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La felicidad es una direccin, no un lugar.

La felicidad no esta en las cosas que haces sino en como haces esas cosas: con felicidad. Intenta ser siempre feliz, porque nunca sabes quien se va a enamorar de tu sonrisa. Hay personas que son felices y todavia no se han enterado. El hombre es hecho por su creencia. Segn cree, as es. No intento bailar mejor que nadie. Solo trato de bailar mejor que yo mismo. No vemos las cosas como son. Las vemos como somos nosotros. El error es ulna condicin tan importante para el progreso de la vida como la verdad. Deberiamos utilisar el pasado como trambulin y no como sofa. Lloraba porque no tenia zapatos hasta que vi a un hombre que no tenia pies. Solo aquellos que nada esperan del azar, son dueos del destino. El ser umano tiene unas alas que no conoce.

Little prayers are so powerful. Here is one: God help me to go beyond myself Cowards crave crazy crowds. Revealed rightness releases relief. Sooner or later, for the first time, you will catch a glimpse of that Something Else you somehow sensed just had to exist out there. Always ask yourself these questions: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? You are free when you have the power to hurt another without getting hurt in return and you do not hurt them.

An artificial intelligence in the soul and brain that helps a being operate more successfully within a particular environment. The environment programs the ego into the soul through the intellect. Beings like plants and lower animals who lack intellect also lack egos. When the ego is an instrument of Spirit, it provides an individuality and personality through which Spirit can accomplish its purpose in the physical realm. In that case the ego takes a large part of its programming from Spirit, as its partially operating in a spiritual context and thus a spiritual internal environment. When the ego breaks away from Spirit, or if Spirit is absent, then the ego becomes solely a product of the physical environment and picks up all the traits of physical living survival and competition primarily. Then it starts exploiting others for the sake of self gain. Lying, deception, manipulation, delusion these are the properties of ego if left unchecked by Spirit. Ego removed from Spirit is the foundation of the STS pathway. But it is as much an error to annihilate the ego, because then one becomes ineffectual in this world, unable to carry out the mission of Spirit with discernment, vigor, togetherness, and focus. Rather, the ego must be conquered and reprogrammed, refined and sharpened, to act in accordance with the impulse of Spirit.

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