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Del Seminars on Building Technology

nal version 15-02-2012

Welcome to the Master course Del seminars on Building Technology (DSBT). This is the last compulsory subject on Building Technology before your nal gradua on project starts. The seminar DSBT concentrates on the assembly of and the mutual integra on of structure, climate and faade. We developed this seminar, based on seven case studie projects, especially to study this interac on. The case studies are documented in books, magazines, internet pages and blackboard. Most importantly you will make your own excursion to two of the case study projects. Dont forget to bring your measurement tape, notebook and photo camera.
We want to use several design tools to help you develop a cri cal and sharp eye for the huge possibili es a strong coopera on between Architectural- and Building Technology Design can bring to your projects. 1. Discussion, argumenta on and verifying. In the work groups you can discuss with colleague students and your tutor. Also, you can also a end a series of lectures. These lectures discuss the dierences between the academic theory and the daily prac se. 2. Observa ons and nota ons. You organise a visit to two buildings in real life. You will nd your two buildings on blackboard in the group pages. Making the right observa ons is an art in itself. 3. Analysing and diagramming. To determine what is important for you to do in this seminar it is crucial that you can analyse and interpret gained knowledge and will be able to show the result in clear diagrams 4. Sketching and drawing technical specica ons. You will have to visualize complicated details. How do organize the opera on of a facade construc on? 5. Reading and wri ng. You have to use literature to defend your arguments. Also we want you to be able to write about your process of ndings and to make precise descrip ons of technical ma ers. If you can describe the research ques on correctly, you are closer to the answers you need Try to learn as much as possible during this seminar, as it will be a good prepara on for your gradua on in Del . Success! Bas Gremmen

The Ar cle

Illustrated and cri cal

In this assignment you will write an illustrated ar cle to discuss and explain the reasons and arguments for your redesign proposal of a case studys fragment. The ar cle will be a cri cal report of the ndings during the redesigning process. The illustra ons in the ar cle are diagrams, sketches and drawings and are drawn by yourself. You can use photographs in the ar cle as well. Photographs you use are copy-right free and the photographers name has to be indicated. You will use the given lay-out for the ar cle as provided in the In Design-le. (see blackboard) To complete this ar cle it is necessary accomplish a variety of tasks. You will nd them explained in the workow pages in the back of this assignment leaet. In the following we describe the paragraphs and their expected content in your ar cle.
1. Introduc on (200 words) This is the last paragraph you will write. It should trigger the reader to go forward and give insight to what you can expect in the ar cle. This paragraph is not meant for general informa on about the case study buildings or the list of members of the design team. 2. The fragment chosen (600 words) Describe here the arguments why you chose a certain fragment and your fascina on with it. Explain in what direc on you want to develop the redesign. Describe in wri ng the chosen fragment in every detail. Make a note of all materials, dimensions, assembly material, components and so on. (BTW: Use design topics from your design studios to narrow down the specic fragment and your ideas what and how to redesign this fragment. If you are interested in, for example, double skin facades, you can select a fragment where you think the double facade would be an improvement or a good alterna ve.) 3. The research ques on (200 words) In this paragraph you formulate your exact research topic. Narrow down the focus of the research ques on as much as you can. Be precise and descrip ve. (Your redesign will func on in this assignment as an example for your research results. The architectural design can be understood as an architectural and technical development combined. The proof of the pudding) 4. Reference project (300 words) Select from the literature a suitable reference project that corresponds with your redesign plans. Aim of this comparison is to test your chosen direc on of redesign to a build example. Check how the chosen details are compiled and what are the important parameters. Redraw the reference projects details to explain how they work. 5. Literature references (600 words) Your redesign needs to be a proven method in general building technology literature. You need the right arguments to prove every design decision. Check your ideas by the principles of structure, climate and facade techniques. What informa on made it possible to make the right decisions? In this assignment designing is not something only intui ve but a process that is strongly guided by technical informa on. 6. Redesign (600 words) Write in a precise manner how your fragment is build up. Explain extensively how your new design works. Give good insight in the sustainable quali es of your work. Make clear
Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

