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1 INTRODUCTION And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, according to the First Book of Moses commonly called Genesis: Chapter 2: Verse 7. Many years had already passed but there is still so many questions asked about where and how was man created. There are two statements that can explain the answers to these questions. The Christians believes that God created every little living thing on earth most especially man while other people such as the scientists like Charles Darwin believes that plants and animals evolved from a few common ancestors. This thesis is all about the origin of man by the Biblical Creation and the Scientific Theories specifically Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution. The Bible supports the Biblical Creation. It is that man was created by our one and only God. He first created Adam, the first man on earth, thinking that there should be a care taker for all His creations. And there was Eve who was created for Adam. On the other hand, Charles Darwins theory states that all species of plants and animals including man evolved from a few common ancestors. Darwin started to think of this theory because of his studies conducted about the different fossils of different plants, animals, and stones which were found in Galapagos. These were the roots of his curiosity about the evolution of species. The researcher as a Christian believes in the Biblical Creation. Because it was written in the Bible that man was created by God, we must not consider Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution.

2 THE BIBLICAL CREATION God as our Creator God is known as our Creator as well as our Savior. He has all the power. He is the King of Kings. He is our Father who saves us from all our sins. According to the Bible, all things on earth, that we had and we have and we will have, was created by God. Perfectly, all of these things including the very important creation the man, were created by God. The story about the Biblical Creation may be found in the Old Testament, Book of Genesis of any version of Bible.

The Creation On the first day, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth has no form at all. It was void and there was the darkness. God moved to the surface of the waters and said Let there be light, and there was light. After seeing the light, He divided it from the darkness. The light was called as the day while the darkness was called as the night. On the second day, God said Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters form the waters, and there was the firmament with waters divided from the waters above it. Firmament was called the Heaven. On the third day, God said Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, and there was it that was called the Earth and the gathering of the waters called the Seas. On the earth, He brought grass, herb, and a tree bearing fruits.

3 On the fourth day, God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and there was the lights the sun for the day and the moon and the stars for the night. On the fifth day, God said Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, and there were the great whales, and other creatures moving under the waters. He blessed them. On the sixth day, God said Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind, and there was the beast of his kind, the cattle, and so on. On the seventh day, God ended his work which He has made, and rested from all his work which He had made. He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. That is why Sunday the seventh day of a week is considered as the day that we attend the Holy Eucharist and pray and talk to God.

Reason Why Man was Created After God has made all his works, every plant of the field before it was in earth, and every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground. So God created a man out of the dust of

4 the ground and He breathed into his nostrils and this man became a living soul. He was Adam. God tasked him to till the ground, give names to every creature on earth. God commanded Adam that he can eat any fruit of any tree except a fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Proofs or Evidences for the Biblical Creation In Bible, Adam and Eve had their child and their child had their own family and had their own child too. Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain their first son. Then Abel who was born next to Cain. Adam and Eve had their child because of their love for each other. They made love. And Eve as the woman gave birth to their child. Today, people have learned about the reproduction processes such as the fertilization. In Adam and Eves time, there was already that phenomenon but was not yet known because there was no Science at all that time. There was already life by the time the sperm cell and the egg cell meet. It is the process called fertilization. Sperm cells and egg cells when fertilized is considered as a multi cellular organism. It is one fact that can be considered as a proof for the Biblical Creation.

5 CHARLES DARWINS THEORY OF EVOLUTION Charles Darwin: A British Naturalist Charles Robert Darwin is a British Naturalist. He formulated the Theory of Evolution. Charles Darwin was a son of a physician. At Edinburgh, he studied medicine but he moved to Cambridge University when he changed his mind with the thought of becoming a clergyman. In 1831, after taking his degree, he was engaged as a geologist on the naval survey ship H.M.S Beagle. He was assigned to study rocks and fossils in the many laces that the ship visited. While conducting his studies on the rocks and fossils, he was struck by slight differences between the fossils of animals found on island and fossils of similar animals from the mainland. These differences led him to suppose that species of animals were not fixed for all time, but changed and developed. Darwin worked for his Theory of Evolution over the five years of the Beagles voyage. After years of study, in 1856 Darwin began to write his great work On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Darwin received a letter from another biologist named Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858. Wallace stated views like Darwins. They prepared a paper on the principles of evolution. It was read to the Linnean Society, an English society of biologists. Darwin was immediately attacked, both by other scientists and by the Church. When he published his book the next year, there was a storm of protest.

