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Fellowship Group Homework & Discussion Getting Started 1.

Name a person who has stood by you and been patient with you in your life. Why are you grateful for their influence to you?

9. What did God do to bring about repentance in his life?

10. What lessons did Jonah learn as a result of his choices?

Allow Time for True Growth 11. Read 2 Peter 3:9. How does God use time to demonstrate patience to a non-Christian? 2. What impacted you the most from last Sundays sermon?

12. How does God use time to demonstrate patience to a Christian?

13. Why should we demonstrate patience to other people in our life? Going Deeper Use Your Authority Appropriately 3. Read 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4. What steps did Paul take to not be overbearing but instead to use his authority appropriately?

Root for Genuine Growth 14. Why is it challenging to be another persons biggest cheerleader in their growth?

4. What tempts us to be too controlling in our relationships with others?

15. Name one person who you want to work on being their biggest cheerleader this week.

5. What negative consequences can result if we are too controlling with others?

Make Love Motive #1 16. Read 2 Corinthians 2:4. Why does enabling a person to go down a self-destructive course not demonstrate love?

6. Think of a specific relationship you have. What would it look like to be less controlling with that person?

17. In what character traits would you need to grow in order to make love your #1 motive in your relationship with others.

Give Others Responsibility for Their Own Growth 7. Skim the story of Jonah. Jonah needed to make his own decisions. What choices did he make?

18. Allow this passage to help your group enter into worship based prayer. Consider using the following prayer starters:

I thank you for the patience you have shown me by ______________ (name a specific area). Help me to demonstrate your patience in my relationship with ________________ (name a specific person).

8. What were the consequences of his choices?

19. A key purpose of our Fellowship Groups is to provide accountability. To help with that, discuss the following questions:

Part 3 A Patient Ministry
2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4 February 26, 2012

Have you been making it a regular priority to attend a Sunday morning worship service?

Have you been faithful in making Fellowship Group attendance a top priority?

Be Patient With People In Progress 1. Use Your Authority Appropriately (1:23-24)

Are you praying regularly for the members of your Fellowship Group?

2. Give Others the Responsibility for Their Own Growth (1:23-24)

Are you caring for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those in your
Fellowship Group?

Are you taking steps to become more transparent with your Fellowship
Group? 3. Allow Time for True Growth (2:1)

Are you serving regularly in one area of ministry, preferably in your area of

Are you maintaining your Oikos list?

4. Root for Genuine Growth (2:2-3)

Are you praying regularly for your Oikos list?

What have you done this last week to reveal God to at least one
member of your Oikos?

5. Make Love Motive #1 (2:4)

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