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Significance of the Teacher and the Teaching Profession A teacher is the supreme factor. The teachers play an important role in moulding and shaping the attitudes, habits, manners and above all, the character and personality of the students. The Teacher is a Maker of Man

M.Montessori (1870 1952) Italian educator and originator of the Montessori System) We underscore that the prime task of the teacher is concerned with man making, namely the making of the Indian of tomorrow.

Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan (188 1975 Indian educationist and Philosopher) The teacher is like the candle which lights others in consuming itself. Rabindranath Tagore (1861 1941 Indian philosopher and poet) If there is any profession of paramount importance, I believe it is that of the school master.

Teachers Role in Society A teacher can play an important role in the progress and welfare of a society. A teacher is a member of the society. He lives and works in the society yet, in view of his special responsibilities and roles. He should be guided by the ideals of democracy, secularism and socialism. He is to be sufficiently appreciative of the changing needs and problems of society and play a dynamic and positive role. Broad classification of a Teachers Role 1. Teacher as an agent of social change. (See Chapter 9)
2. Teachers role in community welfare. (See Chapter 10)

3. Teachers role in elimination of social tensions and conflict. (See Chapter on Diverse Issues) 4. Teachers role in international understanding. (See Chapter on Diverse Issue) 5. Teachers role in pupil development.

Teachers Multifarious Roles in pupil Development:1. Confidant A teacher is expected to win the confidence of the students so that they

express their feelings purely, if need be in private.

2. Democrat He is expected to observe democratic values so as to prepare his students for a

democratic way of life.

3. Detective He acts as a detective to find out the shortcomings of the students

committing of offences and law breaking tendencies also.

4. Facilitator of learning He works for the promotion of significant learning in his

5. Friend and philosopher He must perform the role of a friend and philosopher to his

6. Guidance counselor and helper He provides an academic career and personal guidance

to his students.
7. Role model He is envisaged to behave in a manner whereby traits exemplified by him

may be emulated by his students. 8. Judge He evaluates the academic and other performance of the students in an impartial manner.
9. Moral educator His important function is to inculcate the attitudes and moral values

cherished by Society in the students.

10. Parent surrogate (parent substitute) He can play the role of ideal; parents by treating

students with affection and care.

11. Resource person He is expected to server as a resource person for his students as he

possesses knowledge of the subject matter and skills, better than his pupils.
12. Secularist He should play the role of a secularist by having an open mind on the beliefs

of students.
13. Upholder of the norms and values He must present the norms and values of society in a

dignified manner.

Major Functions Responsibilities of a Teacher Total development of the child as his primary responsibility. He must befriend him and help him in his emotional and social development. He must be a philosopher illumining the way of this intellectual and spiritual progress. He must be his guide in his moral and aesthetic advancement. The following are his main functions responsibilities: 1. Character development. 2. Effective teaching learning. 3. Curriculum teaching learning. 4. Adjusting individual differences.
5. Class room management.

6. Evaluation of pupil performance. 7. Developing good family and community relationships. 8. Total school effectiveness. 9. Professional growth and ethics. Character development For this, the teacher: 1. Creates an atmosphere of purposeful order, enlists pupils assistance in orderly, friendly, courteous and co - operative inter personal relation. 2. Develops a respect for the rights, privileges and opinions of others. 3. Creates group situations which will develop desirable leadership and followership qualities in the pupils. Technique of teaching- (Effective teaching) This includes1. Selecting materials, teaching aids and methods which will facilitate the learning process and stimulate the desire for further learning.
2. Meeting the needs, background and capacities of the children being taught.

3. Encouraging and guiding critical thinking by pupils. 4. Developing desirable work and study skills and habits. 5. Enlisting pupil participation in the lesson planning process.

6. Making suitable lesson plans and other necessary arrangements for substitutes. 7. Interpreting test results and relating findings to pupil progress or lack of it order to improve the teaching and learning process. 8. Evaluating pupil performance through reports, recitations, homework and other types of assignments. 9. Co operating and enlisting the co operation of school specialists in the process of pupil evaluation as required. Curriculum development and implementation this implies 1. Subject matter study of existing curricula and in the development of improved expanded curricula.
2. Determining the object, scope and methods of the grade and subjects to be taught.

3. Devising assignments
4. Correlating subject matter.

New demands on the role of the teacher : The role of the present day teacher has become very challenging, complex and multi faceted on account of the following reasons: First, there is the explosion of knowledge and radical changes are occurring in the content areas of all disciplines humanities, science subjects and social sciences. Second, the teacher has to keep in view new concepts like individualized instruction, micro-teaching, programmed learning, teaching machines and team teaching etc. Third, the teacher has to make the proper use of the mass media like the radio and television. Fourth, the teacher has to handle many children who come from better socio economic groups and family backgrounds and at times may be more informed then the teacher who often comes from a lower socio economic moorings. Fifth, the teacher must take into account the explosion of expectations. Students from weaker sections of the society are coming in large numbers to receive education and they have to be treated on an equal footing and give due care.

