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Jan - Feb 2012 Volume 2, Issue 1


Promise verse for 2012 According to word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so my Spirit remains among you, do not fear(Hagg 2:5)

Year of Establishment
Dear Prayer Partners,
Prayer points

Pray pray for 3 days Gideon Camp during Mar 2012 in Myanmar. Please pray for the south dagon gospel centre in Myanmar. Pray for two gospel centres in Cambodia. Pray for the revival in the nation of Indonesia which has 237 Million population Pray that Gods hand to open the doors in the nation of Laos which has 7 Million population. Pray for Myanmar VBS programme 3rd11th May. Pray for the fasting prayer with pastors in Cambodia.

We wish you a blessed New Year in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so my Spirit remains among you, do not fear (Hagg 2:5) This is the promise verse for this year given by our Lord for our ministries. God assures that, He is with us and we need not fear for anything. Though situa ons may change, world economy may change and enemys arrows may come against us, God says My Spirit remains among you, do not fear. In Isaiah 59:19, we can see this too, when the enemy shall come in like a ood, the Spirit of the Lord shall li up a standard against him When Apostle Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching and tes fying to the Jews, there was some opposi on. God himself appeared to him at the night and encouraged him, do not fear.. for I am with you.. I have many people in this city (Acts 18). When we stand steadfast with God given vision, we may face same situa on, God is assuring His promise through the covenants He made with us. In Genesis 17:2, I will conrm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers. The God of covenants assures us also, that he will mul ply us in this year. This is the blessing year for all our ministries. God already started with His blessings. But we need to walk by His statues and His commandments to inherit all these blessings. In Levi cus 26: 3-12 (KJV), we can see some of the blessings that the Lord promised. Rain : I will send the rains in due seasons (v4) Rest: I will give peace in the land (v6a) Refuge: I will rid evil beasts out of the land(v6b) Respect: I will have respect unto you (v9) Revival: I will set my tabernacle among you (v11) Rela onship : I will walk among you (v12) All our Gods promises are condi onal, let us keep His commandments and fulll the des ny which He prepared for us. Amen. Together in His service, Paulson


(An inter-denominational Christian Ministry ) Reg No: 201127590E Bro. Paulson Caleb P.O.Box 097 Bukit Batok Post Office Singapore 916504 Phone: +65 94528765 Fax: +65 66338635 E-mail:




From Cambodia:
By God's divine grace, we stepped in faith to conduct outreach mee ngs for the rst me during the Christmas season in Cambodia. God honored our faith and blessed the mee ngs which were arranged in two villages. The rst one was Nokor Krao, here About 120 people a ended the mee ngs. This village being in close proximity to Angor Wat temple, Lord poured out his divine mercy, by providing an opportunity for many of the villagers to listen to the message of Salva on. Glory be to God!

The second village was Kralanh, located 51 km from the town of Siem Reap. More than 200 people par cipated in the mee ngs and got blessed. This included the local village leaders as well. They joined the func on and listened to the Christmas story. Praise God! During the Pastors fellowship, 12 pastors par cipated from dierent denomina ons in Siem Reap. We were praying and planning to conduct 3 days fas ng prayer among the among the various church pastors, leaders and elders during middle of this year. Please pray for the revival of this na on. Page 2 of 4




Angkor Children Hospital visit. This mission hospital had children admi ed for ill-fated diseases. We thank God for providing us an opportunity to put smile on the faces of these li le ones, while distribu ng Christmas gi s.

It is our mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all villages of Cambodia. Please pray for this Cambodia ministry. Prayer points:
Pray that more souls to be reached out through our gospel centre. Pray that the followup work a er the Christmas outreach programs to be eec ve. Pray for this years gospel mee ngs in Siemreap.

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From Myanmar:
God answered all our prayers for the new building in south Dagon, Myanmar. God has miraculously provided a new house for the gospel centre. Now good works for the good cause will stretched more to the needy people. Kindly uphold the servants of God who are taking care of this centre. We are praying and preparing for the March Gideon camp which is planned at the town of Pego. We are invi ng 100 believers for a 3 days program to train and nurture them with the word of God. This camp will equip them to reach out to their own people for Christ. Please pray for the deliverance of the na on and people.

From Malaysia:
On December 18th 2011, the outreach centre in Masai,Malaysia organized a Christmas outreach. Many nonbelievers par cipated together with their family. This was possible due to the children who were studying at the free tui on centre, run by our brothers and sisters from local Anglican church. By God's Grace, I was able to preach the gospel and Gods name gloried in all the programs therea er.

During January, God gave an opportunity to minister together with Evang. Ruban Anbumani ayya (Jesus Christ Delivers ministry, Chennai) in Deliverance Gospel crusades in India. It was a privilege to see hunger of the people wai ng for deliverance and the touch of the Lord in India. As per Joels prophecy, God is pouring out His spirit on all esh during these last days.

Glory be to God ! Please pray for all our upcoming ministries. Whenever possible, join with us and fulll Gods great commission. We praise and thank God for all your prayers and support for this ministry. I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land lled with darkness than in a land ooded with light - John Keith Falconer Write to us if you need more details. God bless you

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