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How to Create a Diet to Prevent Anemia

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Create a Diet to Prevent Anemia

People who eat balanced diets will rarely have problems with anemia. However, vegetarians, pregnant women and people with a history of blood problems need to take special care to create a diet to prevent anemia. Related Searches:

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1. Learn to Create a Diet to Prevent Anemia

Work eggs into your morning breakfast. You don't need to eat them every day, but three to four servings of eggs each week will help you get a host of vitamins that help prevent anemia, including about 10 percent of your daily value of vitamin B12 per egg.

Eat red meat at least once a week if you've had problems with anemia in the past. Beef and other meats contain vitamin B12 and are excellent sources of iron, which is essential to prevent anemia.

Create a few seafood meals to add more fish to your diet. Trout and salmon contain close to 100 percent of your daily value of vitamin B12. As an added benefit, fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which is thought to be a natural treatment for attention deficit disorders.

Look for whole grain cereals that are fortified with vitamin B12 if you are a vegetarian. Also, some nutritional yeasts contain enough vitamins to make up for a lack of meat, fish and animal products in your diet. You can either cook with the yeast or use it as a condiment.

Snack on fruits like raisins and dried figs to get a little bit of extra iron in your diet. Vegetarians may need to eat more iron-rich fruits than most people, since meat and animal products are the major sources of iron for many people.

Talk to a dietitian if you want help to create a diet to prevent anemia. Your overall diet will have to be adjusted to account for the amount of physical exercise you get and your age.

Anemia is not a very dangerous condition for most people, and its very common. But the symptoms can include serious fatigue, inability to concentrate, depression, and a feeling that you just cant handle any of your normal activities. In some really mild cases (for example, many women who just get anemic around their periods), doctors advise patients to simply eat some beef or other iron-rich foods whenever they feel anemic (beef is rich in iron and B12, which helps your body use iron) and/or take iron supplements. Note: This article is intended for people who have been diagnosed by a qualified health care professional, advised to treat themselves and advised on how to treat themselves. This article is not a substitute for medical advice.

Foods to avoid when youre anemic

While most people diagnosed with anemia are aware of many foods that can bring their iron levels back up to normal, its less well-known that some foods actually interfere with iron absorption. If you eat these foods alongside ironboosting foods, you may end up doing yourself little good. If you have a history of anemia, knowing about these foods can help you prevent or lessen your bouts of it. Do you need to give these foods up? Not necessarily, and certainly not entirely. What you need to do is: avoid having these foods in your stomach

while youre also digesting iron-rich foods or iron supplements. For example: dont drink red wine within an hour to either side of the steak dinner youre eating in hopes of boosting your iron levels. Additionally, you can counteract the iron-blocking effects of these food by having some Vitamin C along with them. 1. Red wine. The reservatol that seems to help fight heart disease and cancerseems to inhibit iron absorption . But white wine seems to help with iron absorption, so thats an option. 2. Coffee. Coffee can also keep you from absorbing iron into your system. 3. Black and green teas chelate with iron from plant sources, making it indigestible. Iron supplements are typically from plant sources. It doesnt have this effect with meat iron {PDF link} sources, however. And in populations that drink a lot of tea, theres no more anemia than in other populations, so theres definitely still some research to be done in this area. 4. Soy proteins. While some people claim soy is rich in iron, non-fermented soy is also rich in phytic acid, which interferes with absorption of iron and other nutrients. Interestingly, fermented soy products (like soy sauce) can increase your ability to absorb iron. (Some sources actually recommend tofu for combating anemia because the phylic acid doesnt completely block iron absorption, so you still get some iron from the soy. If you think tofu is your best available source for iron, be sure to eat it with plenty of vitamin C for best effect.) 5. Spinach. Youve probably heard that spinach is rich in iron and great for anemia. It is rich in iron, but its never helped me with anemia at all. Turns out it has something called oxalic acid which binds with the iron and keeps your body from using it. Try broccoli, kale and other dark leafy greens instead.
Foods for All Deficiency Anemias (especially iron, folate, and B12) No food in itself contains enough iron to treat iron deficiency anemia. An averagesized person with anemia would have to eat at least a ten-pound steak daily to receive the therapeutic amounts of iron needed to correct the condition. However, foods can help maintain health and aid supplementation.

