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Tips about writing Statement of Purpose

Chi-han Huang, Rutgers University Department of Chemical Engineering

Main parts
Experience/ characteristics
Why qualified Why--motivation Why--motivation

Career goal

How to help

Applied Program
1. Research fields 2. Curriculums

How your experience/ characteristics inspire you to achieve your career goal

Experience/ characteristics
Why qualified Why--motivation


Career goal

How to help

demonstrate why youre qualified for the program, how you like it and why you apply by describing your prior experience and personality

1. Research fields 2. Curriculums

How the program help you achieve your career goal

Why the program of this school catches your eyes

Realize the program you apply as well as your prior experience/ characteristics and your career goal. Give a detailed description of your prior experience/ characteristics, career goal and the program. I.e. summary a fact about the strength of the program or the strength of yourself rather than write down adjectives Write from the past to the future Distinguish yourself from others Do describe your prior experience/ characteristics with details prior experience/ characteristics about 50%; the program and career goal about 50% Do realize the program you apply as much as possible. I.e. their research fields, curriculums and features/ strength. This can determine whether youre qualified for the program, whether it can help with your future career, and most importantly, whether youre admitted.

SOP--Arrangement of paragraphs (1) Introduction a compelling beginning points out motivation and summarizes the whole article (2) Experience/ characteristics (3) The program you apply (why it catches your eyes) (4) Futurecareer goal (5) Conclusion


Avoid emphasizing your poor grades (if applicable), but its recommended to provide an explanation of the poor grades in one sentence. However, DO cover this weakness with your other strength.
For example, busy in extracurricular activities so failed in XXX course. But, academic performance has been improve since then./ or learn XXX skills in the extracurricular activities. Reference blog Readings Chi-han Huang, <<Before Becoming a Patent Practitioner>>

Xination, FSU Liang Hsuan Tai, FSU Professor Chih-Wei Wang, NSYSU Professor Wei-Lung Tseng, NSYSU Dr. Shih-Sheng Sun, Academia Sinica Mr. Fu, U.S. Education Information Center

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