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I sincerely hope that you take this to heart.

Eckhart Tolle has written two wonderful books on the subject: The Power of Now and A New EarthAwakening to Your Lif"'t Purpose. They may be a little tough to read, but they are powerful indeed. The entire subject is challenging. But truth is timeless. And the only thing that we really have is zoilr.



Because I have a 9-year-old, I see kids acting out on a daily basis. It is hard, exasperating, and frustrating dealing with these children. And they are hard to like, unless you realize that their brains are hurting-that is, starved for nutrition and causing these kids to behave outrageously. Sadly, very few of them will have this underlying cause of behavioral problems, hyperactiviry anxiety, and depressionaddressed.

level. Subclinical pellagra is not a full-blown case of the disease, but it does cause significant problems. In particular, pellagra is known as the disease of 3 Ds-diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. Some children only suffer from the dementia (hyperactiv-ity/depression) or brain and neurological problems caused by a starving nervous system. Others suffer from chronic diarrhea or gut problems. Others suffer from chronic dermatitis and skin problems, rashes, and breakouts. Still others have two or all three of these symptoms, all stemming from the same
cause-a vitamin B complex deficiency. How can children in modern America suffer from pellagra? For starters, most children in the U.S. eat zero foods that are rich in B vitamins. Do you feed your kids or grandkids liver, nutritional yeast, beets, or wheat germ? Most children eat lots of nonfoods that make a vitamin B deftciency htorse. How much sugar do your kids eat daily? The other day at the beach a child drank a can of root beer. When he finished, I looked at the.label, horrified to find that it contained 72 grams of sugar! Do you know what 72 grams of sugar looks like? You may as well just take your milk glass, fill it halfivay with sugar, and drink it all at once. Add in the rest of the day's nonfood faire of processed foods that are loaded with more sugar, salt, gluten, and a host of brain-altering chemicals that I can't even read, and you have the creation of a severe B-vitamin deficiency and a brain syndrome of hyperactivity or depression. Now do this on a daily basis for months or even years. It is no wonder that almost one-fifth of our kids are now drugged into

Instead they will continue to eat nonfoods that will damage their brains further. They will eat loads of sugar that will add stress to their hyperactivity or depression. They will be deprived of the vitamin B complex, multimineral, and
rch can help but it generally ignores the underlying nutritional cause of their problems.

@ryqd"@ system, and it contains It is calming to the nervous

the antip ellagra

They may be drugged into better behavior, which also ignores the underlying cause of their problems and carries serious side effects that can extend long into adult life. Or they may just be simply beaten into submission. Perhaps the most common syndrome caused by these nutritional deficits is hyperactivity. you all know these kids, they drive you crazy, cannot sit still, cannot concentrate, do poorly in school, never shut up, act out constantly, even scream, and rant and rave like maniacs. This particular brain insult is caused primarily by a lack of foods rich in the vitamin h .nmpie-. rtrffi-min c complex 6lhat portion of the whole B vitamin complex that is calming.It aids in the metabolism


American Kids S uffer fro m Suhclinical Pellagra! Pellagra is a B-vitamin deficiency disease that affects millions of kids on a subclinical

Stop the Madness and Save the Kids If you have a child who is suffering, please give him or her a fighting chance. Not all mental, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or neurological syndromes in children are caused by a nutritional deficiency. But I can tell you from 30 years of experience that most are. And if this is your situation, I know that you can be overwhelmed with questions. Where do I start? How can I help my child? What about counselors? What about school? What about drugs? For starters, keep it simple. Start immediately to fill in the nutritional voids. (I will tell you
January 2012, Volume 29, lssue


