done Right! customers! So read what you've written and be glad to correct before your unfortunate customers wince at the same words (and errors). What you're looking for is not only accuracy but a lilting cadence, clear, agile, pleasant to hear, irresistible to read. It takes time to create... but it pays off for a lifetime. 10) Say it with conviction and sincerity One more thing, an absolutely essential thing: make sure that what you write is sincere, honest, and based on strong convictions. If not, what you write can never be truly convincing because it has not convinced you. To write without belief is to create something which, at heart, is hollow and lifeless. It cannot work with others, because it has not worked with you. Thus, before you even think of writing, make certain you believe in what you're writing. Feeling and injecting this confidence into what you write is the best way to get and hold the attention of all customers. After all, they value and require want sincerity, truth, candor, too. They want to know that you stand behind the words you're sending. If you present your message in such a way, you are well on your way not merely to writing a persuasive communication but to establishing and cementing that all-important lifelong relationship with your customer . Congratulations! Your writing has come a long, long way!

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What to do when your customer says No!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It's sad, but it's going to happen to you today: a prospect is going to say no to your offer. That, however, is NOT important. What is, is knowing what to do when it happens. That's what separates the men from the boys; the business people who will profit from those who won't! 1) Prepare for the decline People who succeed in business do not expect every single prospect to purchase what they're selling immediately, effortlessly. No way! Instead, they anticipate that while some will buy, many will not. Their job is to anticipate those declines and to prepare in advance what to do when they get them. 2) Write down every potential objection you will hear. Then answer them. The worst possible way to handle an objection is spontaneously, on the fly. To render the best reply, you must consider the best reply, crafting, improving it as you go. Face it: some people are going to decline your offer. You should be prepared to respond immediately when it happens. This means brainstorming all possible objections... and coming up with the best, most telling responses. Your use of these responses must be swift and sure. There's no time for improvisation when your sale hangs in the balance! 3) Ask customers why they've declined your offer. Successful business people, people who get rich from business, are never daunted by hearing "No!" from a customer. They see this response, however adamant, as nothing but a milestone on the way to making that sale. Successful marketers know that any "no" means "tell me more", not "go away, get lost." 4) Ask why The first step upon hearing the customer decline your offer... is to ask why. Treat "why" as an essential tool in making the sale. The minute your prospect starts telling you why... you are on your way to a certain sale because the very act of answering this question means the prospect is willing to work with you to reverse the very answer they've just given you! Thus asking "why" is essential to getting to yes. 5) Listen carefully While your customer is explaining why she declined your offer, LISTEN. The natural tendency is to barge ahead, overwhelming the customer. This is a mistake. Instead, ask the customer why she declined; then give her the time and courtesy to listen to her response without any interruption whatsoever. 6) Make sure the customer understands your original offer. By asking the customer why she has declined your offer, you may discover that she doesn't really understand what you are offering. If she doesn't, present the offer again, making sure the customer understands absolutely everything you are offering and its substantial value and utility. 7) When your initial offer is not enough Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 15 of 35

Online Income Done Right! If you have presented your offer clearly... if you feel the customer understands it but is still not willing to bite, it's time to IMPROVE YOUR OFFER! Now hear this: before you ask a single customer for a sale, you must brainstorm every single thing you can offer prospects to induce them to buy. You must NEVER try to improvise an offer when you are speaking to a customer. Instead, you should have at your finger tips the extra goodies you can offer a customer, goodies that will make the sale without breaking the bank! "Ms. Prospect, I see you want to get our widget... and I want you to have it. I'm going to improve my original offer to make sure you get it! Let me show you what you can get if you purchase today!" 8) When money -- or lack thereof --is the problem Be prepared to hear from customers over and over again that money is the problem. This may or may not be true. Your job is to be prepared either way. Ask your customers if they would purchase your product if they had the money. If they say yes, then your job becomes improving the offer until the customer understands it would be foolish not to buy. Improving the offer may well induce the customer to 'fess up and buy... or risk losing the terrific offer you have made. Improve the offer and in a minute or two people who have just told you they're broke will magically "find" the funds. With improved offers, this happens time after time! Note: make it clear to your prospect exactly what this improved offer contains. Also, be sure the customer understands that this is a limited-time offer and that it cannot and will not be repeated. Make sure the customers understands; this is essential in ensuring acceptance of this offer! 9) When lack of money really is the problem Of course, some people -- particularly in our difficult economic days -- really are broke. They need a different approach. For this situation, too, you should have planned in advance. Can you offer * improved payment terms * readily available credit resources (like those at * details on how to secure a pre-paid credit card, etc. In short are you ready to be helpful when your interested, but cash challenged, customer is ready to act? That's mandatory... if you want this sale! Turning a no into a yes is what determines your business success! Let me be blunt: you cannot achieve maximum business success and the profits that go with it unless and until you can turn no into yes. Therefore, mastering the steps in this article is essential to your maximum well being. Thus, start today. Never let a prospect go until you have exhausted every approach to securing his business. Treat this as a great game, a game constantly testing your skills and ingenuity; one with the greatest possible benefits to both your customer and yourself. For you, hearing the word no only focuses and concentrates your efforts. After all, YOU are prepared for this moment. You know what to do and when to it. You are more determined to make this sale than the prospect is to decline it. As a result, this is not just a sale you will wish for; it is a sale you will get!

