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As I began to internalize my reality i began to notice more frequent glimpses into the quantum world , the way out

of the illusion is to first recognize that physical life is essentially an illusion in the first place . The car the house the career entire system is designed to keep you pre occupied with trivial distractions stressing out overvhaving the latest and most popular products which are pacifiers for adults who through their actions resemble the thinking levels of an adolescence. While the shadow clan is in the background suck the planet dry of her vital fluids. The planet itself is an intelligent entity a sphere of consciousness and it proves this clearly by the massive backlash of natural disasters to offset the damage done by Man. in nature we witness a magnificent balancing act from atoms to bacteria to the animal kingdom to the cosmos so it only right that once an injustice has been done by law it has to be addressed and rectified no matter if lives get lost , i know it sounds harsh but thats life in the matrix.

The mind is more powerful than any weapon ever forged by man for the simple fact it is the driving force behind all innovation and creation, that it is why its so important to own your thoughts because just by focusing our attention on issues that place us in a position of servitude for instance careers , a career will take the mind of an individual and relegate it to the the goals of a corporation under the guise of having stability and money in return some might argue well isnt that what life is about? no that is not what life for the free Man is , see corporations exist mainly because people grew lazy and became sedated and numb to the world around them not being able to do for self will create the need for services to be provided by someone else hence supply and demand. The free Man will use ration when something outside of him/herself is required and eventually the free Man will fill self teach himself to produce those things gradually lessoning any reliance on the system , Free enterprise is founded upon FREEDOM so as long as you are not infringing upon someone liberties than you should be able to travel freely, speak freely , think freely , marry freely , trade freely but u see this would comp[romise the stronghold of the shadow clan who of course are hell bent on total control of the mind because once they have the mind the body follows. The first step i took to free myself from the puppet master was to shed my cloak of ignorance concerning religion and my alleged salvation necessary to obtain permission to enter the heavenly kingdom. It was the most refreshing feeling i had experienced once I found out im in charge of my destiny directly not some distant invisible entity bent on praise and warship from its subjects . This revelation also caused me to take on a totally new way of viewing my human experience , i now felt enthralled to veer off the path of conservative conventional way of thinking and began to formulate my outside the box mindstate because when you only think inside the box you become a prisoner of that 3d reality that is why we live in 3rd dimensional spatial reality the 3 dimensions are =length ,width ,height which all come together to form the box confinement and rigid non flexible way of thinking which only leads to the demise of innate creativity endowed by the creator a and really a square and a circle add up to the same amount

of degrees 360 together they equal 720 which to my knowledge is the encompassing of all knowledge. A circle is smooth and curved and it just goes with the flow and if you look at the ancient world of the melanin rich beings they mostly built structure with round tops and circular shape edifices so just a little insight on outside the box thinking.

The shadow clan doesn't want free thinking people because there is no profit to gain , but on the contrary if all people were allowed to think freely and had been properly shown how to use their gifts to create abundance for them and their families we would see profits but not profits in the sense of money but profit in the sense of Self worth/esteem , Amicable practices in tune with mother nature for sustenance , more time to reflect on life which would produce awe inspiring art and crafts timeless music . When i traded in my blinders for true vision i had to sacrifice most of the activities i had grew accustomed to like superficially , but after the initial shock it taught me priceless lessons about benefits of Moderation , balance , and just loving the state of being .

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