30 Ryan Court, #100, Irlonterey, CA9394{t

exactly how at the end of this article.) Next, get the sugar out of their diet. You won't be able to avoid it all, but you can cut it approximately 80% by eliminating soda (perhaps the worst concoction of all for kids), most sweets and breads, all supermarket breakfast cereals, all fast foods (these should never be fed to kids), and most processed foods (almost anything packaged in plastic). Instead, fe e d c h il dr e n r ebl fo o d*that i s, whole foods that nafure provides, including real eggs, real butter, meat, fish, chicken, liver, all vegetables and fruits, some starches, seeds, nuts, and nutritional oils like cod liver oil. The drink of choice is pure water-what a concept! A little bread and pasta is OK, but keep it to a minimum. Macaroni and cheese for dinner is not a dinner. Cap'n Crunch@ is not a breakfast. I think you get the picture. And remember the gluten. Some children are sensitive to gluten. It worsens the gut problems caused by subclinical pellagra, allowing foreign molecules to pass through the intestines into the bloodstream. The reaction to this can be diarrhea, or maddening neurological problems such as hyperactivity and/or depression. So take 2 weeks out of your children's life to eliminate all gluten. It is wheat. rye. oats. and all breads, sweets, and processed Now getJggllrgq Up tnd il]ovins--$pecia[y -boyi. Effi-rireds of J*petts tnow ttrat most boys simply cannot sit still and concentrate for long periods of time. But they can do better after they are well exercised. Cut out television during the week. Have them exercise or run before class. Start them in sports. Just get them up and moving. This -. ,sqrts their engines and prepares them for school. much detail. Think basic. And when it comes to nutrition, only truly basic, real, raw, natural Your Children's Nutrifional Protocol For the average hyperactive child age 6 and up, give them the following nutritional protocol daily for at least a year: Catapl* G (3x2 daily), Catalyn (3x2 daily), Min-Tran (3x2 daily), and, Blue IcdM Fermented Cod Liver Oil (CLO) (2 daily). For the average depressed, sullen, sluggish child, substitute Cataplex B (3x2 daily) for the Cataplex G. For the child who is both hyperactive and depressed, give Cataplex G (2x2 daily) with Cataplex B (2x2 daily), along with the rest of the nutrition. These nutritional concentrates are produced by Standard Process. The CLO (ust about the last real CLO) is produced by Green Pastures. Most kids will begin to get better quickly, within weeks or months. But remember, your child's behavior has most likely now become a habit. So allow enough time for real nutrition to end the brain pain, kick the subclinical pellagra, and end the B-vitamin deficiency syndrome. And allow enough time for new habits to be taught and practiced. You will be doing so much more than you can ever imagine-for your kids, yourself, your family, your community, and the world. These kids (and their brains) are the next leaders!



-nifideions.'Vs moie aid mod potent antibiotics

are developed, increasingly
resistant strains of microbes evolve."

"Dr Lowell Levin [an old member of our advisory boardJ, professor of public health at Yale University, says, 'It sounds like a joke, but a hospital is no place for a sick perso one of the reasonsfir the ever-pres ent life-threatening hospital

a ic*tgSions gf.lhe P complo< therefore, can create an_i-r_nbalance_ m_cgtl--and,

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LAgay-fsr'th-idgh th"

neeAto g-effidii vihmiri-s nom:fooa or fooJ concentrate supplements. Only they contain the whole nutritional complexes as well as all the ancillary nutrients that children's bodies need to digest and assimilate the nutrition properly. Storebought children's multivitamins are not nutrition.


HealthAlert, Vol. l3,No. 1 I wrote that more than 15 years ago. And now we are faced with the present-time reality of that prediction. There are bugs for which we have no drugs. Or better put, there are bugs that are resistant to all our drugs, no matter how powerful. The race is on to develop new antibiotics. But for
now Sg-gUpClbugs are here, and most prevalent in our liospitals. "..-PerhEldtr dire, n onethe I e s s sti I I s eri ous, is the fact that the everyday bugs, such as the common bacteria and viruses that cause colds,
30 Ryan Court, #100, ltonterey, CA 93940.5253

January 2012, Volume 29, lssue


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