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The quantity of heat in a body depends on its mass, initial temperature and its specific heat, which is the property different from each substance. A substance may also change in phase without a change in temperature, and the amount of heat required for each change of phase is called latent heat. The specific heat of aluminum and copper metal was determined in the experiment by putting each hot metal in a tap water inside a closed calorimetry and measure the final temperature of the mixture. Moreover, latent heat of fusion of ice was also determined. This is done by allowing a specific mass of ice to melt in a hot water inside the calorimeter. We use the concept regarding the law of heat exchange during the experiment, and got results close to the actual values. Introduction During summer, most of us experience a very discomforting day because our skin becomes too hot. This is due to the sun's heat that reaches the Earth. But though we dont enjoy a very hot weather, heat is very useful in many ways. In our home, it is used for cooking, drying clothes and keeping the house warm on cold days. In industry, it is used to melt, cut and shape metals, to process foods and other products, and turn to run machines too. Heat does work. So, it is a form of energy. The amount of heat present in the body depends on the mass of the body, the change in temperature and specific heat, which is the amount of heat needed to change temperature of the substance by 1. Where: Q - heat m mass of the substance t change in temperature The specific heat of every body is unique. There are cases also wherein a substance may change in phase without changing the temperature due to an enough amount of heat released or absorbed. The heat needed with this kind of change is latent heat. Latent heat may be mathematically state as:

Heat is a form of kinetic energy, it can be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is a heat transfer by means of molecular collision within a material without any motion of the material as a whole. Convection is the energy transfer by the bulk motion of the heated fluid. Convection above a hot surface occurs because hot air expands, becomes less dense, and rises (see Ideal Gas Law). Radiation is an energy transfer via electromagnetic waves. The transfer of energy through conduction will be explored in the experiment. The transfer of heat is normally from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object. For example, when you put a spoon in hot water, the spoon will warm up and the water cools down as they approach thermal equilibrium. In this experiment, we will determine the specific heat of metals and latent heat of fusion ice to be able to explain how the energy is transferred from one body to another. Methodology In the experiment we used an electric stove as a source of heat, a calorimeter with a stirrer, thermometers, copper and aluminum metal, beaker, water, digital weighing scale and ice. The first part of the experiment aim to get the specific heat of aluminium and copper metal. To do this, we first allow the tap water to boil using the electric stove set at high because it will take few minutes to boil. We then determine the mass of aluminium and copper metal (mm) in grams using the digital weigh. We also determined the mass of the tap water that we use, and since we cannot weigh the water alone, we first get the mass of the calorimeter (mc) and then the calorimeter plus water. Then we subtract the mass of calorimeter to the mass of calorimeter and water to get the exact value for mass of the

Where Q heat m mass of the substance Calorimetry is the measurement of the heat absorbed or given off in a chemical or physical change. A device which measures the heat involved in such a change is called a calorimeter. The principle behind the use of calorimeter is the law of heat exchange. The law of heat exchange states that the total number of heat units liberated by warmer substances equals the total number of heat units absorbed by cooler substances.

water (mw). When we have observed that the water is boiling, we dip the aluminium metal into the water for ten minutes. This is to allow the metal to absorb the heat of the boiling water, so we can set the initial temperature of the metal (tom) to 100C which is also the boiling point of water.

Pic1. Weighing the metal. Pic2. Weighing the calorimeter. Pic3. Boiling water.

While waiting for the aluminium metal, we determine the initial temperature of water (tow) in the calorimeter, take note that it is only a tap water and not hot. When the aluminium is ready, we get it from the boiling water and put it on the calorimeter. In that way, the amount of heat present in the metal will be absorbed by the cool water until thermal equilibrium was reached. We closed the calorimeter after setting up the thermometer and stirrer. We then record the temperature of the mixture (tmix) after stirring the calorimeter to make sure that the heat from the metal is distributed equally on the water. After that, we are now ready to compute for the required values. The procedures are repeated from the start using the copper metal. The data we gathered during the experiment will now be used in getting the specific heat of both copper and aluminium metal.

For the second part of the experiment, which aims to get the latent heat of fusion of ice, we put the hot water in the calorimeter and determine its initial temperature. We all know the boiling point of water, so we record it as tow. The mass of calorimeter and water is also required in this part so we weigh the calorimeter with water and subtract the weight of the calorimeter again from the value we got. We then prepare the ice that we used. We wipe the water on the surface of the ice before we put it in the hot water. We closed the calorimeter and stir the mixture. After we saw that the ice was completely melted, we measure now the temperature of the mixture (tmix). After that, we determine the total mass of the mixture by weighing the calorimeter, and subtracting certain values that are not to be considered. By doing this, we can arrived with the mass of the ice dissolved in the mixture. We do this method to get the mass of the ice because if we weight directly the ice into the weighing scale, it will melt and some water will remain in the weigh and the total amount of ice will not be the same. Having the following values gathered we can determine the formula to get the latent heat for fusion of ice.