Sixth, the attitude of a teacher to life has to be democratic, secular and socialist; the ideals set forth in our constitution. Seventh, the present teacher is supposed to have a broad view of the subjects he teaches. He cannot afford to teach his subjects in isolation. Eighth, a teacher must adequately familiarize himself with comcepts like Work Experience, Socially Useful Productive Work and ;Community Service etc., as these have become an integral part of the educative process. Ninth, the present teacher is expected to be up date and conscious of various explosions explosion of knowledge, explosion of population, explosion of population, explosion of frustrations, explosion of expectations and explosion of technology, etc. He needs to posses certain qualities which can broadly be classified as under: I.

Qualities relating to professional requirements. Qualities relating to character and personality. Qualities relating to human relationships. Qualifications relating to professional education/training.


Qualities Relating to Professional Requirements

1. Love of the profession The teacher should feel the importance of his profession. He

would be showing a dishonesty of purpose if once having entered it. He is engaged in other pursuits. Without an exclusive attention to his job he would fail in bringing forth a fine harvest of young men and women who are able to contribute their best for the welfare of man kind.
2. Love for Children:A good teacher feels that some sort of energy is constantly supplied

by the young. Love the child and the child will love you; hate the child and the child will hate you. Is a famous maxim. One who does not like children should not stay in teaching.
3. Respect for the individuality of each child:A child should not be treated just like

dumb driven cattle. He has his own individuality. He thinks and feels, his sense of respect should not be injured. Emerson has rightly stated, The secret of education lies

in respecting the pupil. A child wants to be heard. His opinion should not be brushed aside merely because he is a child.
4. Knowledge of psychology and educational psychology: Knowledge of psychology

goes a long way in providing that basic orientation towards problems of education and child development without which there would be a considerable waste of time, energy and human resources.
5. Mastery of the subject matter: He must be master of his subject. Any weakness on

his part will lower his prestige in the eyes of his student.
6. Grasp Over the method: A teacher who adopts proper methods of teaching will show

good results and his teaching will be more effective.

7. Preparation: Careful and systematic arrangement of the subject matter and the

classroom activities is conductive to creative discipline. A well prepared lesson helps to overcome the feeling of nervousness and insecurity. However able and experienced the teacher, he could never do without his preliminary preparation.
8. Skill in Questioning: The success of a class teacher in the class also depends on the art

of questioning. One who questions faultlessly, teaches effectively. With the help of right type of questions a wise teacher can lead the students from dark and unknown regions to known and bright ones.
9. Thirst for Knowledge and Experimental sprit: A teacher must refresh himself by

constant reading not only about his subjects but book which touch life at every point. It would be very helpful if he would get opportunities of attending educational seminars, refresher courses and the like which enable him to get a good grip of his own thoughts.
10. Interest in Curriculum activities:They are equally important as the academics

subjects and such a teacher can hardly afford to be indifferent to this aspect school life.
11. Punctuality: A good teacher will make it a point to be punctual in his work. Following

the teachers coming late, the students may also develop in themselves this very habit.
12. Professional ethics (Separately discussed) 13. Use of Teaching technology: Various teaching aids bring clarity and vividness. It is a

great asset to the teacher to narrate stories and anecdotes which appeal to children at different ages and attainment levels.

14. Knowledge of the aims of education: The aim of education is to inculcate in him the

quality of head, heart, hand and health.

15. Judicious use of praise and blame:

Praise and blame are the tow importance

weapons in the armoury of the teacher and these should be used very judiciously. A word of praise or commendation will easily enhance the pupils interest in any course of action. Praise, rightly employed, is forceful incentive at the disposal of the teacher.
16. Awareness of the departmental rules and regulations:A teacher must keep himself

fully posted with rules and regulations. II. Qualities Relating to Character and Personality
1. Character and personality: Example is better than precept is an old saying an is

absolutely true in the teaching profession. Children are imitative and suggestive by nature. They imitate the dress, voice, habits and manners of their teachers. The teachers should teach what they practice. The teachers must undergo an inner training. They should try to find out their own shortcomings and try to remove them. He must acquire a moral alertness; mingling of patience, love and humility. He should always be frank, sincere and honest. A good personality includes (a) appearance, (b)voice, (c)character, and (d)expression.
2. Missionary : Great teacher has the zeal of the missionary. There is a certain aptness in the

analogy between a missionary and a teacher, for every true missionary is first and last a teacher.
3. Patience: He has to deal with a large number of students having low and high power of

understanding. He may have to repeat his lesson many a time for the less intelligent and he should not be irritated in doing so. A teacher should possess the required patience to make them understand gradually. Good habits are not formed overnight. It requires time and patience to inculcate virtues in the students.
4. Emotional Stability: Emotional stability of teachers affect that of pupils. The unhappy,

frustrated, dissatisfied teachers cannot help their pupils to become happy, well adjusted young people.