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Online Income Done Right!

What is absolutely crucial for your business success? Joy, that's what! You either have it, or you've had it.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant What would you say about a business owner who said these kinds of things about his occupation? You say your job is like "mopping the floor" and "cleaning up the mess." You complain that what you do is "confining" and "frustrating". You moan and groan that "nothing beats a day where I can make an escape, I break out." You whine about how difficult your challenges are because "I'll be honest with you. This is really hard." What would your opinion be of such a person and his chances for success? Would you want to be around this person, to emulate that negativity? Would you want your children to grow up ready, willing and able at the drop of a hat to ladle out such lamentations and self pity by the bucket, like the man who spouted these telling, quoted words? That man is the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, the pampered resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The man with the biggest, most important job in the world... a man whose golden prize offers immeasurable possibilities for transforming lives... but seems to give him no joy at all. Seen a photo of the president lately? His lips are pursed, brow furrowed and intent, the body language contained, controlled, the famous "don't touch me" quality, smiles cool, fleeting, and unbelievable. Is it any surprise his presidential ratings have dropped like a stone? We all want to like him... but it's becoming increasingly difficult because he doesn't seem to want to like us... "the people" he is there to serve, inspire, motivate, and enhance. Do you approach your business looking like you were weaned on a pickle? It was the irrepressible Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of a president, married to a speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, who nailed Calvin Coolidge forever more, declaring he looked like a man weaned on a pickle. Coolidge, too, was the master of frosty distances and the laconic. Again, it was just so hard to like him! Is that you? Do you bring everything to the table except the one thing that trumps all the others: joy! Then you are hurting your business, your fortune, and to a certitude, yourself. Start with Robert Burns, perceive yourself In his celebrated poem "To a louse" , Burns writes of a young woman coming to the kirk inappropriately dressed to kill, preening and posturing, little sensing she is also showing off a louse, lazily trespassing her over-combed locks. This sight, and Burns' poetic talents, turn this incident into stunning insight: "O would some Power the gift to give us To see ourselves as others see us! It would from many a blunder free us, And foolish notion:" The first thing to do is review yourself "warts and all", to see yourself as others see you. Is there a business person in the world who actually wants to be a person putting off others, the very people whose respect and admiration he should be doing everything to garner and maintain? Evolving into a person whose joy is manifest in all aspects of her job means undertaking a Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 17 of 35

Online Income Done Right! self-scrutiny which must be honest, candid, stark, and unyielding. After all, you may well find one painful trait after another and must be ready to see them as in a spotlight. Walk yourself through a day in your life Your model here is Frank Capra's ever relevant classic film "It's A Wonderful Life", where a man is forced to see himself as he is and see how many lives he has touched. It's a good beginning for your own self tour. Start with your smile A smile doesn't mean all is well. It is not some cosmetic to mask reality. Rather, it is a statement that, whatever else is going on, bad, even catastrophic, you intend to be a beacon of welcome, someone striving to lighten the load for others, not to contribute to it by your gloomy visage and off-putting demeanor. In others words, you intend to make a heartfelt difference, one smile at a time. Each smile is a sign of possibilities, unlike a frown, scowl or evident disapproval which is a door shut and locked in the face of all who unhappily come across you. Do you welcome your customers... or merely (and inadequately) acknowledge them? Watch yourself as you perform your daily customer contacts. Are you easing the way for others with a manner congenial and forthcoming? Even the great French King Louis XIV, master of the greatest of kingdoms, used always to doff his bonnet with celerity and style to EVERY woman he encountered, be she serving wench or marquise. Count the moans, groans, whines and all the renditions of "poor little me" in a single day As is clear from his quoted remarks above, President Obama, is a man with an unflattering tendency to invite folks to feel sorry for him. Him! President of these United States! Him! Waited on everywhere he goes... with access to the world... flattered... consulted... revered... deferred to. Rich, powerful, caressed, cosseted to a degree we can only imagine... yet wanting us to feel sorry for "poor little me", whose job is so hard, so demanding, so limiting. Come on! Your customers want what we want from our chief executives: the power of potential; a feeling that here, right in front of us, we have a person of care, empathy, concern, and sincere interest; a person who enthuses us about the road to come, difficult yes, challenging to be sure, but replete with possibilities for all. Is that how you approach your customers, as a person of possibilities, an empowerer, for whom the glass is always half full, not discouragingly half empty? With whom do you think your customers want to do business? Joy the sine qua non It takes many things to be a business success, conjuring sales and profits wherever you go; products of value, excellent personnel, offers that cause folks to pause in their tracks. ALL are necessary. But no single factor is as important as the joy you bring to your job, because that joy will inspire all and ensure success. Joy enables and empowers. It attracts and motivates. It takes the difficult and transforms it into the wished for future. It is your gift to the world... and to yourself.

