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ABSORBENT A material which, due to an affinity for certain substances, extracts one or more such substances from a liquid

or gaseous medium with which it contacts and which changes physically or chemically, or both, during the process. Calcium chloride is an example of a solid absorbent, while solutions of lithium chloride, lithium bromide, and ethylene glycols are liquid absorbents.

ACID CONDITION IN SYSTEM Condition in which refrigerant or oil in a system, is mixed with vapor and fluids that are acidic in nature.

ACID RAIN Atmospheric precipitation with an pH below 5.6 to 5.7.

ACIDIFIED The addition of an acid (usually nitric or sulfuric) to a sample to lower the pH below 2.0. The purpose of the acidification is to "fix" a sample so it will not change until it is analyzed. ACTUATOR The portion of a regulating valve, which converts mechanical, fluid, thermal, or electrical energy; into mechanical motion to open or close the valve seats or other such devices. What is resilience? The total strain energy stored in the body is generally known as resilience. State proof resilience The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a material within elastic limit is known as proof resilience.

Define modulus of resilience It is the proof resilience of the material per unit volume Modulus of resilience = Proof resilience / Volume of the body

Airfoils And Airflow Phenomena The character of airflow basically depends on the shape of the airfoil section and on the phenomena occurring at the boundary layer, which is the thin layer of air adjacent to a solid surface such as an airfoil over which air is flowing and which is distinguished from the main airflow by distinctive flow characteristics of its own set up by friction. The flow in the boundary layer (Fig.1) where the thickness of the layer is shown greatly exaggerated may be laminar or turbulent. In laminar flow the velocity distribution in the layer shows a steady increase from zero at the surface of the airfoil: more particularly, the wing of an aircraft: to a maximum corresponding to the velocity of the main airflow. An airfoil is a device which gets a necessary reaction from air moving over its surface. When an airfoil is moved through the air, it is capable of producing lift. For e.g.: Wings, horizontal tail surfaces, vertical tails surfaces, and propellers. The flow is relatively smooth and moves in layers parallel to the surface; hence the term laminar. In turbulent flow, the fairly regular motion of the laminar boundary layer is destroyed. The boundary layer undergoes transition; it becomes thicker and is characterized by large random motions (turbulence). These effects may give rise to separation, a term which denotes that the flow in the boundary layer detaches itself from the surface of the wing at the separation point and that immediately adjacent to the surface, flow even occurs in a direction opposite to the direction of the main flow (Fig.2). The airflow around the wing occurs at the stagnation point and is laminar up to the transition point, where turbulence sets in the latter point is located near the point of minimum pressure, approximately where the wing has its greatest thickness. Normally the turbulent boundary layer separates itself from the trailing edge of the wing, where eddies develop. If this separation occurs too far forward toward the leading edge, there is serious loss of lift and an increase in drag. This is liable to happen when the angle of attack exceeds the critical value known as the stalling angle or when the airspeed becomes too low. Some aircraft, especially sports planes, are equipped with a stall-warning device which may consist of a short triangular plate or a length of wire fitted to

the leading edge of the wing (Fig.3). When the angle of attack becomes dangerously large, separation of the airflow commences at this plate or wire. There is an immediate loss of lift, which warns the pilot that he is approaching the stalling angle. Regions of the wing where laminar separation is liable to occur may be provided with device for producing turbulence (Fig.4). The resulting turbulent flow adheres better to the surface than the laminar flow and premature separation is thus prevented. Such devices may, for example, take the form of small projecting plates which break up the laminar flow. Swept wings are provided with socalled fences, which are plates or vanes placed parallel to the main airflow and prevent flow (and separation) in the direction from wing root to tip, this subsidiary flow being promoted by the sweep of the wing.

