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Considering the purpose of the study, a descriptive and relational study has been utilized. According to Torchim (2001), a descriptive study is primarily designed to describe what is going on or what extent exists. This research study was employed to explain different human resource management practices. On the other hand, a relational study attempts to look at the relationship between the predictor and criterion variables of the study. The independent or predictor variables of this study were training, career development, compensation and employee performance appraisal system. The dependent or criterion variable is organizational performance. In this study an effort has been made to determine the impact of training, career development, compensation and performance appraisal system on organizational performance of two selected textile units of Faisalabad. Cross-sectional study is most consistent with a descriptive approach to research (Zikmund, 1997). Therefore crosssectional time dimension is most convenient and simple for this study. In order to achieve the desired research objectives the researcher employed survey methodology, using questionnaire as a tool for observation.

Population and Sample

According to Textile Commission Organization (TCO), Ministry of Textile Industry, Government of Pakistan, there are 16 textile units in Faisalabad. Initially the researcher intended to consider all the management level employees working in these textile units of Faisalabad. But, due to operational constraints including the large cost of data collection, geographical mobilization and time management issues, the management level employees of

two leading textile units i.e. Crescent Textile and Masood Textile Mills were selected as a population for this study. There are total 370 management level employees of Masood Textile Mills and 565 management level employees of Crescent Textile. Therefore, there were 935 management level employees working in these two selected textile units of Faisalabad. Out of this population size, a total sample of 105 employees was selected using stratified random sampling technique. The population was stratified in terms of three different management levels i.e. M1, M2 and M3 (see Appendix B). These strata were developed on the basis of management levels defined at organizational level to segregate the employees according to their work experience and abilities. M1 level was highest level of management in which Director and Presidents who have work experience of 16 years or above were sampled. M2 was the second highest level of management in which there were senior level managers to junior level managers who have work experience of 7 to 15 years. M3 was the next stratum in which lower management level employees who have work experience was less than 7 years were included. The questionnaires were circulated among the samples obtained from different levels of management in two selected textile units of Faisalabad.

Observation Tool
The observation tool used in this research study is questionnaire. The data for this study will be obtained through self developed questionnaire. The questionnaire of this study is comprised of four parts and total 67 close-ended statements with response measuring on 5point Likert scale. The questionnaire has five parts: Part 1: questions from Q1-Q15 for measuring training Part 2: questions from Q16-Q27 for measuring employee development

Part 3: questions from Q28-Q40 for measuring compensation Part 4: questions from Q41-Q48 for measuring employee performance appraisal Part 5: questions from Q49-67 for measuring organizational performance (see Appendix A). Before distributing the final questionnaire the researcher checked the questionnaire with few senior managers to find out whether the questionnaire was understandable, needs improvements or addition of any further dimensions. The feedback from these senior managers was incorporated to the final draft of the questionnaire.

Data Collection
For this research study researcher personally visited the organizations and collected the data at workplace in office timings by distributing questionnaire. Researcher went to the human resource managers of the organizations; they further directed her to different departments. Researcher visited relevant departments and distributed the questionnaire. There were 67 questions in the questionnaire, which were distributed to 105 management levels of employees in Crescent Textile and Masood Textile Mills. Majority of the questionnaires were completed on the same day or day after by the respondents.

Reliability of Scale
The reliability analysis is conducted by finding the value of Cronbach Alpha coefficient (Griffin, 2005). Cronbachs Alpha coefficient shows the internal consistency based on average correlation among items. Cronbach's alpha (1951) is interpreted as the percent of variance the observed scale would explain in the hypothetical true scale composed of all possible items in the universe. The Cronbachs alpha value ranges from 0 to 1. Close proximity of this value to 1 is indicative of higher reliability of the instrument.

For reliability analysis overall Cronbachs alpha coefficient has been calculated. The result for overall Cronbachs alpha coefficient is as follows: Table 1 Reliability Analysis Scale (alpha) Reliability Coefficients No. of Cases = 101 No. of Items= 67 Alpha = 0.85 The Cronbachs alpha value is 0.85 shown above is closer to 1 and thus indicates strong internal consistency among the 67 items of the instrument developed to study the variables. Further the detailed question wise reliability test score have been calculated in table 3 of data analysis chapter.

Data Processing
Data Editing: After the data collection it was checked for incompleteness. Blank, omitted or unanswered responses were treated as mid-point or the neutral in the Likert scale as a response to the particular item. If 25% or more items were unanswered then that particular questionnaire was discarded. All the negative questions were given reverse score. Data Scoring: Each respondent was assigned an individual score by simply adding the score of respondents on each item. The items were simply added because all the independent variables were assumed to be of equal importance. Individual score on independent variables i.e. training ranged from 55 to 67, career development score ranged from 42 to 55, compensation score ranged from 41 to 58, performance appraisal system ranged from 26 to 39. While the individual score on dependent variable i.e. organizational performance ranged from 54 to 87. Further, correlation pattern of independent and dependent variables were also studied applying the appropriate statistical techniques using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. A copy of data sheet is enclosed in Appendix C.

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