6 Idea of Evolution The idea of evolution had been already held even before Charles Robert Darwin was born in 1809. Erasmus Darwin, his grandfather had even groped with the idea of selection. Because of Darwins meticulous and obsessive mind, he discovered in a flash the genius evolutions agent: natural selection. In the previous statements, the formulation of this theory was because of his curiosity. While conducting his studies on the rocks and fossils, he was struck by slight differences between the fossils of animals found on island and fossils of similar animals from the mainland. These differences led him to suppose that species of animals were not fixed for all time, but changed and developed. Darwin worked for his Theory of Evolution over the five years of the Beagles voyage. His voyage led him to theorize that plants and animals evolved from a few common ancestors or the epochal evolution theory.

The Evolution Evolution is defined as the series of changes by which a given type of organism has acquired the physiological and structural characteristics differentiating it from other types. It is also the theory that all forms of life originated by descent, with gradual or abrupt modifications, from preexisting forms which themselves trace backward in a continuing series to the most rudimentary organisms.

7 It was in 1859 when Darwins book about the evolution was published. His explanation of how evolution happens was in the theory of natural selection. There were certain ideas which are helpful in understanding how natural selection works. First is the variation in traits among the individuals within a population. There are some individuals whose chances of survival in their environment are greater than the others. It may be that being adapted to ones environment includes the ability to tolerate the physical conditions of the place and the ability to effectively compete with other individuals that can equally cope with those environmental conditions. Next idea is the drastic change in the environment takes place. It is that only the old individuals can survive in the new environmental condition will survive. Migration or death will be the result if the individuals are new to that environmental condition. Lastly, the new traits (either mutations or new combinations of genes) become established in the gene pool of the population only if the individuals that possess them survive and reproduce. Also mutation contributes to the concept of Speciation or the Evolution of new species. It is the appearance of new traits. Another one is the genetic drift which allows certain traits that are not necessarily adaptive or useful to the organisms to remain in the population by chance, as long as said traits are not harmful to the organisms, and those organisms reproduce.

8 Then isolation is also one of those which contribute to the theory. Isolation prevents the individuals of a population from mating with those of the same species outside that population. Other closely related concepts are the adaptation, survival, and extinction. Adaptation refers to the process or phenomenon whereby species is able to tolerate the environmental conditions of a place and to efficiently compete with other species that can also tolerate such condition. Modified Species was believed that all the evolved species are originated from a one celled organism. It was said that this organisms first lived in water.

Proofs or Evidences for the Theory of Evolution The evidences of evolution can be grouped into two: indirect evidences or those from which we can safely deduce the phenomenon of evolution; and direct evidences or those that are directly observable or can be induced when desired. First evidence is the evidences from the fossil record. This constitutes the strongest proof that species do change. There were two observations recorded. First is the remains of the ancient life found in the oldest rocks are fewer and more primitive than those found in younger rocks. Under this observation is the one celled organisms on the previous paragraphs.

9 Second to this is the remains of many ancient plants and animals show structural similarities to certain organisms that live today, although none is exactly the same as the living species. Also, fossils found in younger rocks are not found in much older rocks. Next evidence is the evidence from variation, which refers to the existence of different varieties within a species. Another is the evidences from similarities in developmental changes (comparative embryology). It is meant that the series of changes body structure that an animal goes through form an egg to adult. This was believed by some scientist as the species having close evolutionary ties. Next evidence is the evidences from mutation. Mutation refers to a change in the hereditary material. It may be a change in structure (comparative anatomy). And last evidence is the evidences from molecular biology. This is all about the DNAs and the RNAs of each species. In grouping these evidences, we have fossils and the order in which they appear in rocks of decreasing geologic age; evidences from variations within each species; evidences from comparative anatomy; and evidences from comparative embryology are under the indirect evidences. On the other hand, naturally occurring mutations; products of induced mutations; evidences from plant and animal breeding; and evidences from molecular biology are under the direct evidences.

10 CONCLUSION The correctness of Darwins theory of evolution by the natural selection of fortuitously arising variations usually of minute degree and much time spent gathering evidence in this matter, such statements as the one above are ideologically dangerous, said Herman Joseph Muller who was the author of the Mans Future Birthright: Essays on Science and Humanity. Through these facts, the researcher can conclude that it is still more on Biblical Creation. So, we must not consider Charles Darwins theory. It is because it is all written in the Bible that God created everything. One specific difference is that when a sperm cell and an egg cell meet it has already life and it is considered as a multi - cellular organism which is contrasting concept with the one celled organism as the ancestor in the scientific theory. Not all scientific theories are acceptable. These must be first subjected into a hundred year case study to prove. In Biblical Creation there was only one evidence while in the Theory of Evolution there were many evidences. Still, we must believe that only God created man. And His purpose is to make man be fruitful and multiply to take care of His other creations and for the survival of the earth.


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