A similar effect is obtained by forming the leading edge of the wings with sawtooth notches (Fig.6). At the tail of the aircraft, interference of the boundary layers of the horizontal and the vertical stabilizers produces interference drag. To diminish this, the so-called T tail has been developed, in which the horizontal surfaces are placed at the top of the vertical fin (Fig.7), while the junction of these components is provided with a fairing i.e., a streamlined casting designed to reduce drag. Steering an aircraft in three directions is effected by means of: the rudder, which guides the aircraft in the horizontal plane, the elevator, which controls the pitch i.e., makes the tail go up or down, and the ailerons which control the rolling motion of the aircraft by their differential rotation. The rudder is attached to a vertical stabilizer, while the ailerons are set at the trailing edges of the wings (Fig.5). Sometimes the horizontal and vertical stabilizers are not provided with separately movable attachments i.e. elevator and rudder, but can each be moved as a whole so as to alter the angle of attack. The trailing edge of the rudder may be provided with a small subsidiary rudder called a trimming tab (Fig.7) by means of which the pilot adjusts the trim of the aircraft i.e., the condition of static balance in pitch during rectilinear flight, with the main control surfaces seeking their neutral positions. Further adjustments are achieved by means of flaps, these being control surfaces which serve to control the speed by increasing the drag and thus acting as a brake or to increase the lift or aid in recovery from a dive. The slat (Fig.8) is a movable auxiliary airfoil running along the leading edge of a wing; in a normal flight it is contact with the latter, but it can be lifted away to form a slot at certain angles of attack, so that air flows through the slot and reenergizes the boundary layer on the low3

pressure upper surface of the wing. The plain wing flap (Fig.9) increases the curvature of the wing, with the result that the lift is improved and the angle of attack at which separation occurs is increased, so that the airspeed can be reduced without stalling. This is important in connection with the take off and landing of high-speed aircraft. An improved form is the slotted flap (Fig.8); the flow of air through the slot between the flap and the wing gives a further increase in lift without separation of the boundary layer. In contrast with other types of flap mentioned, the split flap (Fig.10) serves to reduce the pressure on the suction face of the wing, whereby an increase in the lift is likewise achieved. Landing flaps (Fig.9) serve primarily to slow down the aircraft for landing; they breakdown the airflow around the aircraft and thus function as brakes. Such flaps are sometimes called spoilers, more particularly when installed on the underside of the wing. A special dynamic device for boundary-layer control is the jet flap which consists of a flat jet of air expelled at high velocity from a narrow slot at the trailing edge of the wing and which exercises an action similar to that of an ordinary flap. The same principle is embodied in the blown flap (Fig.11), an ordinary trailing edge flap in which separation from the upper surface is delayed by blowing. This principle is also applied to elevators (Fig.12). Another modern control method, still in progress stage, consists in keeping the airflow laminar by sucking in air from the boundary layer through numerous small holes.

Aerosols An aerosol is a system consisting of very finely divided liquid or solid articles of dispersed in and filled by gas. In recent years aerosols have become well known products discharged from spray dispensers, and the term aerosol has, in popular speech also come to means the dispenser itself i.e. a pressurized container made of metal or glass and provided with a discharge valve, which may be a spray valve or a foam valve. It is filled with the product to be sprayed and the propellant gas under pressure. The aerosol can was invented in 1926 by Erik Rotheim. He invented the first aerosol can and valve that could hold and dispense products and propellant systems. This was the forerunner of the modern aerosol can and valve. The patent was sold to a US company for 100,000 Norwegian kroners, but it wasn't until 1941 that it was first put to good use by Americans Lyle Goodhue and William Sullivan. They turned it into an instrument for the

US military to fight the malaria mosquito in the Pacific during World War II. Aerosol spray products have three major parts; the can, the valve and the actuator or button. The term aerosol derives from the fact that matter floating in air is a suspension i.e. a mixture in which solid or liquid or combined solid-liquid particles are suspended in a fluid. To differentiate suspensions from true solutions, the term sol evolved originally meant to cover dispersions of tiny particles in a liquid. With studies of dispersions in air, the term aerosol evolved and now embraces liquid droplets, solid particles, and combinations of these. An aerosol may come from sources as various as a volcano or an aerosol can.

The product to be dispersed as an aerosol may have the liquefied propellant mixed with it in the form of a solution (Fig.1). Alternatively, the propellant may be present as a separate gaseous phase in the dispenser, in which it does not mingle with the product (two-phase system: Fig.2). An example of the first type is afforded by hair spray. The spray or lacquer, usually dissolved in alcohol, is completely miscible with the liquefied propellant. When the valve button on the dispenser is pressed, the propellant vaporizes immediately, and its pressure forces the liquid out of the nozzle. The liquid i.e., the lacquer solution is discharged as a fine mist. The most commonly employed propellants are chlorinated hydrocarbons, butane, propane, isobutane, vinyl chloride and nitrogen. Nitrogen is used particularly for products that on no account be contaminated in flavor or smell e.g., toothpaste packaged in aerosol dispensers. Aerosol toothpaste is an example of the second category of aerosol systems particularly, the two-phase system in which the propellant gas forms a separate layer over the product to be discharged. The dispenser is half milled with nitrogen or some other suitable gas and half with the product. The pressure in the dispenser is about 6 to 8 atm. (90 to 120 lb. /in2). Nitrogen can also be used as the propellant for foods packaged in aerosol form e.g.,

