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PRONOUN (zamir)
KINDS OF PRONOUNS: Personal Demonstrative Intensive Reflexive Indefinite Relative Interrogative Reciprocal PERSONAL PRONOUNS (ahs zamirleri) Subject I you he/she/it we they one1 Object me you him/her/it us them one Possessive adj. my your his/her/its our their ones Possessive pron. mine yours his/her/-ours theirs --

Personal pronouns in details

Her zaman byk yazlr. Do you know who I am? 1. Tekil yada oul kastedebilir. Her iki durumda da oul yklem alr. Are you here James? You Are you here kids? 2. Genel olarak insanlardan bahsederken You must show your ID whenever a policeman asks. (All people must show) Ataszlerinde anyone demektir. Hem erkek hem bayan kastedilir He who hesitates is lost? (Tereddt eden kii kaybeder) He Cinsiyetin nemli olmad durumlarda daha nce zikredilmi bir grup iin [eski kullanm] Every child needs to know that he is loved. lkeler, gemiler ve bazen dier aralar iin kullanlmaktadr. She When the titanic sank, nobody believed that it was possible to save her. Tm insanlar anlamnda, konuan ve dinleyiciler de dahil We We must protect the environment against pollution. 1. Tm insanlar anlamnda They say inflation will never comedown. (Derler ki enflasyon asla inmeyecek) 2. Sorumlu, grevli kiiler anlamnda (People in charge, people concerned) They are buildings a new underground station. They 3. body ve one kombinasyonlar yerine kullanlr. DKKAT: Yklem tekildir! Everyone has passed their exam, havent they? Has everyone got their books?

One aslnda bir indefinite pronoundur.





1. Kim olduunu bilmediimiz insanlar iin Knock.knock..knock! Who is it? Its your driver sir. 2. Cinsiyeti bilinmeyen bebekler; What a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 3) Scaklk, hava, mesafe ve zaman iin (temperature, weather, distance or time) How long is it to the station?(for time or distance) Its early/late. Its 5 am. It was Friday the 13th (for time) Its cold/warm. Its raining/snowing/freezing. It was foggy (for weather) It is two miles to the beach. (distance) Its 25oC (for temp) 4) -thing kombinasyonlarnn zamiri olarak (everything, something, anything, nothing) Everything was ready, wasnt it?2 5) Introductory it a) For to infinitives: It was foolish to live the car there. b) For that clauses: It is a pity that you cant come with us. c) for gerunds It is no use shouting. (Barmann faydas yok) c) At cleft sentences: It is N + relative clause oulluk veya cinsiyet durumu deitirmez. It is Tom who signs the letters, not Bill.3 (not He is Tom who signs) It is more nurses that we need, not more doctors.4 (not They are more nurses...) It is Spain that we are going to, not Portugal. 1. Tm insanlar: One kii, insan, herkes vs. diye evrilebilir veya at edilgen yaplabilir. One has to show ones passport. (Kii/herkes pasaportunu gstermek zorundadr.) One should always be polite.(Kii/insan her zaman kibar olmaldr) How does one get to the Fifth Avenue from here? (Buradan 5. caddeye nasl gidilir?) 2. One iin ones iyelik sfat kullanlr ancak bazen baka kullanmlar da gzkmektedir. One should take care of ones health. (Br E typical, Am E formal) One should take care of his health.(Am E typical) One should take care of his or her health. (ok nadir) 3. Bir oulun bir ferdi olarak: one of +plural noun One of my fiends has called me. 4. nsan iin kullanld gibi nesneler iin de kullanlr. oulu (ones) vardr.. Which one would you like? That black one please. Which ones would you like? These small ones please. 5. ou zaman that, this veya bir sfatla kullanlr. [that/this/adj+one] I want to buy a car. Please show me the black one. 6. Saylamayanlar iin kullanlmaz. Dont drink this water. Drink that clean water. (not that clean one.) NOTE: Sralamalardan ve superlativelerden sonra sylenmeyebilir. Which train did you come on? The first (one) I have caught the second (one) They have got four children. The eldest (one) is only 10.