hot water


stirrer Copper metal

Pic6. The actual set up of part two of the experiment

Tap water


Pic4. We put the copper metal in calorimeter Pic5. The Set up

Results and Discussion In the first part of the experiment, we dont encounter much problem in getting the data that we needed as well as in setting up the experiment. But we still do our best in reading the thermometers accurately every time because this may greatly affect the result of the experiment. The data we gathered is presented in the table below. This shows that all data are

available to solve for the specific heat of both metals using the equations:

We got a lower percent difference for this part which is 2.78%, so we can say that we become more careful here in gathering the data and setting up the experiment. The value we got is more close to the actual value, 0.0917 cal/g-C. Knowing the specific heat of both metals helps us to understand how much heat is needed to change the temperature of the system and to achieved thermal equilibrium. In the second part of the experiment, we encounter problem in getting the mass of calorimeter with hot water because the calorimeter becomes too hot and we cant able to hold it for a long time. What we do to solve this problem is too include the ring around the calorimeter during weighing to act as a handle. We then weigh the ring alone to get its mass and subtract it from the mass of calorimeter and hot water including the ring. The data we gathered were presented below.

Mass of metal , mm Mass of calorimeter, mc Mass of water, mw Initial temp. of metal, tom Initial temp. of calorimeter, toc Initial temp. of water, tow Final temp. of mxture, tmix Specific heat of metal, cm Table1.

Al 31.6g 58.4g 189.1g 100C 21C 21C 24C 0.2521 cal/g-C

Cu 49.9g 58.4g 225.1g 100C 25C 25C 26.5C 0.0943 cal/g-C

But from the law of heat exchange: In a closed system, the total number of heat given up by warmer substances is equal to the total number of heat absorbed by cooler substances. So, , or

Mass of water, mw Mass of mixture, mmix mass of ice, mi Initial temperature of ice, toi Initial temp. of calorimeter, toc Initial temp. of water, tow Final temp. of mixture, tmix Latent heat of fusion, LF Table2.

Trial 1 179.1g 214.9g 62.8g 0C 100C 100C 60C 58.45 cal/g

Trial 2 193.7g 240.5g 46.8g 0C 100C 100C 66C 79.71cal/g

The specific heat of water is given as 1 cal/g-C and the specific heat for calorimeter, 0.2174 cal/g-C. tmix - tow, . So the experimental value we got is 0.2521cal/g-C. And since we are trying to get the exact value of the specific heat of aluminium metal, we also computed for the percent difference using the actual value Cm = 0.2174 cal/g-C. We got 15.95% difference. The error we obtained may come from the fact that we are working on an air-conditioned room, and the temperature of the room may affect the temperature of our materials during the experiment. In trial 2, we used copper metal. The formula we used to obtain the final result is also from the same concept.

We were able to get the latent heat of fusion using the formula:

= Where , is the heat gained in melting the ice, and is the heat gained in increasing the temperature of the melted ice to tmix. So we computed the latent heat using the law of heat exchange and we arrived to 58.45 cal/g and 79.71cal/g for the first and second trial respectively. There are also a reasonable percent error due to our working station and setting up the experiment.

Conclusion Heat is a form of kinetic energy. It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance and is transferred through three different modes: conduction, convection and radiation. After the experiment, we were able to conclude that the transfer of heat is normally from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object. The law of heat exchange was also explored during the experiment to meet the objectives. And with the aid of a calorimeter in the process called calorimetry, which means measuring heat, we are able to determine heat quantitatively. The main objectives of the experiment were to determine the specific heat of copper and aluminum metal, and to determine the latent heat of fusion of ice. After the experiment, we are able to conclude that the specific heat of a metal can be determined using the concepts in law of heat exchange. That the experimental value for specific heat of aluminum is closed to the actual value 0.2174 cal/g-C and 0.0932 cal/g-C for copper. The specific heat of each substance is different from one another. I also conclude that the experimental value of latent heat of fusion of ice is closed to 80 cal/g, which is the actual value. I also concluded that a change in phase is possible without a change in temperature. And the heat needed for this case in the latent heat, which varies for every change in phase. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my group mates for accomplishing this experiment. I am truly happy that we still worked as a team and we dont blame one another if faults are encountered. I would also like to thank our professor, Prof. De Leon for giving us lectures and tips in doing the experiment properly. I appreciate his patience in waiting for us to finish the tabular presentation of our result for this experiment because we are the last group to finish. Lastly, I thank the Institute and the laboratory assistants who provide us the best materials and equipments that we used during the experiment.

References [1] Young, H., Freedman, R., Ford, L., University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Edition, 2008

[2] [3] [4] McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Encyclopedia [5]

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