cheese spreads, malt extracts, vitamin preparations, syrups, pudding sauces, whipped cream.

Filling an aerosol dispenser at the factory is a simple operation (Fig.3: stages 1 to 5). First the product is introduced into the dispenser. This is done by a pneumatic filling machine. Then the aerosol valve is placed on the dispenser. In the next stage the valve is forcefitted under high pressure into the neck of the dispenser, so that a strong gastight seal is formed between the latter and the valve unit. The propellant gas is now forced into the dispenser. Finally, the dispenser is immersed in water to test it for possible leakage, which is manifested by escaping bubbles of gas.

Aerosols are coming into increasingly widespread use in industry. They are used for the disinfection of milk tanks. For this purpose a spraying device is used which draws the disinfectant solution by suction from a container and disperses it as an aerosol by means of two atomizing discs. These discs rotate, and their centrifugal action sets up a suction which draws the disinfectant forward through the hollow shaft of the motor.

To make the aerosol mist flow in the desired direction, a second air stream is needed. A turbine is installed behind the motor sucks in air, which flows along the motor and emerges from the annular aperture around the atomizing discs. This stream of air carries along the aerosol particles of disinfectant (Fig.5).

Anaesthetic Apparatus Anaesthesia means loss of feeling or sensation, so that no pain is felt. In surgery this result is obtained by using an anaesthetic. A distinction is to be made between general anaesthesia i.e. total unconsciousness and local anaesthesia i.e. only one area of the body is deprived sensation. The beginnings of modern anesthetic equipment date back to Morton's inhalation flagon in 1846. The numerous devices developed and introduced subsequently can be divided into four groups. Simple ether and chloroform masks for open inhalation anesthesia, from Simpson (1847) to Brown (1928). Vapour inhalators according to the draw over principle of Snow (1847) up to the Oxford vaporizer (1941). Closed or half-closed inhalation equipment for ether or chloroform with to and fro breathing, from Clover (1877) to Ombredanne (1908). Equipment for anaesthesia with nitrous oxide. From 1868 onwards this led to the incorporation of gas bottles in anaesthetic equipment and between 1885 and 1890 to the construction of mixing-valves for nitrous oxide and oxygen. In addition, reducing valves, flow meters and vaporizers were developed. The first anaesthetic apparatus with circle system and CO2-absorber was constructed in 1925 by the Drager factory in Lubeck. Sudeck and Schmidt introduced this technique of anaesthesia in the university hospital of

Hamburg-Eppendorf between 1920 and 1925. General anaesthesia can be produced in separate ways, including intravenous injection with thiopental sodium or other agents. The older and still most widely used method, however is by inhalation of a gaseous or volatile anaesthetic. Early anaesthetics were either, nitrous oxide and chloroform. At the present time a range of other agents are available. In modern surgery, especially for major operations, a combination of two or more anaesthetic agents may be employed, the gaseous or volatile anaesthetic being administered by means of a special apparatus, which enables the various agents to be accurately proportioned and controlled, so as to minimize the risk of overdosing. Also includes in the circuit are a breathing bag, an inlet attachment for supplying fresh air, an evaporator for volatile anaesthetic agents e.g., diethyl ether should these be used, and a cartridge containing an absorbent for the carbon dioxide contained in the exhaled air. This air may be recycled through the breathing circuit or may, in other varieties of anaesthetic apparatus, be discharged from the apparatus. The anaesthetic is managed to the patient either through a face mask or through a tube introduced into the trachea (windpipe), the latter method now being considered more safer and more effective. In apparatus mentioned, the anaesthetic is nitrous oxide gas used in conjunction with the vapour of a volatile anaesthetic. Before having this mixture administered to him by inhalation the patient is usually given a preliminary anaesthetic by intravenous administration.