how is it assembled, which components are responsible for which func on, and how your design can be dismantled or re-used in the future. Explain how the climate in your building is guaranteed in dierent situa ons; summer, winter and the in between seasons. Men on the topics related to maintenance. Make clear how your design works for the building as a whole. 7. Conclusions (400 words) A very important part of you ar cle. Decide to what extent your redesign project was successful. Make links to the original facade, the reference project, the theory and last but not least your research ques on. This is the right moment to recommend to fellow students how they could con nue the research you started. 8. Bibliography Here you state a list of sources you used. Use the Harvard protocol to notate them in a standard format. Note your name and study number in the right down corner on the cover!

Redesign Assignment
complete makeover
The redesign is the key element in this assignment. It challenges you to analyse and cri cise an exis ng building fragment designed and engineered by well known architects. This process should trigger your own fascina ons on architecture and building technology. It is temp ng to concentrate on the facade only but it will not generate the best designs. The assignment of this seminar is to make a substan ated redesign proposal of one of the seven case studys facades. The design will contain at least proposals for the following topics; 1. Climate design sustainability, assembly, maintenance, dismantling 2. Structure design sustainability , assembly, dismantling 3. Facade design sustainability, assembly, maintenance, dismantling Especially the integra on and the coopera on of these disciplines form the backbone in your design. We call that Architectural Engineering. You should consider the current situa on of the case studies as replacable. The assignment is not about renova on or restora on. Re-develop the whole project from scratch, with the same program and dimensions. We want you to design on four dimensions; 1. 2. 3. 4. Building - what eect has the proposal on the whole building (diagrams, text) Fragment - drawings 1:20, text Element - wich (prefabricated) do i use in my design and in what order do i assemble (diagrams, text) Detail - drawings 1:5, diagrams, text

The Lectures
The lectures form the theore cal background to the Del Seminars on Building Technology. On top of the knowledge gained in the bachelor phase, an array of new topics will be addressed. A series of lecturers will address known and unknown topics in the case study projects. These prac cal issues will be seen in the light of the known theory. You will see and understand how the academic values are interpreted in prac se. What are the compromises made in the process from design to realisa on? How pure are the chosen solu ons if we relate them to the theory? These lectures are recommended for all par cipants of the work groups. Level one: Climate design Wednesday 22 February 2012 13:45 hr. - 17:30 hr. Lecture room A (BK) Level two: Structural design Wednesday 7 March 2012 13:45 hr. - 17:30 hr. Lecture room A (BK) Level three: Construc on design Wednesday 14 March 2012 13:45 hr. - 17:30 hr. Lecture room van der Grinten (IO) Level four: Integra on Wednesday 21 March 2012 13:45 hr. - 17:30 hr. Lecture room van der Grinten (IO) Level ve: Glass Wednesday 28 March 2012 13:45 hr. - 17:30 hr. Lecture room A (BK)

Case Study #1
Westraven, Grioenlaan 2, 3526 LA Utrecht Original architect: Lucas & Niemeijer architecten Renova on and extensions Jan Pesman, Cepezed Structural Engineer: ABT, Velp Technical Services Grontmij technical management, Amersfoort Acous cs, Building Physics DGMR, Arnhem Cost Consultant BBN, Hoorn

To be successful, use the workow document as you guidline. Note your name and study number in the right down corner!
Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

Case Study #2
Silodam, Westerdoksdijk, Amsterdam Architects MVRDV, Ro erdam Structural engineer: Pieters Bouwtechniek, Haarlem/Del , Climate Services, Accous cs and Building physics: Cauberg Huygen, Ro erdam, the Netherlands Facilitary oce: Bureau Bouwkunde, Ro erdam, the Netherlands