5. Good Vitality: Good vitality is essential to successful teaching, not only in its reflex

influence upon the children but also in making possible continuity of work with the fewest possible interruptions from illness because of general fatigue.

Good Memory: It becomes easier for a teacher having a good memory to correlate many things. A good creative memory is one of the qualities that differentiates the good teacher from the mediocre.

7. Good Voice: The voice of a teacher should be clear, moderately pitched and well

modulates. Plenty of variety must be introduced in the voice.

8. Humour: Good hum our and good nature constitute the bread of making and life. 9. Just and impartial : The teacher should not show undue favour to some. All should be

equal in his eyes. Undue favour to some students will lead to frustration among others.
10. Laughter: A teacher should never make the mistake of laughing at the pupils. He should

laugh with them and should also see that they laugh with him and not at him.
11. True to his commands: Less commands should be given to the students and when give,

they must be stuck to, otherwise they lose their effectiveness. III. Qualities Relating to Human Relationships
1. Cooperative attitude: The success of an institutions depends upon the cooperation among

all. A teacher must cooperate with his colleagues, head of the institution, parents and all others engaged in the welfare of children and other tasks.
2. Democratic attitude: Present day education lays much stress on the incucation of

democratic ideals in the students. A teacher who is to show the way of democracy to the students must develop in himself a democratic attitude. His role is of a friend, philosopher and guide and not of a policeman.

Political neutrality: The student should not be exploited for political purposes. The programmes of the various political parties must be placed before them in their true perspective.

4. Religious tolerance: The minds of the young should not be poisoned though narrow

mindedness and bigotry. The partition of the country has shown what arong fanaticism can do.

5. Self analysis on the part of the teacher: He should try to find, out his own short

comings and try to remove them. IV. Qualifications Relating to Teaching State Governments and departments of education of the states have prescribed minimum academic and training qualification for different categories of teachers. Significance of Each Letter of the Word Teacher Each letter of the word teacher signifies some traits or values to be possessed by him. T stands for E stands for A stands for C stands for H stands for E stands for R stands for Tact, Tolerance, Truth Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Ethics, Etiquette Adaptability, Affection, Alertness Character, Clarity, Constructiveness, Creativity Hard work, Humility, Honesty, Humour, Human Relations Eagerness, Efficiency, Emotional Suability Rationality, Relationship, Resource fullness

The teacher should be an integration of all these. Teacher Education and Training Significance of teacher Education A teacher with training becomes more mature and confident to perform his task more efficiently. Proper education of the teacher enables him to have a knowledge of how children grow, develop and learn, how they can be taught effectively and how their inner potentialities can be brought out and developed. Teacher education is needed to kindle the imagination of the teacher and to remove the evils of the hit and miss process, to accord a professional status to the teaching profession and above all to make the optimum use of the time and energy of the teacher and the taught.

Status and Code of Ethics for Teachers. Significance of Teacher Status

The National policy on Education 1986 rightly points out, The status of the teacher reflects the socio cultural ethos of a society. The Programme of Action 1986 states, The status of teachers has had a direct bearing on the quality of education and many of the ills of the latter can be ascribed to the indifferent manner in which society has looked upon the teacher and the manner in which many teachers have performed their functions. The National Commission on School Teachers 1983 85 notes, The status of the teacher, his professional competence and his welfare are all bound to his environment of work. The International Conference on Education convened by UNESCO at Geneva in 1975 observed, It should be recognised that the social and economic status of teachers and the level of appreciation of their role are important for the quantitative and qualitative development of education. The National Commission on School Teachers (Chattopadhyaya Commission) observed, the teachers status is a complex sociological concept and can mean different things in different cultural contexts. A publication of the NCERT entitled status of teacher in India (1993) status, states is generally defined as standing, esteem or prestige accorded by society to people in a profession. Dimensions of status The following are the various indicators and dimensions of the status of teachers:1. Academic and professional requirements of or entry into the teaching profession. 2. Financial and other benefits. 3. Professional responsibilities assumed. 4. Forms and measures of public recognition of teachers. The status of teachers may be seen from other aspects as mentioned below: 1. Academic status minimum educational and professional qualifications necessary to enter the teaching profession. 2. Economic status salaries, selection grade, various allowances and benefits etc.