Centrifugal Casting Centrifugal casting consists of a number of processes in which the centrifugal force set up by the rotation of a part of the casting installation is utilized to shape the casting, fill the mold, and help solidify and strengthen the metal. There is a difference between Vertical centrifugal casting (Fig.1) and horizontal centrifugal casting. The first mentioned process is essentially a pressure-casting technique employing rotation about a vertical axis. It

produces good filling of the mold, high dimensional accuracy, and a high strength dense structure of the casting metal. This method is used for casting of components that are too difficult to produce satisfactorily by static casting methods because their sections are too thin or for other reasons: e.g., gears, piston rings, impellers, propellers, bushings and railway wheels. Horizontal centrifugal casting is used mainly for making long hollow castings, such as pipes, gun barrels, sleeves, etc. The mold rotates at high speed about a horizontal axis, the molten metal being fed into the interior of the mold and distributed around it by centrifugal action. Rotation is continued until solidification is complete. The external diameter of the casting corresponds to the internal diameter of the mold. The internal diameter of the casting can, however, be varied by appropriately proportioning the amount and feed rate of the casting metal. An advantage of the centrifugal process is that it produces a sounder and more uniform casting than static means. The mold is usually made of steel or cast iron. Non-metallic linings may be used. An important application of horizontal centrifugal casting is the manufacture of pipes, especially cast-iron pipes. It provides an economical method capable of an advanced degree of mechanization. The two main methods of centrifugal casting are : In a watercooled mold by the Briede-de Lavaud process (Fig.2) and in a sand lined mold by Moores process (Fig.3). For the manufacture of spigot pipes, a sand core is inserted at the end of the mold and is subsequently destroyed when the pipe is demolded. The first mentioned method employs a slightly inclined mold which can move longitudinally. The molten iron is introduced into the mold through a long duct from a tilting ladle containing the correct amount of casting metal to form the pipe. When the mold has reached a certain speed of rotation, the molten iron is admitted to it, and mold is moved slowly forwards (Fig.2) while the feed duct remains stationary, so that uniform distribution of the metal along the mold is achieved. Moores method uses a rotating mold with a sand lining, which protects the metal shell of the mold so that water cooling is not necessary. The sand itself is applied to the mold wall and compacted by centrifugal action. The inlet duct is short because, with a sand lining, solidification of the casting takes a relatively long time (no rapid cooling); proper filling of the mold is thus ensured. This process has the advantage of not requiring a wide range of molds of different diameters, since any desired pipe diameter can be produced simply by varying the

thickness of the sand lining.

Centrifugal methods are also used for the production of composite castings. Centrifugal casting as are categorized into Centrifugal Casting, Semi-Centrifugal Casting and Centrifuging. In centrifugal casting, a permanent mold is rotated about its axis at high speeds (300 to 3000 rpm) as the molten metal is poured. The molten metal is centrifugally thrown towards the inside mold wall, where it solidifies after cooling. The casting is usually a fine grain casting with a very fine-grained outer diameter, which is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, a typical situation with pipes. The inside diameter has more impurities and inclusions, which can be machined away. Only cylindrical shapes can be produced with this process. Size limits are upto 3 m (10 feet) diameter and 15 m (50 feet) length. Wall thickness can be 2.5 mm to 125 mm (0.1 - 5.0 in). The tolerances that can be held on the outer diameter can be as good as 2.5 mm (0.1 in) and on the ID can be 3.8 mm (0.15 in). The surface finish ranges from 2.5 mm to 12.5 mm (0.1 - 0.5 in) rms. Typical materials that can be cast with this process are iron, steel, stainless steels, and alloys of aluminum, copper and nickel. Two materials can be cast by introducing a second material during the process. Typical parts made by this process are pipes, boilers, pressure vessels, flywheels, cylinder liners and other parts that are axi-symmetric. In Semi-Centrifugal Casting, the molds used can be permanent or expendable, can be stacked as necessary. The rotational speeds are lower than those used in centrifugal casting. The center axis of the part has inclusion defects as well as porosity and thus is suitable only for parts where this can be machined away. This process is used for making wheels, nozzles and similar parts where the axis of the part is removed by subsequent machining. Centrifuging is used for forcing metal from a central axis of the equipment into individual mold cavities that are placed on the circumference. This provides a means of increasing the filling pressure within each mold and allows for reproduction of intricate details. This method is often used for the pouring of investment casting pattern.