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Online Income Done Right!

On the value and necessity for persistence if you expect to be successful.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Winston Churchill who left the world so many memorable lines, said this one, too: "No young man should ever take no for an answer." Allowing for the fact that these days "young man" would need to be changed to "young person", what he said is as relevant today as it ever was, not least because of the challenging and seemingly unending dismal state of the economy, USA, Europe, the world. Sadly, though I sound like an old fogey for saying it, today's young people take no for an answer all the time, seeming to expect it, and certainly having little or no inkling of what to do when it hits them in the face. And this is a problem indeed, calling for immediate scrutiny and action. To set the scene for this article, which can (kept and used) change your life for the better over and over again, go to any search engine and find the tune "True Grit", composed by Elmer Bernstein for John Wayne's 1969 film. Persistence, unwavering determination, in the face of obstacles big and small, is what true grit means. And that's why, even in our adulterated days, it is in such short supply. London, Summer 1977, your author, in a single day, learns the unalloyed value and usefulness of persistence. It was 1977. London was packed with folks from everywhere who had come to find the England of their dreams and memories, and to see H.M. the Queen, celebrating (along with her husband, "always a step behind" Philip of Edinburgh),her Silver Jubilee, 25 years of her (mostly) happy and glorious reign. I was there, too, but not to gawk. I had serious business I meant to transact... if I could find anyone willing to transact it with me, young, green, determined. The situation. In 1977, I was a newly minted Ph.D. of well under 1000 days. My credentials -- including that Ph.D. from Harvard -- were impeccable. "That and fifty cents," said my ever-practical and deflating father, "gets you a cup of coffee." I took his point, not least because 1977 was a year of recession, where would be junior professors, from even the best universities, were having a very difficult time getting jobs, much less jobs they liked. I knew that only too well. Employers, academic or otherwise, did what employers always do in such situations if left unobserved: they raise the level of qualifications required... and slash the salary as much as possible. That was why I was in London, to turn myself into the kind of gilt-edge property even the most supercilious of institutions would rush to recruit. My strategy went something like this: * take my Harvard doctoral dissertation and cannibalize it for articles that could be sold to appropriate popular publications as well as published by appropriate academic journals. * once the articles were published, use these to convince an appropriate publisher of my dreams (and I knew who they were) that I as a first-time book author was worth the money they'd have to invest to launch me and my book publishing career. * Use the published articles and first book (remember, the first of many) to leverage a suitable position at a suitable (read "condescending and renowned") institution. Short, sweet, piece of cake -- not. Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 19 of 35

Online Income Done Right! The first challenge requiring persistence involved the cannibalization of my dissertation, mined for two very different kinds of publication: popular (newspapers and magazines) and academic. I wanted to publish at least 10-15 popular articles from what some (with consummate snobbery) called "ephemeral" publications... and an equal number for academic journals bearing lofty names and high credentials but few readers. By pursuing this two-pronged strategy I got maximum value from the dissertation and paved the way for its ultimate use as the launching pad for my publishing career and the Nobel Prize for Literature, which must, in due time, be granted. (Still waiting.) Writing the articles, researching where to send them, organizing an efficient production process. "Well begun is half done", we say in New England, and fortunately for me the dissertation (entitled "Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee 1887", covering the creation and perfection of English royal pageantry) covered events known, attended, and loved by millions of people. This apt selection of subject made the achievement of my objective the more likely than those who has selected more recondite (read "dull") subjects. I wanted fame, acclaim, and all the trimmings therefrom and selected my subject accordingly. I confess now (but never would then, insouciance being an essential part of a Harvard degree) that this was demanding... and needed discipline, focus, and persistence. It also required at least a one-way ticket from Boston, Massachusetts to London, for you see the overwhelming majority of these publications were there. Money being tight I worked hard to get it. I won't say I resorted to cutting grass and baby sitting... but it was close. And this is why on a sweltering Summer day, so hot English mates stripped thereby exposing the whitest of flesh, that is why, I say, I was standing on Fleet Street, my lengthy list of publications in hand, poised to enter the Daily Telegraph and ascendant celebrity. That confident pipe dream lasted for 5 minutes, maybe less. No, the features editor wasn't in; what's more if she were, she wouldn't see you anyway, Harvard man that you claim to be. Yes, this mere receptionist all but kicked me out shouting "Get out maggot." I was shocked... and it was but the prelude to a very, very long day of being turned down by newspapers great, mediocre, and provincial, many of which I had thought (only that morning too) beneath my superior notice Oh, how the mighty had fallen. And so it went, with only fellow countryman Johnny Apple of the New York Times agreeing to see me. He was a true gentleman, he was, the late Johnny, for all that he told me (in the nicest possible way) that hell would freeze over... not least because some of my article subjects the revered New York Times was paying him to render. And that was that. The "luck" that is persistence. And so it went until at last I was at the end of my day, my tether, and my list... just two more places left to reject me and my once vibrant ideas. I was bushed, crestfallen, irked, with a dollop of self-pity (I'm sure) in the mix. And so I entered the offices of the Associated Press, London, one of the most important journalistic operatives on earth. And there I commenced to tell my story to a bored clerk, the clerk who had the power to crush 1/2 of my available prospects... a giant to a fly. And then, then, a disembodied voice bouncing off the wall divider... "Did you say your name is Jeffrey and that you're from Massachusetts?" It was as if the voice of God. And in less time than it takes me to tell you, there was a chipper person before me with an American smile and directness. "You look terrible" my benefactor said, "Come in and tell me what's on your Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 20 of 35