The heme form of iron is more readily absorbed by the body; but, since it is found only in meat, it is not an option for vegetarians. The iron found in plant foods is a non-heme iron and, therefore, harder to absorb. In order to utilize this type of iron, consuming foods rich in vitamin C at the same time

will greatly improve the absorption rate of iron since vitamin C converts nonheme iron into the usable form. Cooking in an old-fashioned iron skillet is said to help put some iron back into the diet, but this is debated. Beetroot juice, made from raw beets, is an especially good addition to any green drink. Beetroot juice contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as vitamins A and C, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. When these nutrients are captured in a juicing process, they remain in a form that is much easier to assimilate than synthetic nutrients. For many years in Europe, beetroot has been used as a treatment for cancer. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring compounds, which supposedly help to fight against cancer. As far as the anemic is concerned, beetroot increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent. Blackstrap molasses contains the iron and essential B vitamins necessary for red cell production. Brewer's yeast is a good source of B vitamins -- just one way to include these nutrients in the diet, especially if there is folate- or B12-deficiency anemia present. Brewers yeast also comes in a fortified or vegetarian formula that includes the elusive vitamin B12. It mixes well in nutritious blender drinks, where other nutritional supplements can also be added. Curry powder is a rich source of iron. Be aware, however, that there is a myriad of recipes for curry powder, so how much iron is actually in curry is anyone's guess; but it usually runs around 50-60 mg of iron per 100 grams. Fermented foods like miso, tempeh, and bean pastes are rich sources of iron, as well friendly bacteria necessary for vitamin absorption. Green foods and drinks are essential for anemia sufferers. They are rich in folic acid; and many of them are also rich in iron, particularly watercress, dandelion leaves, and the brassicas (cabbage family). Although beet greens and spinach are also rich in iron, they are also high in oxalic acid, which prevents minerals from being utilized by the body. Therefore, these foods should be eaten sparingly. Eating foods rich in vitamin C will help

significantly in the absorption of the type of iron found in vegetables. Other vegetables which are especially beneficial for the anemic include parsley, green pepper, carrots, kale, and asparagus. Herbs: Herbalists consider nettle (Urtica dioica) as a nutritious plant source of iron, as well as vitamin C, chlorophyll, and other minerals, and is an effective supplement in the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. Other herbs that are also good are alfalfa, bilberry, cherry, dandelion, goldenseal, grape skins (only organic, as others are loaded with chemicals), hawthorn berry, mullein, Oregon grape root, pau d'arco, red raspberry, shepherd's purse, and yellow dock. Mothers can profit from drinking Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breast feeding when the baby's iron levels are likely to become depleted. Do not take goldenseal or Oregon grape root during pregnancy, and use only under supervision if there is a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or glaucoma. Highest levels: Food that contain the highest iron content (over 5 mg per average serving) are: kidney and pinto beans, liver (eat only from organically raised animals; otherwise, it will contain all the toxic waste the animal has stored), blackstrap molasses, rice bran, raw beet greens (but not the roots), mustard greens, lentils, dried peaches (organic only), and prune juice. Moderate levels: Foods with moderately high iron content (3-5 mg) include cooked dried unsulfured apricots, cooked beet greens, dates, very lean meat (organically raised), lima beans, chili, cooked spinach, and dry and fresh peas. Spirulina, or blue-green algae, has been used successfully to treat anemia. The standard dose is 1 heaping teaspoon daily. Sea vegetables are rich sources of iron. Supplements

A good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement taken daily can help prevent and/or combat anemia. B complex deficiencies are probably the second leading cause of nutritionally caused anemias. Taking all of the B vitamins is vital since supplementing only one can bring about a deficiency in one or more of the others. Therefore, if

anemia results from folate or a B12 deficiency and supplements have to be taken, it is wise to include a vitamin B-complex capsule as well, but generally nothing more than 50 mg per day unless otherwise stated by your health care provider.

