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1.Linear expansivity : The increase in length of a meter length when the temperature rises to 1K is known as .......... 2.Boyle's law : The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is inversely propotional to its volume provided the temperature of the gas is kept constant. 3.Charle's law : The volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly propotional to its absolute temperature provided the pressure of the gas is kept constant. 4.Pressure law : The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly propotional to its absolute temperature provided the volume of the gas is kept constant. 5.An ideal gas : A gas which obeys all the gas laws exactly under all conditions is ......... 6.Specific heat capacity : Thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1k is ........ 7.Specific latent heat of fusion : Thermal energy required to melt 1kg of solid into liquid without changing its temperature is ........ 8.Specific latent heat of vapourisation : Thermal energy required to change 1kg of solid into gas without changing its temperature is ....... 9.Induced charges : Charges caused due to the presence of a nearby charged object are ......... 10.Electric field : The region around a charged object where other charges will experience a force on them is ....... 11.Potential : The work which has to be done to move a unit positive charge from earth upto that point is .........

12.Potential difference : The work which has to be done to move a unit positive charge between 2 points is ....... 13.Current : The rate of flow of charge is ......... 14.Ohm's law : The current flowing through a metal conductor is directly propotional to the p.d across its ends provided the temperature and other physical quantities remain constant. 15.E.M.F : The p.d across the terminals of a cell when it is not supplying a current is .......... 16.Internal resistance : Like other components in a cicuit, a cell has resistance.This resistance is .......... 17.Half life : The time taken for the activity of a radioactive substance to become half of its original value is ........ 18.Hook's law : The extension is directly propotional to hte stretching force within the elastic limit of a substance. 19.Wave length : The distance occupied by one complete wave is ........ 20.Frequency : The number of complete waves produced per second 21.Amplitude : The maximum distance a point moves away from its rest position when a wave passes is .......... 22.Wave fronts : The lines which show the position of crests are ........ 23.Centre of gravity : The point at which the weight acts is ........ 24.Power : The rate at which work is done is ......... 25.Newton's first law of motion : An object will continue in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force acts upon it. 26.Newton's second law of motion : The rate of change of momentum of an object is directly propotional to the force acting and take place in

the direction in which the force acts. 27.Newton's third law of motion : To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 28.The principle of moments : When an object is in equilibrium, the sum of the anti-clockwise moments about any point is equal to the sum of clockwise moments about the same point. 29.Density : The mass of one cubic-meter of a material is ......... 30.Pressure : The force acting on one unit area is ........ 31.Absolute Zero Temperature : The temperature at which (-273 degree celsius) the molecules of an object have the minimum possible amount of energy is ........... 32.Conducton : The process of heat transformation in solids is ........ 33.Convection : The process of heat transformation in liquids and gases is .......... 34.Radiation : The process of heat transformation through vaccum is........ 35.Dispersion : The splitting of white light into a range of colours whe npassing through a glass prism is ......... 36.Refractive index : The value of Sin i/Sin r for a light passing from a vaccum into a new medium is .......... 37.Reflection : The process in which waves hit and rebounce from a barrier and remain in the same medium is ....... 38.Refraction : The process of changing the direction of light rays when passing from one medium into another is ......... 39.Diffraction : The process of spreading outm of waves when passing through an apperture (a gap) is .......... 40.Acceleration : The rate of change of velocity is .........

41.Wave speed : The rate at which the outline of a wave travels through a medium .......... 42.Transverse wave : A wave where the displacements are perpendicular to the direction of propagation (travel) is ........ 43.Longitudinal wave : A wave where the displacements are parallel to the direction of propagation (travel) is .......... 44.Period : The time taken to cover one complete oscillation is .......... 45.Centripetal force : The resultant force that has to act towards the centre of a circle to make a body follow a circular path .......... --------Set by : Francis Rajkumar

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