Online Income Done Right! mind." And I did, to a length which only his good nature and courtesy would have excused. But from this encounter, which so easily might not have occurred, everything else, everything else ensued... for Reporter Jeffrey, whose surname I to my everlasting chagrin long ago misplaced... published a story titled "A Massachusetts Yankee in Queen Victoria's Court"... a marvelous story, a story of intelligence and timeliness, well written too. And this story ran everywhere on this planet thanks to the giant reach of the Associated Press. But I had one more place to go, The Times, the paper Charles Dickens dubbed "The Thunderer". And here again, nirvana for the Features Editor saw me, knew AP reporter Jeffrey who was indeed from Massachusetts, and told me to prepare one article for her perusal. It was on her desk the next day... and accepted at once; the first of five articles bought by The Times and syndicated to the world; articles which my soon-to-be editor Roger Machell read in his office at Hamish Hamilton, that exquisite house I so longed to be part of and thanks to my AP benefactor now was. How I would like to see that man again and shake his hand, for he -- and my own persistence -- were decisive in shaping my life. *** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

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Online Income Done Right!

Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why.

If you want to set your business apart from your competitors spend some time creating and fostering relationships with your current and prospective customers. Strong business relationship lead to long term customers and this is good for your bottom line. If you have been ignoring social media it's time to recognize that you are turning your back on a vital direct connection to the people who have supported your business and those people who may be your next customers. Your customers are a vital source of information for any company. They can help you understand how to better meet their needs and therefore, retain their business while attracting new business. One of the most powerful ways to tap this valuable resource is by finding more ways to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships. Relationship building is an ongoing process on and offline. Social media makes it easier to start and build relationships with current and prospective customers all over the world. Your marketing plan should include dedicating resources for building your online presence through posts, blogs, backlinks, bookmarks, commenting and more. Your website is simply not enough any more. If you want to speak to your customers and grow your sales you will need to connect with them using popular social media. Social media makes it easy to build relationships with your customers, here's how. - Instantly create connections - Expand your reach to new markets - Ability to jump on customer service issues right away - Better identify gaps in your service provision - Know what people are saying about your company - Increase awareness of what your business offers - Increase referrals and sales - Generate new sales with offers - Post Product or Service Reviews - Improve customer experiences with your company - Generate fresh online frequent content that you control What to do next: Have a look at some of the popular Social Media sites to see which ones are the best fit for your company, products or services. Don't limit yourself to just the large sites, if you can find niche sites directly related to your purposes this can be ideal and easily found with a Google search. Here's just a few of the top ones ranked by StumbleUpon Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 22 of 35

Online Income Done Right! Before the Internet, building business relationships meant greeting your customer by name when they came into your store. Today, it means using social media to better connect with your customers and in the process of helping them you help your own company grow stronger. Companies and their customers are connected in a way never seen before and its your job as a business owner to facilitate this process.

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Online Income Done Right!