Since vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron and helps strengthen the blood vessels, the suggested amount of supplement, in addition to the foods high in the nutrient, is 500 mg. twice daily.

Copper acts as a catalyst in the formation of hemoglobin and the copperbinding protein, ceruloplasmin, plays a major role in the distribution of iron throughout the body, especially to the brain. Studies of patients with dementia were found to have inadequate levels of ceruloplasmin.

Calcium helps to regulate the timing release or intake of iron into the RBC, thus affecting its lifespan. Since calcium also competes for the same absorption sites as iron, zinc, and copper, deficiencies of these minerals can occur if one consumes great amounts of calcium. When taken supplementally, calcium should be taken separately at bedtime. The best form is calcium citrate or gluconate rather than carbonate since carbonate is the same as common chalk.

Zinc deficiencies are often seen in alcoholics, sickle cell patients, diabetics, and those with such bowel disorders as Crohns disease or short bowel syndrome. Zinc influences several aspects of vitamin A metabolism and a vitamin A deficiency is often seen in people with iron deficiency anemia. Taking too much, however, can also contribute to anemia; therefore, the key is moderation. Doses greater than 150 mg per day can result in sideroblastic anemia or iron deficiency, mainly because it interferes with copper absorption. Since a deficiency is just as bad as an overload, the optimal ratio of zinc to copper is 10:1, that is, 10 milligrams of zinc to one milligram of copper.

Unsulfured dried fruits are a rich source of iron, as well as B vitamins. However, because they are also high in fructose, eating too many at a time is not adviseable, but adding them to cereals or fruit drinks should provide as much iron and other nutrients as one needs in a day.

Foods that interfere with iron absorption

Additives interfere with iron absorption, as do coffee and tea, beer, candy bars, dairy products, ice cream, and soft drinks. Alcohol can absorb twice the amount of iron. However, this is not a good thing for a number of reasons. Alcohol can interfere with blood cells, which can cause iron to accumulate in tissues rather than helping to form hemoglobin where iron will do the most good. Once iron builds in tissues, that particular organ begins to break down. Alcohol also rapidly depletes the body of valuable nutrients, ultimately causing more health problems, including anemia. Calcium, vitamin E, zinc, or antacids should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements since they can interfere with iron absorption. (The iron already found in multivitamin supplements seems to pose no problem, however). Coffee and tea: Coffee contains polyphenols and tea contains tannins, both of which render any iron found in food unusable.Drugs, as aspirin, steroids, and other drugs that tend to cause gastrointestinal bleeding will affect iron absorption. Fiber: Because iron is removed through the stool, do not eat foods high in iron (or take supplements) at the same time as fiber and avoid using bran as a source of fiber. Milk and milk products, not only affect iron absorption, but can cause internal bleeding in infants. Oxalates are found in almost all foods, but amounts vary. While oxalates do tend to bind minerals, including iron, they cannot be avoided altogether. Even vitamin C converts to oxalates in the body. It takes very high amounts consistently over a period of time to do damage as far as anemia is concerned, but such foods should be avoided if kidney problems are present. Foods generally found on the list containing high enough amounts of oxalates include: almonds, black pepper, buckwheat, cabbage, cashews, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, eggplant, garden sorrel, berries (most, especially strawberries and cranberries), beans, beets and their greens, bell peppers,