-body kombinasyonlarnda they zamiri kullanlr. The person who signs the letters is Tom, not Bill. 4 The thing that we need is more nurses not more doctors.





Extra Notes for it pronoun:

It is kalb en sk kullanlan kalptr. It is V3 that Its said/believed/thought (that) you are going to London tomorrow. (Yarn Londraya gidecein syleniyor/dnlyor/-e inanlyor.) It is adj that It is vital to help the poor.(Yoksullara yardm etmek ok nemlidir) It is N Ving It is not use warning him.(Onu uyarmann faydas yok) It is adj of SB to do ST

It was clever of you to think of that.(Bunu dnmen ok akllca bir davrant)

It appears that she knows nothing about the subject. (Belli ki konu hakknda hibir ey bilmiyor) It strikes me that she knows nothing about the subject (Bir an kafama dank etti ki) It turns out that she knows nothing about the subject. (Ortaya kt ki) He told Tom to hire a car. Then it turned out that Tom did not have a driving license. (Toma araba kiralamasn syledi. Sonra ortaya kt ki Tomun src ehliyeti yokmu) You cant take photos here. Its not allowed. (=Taking photos here is not allowed.) It was against my suggestion of hiring a car. (Bir araba kiralamak nerilerimin tersineydi) It doesnt matter what they say. (Ne dedikleri nemli deil)

It is kalb her zaman gzkmeyebilir.

It zamiri noun clause, relative clause, to infinitive veya gerund yerine sklkla kullanlr.

It will be easy to find the right house. (Doru evi bulmak kolay alacak)

[find it adj to do ST] veya [find it a N to do ST] veya [find it adj + that clause] Bu kalplarda find=think anlamndadr.

I found it enjoyable to play with you. (Seninle oynamay elenceli buluyorum) You may find it hard to accept your illness. (Hastaln kabullenmek sana g gelebilir) I find it amazing that theyre still together. (Hala beraber olmalarn ok artc buluyorum) She finds it a strain to meet new people. (Yeni insanlarla tanmak onun iin bir stres)

Possessive Pronouns
1) One ve it zamirleri iin sahiplik zamiri yoktur. 2) Its ve its farkl eylerdir. Its=It is Its tail is short. (Onun kuyruu ksa) Its a short tail. (O ksa bir kuyruk) Whose are those cars? Those are his cars. This is your bicycle. Mine is the black one. Its my own house. (Benim kendi evim) It is my very own house. (Benim kendi evim) This is a car of my own = This is my own car. veya Those are mine.

3) iyelik sfat ve zamirleri whose sorusuna cevaptrlar.

4) OWN sahiplik belirtir. Vurgu iin kullanlr: [my/your etc. +own+ N]

6) OWN u kalpla da sk sk kullanlr: [a+N+of+my/your etc.+own]



It is a fault of your own = It is your own fault.



7) The asla iyelik zamiri veya sfatyla kullanlmaz.

He is my friend. (not He is the my friend) Here is my best friend. (not Here is my the best friend) She was my first girl friend. (not She was my the first girl friend) A friend of mine = one of my friends. A good idea of yours = one of your good ideas. A student of hers = one of her students. He hit me in the eye. (Gzme vurdu) She punched me in the face.(Yzm trmalad) A bee stung her on the nose. (Bir ar onu burnundan soktu) I will shoot the man on the head. (Adam kafasndan vuracam)

8) [a noun + of+mine/yours etc.]

NOTE: Darbe ifade eden baz yklemler u kalpla kullanlr. [V + SB + prep + the body organ]

Choosing Cases after Linking Verbs and after But, Than, and As But, Than,
Linking verblerden, but, than ve asden sonra gelen zamir zne durumunda m (subjective case) yoksa nesne durumunda m (objective case) olmal eklinde dilbilimciler arasnda bir tartma vardr. Gramerce her ikisi de doru kabul edilir. Gnmzde hemen hep nesne durumunda kullanlmaktadr. zne durumundaki kullanmlar eski ve tuhaf kabul edilmektedir. Durumla ilgili ksaca unlar sylenebilir: a) After Link Verbs: zne konumu formal olandr ve gramerde bu doru kabul edilir. Ancak tersine olan pek ok informal kullanm vardr:

It was he who represented the United Nations during the 1960s.5 [formal] That must be she on the dock over there.6 [formal] Its me.7 [informal] Baz dilbilimciler Its I denmesi gerektiini syler.

b) after as, than, but: zne durumunda diyenlerin delilleri, Eer cmleye devam edecek olsak zne kanlmazd eklindedir. Nesne konumunda kullanm doru kabul edenler bunlarn birer preposition olduunu, dolaysyla nesne konumunda zamir alacan savunurlar. No one could be as happy as I (am) Whom were you expecting? No one but he (is)? My father is still taller than she (is) Dad's a lot taller than him. No one in this class has done the homework but me. c) Ancak aadaki ilk cmlede but yklemden nce gelmitir ve balatr, zamir znenin bir paras olduundan he olacaktr. None of the students but he were interested. (Onun dnda hibir renci ilgilenmedi) None of the students were interested but him. (Ondan baka hibir renci ilgilenmedi)
d) Like preposition olduundan kendisinden sonra phesiz nesne durumundaki zamir gelir.

My mother is a lot like her.

5 6

Birlemi Milletler 1960lar boyunca temsil eden kii oydu. Oradaki rhtmdaki kii o olmal. 7 Ben geldim.



DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (aret Zamirleri) Bu kelimeler (this/that/these/those/such) pronouns veya determiners olarak grev yapabilmektedirler.
That is incredible! (referring to something you just saw) I will never forget this. (referring to a recent experience) Such is my belief. (referring to an explanation just made) These [pancakes sitting here now on my plate] are delicious. Those [pancakes that I had yesterday morning] were even better.

NOTE: Hususi trdeki bir ey(ler)e veya kii(ler)e atfta bulunurken that veya those kullanlr, this veya these deil.
Salaries are higher here than those (which are) in my countries. I want this horse more than that (which) you offer me. Wed like to exchange our home with that of a British family.

Intensive pronouns (rnein myself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves) bir ahs zamiri art self veya selves ile yaplrlar. (a personal pronoun + self or selves) ve bir ismi vurgularlar. Vurguladklar isimden sonra gelirler. Vurguladklar isim zneyse cmle sonuna tanabilirler.

Tom himself went to New York (=Tom went to New York himself.) (Tomun bizzat kendisi New Yorka gitti.) Ann herself opened the door (=Ann opened the door herself.) (Ann kapy bizzat kendi at) I myself don't know the answer. (=I dont know the answer myself) (Ben ahsen cevab bilmiyorum)

Aksi takdirde niteledikleri ismin hemen pei sra gelirler

I didnt meet the queen herself. (Kralienin bizzat kendisiyle karlamadm)

NOTE: Bu yap zneyi nitelerken cmle bana da gelebilir. [ok nadiren, bazlarnca yanl]

Myself, I don't believe a word he says. (ahsen, ben dedii tek kelimeye inanmam)

REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Dnl Zamirler) Yukardaki zamirlerin ayn kullanlr. Ancak burada zamirler bizzat nesne konumundadr. Vurgu amal kullanlmazlar.
1) Bir cmledeki zne ayn zamanda o cmlenin nesnesi durumundaysa (If the subject is also the object) Trkede kendi- diye ifade ettiimiz reflexive pronounlar kullanrz. He cut himself when he was shaving. (Tra olurken kendini kesti) The record player switched itself off. (Kaset alar kendisini kapatt) Students who cheat on this quiz are only hurting themselves. (Bu snavda kopya eken renciler sadece kendilerine zarar verirler) Ann and Tom blamed themselves. (Ann ve Tom kendilerini suladlar) DKKAT: Bu yaplar birbirleri(ni) anlamna gelmezler. Bunun iin each other veya one another kullanlr.