Composite Casting Composite Casting refers to a large number of processes in which molten metal is cast on to a solid metal component, so that the two subsequently form one integral unit. In this

way the favorable mechanical or other technological properties of one metal can be combined with those of another. For example, bearings may be made from an outer shell of strong metal with a lining of special low-friction metal cast inside it, or a metal possessing high strength may be given cast-on covering of corrosion-resistant metal, or an expensive metal may be combined with a cheaper metal for economy. The mechanical connection of the two metals can be made by means of interlocking devices such as dovetailing, grooves, recesses, etc., which form a physical key, or by shrink fitting or by bond established as a result of diffusion at the interface of the two metals so that local interpenetration occurs. The bond may be further strengthened by heat treatment (annealing) or by the interposition of special bonding layers of metal at the junction.

Cutting and Machining of Metals Some metal shaping processes are forging, rolling, extrusion, etc., that do not involve the removal of metal by means of cutting tools. Many important shaping processes are based on cutting and similar operations. The tools used are made of special steels (tool steels), hard metals (Cemented carbide alloys), oxide ceramic materials, and diamonds. The principles of the various methods are briefly outlined, without detailed descriptions of the machines used for performing the shaping operations. For each of these methods a whole range of tools has been developed, each type of tool being employed for a particular purpose. In chiseling (Fig.1), the cutting edge of the tool is driven into the surface of the workpiece by the action of blows. To ensure even and regular removal of the chips it is essential to hold the chisel correctly and take care that it does not slip on the metal surface or dig too deeply into it. Chiseling is used chiefly for cutting off and for the removal of edges, burrs, fins, etc. Machining operations like planing, shaping and slotting (Fig.2) are comparable to chiseling, characterized by the removal of the chips in one direction, the tool being moved to and fro or up and down in relation to the workpiece. In sawing (Fig.3) the removal of metal is effected by a series of saw teeth. With power-driven band saws and circular saws, cutting can be performed in continuous operation. The shape, spacing and number of teeth vary greatly for different saws. Large diameter

circular saws may have interchangeable teeth or interchangeable segments comprising a number of teeth. Sawing is used mainly for cutting off and for cutting plate material of not too great a thickness. Thick pieces of metal can, while still hot from the furnace, be cut with hot sawing machines or with cutting discs. The latter achieve very high cutting rates, cutting being effected by melting of the metal due to frictional heating. Band-type cutting devices are based on the same principle of heat generated at the cutting surface. Filing is another important basic process (Fig.4). By using suitably shaped files it is possible to cut metal to any desired shape. The actual cutting is performed by the teeth of the file. Roughing out the shape is first done by means of coarse files, followed by finishing with finer files. Files are available in great variety of shapes, sizes and grades. They are classified and named according to sectional shape (e.g., half-round, square, triangular, round), length, and the relative fineness of cut of the teeth. With regard to fineness, the following classes of file are distinguished: bastard, second-cut, smooth, dead smooth. If there is only one series of parallel teeth, the file is known as a single-cut file. If the first series is intersected by a second and finer series, so as to form diamond shaped teeth, the file can also be called as double-cut. A broach (Fig.5) is a tapered tool provided with a series of cutting teeth which are lower at one end of the tool than they are at the other. Broaching is mainly employed for machining out holes or other internal surfaces, but can also be used for external surfaces and for burnishing already-formed holes. The cut starts with the smaller teeth, which enter the hole, and finishes with the larger teeth, which bring the hole to the finished size. Fig.5 shows an internal broach. Its cross-sectional shape may be round, rectangular, etc., depending on the desired shape of the hole. The broaching operation is performed by a machine that pulls or pushes the broach through the workpiece. Turning (Fig.6) is one of the most important machining processes. It is the process of reducing the diameter of material held in a lathe. The workpiece is attached to a driven spindle and, while rotating, is brought into contact with a cutting tool. The position of the tool in relation to the axis of rotation can be varied so as to cut the workpiece to the desired shape. In longitudinal turning, the tool is moved parallel to the axis of the rotation, so that cylindrical shapes are obtained. A screw thread can be cut by a tool forming a spiral groove. In transverse turning, also known as facing, and in forming, the tool is moved at right angles to the axis. Workpieces