black pepper, ginger, green beans, lentils, mango, mustard greens, nuts (most, especially peanuts), oats, parsley, parsnips, plantains, poppy seeds, pumpkin, rhubarb, soybeans, spinach, star fruit, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, summer squash, sweet potatoes, tea, tomatillos, tomatoes, and wheat bran and germ. While this vast list appears to take in everything edible, the best thing to do if there is no kidney problem is to eat a large variety of foods and ignore the oxalate content. Pancreatic enzymes may interfere with iron metabolism and should be taken at different times of the day than iron supplements. Pork: On videotape, Dr. Olympio Pinto has recorded changes occurring in red blood cells caused by eating pork, smoking cigarettes, drinking caffeine, exposure to other toxic chemicals and heavy metals, or consuming any number of other potentially health-destructive substances. Just one hour after eating pork, for instance, more than half of the red blood cells began a transformation called "ghosting". Ghosts are red cells that have lost their hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is not only an oxygen-carrier but is also responsible for the red pigmentation of the blood. This could explain the sleepy feeling some people get after eating certain kinds of foods to which the body is particularly sensitive.

8 Ways to Prevent Anemia

Iron deficiency can cause anemia, a shortage of hemoglobin in the blood. This can lead to weakness, fatigue, a pale face and earlobes, and brittle, spoon-shaped nails. There are other causes of anemia besides nutritional deficiencies, including massive or chronic blood loss. The best way to tell if you have enough iron in your body is to find out if you have enough iron in your blood. A "finger-stick hemoglobin" check can be done in your doctor's office. This test requires only one tiny drop of blood, and the results are available within a few minutes. Pediatricians often use this test to check hemoglobin levels in nine-to fifteen-month-old infants. Your doctor may check hemoglobin levels at other ages of increased iron needs too, such as during female adolescence or pregnancy. Normal hemoglobin values are:

infants and children 11 to 13 grams women 12 to 16 grams men 14 to 18 grams

You can prevent iron-deficiency anemia by making wise food choices for yourself and your family. Getting your daily iron from food is preferable to taking iron supplements, which sometimes cause abdominal discomfort and constipation. Here are some ways to assure there is enough iron in your family's diet.

1. Breastfeed your baby as long as possible. Once upon a time it was believed that breastfed babies needed iron supplements because human milk was low in iron. Yet, breastfed babies studied at four to six months of age had a higher hemoglobin than infants who were fed iron-fortified formula. Breastfed babies have been found to have sufficient iron stores for nine months or longer. Human milk remains an important part of baby's diet, even after the introduction of solids. 2. Use an iron-fortified formula. If bottlefeeding, use an iron-fortified formula, preferably beginning at birth, but at least starting by three months of age. Continue iron-fortified formula for at least one year or as long as your baby's doctor recommends, which is usually until your infant is eating adequate amounts of other dietary sources of iron. Do not use "low-iron" formulas, which do not contain sufficient iron for a growing baby's needs. 3. Delay cow's milk feeding for infants; limit it for toddlers. The Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents delay using cow's milk as a beverage until a baby is at least one year of age. There are two iron-related reasons for this: cow's milk is low in iron, and cow's milk can irritate the intestinal lining, causing bleeding and the loss of iron. This is a tiny amount of blood loss, but over a long period of time it can be significant. The combination of poor iron intake and increased iron loss sets a baby up for iron deficiency anemia, and excessive milk consumption is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia in toddlers. An eighteen-month-old who consumes forty ounces of milk a day may be plump, but is probably very pale. Unless advised otherwise by your baby's doctor, limit your toddler's cow milk intake to no more than 24 ounces a day. 4. Combine foods wisely. Eating a food rich in vitamin C along with a good iron source will help your body use the iron. Here are some classic examples:

spaghetti with meat and tomato sauce meat and potatoes chicken fajitas with broccoli, sweet pepper, and tomatoes hamburger and coleslaw nitrate-free hot dogs and orange juice fruit, iron-fortified cereal, and raisins fresh fruit with raisins

5. Try prune juice as a regular beverage. Prune juice is one of the few juices that is high in iron (3 milligrams of iron per cup). The process involved in making prune juice retains more of the fruit's original nutrients than the juicing of other fruits.

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