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IAABO #111 Mentoring Program

Expectations of Officials Being Mentored

brainstormed draft -- November 2008

Prospective Officials (just finishing course)--new officials need group attention!!

1. Close oversight and continued support from the interpreter, mentor, and mentoring community .
2. IAABO learning materials in preparation for rules test.
3. Court instruction in preparation for floor test.
4. Game experience at local YMCA, youth leagues, etc.
5. Introduction to mentor. Share observation form.
6. Observe mentor on 2-3 occasions. (become familiar with observation form)
7. Game observation feedback from mentor(s)
8. Set some realistic goals for your first season.
9. Self-reflection journal (noting learing experiences and areas requiring more confidence).
10. Observe other officials with mentor.
11. 1-2 middle school games with mentor (one formal observation)
12. Floor test (learning experience, prioritized list for official)
13. Self-evaluation (reflecting on the training & season, complete Eval. form)
14. Variety of materials to read and study.
15. Continued rules support.
16. Give feedback on mentoring system (survey?!) What worked for you?

Officials with 1-3 Years of Experience

1. Receive packet of information
2. Become familiar with observation and evaluation forms
3. Be assigned mentor.
4. Attend mentor/mentee session (annually at Fall Conference?!)
5. List strengths and weaknesses (specific rules, on-court judgments, mechanics, etc.)
6. Set goal(s) for the upcoming season.
7. Work an early season game with or in front of mentor.
8. Fill out an observation form for yourself after a game.
9. Go to 2-3 of your mentor's games. Use observation form for reference.
10. Self-reflection journaling.
11. Observe other officials with your mentor.
12. Schedule observation date(s) and receive feedback.
13. Reflect on goals, and growth based on weaknesses.
14. Summarize/review observation forms with/for your mentor.
15. Fill out an evaluation form on yourself.
16. Set goals for next year.

Officials with 4+ Years of Experience

1. Receive packet of information.
2. Attend mentor/mentee session (annually at Fall Conference?!)
3. Become more acquainted with your mentor.
4. Review past year's observation and evaluation forms.
5. Re-visit strengths and weaknesses and update as needed.
6. Set goal(s) for the upcoming season.
7. Work early season game with your mentor.
8. Personally use observation forms to judge your work (1-2 times).
9. Go to 2-3 of your mentor's games. Fill out an observation form on your mentor.
10. Continue self-reflection journaling.
11. Observe other officials with your mentor.
12. Schedule observation dates and receive feedback.
13. Summarize/review observation forms and evaluation form(s) with your mentor.
14. Reflect on goals, and growth based on weaknesses.
15. Set goals for next year.

Mentor/Mentee Learning Session(s) -- pre-season meeting (hopefully part of Fall Conference)

1. Review officials' and coaches' codes of ethics.
2. Identify difficult/challenging rule situations for individuals.
3. Jigsaw Group Activity to address above rule situations.
4. Practice signals and procedures (game/fun activity)
5. "What would you do if . . . .?" activity.
6. Reflect on mentoring program--suggest improvements!

Other Ideas:
1. Video
2. Social Events

Suggestions to Mentors:
1. Get to know your mentee. Since they are in your care, you need to know them well enough to
give them good proper support and advice.
2. 2-3 positive comments and then an item (or suggested area needing improvement)
3. Ask the mentee to talk about their understanding of a rule or a mechanic related to their needy
4. Praise the effort, praise the desire to learn.
5. Talk about their last game, and their next game.
6. Encourage them to pick 1-2 things to improve in their next game.
7. Refer them to the rule book and case book regularly.
8. Look things up for your mentee and read it to them.
9. Ride to a game with your mentee.

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