of any desired tapered or other axially symmetrical shape can be produced by suitable combinations of longitudinal and transverse tool movements. Turning tools are available in a wide range of shapes and types. The cheapest are made of high carbon steel, hardened and tempered. Alloys known as high speed steels are used for tools that can be operated at much higher cutting speeds. In tipped tools the cutting tip is made of a special hard material. E.g., a cemented carbide, particularly tungsten carbide. Drilling (Fig.7) is a rotary cutting operation for producing holes. The tool most widely used for the purpose is the twist drill, provided with helical cutting edges, which rotates and is fed forward into the material under pressure. The combination of rotary and feed motion cuts away chips of the material, which are removed from the hole. For drilling a hole in a solid workpiece, it is necessary first to make an indentation for the center of the drill to revolve in. A tool called center punch is used for the purpose. It is advisable first to use a smaller drill and then follow up with a drill of larger diameter. Counterboring (Fig.8) is a process related to drilling and is employed to form a cylindrical hole of large diameter at the end of an existing hole. E.g., to receive the head of a screw or bolt. If the enlarged hole is formed with tapered sides, the process is called countersinking. Milling (Fig.9) is another important machining process, in which the workpiece is shaped by means of a rotating cutter provided with a number of teeth. Usually the work is fed against the teeth, the work-feed direction (in relation to the cutter) being longitudinal, transverse or vertical. Milling machines are very versatile and can be used for a great variety of work, including screw-thread cutting. In circular milling the cutter and the workpiece are both rotated; in straight milling the cutter rotates while the workpiece performs a straight feed motion Grinding (Fig.10) is the operation in which an abrasive wheel or disc is used to remove metal. It is employed as a finishing treatment to give parts already machined the necessary precision by the removal of excess material. It is also employed as a machining process in its own right e.g., for roughly forged or cast parts or for the shaping of hard materials. Centerless grinding is used for small cylindrical parts and is performed between two grinding wheels. Grinding wheels are made from artificial abrasives, usually of the aluminum oxide or the silicon carbide type, embedded in suitable bonding agents. Wheels

are available in a vast number of different combinations of abrasive, grain size, type of bond, hardness of bond, and structure.

Cam Mechanism The transformation of one of the simple motions, such as rotation, into any other motions is often conveniently accomplished by means of a cam mechanism. A cam mechanism usually consists of two moving elements, the cam and the follower, mounted on a fixed frame. Cam devices are versatile, and almost any arbitrarily-specified motion can be obtained. In some instances, they offer the simplest and most compact way to transform motions. A cam may be defined as a machine element having a curved outline or a curved groove, which, by its oscillation or rotation motion, gives a predetermined specified motion to another element called the follower. The cam has a very important function in the operation of many classes of machines, especially those of the automatic type, such as printing presses, shoe machinery, textile machinery, gear-cutting machines, and screw machines. In any class of machinery in which automatic control and accurate timing are paramount, the cam is an indispensable part of mechanism. A cam is a specially shaped component that serves to guide the motion of a component called a follower. The cam has a rotary or linear motion. The most important advantage of cam principle is that it is quite conveniently possible to introduce pauses of any desired length into the motion. This advantage is widely used in machinery of all kinds, such as packaging machines and many others. Using cams it is possible to perform simple sliding movements or oscillatory. It can also precisely controlled movements of elaborate shape

Clutches A clutch is any coupling that allows shafts or other rotating parts to be connected or disconnected at will i.e., without the removal or refitting of any components. Clutches are useful in devices that have two rotating shafts. In these devices, one shaft is typically driven by a motor or pulley, and the other shaft drives another device. In a drill, for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor, and the other drives a drill chuck. In the claw clutch (Fig.1) one half of the clutch can slide on its shaft, so that the claws can be engaged

