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1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Learning objectives Lesson starters

YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 1 Qu estudias? (pp. 2425) Talking about your school subjects Using of the -ar verb estudiar (to study) Starter 1: Introducing vocabulary for school subjects; developing strategies for working out new language Starter 2: Practising using the correct verb endings for ar verbs in the singular Quiz reviewing key points of the unit (class work in groups) ar verbs 1st/2nd/3rd persons (using estudiar) Using los to say 'every' (every Thursday, etc.) Confident individuals Be self-aware patterns and sounds in songs and rhymes short, predictable conversations sound patterns in different languages words, signs, phrases, simple texts describe myself and exchange information Days of the week lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado domingo los lunes, etc. y tambin

Plenary Grammar Four capacities

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-01a Listening and MLAN 2-02a talking MLAN 2-07a MLAN 2-08b Reading Writing Key language MLAN 2-13b Qu estudias? Estudio Mara estudia ciencias matemticas ingls francs espaol historia msica tecnologa informtica geografa dibujo educacin fsica religin teatro las asignaturas


Reinforcement: Workbook A, p. 12 Pupils Book, Te toca a ti, p. 116, exs 1 and 2 Extension: Workbook B, p. 12

Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular Expressive arts Sing a song from a different culture ICT Prepare a timetable LIT 3-15a read and make notes


CD 1 tracks 2629; Workbooks A and B, p. 12; Resource & Assessment Pack, Gramtica, p. 7 Teacher Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Presentation Pack Module 2 overview p. 24 ex. 1 p. 24 ex. 1 p. 25 ex. 4 p. 25 ex. 5 Game

ActiveTeach Transcripts for listening exercises p.024 Flashcards p.025 Learning skills p.025 Learning skills answers Homework Notes Further practice of ar verbs (singular) in Pupils Book, Gramtica 4.2 (a), p. 129

SCHOOL: DATE: MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Learning objectives Lesson starters

YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 2 Qu haces en clase? (pp. 2627) Saying what you do in lessons Understanding regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs (singular) Starter 1: Consolidating verb endings for ar verbs in the singular; introducing using grammar to help predict new forms Starter 2: Practising the 3rd person singular endings for ar/er/ir verbs (Using resources Gramtica section) Recapping on the infinitive and singular present tense forms of ar, er and ir verbs Identifying patterns to help learn language ar, er, ir verbs (1st/2nd/3rd persons main focus on first person) Confident individuals Relate to others and manage themselves daily routines, gesture and expression prepared conversations about myself and my interests collaborative activities words, signs, phrases, simple texts describe myself and exchange information

Plenary Grammar Four capacities

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-01b Listening and MLAN 2-03b talking MLAN 2-05b MLAN 2-08b Reading MLAN 2-13b Writing Key language

Qu estudias? Estudio (ingls). Qu haces en clase de ingls? hablo (con mis amigos/por telfono) como (chicle) escribo escucho (msica) leo no hablo/como/escribo/escucho/leo Reinforcement: Workbook A, p. 13 Extension: Workbook B, p. 13 Pupils Book, Te toca a ti, p. 117, ex. 1


Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular Resources CD 1 tracks 3031; Workbooks A and B, p. 13 Teacher Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Presentation Pack Module 2 overview p. 26 ex. 1 p. 27 ex. 2 LIT 3-14a HWB 3-09a find and select information from texts accept responsibilities and respect others rights

ActiveTeach Transcripts for listening exercises p.026 Flashcards p.026 Grammar: Regular verbs p.026 Grammar practice: Regular verbs Homework Notes Further information on ar/er/ir verbs in Pupils Book, Gramtica 4.2 (a), pp. 129 130

SCHOOL: DATE: MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Learning objectives Lesson starters Plenary

YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 3 Los profesores (pp. 2829) Talking about your teachers Using adjectives which end in -o/-a Starter 1: Recapping on school subject vocabulary (pair work) Starter 2: Practising agreement of o/a adjectives in the singular Doing the Mini-test (pair work) Checking the work of another pair/(redrafting) Identifying where to find help (class discussion) Definite articles (revisited) Qualifiers Adjectival agreements (o/a) Confident individuals Relate to others and manage themselves short, predictable conversations share information about myself and others pronunciation match words to pictures, order text check accuracy of familiar words and phrases


Four capacities

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-02a Listening and MLAN 2-03a talking MLAN 2-07b MLAN 2-08a Reading Writing Key language MLAN 2-14a

Cmo es ? El profesor/La profesora de (espaol) es muy/bastante/un poco simptico/a antiptico/a severo/a aburrido/a divertido/a Seor Seora Seorita Reinforcement: Workbook A, p. 14 Extension: Workbook B, p. 14 Pupils Book, Te toca a ti, p. 117, ex. 3


Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular Resources CD 1 tracks 3234; Workbooks A and B, p. 14; Resource & Assessment Pack, Gramtica p. 8 Teacher Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Presentation Pack Module 2 overview p. 28 ex. 1 p. 29 ex. 4 Game LIT 3-04a HWB 3-02a identify main concerns of the text know that all experience a variety of emotions that affect feelings and behaviour

ActiveTeach Transcripts for listening exercises p.028 Flashcards p.028 Grammar: Adjectives p.029 Class activity Homework Notes Further information on adjectival agreements (o/a) in Pupils Book, Gramtica 3.1, p. 128

SCHOOL: DATE: MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Learning objectives Lesson starters

YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 4 Me gusta el espaol (pp. 3031) Giving opinions and reasons Understanding all adjective agreements Starter 1: Introducing the expressions me gusta and no me gusta (class work, pair work) Starter 2: Practising implementing key grammar points; reading a text closely for accuracy Practising using adjectives (group work) adjectival endings (full range) me/te gusta(n) + noun Confident individuals Be self-aware patterns and sounds in songs and rhymes short, predictable conversations match words to pictures, order text opinions and reasons

Plenary Grammar Four capacities

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-01a Listening and MLAN 2-02a talking Reading Writing Key language MLAN 2-08a MLAN 3-13b School subjects

Te gusta (el ingls)? Te gustan (las ciencias)? Me gusta(n) No me gusta(n) mucho nada Me gusta (el espaol) porque es bueno/a aburrido/a divertido/a interesante fcil difcil importante til Me gustan las matemticas porque son buenas/interesantes/tiles, etc. Differentiation Reinforcement: Workbook A, p. 15 Extension: Workbook B, p. 15 Pupils Book, Te toca a ti, p. 117, ex. 2 Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular LIT 3-09a HWB 3-01a communicate information, ideas or opinions express feelings and develop ability to talk about them

Expressive arts Sing a song from a different culture


CD 1 tracks 3537; Workbooks A and B, p. 15; Resource & Assessment Pack, Gramtica pp. 911 Teacher Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Presentation Pack Module 2 overview p. 30 ex. 1 p. 31 ex. 4 p. 31 ex. 6

ActiveTeach Transcripts for listening exercises p.030 Grammar: Me gusta and me gustan p.030 Grammar practice: Me gusta and me gustan p.030 Thinking skills p.030 Thinking skills answers p.031 Grammar: Adjectives p.031 Grammar practice: Adjectives p.031 Grammar skills p.031 Grammar skills answers Homework Notes Further practice of me gusta/me gustan in Pupils Book, Gramtica 4.5, p. 133

SCHOOL: DATE: MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Learning objectives Lesson starters

YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 5 Qu comes? (pp. 3233) Talking about snacks Using comer (to eat) and beber (to drink) Starter 1: Introducing vocabulary for snacks and drinks; developing strategies for working out new language Starter 2: Practising using er/ir verbs in the singular Developing writing strategies (class discussion) er verbs 1st/2nd/3rd persons (using comer/beber) Successful learners Learn independently and as part of a group short, predictable conversations share information about myself and others match words to pictures, order text express myself in writing