Ann and Tom blamed each other. (Ann ve Tom birbirlerini sulad.) They looked at themselves in the mirror. (Aynada kendilerine baktlar)



They looked at each other in the mirror. (Aynada birbirlerine baktlar)



NOTE: Bu yaplar baz yklemlerle kullanlmazlar. [concentrate, relax, feel, meet]

You must try and concentrate. (not concentrate yourself) How do you feel? (not How do you feel yourself?) When are we meeting? (not meeting ourselves)

Ve ayrca geisiz olduklar iin u fiillerle de kullanlmaz. Wash: ykanmak shave: tra olmak dress: giyinmek. He got up, washed, shaved and dressed. (Kalkt, ykand, tra oldu ve giyindi) Ancak kurulanmak (dry) byle kullanlr: I dried myself. 2) Bu tr zamirler ok sk olarak but sonrasnda kullanlmaktadr.

He insulted no one but himself. (Bakasna deil, kendisine hakaret etti.) They accused no one but themselves. (Kendilerinden baka hi kimseyi sulamadlar) I didnt do it by myself / on my own. (Onu tek bama yapmadm) Did you go on your holiday by yourself / on your own? (Tatile yalnz bana m gittin?) Jack was sitting by himself / on his own in a corner of the caf. (Jack kafenin kesinde tek bana oturuyordu.) Learner drivers are not allowed to drive on their own / by themselves. (Acemi srclerin yalnz balarna araba kullanmalarna izin verilmez)

3) BY MYSELF etc. = yalnz tek bama anlamna gelir. ON MY etc OWN e anlaml bir yapdr.

10) Link verblerden sonra [Be, feel, seem, appear, sound, taste, become, get(=become), grow(=become), turn(=become)] He is so tired nowadays. He isnt himself. (Bu aralar yorgun. Alk olduumuz gibi deil.) She is so angry. She doesnt look herself. (ok fkeli gzkyor. Alk olduumuz gibi deil) Ayn yap iyelik sfat + sfat + self [my/your+adj+ self] kalbyla da kullanlr.

Ali doesnt look his cheerful self. (Ali her zamanki neesinde gzkmyor) My mother didnt sound her happy self at the party. (Annem partideyken her zamanki mutluluunda deildi)

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS (Belirsiz Zamirler) 1. body, -one, -thing kombinasyonlar belirsiz zamirlerdir.
-one anyone everyone [no one] someone -body anybody everybody nobody somebody -thing anything everything nothing something

NOTE: -body ve thing kombinasyonlar aadaki her durumda ahs zamiri alabilirler.

Everyone / everybody took his seat. [formal] Everyone / everybody took his or her seat. [formal, rare] Everyone / everybody took their seat. [informal, common]

3. Aadakiler ayn zamanda determiner olarak kullanlr: enough, few, fewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both, each, any, either, neither, none, some, one

Few will be chosen; fewer will finish.



Little is expected. One of the boys will help you. whoever, whomever, whatever

2. Aadakiler de belirsiz zamirdir.

The coach will select whomever he pleases. (Ko her kimi isterse seecek) He said whatever came to mind. (Aklna ne gelirse syledi) Whoever crosses this line first will win the race. (izgiyi ilk geen yar kazanacak)

RELATIVE PRONOUNS (lgi Zamirleri) Relative Clauselardaki zamirler. Ayrnt iin bkz. Relative Clause
The woman who/that is standing near the window is a doctor. Have you found the book which/that was missing? The door, which was bright red, was very conspicuous. My wife, who is an American, finds Turkey very beautiful.


Ayn zamanda determiner olarak kullanlrlar. (who, what, which, whose)

Which is your brother? We know who is guilty of this crime. I already told the detective what I know about it.

Whose are these?

It doesn't matter which beer you buy. [det] What questions give you most trouble? [det] (=What kind of question) questions in general Which questions give you the most trouble? [det] some special questions


each other one another

You and I saw each other last week. (Geen hafta birbirimizi grmtk) The houses faced each other. (Evler birbirine bakyor) I think weve learned a lot about one another in this session. (Sanrm bu sezon birbirimiz hakknda ok ey rendik.) The wires were touching one another. (Teller birbirine deiyordu)

NOTE: Bariz kullanm geniliine ramen bazlarnca each other iki kii iin, one another ise bir grup fertleri iin kullanlr.


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