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Animal Classification Name:_____________________________ Date:______________________________

Animal Classification

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2 Class Mammalia ........................................................................................................................ 2 Website Activity ........................................................................................................................ 2 Questions................................................................................................................................... 4

Animal Classification

In class, you have been introduced to the world of taxonomy, which is the branch of science where organisms (living things) are identified and grouped into categories based upon their characteristics. This week, we have been focusing on Kingdom Animalia which includes multiple phyla and even more classes of animals. The following activities will allow you to explore more about Kingdom Animalia and learn what makes an organism belong in its known phyla/class. For the activity involving the questionnaire based off of the website, complete the following exercise to become more familiar with the Class Mammalia.

Class Mammalia
List four characteristics of organism found in the Mammalia class, also known as mammals.

Website Activity

To begin the assignment, click on On the main page of the Tree of Life Web Project, notice the center of the image with the taxonomy tree where there are pictures of a flower, mushroom, butterfly, etc. Click on the icon that allows you to search for different animals.

Animal Classification

From there, you can continue to search for answers to the questions listed below. Each icon represents a kingdom, like in the picture shown below.

Animal Classification

1. What phylum do mammals fall under? 2. What is the common name for the animal labeled as Eulemer mongoz? 3. Find the scientific name for a duck-billed platypus. 4. What would be an example of a morphological feature that had transformed on a Cetacean in order for it to transition to an aquatic environment? 5. What organisms can be found in the Order Sirenia? 6. What do microchiropteran (echolocating) bats prefer to eat in their diet? 7. What type of animal group would Phascolarctos cinereus, Macropus rufus, and Sarcophilus harrisii be placed into? 8. Explain the differences between Suborders Mysticeti and Odontoceti.Why do horses and rhinoceros both belong to the Order Perissodactyla? 4

Animal Classification 10. How do dolphins make the clicking sounds in order to perform echolocation? (Hint: Look at the picture below)

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