or disengaged. This type of clutch can be engaged only when the shafts are stationary or rotating at low speed. The geared clutch (Fig.2) is widely used in machine tools and motor vehicles. The two clutch bosses are each supported with external teeth which can mesh with a sleeve that has corresponding internal teeth and can be slid over both bosses so as to establish a positive connection between the two shafts. To permit engagement of the clutch while the shafts are rotating, the sleeve and the shaft end to be coupled are respectively provided with friction surfaces which are brought into contact with each other and thus equalize the speed of the rotating parts before the teeth on the shaft and inside the sleeve are brought into mesh. Friction clothes transmit power through contact friction surfaces on the two halves to be connected. Different types of friction clutch are illustrated in Fig.3. In the disc clutch (or plate clutch), the cone clutch, the boss of the movable part slides in longitudinal grooves in the shaft on which it is mounted. The movements for engaging and disengaging the clutch are performed by the action of a lever whose forked ends fit into a circumferential recess in the boss of the clutch plate or cone. The internal-expanding shoe-type clutch comprises an outer shell attached to one shaft and two semicircular shoes which are mounted on arms attached to a sliding sleeve on the other shaft and which can be brought internally into contact with the shell. The forks of the clutch-operating lever engage with a recess on the sliding sleeve. A type of friction clutch commonly used in machine tools and other motor vehicles is the multiple-disc clutch (Fig.4). It is based on the principle that a series of discs or plates alternately connected to the driving and the driven shaft will increase the powertransmitting capacity in proportion to the number of pairs of contact surfaces. In the form of clutch illustrated in Fig.4 the boss mounted on the driving shaft is provided with external teeth with which the internal teeth on a series of thin steel plates engage. The outer shell of the clutch is mounted on the driven shaft and has internal teeth with which the external teeth of a second series of plates (alternating with those of the first series) likewise engage. When the clutch lever shifts a collar to the left, the plates are pressed together and thus transmit power by friction. Multiple-disc clutches in machine tools usually operate immersed in oil; those in motor vehicles are usually of the dry type. A magnetic clutch is a friction-disc clutch that is engaged by the energizing of a magnet

coil, which attracts a set of steel friction discs and thus establishes the connection. A double-acting clutch based on this principle is illustrated in Fig.5. When the coil a is energized, the discs b is compressed together by magnetic attraction, thereby connecting the gear c to the shaft d. When the coil e is energized, the discs f is pressed together, so that now power is transmitted from the shaft d to the gear g. An automatic clutch is often installed between the driving shaft of a motor and the machinery it drives. It does not allow the shaft to reach a predetermined speed before engagement is effected and is especially useful in a case where the driven machinery requires a high starting torque. For such purposes a centrifugal clutch (Fig.1) may suitably be utilized. It comprises two or more shoes which, when the driving shaft on which they are mounted has reached a certain speed, overcome the pressure of restraining springs by the action of centrifugal force and move outwards to press against the inner surface of the rim mounted on the driven shaft. In this way the transmission of power to the driven shaft is gradually and automatically increased, so that smooth engagement is effected. The speed at which engagement takes place can be increased by fitting the clutch with more power-restraining springs. When the shafts are not rotating, the shoes are retracted and not in contact with the rim. Various other types of automatic clutch are likewise based on the centrifugal principle. Freewheeling clutches drive in one direction only and permit free movement when the speed of the driven shaft exceeds that of the driving shaft. In the grip-roller type of freewheeling clutch (Fig.2) each roller is gripped, i.e., jammed, in the wedge-shaped space as soon as the movement of the outer race in relation to the inner race causes the roller to move into the shallower part of this space. The friction produced at these faces will depend on the contact pressure exerted by the springs. If the pressure is low, the friction will also be low, so that slip in the clutch will occur at a low value of the torque. By means of a screw it is possible to increase the spring pressure and therefore the friction, so that the clutch will be able to transmit a greater torque without slipping. The torque can thus be adjusted to a predetermined value, and the clutch can serve as a safety device against overloading of the driven machinery. A simpler safety device for this purpose is the shear-bolt coupling (Fig.4). It comprises two flanges connected by bolts that are designed to fail in shear (i.e., to break off) when the torque exceeds a predetermined value.

