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Spring Term 2012 - Owls

Literacy to look at a range of comprehension Numeracy oral and mental starters will cover texts; diary writing, focussing heavily on VCOP, of mathematical concepts such as a range and non-fiction texts on rocks and soils. money, time, fractions, sequences, area, Handwriting practice will take place each week, perimeter, 2D & 3D shapes, angles and as per normal, and homework spellings and rounding. The main activities over the coming consolidation of high frequency words willweeks will concentrate on weight, capacity, continue each week. mass, word problems and revision of a range of mathematical concepts in preparation for optional SATs. Geography the 1st half term we looked at temperatures around the world and how the temperature affected human activity. For the 2nd half term we will be focussing on depletion of the ozone layer how this has come about, what we can do about it; the affects on areas such as Antarctica and the affect of deforestation in the rainforest. Whithaugh Park just a reminder that the residential will be taking place the second week that we come back after Easter. If you have any queries please pop in and see me. You should now be in the possession of a kit list, please let me know if you havent received it. Science this half term topic is rocks and soils. The children will be researching, via books and the internet, a range of rocks and how they were formed. They will be carrying out a range of testing of different types of rocks.

Games we will be practising for the range of festivals which are coming up in the next few months. The children will consolidating their rugby, cricket, football, athletics and skipping skills, so ensure that they have their games kit in school each week.

French we will be learning how to say, recognize and write numbers in French up to 20. We will be playing a range of games which focus on numbers which will consolidate the childrens pronunciation of the numbers up to 20.

Art we are looking at Indian Art. The children will use a range of materials to produce a selection of Indian Art.

Design & Technology we will be looking a pneumatic force. The children will experiment with a range of materials and will finally come home with a moving monster!

RE the children are finding out facts about the Hindu faith; what life is like for a Hindu child; what the Diwali festival represents and how the different Gods and Goddesses play an important role in a Hindus life.

Music the children are looking at a range of tuned and un-tuned instruments. They are being taught how to recognize rhythm, pitch and tempo. They are learning about pentatonic scales which are prevalent in a range of familiar songs.

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