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REALISM, MEANING AND TRUTH Second Edition Crispin Wright Copyright © Cope Wright 1986, 1995 “Thergh of Cspin Wight 0 be eed a aber ofthis wrk ha ce ‘Setedin acne wth he Copy Dsgs ana Patents Ae 1988 sion fs published 1987 Reprint 198 ‘Mace Pte the pblahing mpi of Bas Blackwell Lad “Dis Comte Rand ontrs OX HRUK al acl (Canbeds Manaches O22 : ish Allright roaad: Ect forthe gotton short pastas fete perpen of “ium sn eviews no pat epoca ay Be rere, oe rencalsye rieenmte nny frmary ay mean owes, snecancl phocytes wot the pre pemsion ‘ofthe pies scp the Unie States of Ameri this hock sol subj to th condition ‘hit al ony way fade ern been tei hed oto herrea out te pblshers pcr nes nay fr of dig ‘reo oie thin hatin whch spied ed who ar condo ‘slug condoning pene onthe eqn pare rb Lirary Cataloguing Pablston Data Acca esd fo thi book i avilable fromthe Bi Libra. Lira of Camres Catling Pubiton Dats "Wee Comp 12 Ream meaning te ith Caepn Weigh. — 2nd ec Incas hig ence an inn ISBN Oo-ivit¥es ph | 1. Seams Phy) 2 Meaning Pano) 3. Reso, unas 198 Wed “ype 112 Sahn by eae Types a Hong Kong eine sd bound by Ashen Pres Li Cached, Ty & Wet For Michael Dummett Contents Preface tothe Second Edition rfc and Acknowledgements tothe Fit Eton (Onin he Ess Ineodacon PART |THE NEGATIVE PROGRAMME. 1 Trath-condivons and Cntr Strawaon on Ani-eaim Realism, Trak value Links, Other Minds andthe Post Stet Frits ‘Aniealism, Timeless Teuth and NinctonBighry Four “Theos of Meaning and Speaks’ Knowledge Misconsrals Made Manfoxe [ANote on Two Realist Lines of Argument PART Mt INTERLUDE 9 Scie Reals, Observation and Verifications 10. The Verification Principle About The Phlsophial Significance of Gide’ Theorem Some bse PART Ml THE POSITIVE PROGRAMME 12> Anal Semants: The Role of Cetera 13. Second Though about Criteria 14 Cana Davidsonian Meaning-theory be Consrued in Terms of Aserabliy? 15. Antreahim and Revsioise 16 Realism, Bralence and Clasal Logic Iublography Index 4s ° as 107 1% ae ae m ms 500 2 355 397 8 403 43, 58 479 296

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