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Che Guevara Biography / Autobiography

Short Biography of Che Guevara

As the author of the Motorcycle Diaries, Che Guevara’s autobiographical narrative soon became an acclaimed film in
2004 displaying the young Guevara putting his medical studies on hold to tour all of South American on his motorcycle.
Guevara was a revolutionary idealized in Cuba and other third-world countries as a combatant for those less fortunate. It
was his studies, travels, and relationships that molded him into the elusive guerilla fighter and leader corrupt governments

Born of Basque and Irish ancestry and referred to by his nickname ‘Che’ (Argentinean slang for “hey” or “friend”), Guevara
was known as a radical, even as a young lad. He was a star chess and rugby player, and an avid reader – a dichotomy
that revealed his tough yet intellectual side. It was this formula that would take Che to the literal ends of the Earth
promoting revolution by the masses to fight for a better way of life. This life would be one where equality in opportunity,
finance, and health were balanced.

After his motorcycle adventure with Alberto Granado, a biochemist, Che went ahead and finished his medical studies,
driven by the desire to find a cure for his chronic asthma. During his times off, he would travel South America and Latin
America extensively. Deciding to move, he eventually stayed in Guatemala to make political connections with those who
would support his efforts. He always had the idea of becoming a ‘true revolutionary’ on his mind. When a shipment of
weapons arrived from Eastern Europe, Guevara fought in battles in attempt to overthrow the Guatemalan government,
supposedly with air support from the United States. In their failed attempt, Guevara was forced to leave Guatemala and
sought protection from the Argentine Embassy.

It was in Mexico City in 1955 that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara met. From that first meeting, Che knew Castro was the
revolutionary he had been searching for. Upon landing in Cuba, many of Castro’s men were killed so Guevara and Castro
fled to the mountains to regroup. Castro and Guevara were able to gain military support against Batista, and Guevara was
responsible for the execution of many of Batista’s supporters. He was thereby declared a true citizen of Cuba.

Through 1966 and 1967, no one could guess where Guevara would appear next – in Africa, Asia, or China. Che saw that
if the world were to have a revolution, then Africa, it’s weakest link, would have to be made strong. It was in Bolivia,
however, while leading Guerilla attacks in the mountains, that Che Guevara was captured and executed. His Bolivian
Diary has been translated almost as much as his autobiography regarding his motorcycle tour that changed the way he
viewed the world’s conditions.

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