Case Study #3
Arcam,Prins Hendrikkade 600, Amsterdam Architect: Ren van Zuuk, Ren van Zuuk architekten Structural engineer: Advies- en Ingenieursbureau van der Laar, Eindhoven Electrical services Staal Dekker en Ronday, Amsterdam Ven la on services Goorhuis installa etechniek, Amsterdam

Case Study # 4
Landgoed Zonnestraal, Loosdrechtse Bos 5-21, 1213 RH Hilversum Original architect: Jan Duiker Renova on and extensions: Hubert Jan Henket, Henket & Partners architecten Wessel de Jonge, Wessel de Jonge architecten Structural engineer ABT Adviesbureau voor de Bouwtechniek bv Advisors Kropman Installa etechniek Deerns raadgevende ingenieurs bv DGMR Raadgevende Ingenieurs bv

Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

Case Study #5
BK City, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Del Original architect: J.A.W. Vrijman Renova on and extensions Job de Roos, Braaksma & Roos Diederik Fokkema, Fokkema architecten Hermann Kossman, Jong Mick Eekhout, Octatube Interna onale B.V. Winy Maas, MVRDV Structural engineers: ABT, Del IMD. Climate and Electrical design Cofely and ETAB de Vest, Del Fire safety consultants TAC Technisch Advies Centrum, Zoetermeer S ch ng Exper secentrum Regelgeving Bouw, Efec s Nederland BV, Rijswijk DGMR Bouw

Case Study #6
Kunsthal, Museumpark, Westzeedijk 341 3015 AA Ro erdam Architect: OMA, Ro erdam Stuctural Engineers Arup

Case Study #7
NAi, Ro erdam
Nederlands Architectuur Ins tuut, Ro erdam Jo Coenen & Co Architekten

Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

Evalua on Criteria
Your work will be tested by the following criteria: Ar cle general: Are all requirements fullled ? (see products) Use of langueage (cri cal and use of clichs) Is it easy to read for an interested layman The quality of the illustra ons and diagrams Ar cle per paragraph Descrip ve quality of the current situa on ( 2) What is the quality of the research ques on ( 3) Are the used literature references relevant ( 4) Relevance of the reference project ( 5) Descrip ve quality of the redesign ( 6) What is the quality of the conclusions ? ( 7) Redesign general: Are all requirement fullled ? (see products) The amount of coherency in between structure, climate design and facade design Probability of your sustainable measures General quality of your techniscal design Redesign Climate design Feasability of your climate system Quality of the sitribu on system and appliances Contribu on of your facade to the climate system Redesign Facade design Compliance of your design to general building physics Quali y of the facade system Redesign Structure design Quali y of the structure system, relevance of the posion and dimensions of structural elements Important: evalua on and marking of your work will not be executed by your own tutor.

1. Illustrated ar cle, content: (50%) Text of 2800-3000 words Footnotes Harvard protocol All paragraphs (see page 2) Photo credits Bibliography Harvard protocol Analy c diagrams presen ng the case-study project reference project literature facts and knowledge Overview and assembly of: The used facade elements Diagrams of: Organisa on of structure, Organisa on climate equipment and ngs Illustra ons from your redesign poster (reduced) Poster redesign reduced to size A3 full colour 2. Poster A0 redesign 1:20, content: (50%) Cross sec on 1:20 Longitudinal sec on combined with view of the eleva on from the inside out 1:20 Horizontal sec on oor plan 1:20 Eleva on 1:20 Cri cal details 1:5 The products have a separate weight in grade (gures between brackets). The assignment is completed when ALL these products are presented in the format as men oned in the format checklist.