3. Political status importance attached to teachers in the selection of candidates for contesting elections.
4. Professional status representation of teachers in different academic and professional

committees and boarde. 5. Social status public recognition of the services rendered by teachers. Teachers low and shadowed position and status The National Commission on Teacher 1 (School Teachers) examined the status and working conditions of the teachers and observed, That our teachers do not enjoy a high social status is no secret; The National Commission for Teachers further noted, Because of low teacher status a growing number of teachers and parents are turning away from the idea of accepting teaching as an attractive career for their wards. Contributory factors for low status : The National Commission on teachers II (Higher Education) found the following reasons:1. Low salary and service conditions. 2. Lack of recognition by the government. 3. Lack of devotion to work. 4. Lack of integrity. 5. Lack of sense of pride. 6. Low level of efficiency. 7. Low level of scholarship. 8. Inadequate pedagogic skill. Measures for Improving the Status of the Teacher William Carr, Secretary General of the World Confederation of organizations of the Teaching profession listed the following. 1. The higher the public respect for the school, the better the status of the teachers. It is bad for teachers to be under paid; it is even worse for education to be undervalued; 2. The better the payment and security of the teacher, the better their status;

3. The better the preparation and in service education of teachers, the better the status; 4. The greater the skill of the teacher in the classroom, the better the status; 5. The more united the profession, the better the status of the members. The National Commission for School Teachers very emphatically stated, Their (teachers) new sense of commitment and effective linkage between their work and the attainment of national goals and purposes, will restore in full measure the reverence that traditionally was give to the teacher. The Commission also suggested the following measures for refurbishing the image of the teacher. 1. Invitation of teachers to important public functions and according then a higher precedence on such occasions. 2. Associating teachers and teachers organizations with policy making decisions for educational planning and administration.
3. Associating teachers and teachers organizations with planning and execution of local and

community development programmes, for which they have been consistently pressing and rightly so, for many years. Payscale: The commission recommended the following pay scale: The National Commission on Teachers II (Higher Education) viewed the following factors necessary to improve teachers status; 1. Professional competence 2. Increase in emoluments 3. Recognition to the profession nominating a teacher to various committees. While discussing the role and the status of teachers, tow factors are generally missed today. First, a teacher in earlier times combined the functions of the guru or preceptor and the teacher. He guided his students in spiritual matters also. Secondly, an individual received his education from one or a few teachers only. Now a days, a student before obtaining his M.A. degree, receives his education from more than a dozen teachers. Naturally, therefore, the modern teacher proportionately gets recognition and respect. Code of Conduct for Teachers

Commitment to the teaching profession The concept of professional ethics may be summed up in the words of Laurie, If a teacher has not an ideal aim he had better take to shop keeping at once, he will there doubtless find an ideal within his capacity. The Secondary Education commission 1952-53 has stated, They (teachers) will not look upon their work as an unpalatable means of carrying a scanty living but as an avenue through which they are rendering significant social services as well as finding some measure of self fulfillment and self expression. The code should be prepare in consultation with the teachers organizations and the formulation must be done at the national level. Its preparation at the national level is important as that alone would be consistent with the dignity, unity and integrity of the teaching profession and make the code equally applicable to all teachers throughout this land. If the political leadership wants to implement a national code for teachers, it will first have to create a work climate worker feels motivated to do his duty conscientiously to work hard and to give of his best. The National Commission for Teachers Higher Education 1983 85 stressed the necessity of professional ethics and values. 1. As a man devoted to learning, to the pursuit of truth in his creative endeavours, and hence being in a position to se faster than many others as a social critic, the teacher has to struggle for the propagation of values. Therefore we believe that teachers should be the first to introspect, and scrutinize their own value system so as to raise it to the highest moral standard. 2. We would like to say unambiguously that no profession and no service can survive without its dos and donts. 3. We would urge the teaching community to apply a worthy criteria of performance to itself so that it earns the most honourable place in the society.

A Few Elements/Provision of the Code

1. A teacher shall cooperate with and secure the cooperation of other persons in all activities

which aim at the improvement of the moral, mental and physical well being of pupils. 2. A teacher shall not exploit school influence for private gain.
3. A teacher shall have an exemplary moral conduct.

4. A teacher shall be temperate and sober in his habits. He would avoid smoking, chewing of betel leaves and such other undesirable habits in the presence of students within the precincts of the school. 5. A teacher shall take pride in his calling and try to promote the dignity and solidarity of his profession. 6. A teacher shall be punctual in his work. 7. A teacher shall keep himself abreast of the latest developments in educational thought and practices.
8. A teacher shall maintain right ethical behavior in relations parents, and the community:

9. A teacher shall not prescribe or recommend books on some consideration. 10. A teacher shall not indulge in tuitions etc.

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