Plenary Grammar Four capacities

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-02a Listening and MLAN 2-03a talking Reading Writing Key language MLAN 2-08a MLAN 2-13a

Qu comes (en el recreo)? Como Qu bebes? Bebo Snacks/drinks agua mineral un bocadillo un pltano un zumo de naranja una hamburguesa una pizza una Coca-Cola una limonada una manzana unas patatas fritas Revision of language from earlier units


Reinforcement: Workbook A, p. 16 Pupils Book, Te toca a ti, p. 116, ex. 3 Extension: Workbook B, p. 16 Pupils Book, Extra 1!, pp. 3637, ex. 6; Extra 2!, pp. 3839

Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular LIT 3-14a HWB 3-30 find and select information from texts take part in practical food activities


CD 1 tracks 3839; Workbooks A and B, p. 16 Teacher Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Presentation Pack Module 2 overview p. 32 ex. 1 p. 32 ex. 2 Video Game

ActiveTeach Transcripts for listening exercises p.032 Flashcards p.032 Class activity p.032 Learning skills p.032 Learning skills answers p.033 Video 1 p.033 Video worksheet 1 p.033 Video 2 p.033 Video worksheet 2 p.033 Video answers p.033 Video transcript p.033 Grammar skills p.033 Grammar skills answers Homework Notes Further information on er verbs in Pupils Book, Gramtica 4.2 (a), p. 130


YEAR: CLASS: Extra! 1 (pp. 3637)

MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Practising the singular forms of ar, -er and ir verbs Learning Writing extended sentences objectives Lesson starter Plenary Grammar Four capacities Reading for gist Introducing everyday Spanish culture Asking and answering questions Further work on adjectives and qualifiers Responsible citizens Understand different beliefs and cultures extended, predictable conversations collaborative activities simple facts about the country work out meanings check accuracy of familiar words and phrases

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 3-02a Listening and MLAN 2-05b talking Reading Writing Key language MLAN 2-09a MLAN 2-11c MLAN 2-14a

The Spanish school system escuela edad escuela infantil escuela primaria instituto El ao escolar comienza en termina en vas al/a la Cuntos aos tienes? Revision of language from Module 2

Differentiation Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular Resources

Extension: Pupils Book, p. 36, ex. 1: pupils adapt the text to write a description of their own school system LIT 3-04a identify main concerns of the text

Social studies Lifestyle and culture of citizens of another country: Spanish school system CD 1, track 41 ActiveTeach Transcript for listening exercise p.037 Preparation 2 p.037 Prep answers 2 p.037 Assignment 2

Homework Notes

SCHOOL: DATE: MIRA! 1 Mdulo 2 En el instituto Reading a story in Spanish Learning Preparing a presentation on school objectives Lesson starter Plenary Grammar Four capacities

YEAR: CLASS: Extra! 2 (pp. 3839)

Recapping grammatical terms: noun, verb, adjective Developing good presentation skills Effective contributors Communicate in different ways and in different settings share information about myself and others brief presentation on a familiar topic pronunciation words, signs, phrases, simple texts check accuracy of familiar words and phrases

Experiences and outcomes MLAN 2-03a Listening and MLAN 2-06a talking MLAN 2-07b MLAN 2-08b Reading Writing Key language Differentiation Numeracy Literacy Health and wellbeing Crosscurricular Resources LIT 3-10a HWB 3-01a MLAN 2-14a

Revision of language from Module 2 Reinforcement: Pupils prepare the presentation in pairs communicate in a clear, expressive way express feelings and develop ability to talk about them

Expressive arts Adapt and sustain a dramatic role: act out photo story ICT Use presentation software, include multimedia (photo/video) elements Expressive Arts Create artwork/photo/video to accompany presentation CD 1, track 42 ActiveTeach Transcript for listening exercise

Homework Notes

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