Deliver the products in the following formats: Illustrated ar cle PDF format le format studentnumber-lastname.pdf Minimum resolu on 150 dpi Maximum le size: 10 Mb (unzipped) The ar cle: Is wri en in English, with the Harvard protocol Has the mandatory paragraphs (see page 4) Has only self made illustra ons and diagrams The safe-assign tool in blackboard accepts only les of 10 Mb or less. Watch the ini al resulu on of graphic les you use in In-Design. (max 150 Dpi before scaling down) Illustrated ar cle hardcopy Is printed double sided 20-24 pages 297x297 mm Name - study number on the cover (bo om right) Has the pre-xed lay-out, bound with a metal ring Add the poster size A3 as the prelast page Add the evalua on form A3 as the last page Poster A0 in PDF format le format studentnumber-lastname.pdf Minimum resolu on 150 dpi Maximum le size: 10 Mb (unzipped)

Only complete presenta ons will be accepted for marking !

Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

These lis ngs are an indica on for a nominal study process
Mee ng 9: One-to-ve & one-two-twenty PIN-UP Present your proposal in detail Prepare mee ng 10 Write paragraph 6. Work on improved versions of the earlier wri en paragraphs. Dene which drawings you will use as illustra on in your ar cle and what is missing Make a bibliography of the used sources Re-print your 1:20 drawing on a poster A0 Mee ng 10: Rening Rene your proposal Prepare mee ng 11 Finalize your poster for a last checkup, re-print your 1:20 drawing on a poster A0 Make addi onal diagrams to explain the impact of the designed fragment on the whole project. Print your ar cle in concept including the illustra ons. Last mee ng with your tutor is a PIN-UP presenta on. Show all your work and ar cle document, we can advise you for the last weeks to do. Mee ng 11: Overview PIN UP Present all your material Prepare week 4.9 the deadline Finalise your ar cle including the illustra ons, use the predened lay-out. Add footnotes and photo credits Deliver your full digital les in Blackboard according to the instruc ons you will receive on a later moment. Check your documents in rela on to the credit pages in this reader See planning page for detailed informa on

Research & Design Quarter

Mee ng 1: Introduc on & Presenta on In this collec ve mee ng we explain the course. Task mee ng 2 individual or small groups Collect informa on of the two case studys. Prepare your excursion to the case studies. Mee ng 2: Excursion day Excursion to case studies (individual or small groups) Task mee ng 3 Prepare mee ng 1 workgroup mee ng: Complete the stock-taking of the two case studies. Present the results in the rst mee ng. Select a fragment you would like to redesign. Write paragraph 2 and bring a printed version Mee ng 3: Fragment selec on PIN-UP presenta on of the ndings of week 1 and 2 Prepare mee ng 4 Redene your chosen facade fragment a er the feedback. Select a reference project to support your ideas about the direc on you would like to develop your redesign Use literature references to found your arguments Write paragraph 4 & 5 and bring a printed version Mee ng 4: Reference project & theory Discuss the selected reference project Prepare mee ng 5 Make an analysis of your reference project. Write paragraph 3 bring a printed version Sketch your redesign in the scales 1:200/50/10 Remember, this is about building technology! Mee ng 5 Research Ques on & Redesign PIN-UP Presenta on of the research ques on and proposal Prepare mee ng 6 Draw your redesign proposal in the scale of 1:50. Make clear with the help of diagrams how your redesign works out for the whole project. Mee ng 6 Design Prepara on Does your proposal meet your requirements? Prepare mee ng 7 Redraw your redesign proposal Make addi onal sketches 1:5 to explain specic details

Design & Engineering Quarter

Mee ng 7: Start of Engineering PIN-UP Presenta on of the proposal 1:50 and 1:5 Prepare mee ng 8 Use the feedback of this mee ng to sharpen your proposal Draw the facade, two sec ons and oor plan scale 1:20. Make diagram to explain climate system Print your 1:20 drawing on a poster A0 Mee ng 8: One-to-twenty Discuss the poster Prepare mee ng 9 Draw the details in the scale of 1:5 Rene your drawings 1:20 Make diagram to explain assembly of the facade Re-print your 1:20 drawing on a poster A0

Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

RESEARCH & DESIGN QUARTER 8 februari 2012 21 maart 2012 Meeting 6 Work group groups: even group numbers Meeting 6 Work group groups: uneven group numbers Tutor: lunch meeting 12:45-13:30 Lectures Level 4 LR IO-Joost van der Grinten DESIGN & ENGINEERING QUARTER 25 april 2012 Meeting 7 Work group PIN-UP groups: even group numbers 6 juni 2012

A endance & Marks

recurrence possibili es
Experience teaches us that a endance is very important in this seminar. More than allowed absence (valid or not valid) and/or insucient work process can be a reason for removal from the course. (To determine by the tutor) For that reason we state the following rules for the workgroups: A endance of 3 full work group mee ngs in Q1 A endance of 4 full work group mee ngs in Q2 The a endance of the lectures is not obligatory, but will be checked for evalua on purposes. Deliver your hardcopy to the secretary of Architectural Engineerin + Technology at 01west before 16:00 hrs on 27 June 2012. The delivery of the hardcopy is qualifying if your contribu on is in me! Entries that are too late (a er 16:00 hours) will NOT be evaluated The meaning of the marks is as follows: 1 : Extremely bad, does not qualify for recurrence op ons 2 : Very bad, does not qualify for recurrence op ons 3 : Bad, does not qualify for recurrence op ons 4 : Insucient, does qualify for recurrence op ons 5 : Almost sucient, can be corrected with addi onal task without tutoring. Must be nished in 10 days a er request from sta. Second correc on is not possible. If the correc on does not higher the grade to 6, you will be qualied for recurrence op ons 6 : Sucient 7 : Quite sucient work. Marks equal and higher than 7,5 will be used for future reference. 8 : Good 9 : Very good 10 : Excellent Students par cipa ng in the recurrance group are obliged to con nue working on their earlier evaluated ar cle and redesign poster. They have to make sure that they a end at least three full tutoring mee ngs (of max 5) if they want their work to be evaluated.

Meeting 1 introduction LR IO-Joost van der Grinten Meeting 1 Presentation BK Lecture room A 15 februari 2012 Meeting 2 Excursion to case studies individual

Meeting 7 Work group PIN-UP groups: uneven group numbers

28 maart 2012 Meeting 8 Work group groups: even group numbers

2 mei 2012

13 juni 2012

Meeting 2 Excursion to Case studies individual 22 februari 2012 Meeting 3 Work group PIN-UP groups: even group numbers Meeting 3 Work group PIN-UP groups: uneven group numbers Lectures Level 1 BK Lecture room A

Lecture Level 5 BK Lecture room A

Tutor: lunch meeting 12:45-13:30 Meeting 8 Work group groups: uneven group numbers

4 april 2012

9 mei 2012 Meeting 9 Work group PIN-UP groups: even group numbers

20 juni 2012

Meeting 9 Work group PIN-UP groups: uneven group numbers

29 februari 2012

11 april 2012 Meeting 10 Work group groups: even group numbers

16 mei 2012

27 juni 2012

Deadline assignment 10-16 hours secretary AE+T Spring Break exams Tutor: lunch meeting 12:45-13:30 Meeting 10 Work group groups: uneven group numbers

7 maart 2012 Meeting 4 Work group groups: even group numbers Meeting 4 Work group groups: uneven group numbers Tutor: lunch meeting 12:45-13:30 Lecture Level 2 BK Lecture room A

18 april 2012

23 mei 2012 Meeting 11 Work group PIN-UP groups: even group numbers Evaluation Meeting

4 juli 2012

exams Meeting 11 Work group PIN-UP groups: uneven group numbers Evaluation Meeting


14 maart 2012 Meeting 5 Work group PIN-UP groups: even group numbers Meeting 5 Work group PIN-UP groups: uneven group numbers Lectures Level 3 LR IO-Joost van der Grinten

30 mei 2012

Lectures Workgroups Presentations

Architectural Engineering Del Seminars on Building Technology (Q3 2011- 2012) Ir Bas Gremmen

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