Planning on making money online this year? Unless you avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't got a prayer.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Like ABBA? I do. I think they produced some of the most clever, stylish and sophisticated dance music and rhythms ever. Like their mega-hit "Money, Money, Money" (released in 1976). It's not only one of the best jump-up songs ever, but it's got a message you may have to take to heart if you're still trying (but consistently failing) to make money online. It's this: "If I got me a wealthy man..." That's right, it may be time (and is probably way past time) to use your wiles and charm to snag a rich mate... because you're just wasting your time online... ... unless.... you take heed to the irrefutable verities about what you must know and do... and so finally turn the Internet into the cash hose it's long been for people like me, who make money online daily, while you can't even figure out who's on first. Must avoid mistake #1. Don't work alone. Working online all by your lonesome is just plain nuts. I credit my awesome success online to a crucial decision I made nearly 20 years ago: the overwhelming majority of online entrepreneurs need more skills -- technical, marketing, people -- than they've got. For such people (and I very much include myself) success is unlikely, even impossible if you try to go it alone. Don't. You're going to need cutting-edge tech experts; Internet marketing experts, and yes personnel to make sales and bring in the bucks 24/7/365. Have you got this team in place? Well you'd better get it together before you waste any more time and money. Must avoid mistake #2. STOP thinking, STOP believing you can built a profitable online business off free stuff. You can't. Say that again: YOU CAN'T! Bite this bullet here and now, once for all. It's going to cost you money to create a successful online business; just like it costs money to establish a successful offline business. If you've been trying and trying and trying to succeed online without investing you're probably beyond hope. But let's assume you've still got some of your little grey cells in place and functional. Use some of them to get the money you need to create a profitable online business. There's no way around it: it takes money to make money, and personally I won't even talk to the steady stream of folks who approach me without investment dollars in hand. That's the "bad" news; the good news is that it's still ridiculously cheap to start a profit-making online business that can net you the minimum 6-figure income it takes to live well these days. Must avoid mistake #3. Get educated about what you need to establish a money-making business online. Stop trying to "teach" yourself. If you knew how to make money online, I imagine you'd be making money, right? But you don't. And you will never know if you have yourself as your prime expert and instructor. Bluntly, you know and can do too little to justify that. There are many fine online business-building instructors. I swear by mine: George Kosch. He's been instructing me for almost 20 years now. He's smart about what you've got to do in the constantly Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 24 of 35

Online Income Done Right! changing 'net environment, a superb trainer and communicator.... good looking, too. I've made out like a bandit by putting my ego where it belongs (in some closet) and LEARNING from a man who guarantees you'll make money if you follow his proven system. I did... and I have. Must avoid mistake #4. You don't know how to generate unlimited traffic to your site...and until you do, YOU'RE DOA. That why you must become a traffic expert immediately, if not sooner. If you launch your online business without knowing precisely where your absolutely essential traffic will be coming from, you deserve what you get: Nada! Nothing! Zip! Yet to my utter consternation and astonishment, not a day goes by when some knucklehead tells me he hasn't got guaranteed traffic, doesn't know how to get it, but is a "survivor" who'll figure it out as he does. OMG! Such people probably believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. They are casualties just waiting to happen. Here again I want to pat George Kosch on the back. The guy is a walking encyclopedia of each and every way that exists to generate online traffic... and trains lucky folks like me to use these every single day. He does it in an amazing program called "Home Business Boot Camp"... and he guides you (with skill and patience) to get the traffic you must have... starting today! He's got a worldwide following who swear by his methods.... as I most assuredly do myself. Do you have a George Kosch in your life? No? Then book your space in the lifeboat today... you'll need it! Must avoid mistake #5. It happened again just yesterday. I was counseling a gent who told me he'd bought some traffic; sent it to his home page... and didn't get a single response! What did he do wrong? Just everything... The first rule of successful traffic and crucial list building is to direct ALL traffic to a landing page. Why? Because that's the proven way to get traffic, traffic, traffic and build the prospect lists that are crucial to online success. So, ask yourself this: do you know how to create and use landing pages? And be honest, totally honest with yourself, because if you get it wrong you're toast... (By the way, you won't be surprised to learn George Kosch -- there he is again -- writes my landing pages... and they're gold mines.) Well, I've run out of space, with lots more to tell you, but that'll have to wait for another day. Now, I'm heading over to my favorite search engine where that fabulous dance number by ABBA is waiting for me (and you). As I listen to "Money, Money, Money" I'll know I'm the rich guy you're looking for, the guy who can give you that cushy life you'd like. But why would I want an Internet loser in my life? After all, it's a rich man's world... ## What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

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Online Income Done Right!

