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C Y L I N D E R S :

A cylinder is a solid that is formed by a closed cylindrical surface and two parallel planes cutting all the elements.

the bases and the being the lateral surface. The altitude is the common perpendicular between the planes of the bases. A right section of a cylinder is a section made by a plane perpendicular to one of the elements.

Parts of a Cylinder: The parallel planes are cylindrical surface

Classification of Cylinders: A right cylinder is a cylinder in which the planes of the bases are perpendicular to one of the elements. An oblique cylinder is a cylinder whose elements are oblique to the base. A circular cylinder is a cylinder whose bases are enclosed by circles. A right elliptic cylinder is a right cylinder with ellipses as bases.

Properties of Cylinders: 1. The elements are equal and parallel. 2. The bases are congruent. 3. Every section of a cylinder parallel to the base is congruent to the base. For a right circular cylinder, the sections are equal circles. 4. Every section of the cylinder made by a plane cutting through vertically is a parallelogram. 5. Any element of a right circular cylinder is equal to its altitude.

Inscribed Prism: A prism is inscribed in a cylinder when its lateral edges are elements of the cylinder and the bases of the prism are inscribed in the bases of the cylinder.

Circumscribed Prism: when the about the bases of the faces of the prism are tangent to the A prism is circumscribed about a cylinder bases of the prism are circumscribed cylinder and the lateral cylinder.

1. Total Surface Area,
where: Ck e bases B -area of the base (figure dependent) S = ---


2 B

-lateral area Ck e circumference of right section length of element included between the

2. Total Volume,
where: Ra



area of right section


For similar right circular cylinders: S1 D12 S2 D

2 2


r12 r22

h12 h22


r13 r23

h13 h23

D13 D23

1. A concrete roller is 1m long and 50 cm in diameter. What area does it cover in 500 revolutions?

2. whose cm. is opened up lateral surface area is rectangle. Find the dimensions of rectangle.

A cylinder whose altitude is 6 cm and total surface area is 572 sq. along an element and the laid-out as a the

3. When a body is immersed in water in a right circular cylinder 40 cm in diameter, the level of the water rises 20 cm. What is the volume of the body?

4. a diameter,

Find the lateral area and total volume of cylindrical cell whose height equals its if it has to hold 50 kgs of water.

5. A tunnel 100m long has a cross-section of a semi-circle with the base resting on the diameter which is 9m in length. If the road rests on the base and the outside walls are made of tiles, find the number of tiles to be used if each tile is 120 in area.

6. A cubical casting is melted in a right circular cylindrical vessel. If the total area of the casting is 937.5 and the diameter of the vessel is 12.8 cm., how deep is the molten metal?

7. outer Into how many diameter can it be

A piece of leadpipe is 50 ft long. Its radius is 2 in. and is in. thick. spherical bullets in. in melted?

8. A gas company erected a new gas holder. The gas holder was given three coats of paints. It took 50 barrels of paint of 50 gallons each to complete the work. The height of the tank was 160 ft. and the diameter of the base was 218 ft.. If the paint costs Php 60.00 per gallon, What was the cost per sq. yard of the surface?

9. the placed in a diameter as shown. of water necessary to cover

Two balls, one 6 in. in diameter and other 4 in. in diameter are cylindrical jar 9 in. in Find the volume them.

1. How many washers can be made from a cube of metal 4 in. on a side, if the washers are 5/8 in. in diameter and 1/6 in. thick? The hole in the center of the washers is in. in diameter. 2. attached to a circumference of the metal is 1/8 in. thick,how boiler contain when 231 The height of a hot-water boiler furnace is 5 ft.. The boiler is 48 in. If the many gallons will the full? (1 gal =

3. A cylindrical standpipe is to contain 343,000 gallons of water. If its height is to be twice its diameter, what must be its dimensions? 4. If the biggest regular triangular prism is cut from a right circular cylinder 80 cm high and 20 cm in diameter, how much material is wasted?

6 in. so regular

5. Pass a plane through a cube of edge that the section formed will be a hexagon. Find the volume of a

right circular circumscribe

cylinder 8 in. long that would this hexagon

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