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PSYCHOLOGY ASSIGNMENT Q1. Write a note on types of validity or norms. Ans: Validity refers to the degree to which a study accurately reflects or access specific concepts that the researcher is attempting to measure while reliability is concerned with the accuracy of the actual measuring instrument or procedure. The validity of a test concerns what the test measures and how well does it measure. It tells us what can be inferred from the test scores. Validity is the ability of a test to measure what it purports to measure. There are various kinds of validity: a) CONTENT VALIDITY- When a test has content validity ,the items on the test represent the entire range of possible items, the test should cover. Individual test questions may be drawn from a large pool of items that cover a broad range of topics( content DOMAIN). Content validity is based on the extent to which the measurement reflects the specific intended domain of contents (Zeller,1991). In other words content validity is established by showing that the behaviours sampled by the test are representative sample of the attribute being measured. Content Domain: represents a total set of behaviours that could be used to measure a specific attribute or characteristic of the individual that are to be tested. Foll. Eg. researchers aim to study mathematical learning and create a survey on mathematical skills. If these researchers only tested for addition and drew inferences from the survey; this test would never show content

validity because it excludes other mathematical functions e.g. BODMAS. b) CONTRUCT VALIDITY- it seeks agreement between a theoretical concept and a specific measuring device of procedure for e.g. a researcher inventing a new I.Q. test might spend a great deal of time attempting to define intelligence in order to reach an acceptable level of construct validity. A test has construct validity if it demonstrates an association between the test scores and the prediction of a theoretical trait. Intelligence test is one example of measuring instrument that should have construct validity. Construct validity is of two kinds: 1. Convergent Validity- is the actual general agreement among the rating gathered independently on one another where measures should be theoretically related. 2. Discriminate validity- is the lack of relationship among measures which theoretically should not be related. To understand whether a piece of research has construct validity three steps should be followed: Identify the behaviour that relate to the construct to be measured. Identify other constructs and decide whether they are related or unrelated to the construct to be measured. Identify behavoiurs that are related to each of these additional constructs and on the basis of relations among constructs determine whether each behaviour is related to the construct to be measured.

c) CRITERION VALIDITY- is also referred to as instrumental validity ; is used to demonstrate the accuracy of a measure or procedure by comparing it with other measure or procedure which has been demonstrated or valid ;for e.g. imagine a hands on driving test has been shown to be a test of driving skills. By comparing the scores on the written driving test with the scores from the hands on driving test , the written test can be validated by using a criterion related strategy in which the hands on driving test is compared to the written test. Q2. Which is a better method for calculating reliability? Comment. Ans: Reliability refer to the consistency in scores obtained by same person when they are reexamined with the same test on different occasions or with different set of equivalent items or under variable examining. The concept of reliability underlies the computation of error of measurement, where by we can predict the range of fluctuations likely to occur in a single individual score as a result of irrelevant or unknown chance factors. The methods used in determining reliability: a) SPLIT HALF RELIABILITY- provides a simple solution to the practical problems which plague the alternate form method. a) difficulty in developing alternate form b) and the need for two separate administration The reasoning behind split half is quite straight forward. The simplest way to create two alternate forms of a test

is split the existing test in half and then use the two halves as alternate forms. The split half thus, involves: 1. administering a test to a group of individuals of=r individual. st nd 2. splitting the test in half (1 half and 2 half when level of difficulty is same, odd even when level of difficulty is progressive) 3. correlating scores on one half of the test with the scores of the other half . Advantages : 1. error will be low because the reliability is calculated on the basis of single administeration of the test. 2. The inferences can be drawn immediately. 3. It helps in taking care of test with progressive difficulty level, two types can be tested. Disadvantages: 1. We have to construct test properly. 2. We get confused as to use which method of splitting the test i.e. equal halves or odd even selection. b) TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY- is one the oldest methods used in estimating reliability of the test. It directly assess the degree to which the test scores are consistent from 1st test administeration to the next. This method involves: Administering a test to group of individuals or an individual. Readministering thr same test to the same group of individuals or an individual at some latter time. st nd Correlating the 1 set of score(test scores) with the 2 set of scores(retest scores).

Advantages: 1. It helps testing the reliability over a period of time. 2. No confusion of splitting as there is no division of items in form of two sets, same test is repeated over. Disadvantages: 1. Its very costly and time consuming 2. It can have carry over effect if the time period between the two administerations is not planned properly. 3. It looses its value and consistency as there are greater source of error variance because of two administerations. c)ALTERNATE FORM RELIABILITY this method of estimating reliability is the closest approximation to the methos suggested by the parallel test method. The key to this method is the development of alternate forms that are to the highest degree possible equivalent in terms of content respone process and statistical characteristics. This method involves: st Adminitering the 1 form of the test (eg- form A) to group of individuals or an individual. At sometime later administering the alternate form of the same test(eg- form B) to the same group of individuals or an individual. Correalting the scores on form-A and form-B Advantages: 1. Provides a partial solution to the many problems inherent in test-retest method specially the carry over effect.

2. The alternate form may allow to primarily control for real changes over time in the attribute being measured. Disadvantages: 1. Since two separate tests are required the alternate form method can be expensive and impractical. 2. It may be difficult and expensive to develop separate alternate forms of the test. 3. It may be difficult to guarantee the two alternate forms of the test are infact parallel measures. Thus, of alternate forms are poorly correlated might obtain low reliability estimates strictly as a function of lack of equivalence between the alternate form. From the above mentioned pionts we cant easily judge as which of the above methods is the best for estimating reliabilty. Another probability is that in a speed test the test-retest method is used and for power test split half method,thus it totally depends upon what the type of test is and how its is to be conducted. The usage of methods varies with the type of test being used . Thus, we can say that there is no better metheod for estimating reliability rather all methods have their say depending upon the kind or type of test being carreid out.

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