You SAY you're in business, but that proposition is dubious, as this article reveals in shocking detail.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. One of Broadway's happiest and most enduring musicals is "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying." Written by Frank Loesser; it was released in October, 1961 to immediate acclaim -- and a Pulitzer Prize to boot. Most recently it was revived with Daniel Ratcliffe -- famous for his eponymous role in the Harry Potter films -- starring in the lead role originally done to mischievous perfection by Robert Morse, simultaneously menace and mastermind. I have selected one of the lesser tunes from the production for the occasional music to this article. It's called simply "Coffee Break", and you should go to any search engine now to listen to it. It's about how the absence of coffee -- and therefore the coffee break -- raises more anxiety and lamentation than a plague of locusts and completely stops the whole company, convinced that the end of the world as they know it is at hand. Oh, my! So much grief for one missed cuppa. However, the real shock is not that the coffee was late for the company coffee break, no indeed; the real shock is that more time, trouble, energy, irritation, and anger was expended on this event than on anything else that entire day... including the company's business they were hired to transact...until the outrage about the coffee break was surpassed by certain stale items on the lunch menu... thereby diverting everyone's outspoken attention to this even greater snafu. The sad part is that this kind of ludicrous "crisis" and massive waste of time does not occur solely or exclusively on Madison Avenue or in Broadway shows... it is most likely the way you are running your "business" and why it doesn't prosper. That's why today, I am going to put you and your "business" under the most minute scrutiny, the better to help you understand that your business, as you currently organize and run it -- cannot make the desirable profits of your imagination... until such time as you rethink everything -- absolutely everything -- so that the focus of your energy and action every day is NOT the coffee break... but actually doing BUSINESS. And as this analysis develops right before your very eyes, you are most likely to be chagrined, embarrassed, and horrified - and that's just for openers. On the acute need to perceive what you are really doing every single day. You say you are in business, correct? You say you want substantial, increasing profits, correct? You say you are a hard worker; indeed that the sun never sets on all the work you do, the tasks done, the challenges confronted, correct? In short you are about as swift, intelligent, able and valuable a business person as business has ever seen and that your DNA should be donated to the nation so that generations yet to come may have the benefit of you and your unmatched business expertise and execution. You, of course, are even now nodding your head in sage agreement with this flawless description of you and your business acumen. Modest though you are, you cannot but admit that you are the very paragon and model sketched above... just like Kansas City, you've gone about as far as you can go. It is this proposition swallowed hook, line and sinker by the overwhelming majority of business owners of every kind that keeps you trapped in a business that doesn't grow, expand, prosper and that does not make and will never make the profits you consistently and repeatedly say are the reason you are in business to get and enjoy. YOU and your business under our microscope. Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 26 of 35

Online Income Done Right! Now, it's time to knuckle down to the important, sure-to-be-shocking analysis of what you do during your "business hours"... for you cannot improve your business until you know precisely what you do and precisely when you do it. Business is about two things and two things only... Quick! Can you guess what they are? The correct answer is 1) the generation of qualified prospects and 2) contacting these prospects, making them the most lavish, persuasive offer ever, then closing the deal forthwith. This is the two- step dance that keeps you in business, expands your business, and leads to money, money, money... yours, all yours. Now let's see just what percentage of your average day focuses on these two key points... and what percentage of your business day goes to anything but these two essential tasks. You'll need a pad, a watch, and total honesty. To make this crucial scrutiny work, you will need to be clear about what you do, when you do it, and how long it takes to do it. In other words, you must start by creating a detailed picture of your average business day... and why it either works to produce the prospect leads and orders you need... or why it doesn't. Give this essential project which can launch the most profitable epoch for your business your fullest attention. Nothing will come of this project unless you are careful, thorough, and complete. Your first task is to list all the things you do during your average business day. These will include but will certainly not be limited to * all breaks, kind and duration; * non-business related telephone and other communications; * time spent "surfing" the Web, especially at sites unsuitable for visits during business hours; * gossip with friends and co-workers; * writing ad copy; * creating offers that make sales; * time on the telephone etc where you connect with prospects, and either upgrade them to be qualified prospects, or close them by making sales. Get the picture? What you're trying to do is this: show yourself in unanswerable detail what you do on the average day that has absolutely nothing to do with the identification and closing of prospects... and how much time and effort you expend generating prospects and closing them. Reforms must follow identification of what you are doing wrong, over and over again. Chances are, you will be shocked and abashed by what you discover, for instance now seeing that you spend far more time surfing the Web and gossiping on the phone than you do on that same phone contacting prospects and closing deals. Such pernicious reality must be dealt with at once, for it is costing you money every single day. Start today. Do you care whether your business succeeds or fails? Do you care whether you make more money than less? Do you care whether the limited time you have on this planet is transformed into the maximum amount of coin of the realm, and so serenity, security, satisfaction? Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 27 of 35

Online Income Done Right! That is why you must do this necessary exercise, and do it today. For you see, succeeding in business without really trying makes a dandy theme for a witty musical... but can in no way be regarded as a truth to build your ever more prosperous business by. That truth will be vividly apparent to you as you implement the recommendations of this important article. *** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.

