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Republican Response to Mayor Spanos State of the City Address Good Evening As the Minority Leader, and on behalf

of the Republican City Council and the peo ple we serve, it is my pleasure to offer our response to Mayor Mike Spanos State of the City. Our country, state and city continue to feel a deep and prolonged economic reces sion. There are many challenges which lie ahead and our first priority must be to address the $72 million budget deficit. Serious problems require thought, communication and cooperation. This can produ ce innovation and results at all levels of government. The Mayor speaks about finding solutions, consolidating resources and keeping a watchful eye on spending. As Republicans we stand ready to lead and in a bi-partisan manner we are committ ed to working with Mayor Spano and the Democratic City Council members to do wha t is right for the good people of Yonkers. Our key areas of concern are: Maintain essential services while streamling government In order to close the $72 million deficit, it is imperative to address the cost of Government and find effective cost-saving measures. This can not be done alone. We need the cooperation and support of State and Ci ty officials, union leaders and residents. Promote economic development Promoting economic development within this City of Gracious Living must again be come business friendly. Part of this concept should be a one stop process to op en or expand a business. The day lighting of the Saw Mill River has garnered Yonkers national attention. While our downtown re-development must continue, it is equally important that t here is development and attention across the city but not at the expense of the communities. Prioritize government spending It is essential to make the hard decisions to insure that the needs of the taxpa yers are met. For example, consolidating certain City and Board of Education fun ctions, addressing concerns over overtime, pension, and healthcare costs. Speaking of our schools, it is our responsibility to provide the best possible e ducation for our students while recognizing all the stakeholders; these being st udents, parents, taxpayers and teachers. We need to identify public and private partnerships along with grants in order to alleviate the budget shortfalls. In addition, we agree with the Mayor: Overtime expenses for all departments should be monitored. However, this should be a partnership between the administration and the city council. We need to work in a bi-partisan manner with the Mayor and Democratic majority We must insure that we have an open and responsive government

As Republicans we would like to stress the following:

Yonkers is unique in that it is one of the largest cities in New York but has ma ny distinct neighborhoods which create a small town atmosphere. Part of what is paramount to these neighborhoods are the little big things - tho se services which concern many of our residents: Filling potholes, repairing streets and sidewalks, trimming trees. Replacing str eet lights and the vital services that our veterans and senior citizens deserve a ll the things which affect our daily lives. The backbone of our city is the many volunteer civic and community organizations who work along side our dedicated and hard working city and Union workers. This is an example of how partnerships work. I challenge the media to be fair and balanced in their reporting - to spend more time highlighting the positive in Yonkers. We have heard the Mayors speak and we are now at the crossroad for our city. It is now time to put aside political and personal agendas and do what is in the best interest for our City. Thank you and May God bless our residents and the great City of Yonkers.

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