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The personal ad you'd love to post... but don't have the guts!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. As far as I can tell, everyone in the world has either run a personal ad (mostly online), is running one at this moment... or will run one before you can say "Jack Robinson." This means you. The question is not whether you will use personal ads... but whether they'll deliver the exact person you are seeking. Sadly, the vast majority of personal ads cannot deliver the bacon (or the cheese cake or the beef cake). They just don't provide enough detail and so are quite capable of delivering the Wrong Prospects. Witness the personal ad celebrated by Jimmy Buffet in the tune that made Pina Coladas mandatory Happy Hour fare as you bar hopped in pursuit of nirvana. Start by going to any search engine and listen to Buffet's anthem. It was written by Rupert Holmes and recorded in 1979. It's official title is "Escape" but hardly anyone knows that except Buffet who became with each insouciant word the recognized master of la dolce far niente... or, since most of you know no Eye-talian, the art of doing absolutely nothing... and doing it with the utmost style and grace, but without ever breaking a sweat. Buffet's tune makes it clear why personals as currently structured are silly, pointless, absolutely certain to deliver people you wouldn't be seen dead with. I mean, who doesn't like getting caught in the rain (given the right person on your arm)... who doesn't hate yoga.... and is hardly into health foods... but insists on champagne? Add long walks on a beach, making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape, and holding hands at the cinema... and you've got the personal ad in all its banal insipidity. The wonder is not that they don't work for most people investing hope, time and money in them; the wonder is that they work for anyone at all... but then there are people (one hopes not you) who can be fully described with a few generic phrases. Avoid them like the plague. Time for rethinking the personal ad. In the olden days when personals appeared solely in newspapers and a few progressive publications like the alumni magazine for Harvard and such finicky folk as insisted on making known their preference for classical composers, stock brokers, and obscure holiday destinations; in those days one paid by the word and through the nose. Publishers counted on your desperation and longing to fill their coffers. Even the august Times of London cleaned up with such ads, universally called the agony column and always run on Page 1: "Should the fine lady in the blue mantle with yellow sleeves exiting the horse cars at Grosvenor Square Thursday last at 10:59 a.m. desire the acquaintance of a gentleman of means...", but you get the picture. When writing such ads, where each word raised the cost, it was necessary to cultivate the virtues of laconic language, short, sweet, clipped. The objective was always to meet the person ardently desired but spend pennies, not pounds. As a result, it was understandable, even excusable when advertisers slashed words; robust clarity at all times was desirable... but unaffordable. Enter the Internet. The very first thing I learned about the 'net was that it's boundless, inexhaustible, absolutely unlimited. Thus, it can hold, maintain and preserve infinity. The implications of this fact are fathomless, too... not least on the matter of creating personal ads that get you the long-awaited apple of your eye. For now, since we have an infinity of space, there can be absolutely no excuse for writing and posting ads which are at once jejune, inadequate, and platitudinous in the extreme. They don't work, can never work, and must be abandoned, jettisoned, abjured, forsaken and, in case you Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 29 of 35

Online Income Done Right! miss the point, tossed into the dustbin of history at once. Now you can write this all-important ad without being hobbled and restricted. You are at last permitted, nay empowered and directed to write what must be written, the ad, the whole ad, and nothing but the ad. ... but this will take careful thought and planning, for it is doubtful ere now that even one personal advertiser has written the magnificent advertisement you are about to write, edit, post, and benefit from for a lifetime. As such the most scrupulous planning is de rigueur and cannot be stinted. Two people, two parts. A good personal ad, which is to say an ad that accomplishes the desired objective, must be divided into two parts: half about who you are; half about what you desire in the person you wish to present the key to your (probably much bruised) heart. Brainstorming, musing, total honesty. Now, we all know that everyone, absolutely everyone lies in their personal ads. Excess pounds disappear as if by magic; years are thrust in the dresser drawer; educational degrees are now cited from institutions which scorned the pleasure of your company; financial net worth up, all manner of imperfections down; spouses of decades unmentioned, and the eight darling children, too. This is the nature of the beast... until now. Now you have the space to tell everything... and complete details on the extenuating circumstances. Yes, you were flunked out of Alma Mater, but it was most assuredly not your fault... and you insist upon making the full dossier available right here and now. You have the space; honesty is desirable; and your bringing up the subject at all proves what a gem you are. Thus instead of lying about the pounds you haven't lost, cite the reasons why. Honestly own up to the fact that your dietary habits are lax; list all your favorite foods... and the rate you consume them. List your last month's worth of dinner menus... and be scrupulous, entirely above board with everything you consumed, the kind of dishes on which you served the repast, and exactly what you did with the left-overs. You want your soon-to-be beloved to know you, fully, completely and so ardently; for after all, honesty is the bedrock of every meaningful relationship, don't you agree? The desired one. Once you have gathered all the critical intelligence about yourself, proceed at once to Part 2 of your ad, the absolutely crucial verbiage about the person to whom you wish to extend the glorious honor of sharing bed and board. Your complete and total focus is required. Again, brainstorm every desirable point, giving equal attention to what you do not want and cannot abide, and what you must have, a deal killer if not readily available, and in the desired quantity, too. Starting this list is easy, almost effortless. You either want a smoker... or you don't. You either can accept pets (even the most exotic)... or you can't. But make it a point to move beyond these obvious points. Consider such matters as the odor you desire in a mate; how many showers per day; the kind, frequency and intensity of bodily hygiene. Honesty is required, and so honesty there must be. And if the length of your ad grows long and weighty, what of it? What you are doing here impacts the curvature of two lives, so no apology is necessary. Post at once, reap your reward. First, you are to be congratulated. You are a pioneer, a model of integrity and rectitude. Now it's time to reap the inevitable rewards which must come with posting. Mind, it may take a little time to get the single response this ad is meant to generate, for so thorough have you been that there can only be one response... from that extraordinary person daft enough to put up with you...and love you Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 30 of 35

Online Income Done Right! anyway. *** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.

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100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want more money and want it NOW!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. I have the inestimable privilege of training some of the brightest business people on earth... people of wit, intelligence, good humor... and a fierce determination to be successful, climbing the greasy pole, making more money, and living just the way they want. I find this work enthralling, exhilarating... and (I'll admit it) frequently frustrating... as I watch even the best and the brightest muff it. And so, today, I am writing about the one essential thing these fine folks -- and that now includes YOU -- must do every single minute of every single day that you want more money. For, let's not kid ourselves... if you understand this crucial article and follow its directives... you are going to make more money, lots more, and leave your lackadaisical and languid colleagues in the dust. And won't that be sweet? To put you in the mood for my insistent message, I have selected a dance number that once made you gyrate and awe... "I Want Your Love" by a group named Chic. It hit the charts in 1978, and it made its point early and often: "I want your love. I want your love. I want your love. I want your love." In other words, they kept on message, driving home the point of their endeavors until even the most mentally challenged "got it". As a teacher with a sledgehammer, repetitive delivery, I like that... I like it a lot. And so to set the stage for what follows, look this tune up in any search engine now and move that overweight, arthritic body; because you're about to recapture your alluring youth... and be the person who got what you wanted, oh yeah! Painful, so painful. It happened again yesterday... and it gets me, right in the solar plexus, each and every time I see this fundamental error. The sales person I was training was operating solo. In other words, they had progressed sufficiently far in their instruction to where they get to fly all alone. I am there, of course; I am always there... but I try to remain as silent as the grave and unobtrusive so that I am seeing the student and just the student. And make no mistake about it... this situation (as every parent knows) can make you as nervous and frustrated as all get out. Lights, camera... think! Picture the scene. All parties are on the 'net. I am present in my video box, the student is in his... and the "real life" prospect enters... like a bull at a corrida. Everything happens in real time.... and has real world implications, for good... or for ill. Ok... the student (and, remember, my students are established business people, not wet-behind-the-ears kids) goes into closing mode. This starts by greeting each and every prospect by name; then asking each prospect to watch a 20-minute video packed with the vital data that both excites the prospect and instructs her. These steps are crucial... and the students know I am a stickler for ensuring that they occur. In other words, make SURE the prospect has the critical facts before any further action can occur. The prospect is prepped... are you? Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 32 of 35

Online Income Done Right! "As soon as you've finished the video, return to me for a spectacular one-time-only offer." These words usher in the next phase of the operation. We make it clear what must be done (watch video) and what is coming thereafter (spectacular offer). So far... so good. Close but no cigar. The first mistake the students make is to present the offer before the prospect has been adequately prepped. This is a critical error. Prospects must have the necessary facts... or they end up asking a ton of unnecessary questions; questions which have already been answered -- and in precise, clear detail, too -- in the video. The video, the whole video, nothing but the video. As soon as you have confirmed that the prospect has watched the ENTIRE video, proceed to the "Big rock candy mountain," your scintillating offer. It IS scintillating, isn't it? For if it doesn't snap, crackle, and pop you've just thrown away a sale. Sales occur because the offer sizzles, excites, is just too thrilling to decline. You ARE making such an offer, I trust. And if you're not, you'd better make its improvement "Action this day," which is what Winston Churchill did when as Prime Minister of England he demanded instant attention and RESULTS. And now... the critical moment that turns you into a master... and puts another sale in your pocket: 100% sales. To remain an average closer, keep doing what you're doing.But to fly high as one of the world's sales masters you must set the desired goal... then do everything possible, everything necessary to achieve it. That is... 100% sales. Is this what you do? Make your objective immediately clear to the prospect: "I want you to get the benefits of this widget... and I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen." Don't just say these words... mean them. Because once the prospect knows you're serious, they can be serious too, working with you for fastest, most complete mutual advantage. At this moment, the prospect may well start back peddling saying things like this: "I don't have any money." "I can't do it today." "I need to tell the little woman. We're a team." And so forth. Your job is to thrust these obstacles out of the way and CLOSE THAT DEAL. To do this, you must remind yourself AT ALL TIMES that you have a 100% closing goal... and that you are going to make this close. If the prospect stalls or blocks you, keep things going by asking for the prospect's undivided attention and for an all- important OPEN mind. Make sure the prospect understands what the offer is.... and if necessary improve it; always making it clear that this offer expires the second the prospect leaves. In other words, there is a premium for staying, working things out, but irrevocable loss if they won't. Now, gun it. Keep in mind at all times, with the terrific offer you are making, the prospect will be better off... if... Copyright Lance Sumner - 2012 33 of 35

Online Income Done Right! and only if... they take immediate action. It is your job to drive this home NOW... making it abundantly clear that action now is the only sensible course. Do this, and do it with enthusiasm, gusto, and good humor, and you will not only want that sale... you will get it! For as Chic sang, "a better love you won't find today..." or a better offer either. *** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.

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About The Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Lance Sumner

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