Couplings A Coupling is a device that makes relations with two shafts end to end, while a clutch is a coupling provided with some form of sliding or other arrangement whereby the shafts can be connected and disconnected at will. Couplings generally differentiate into (a) rigid couplings and (b) flexible couplings. The rigid type is used where accurate lineal alignment of the shafts is ensured. Where accurate alignment is not possible, a flexible coupling is used; it allows for a certain amount of misalignment, besides acting as a shock absorber for vibrations and jerks in the torque transmission. A universal coupling is applied for the connection of two shafts that are set at an angle to each other and whose angle can be varied while the shafts are rotating. An arrangement whereby two shafts are interconnected by an intermediate shaft with a universal coupling at each end is referred to as a universal shaft (Fig.1). This principle is in use, for example, in propeller shafts of motor vehicles. The universal coupling may take a more elaborate form, permitting greater amounts of angular movement, as in Fig.2, where each half of the coupling comprises two swivel pins which so engage with appropriate sockets in a ring that the pins of one half are set at 90 degrees in relation to those of the other half. Essentially the same principle is applied in the ball joint (Fig.3): the ball is provided with four holes which engage with two pins on each half of the coupling. The flanged coupling (Fig.1) is one of the simplest types, contains two halves, each holding a flange mounted on the end of a shaft. The boss of each flange is keyed to its shaft, and the flanges are bolted together, thus connecting the two shafts. The split-type muff coupling (Fig.2) is easier to install and remove because the two halves can be fitted around the aligned shaft ends and clamped by bolting. The muff is keyed to the shafts. A more elaborate form of construction is the serrated coupling (Fig.3), comprising contact surfaces with interlocking teeth that are held meshed together by bolts. Doppler Effect When a vibrating source of waves is approaching an observer, the frequency observed is higher than the frequency emitted by the source. When the source is receding, the observed frequency is lower than that emitted. This is known as the Doppler effect, or

Dopplers principle, and is named after an Austrian physicist who lived in the first half of the 19th century. When a whistling locomotive (or any other sound source) approaches a stationery observer (Fig.1), more density concentrations reach his ear than when both the sound source and the observer are stationary. As the pitch depends on the frequency (number of vibrations per second), the sound from the approaching locomotives whistle has a higher pitch than the sound coming from the same whistle when the locomotive is stationary in relation to the observer. When the locomotive is receding, its whistle sounds with a lower note. At the instant when the locomotive passes the observer, the note of the whistle is heard to change to a lower pitch. The same effect is observed when we are passed by a fast-moving hooting car in the street, or when the observer is moving fast in relation to a stationary sound source.

Dry Ice Dry ice is the name sometimes applied to compressed carbon dioxide snow i.e. solid carbon dioxide with a temperature of -79c. Under normal condition carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas with a density about 1 times as high as that of air. Like water, it can occur in the gaseous, liquid or solid state, depending on the physical conditions. In addition carbon dioxide possesses the property of sublimation i.e. it can pass directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid. To make carbon dioxide snow, carbon dioxide is cooled at high pressure and liquefies in consequences. Further cooling takes the carbon dioxide to the triple point. Now the compressed liquid carbon dioxide is suddenly expanded by spraying and turns into snow. This happens because the evaporation of part of the liquid causes intensive cooling of the rest. To achieve this result, the carbon dioxide gas is liquefied by means of three or four stage compressors with intermediate and final cooling, the liquid carbon dioxide then being expanded in a tower. About one third of the liquid Is thereby transformed into snow; the other tow thirds turn in gas, which is removed by suction, recompressed and returned to the process. The snow is pressed into blocks weighting 50-250 lb.



variety of adjustments and modifications, from the routine adjustment of the carburetor and ignition system to significant engine overhauls. At the other end of the scale, performance tuning of an engine can involve revisiting some of the design decisions taken at quite an early stage in the development of the engine. Electric Generator (Dynamo) Generators are machines used for the large-scale production of electrical energy. In electricity generation, an electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The generator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered in 1831 by Michael Faraday. Faraday discovered that if an electric conductor, like a copper wire, is moved through a magnetic field, electric current will flow in the conductor. So the mechanical energy of the moving wire is converted into the electric energy of the current that flows in the wire. Generators were earlier called dynamos, a shortened form of the term dynamoelectric. The size of large generators is usually measured in kilowatts. One kilowatt equals 1,000 watts. A giant generator can produce more than 1 million kilowatts of electric power. There are two main types of generators. Direct-current (DC) generators produce electric current that always flows in the same direction. Alternating-current (AC) generators, or alternators, produce electric current that reverses direction many times every second. Their operation is based on principle of electrical induction, whereby a periodic flow of electricity is produced in a loop-type conductor as a result of the periodic variation of the flux of the magnetic lines of force passing through this loop. In order to implement this, we can either cause the loop to rotate in a constant magnetic field or, alternatively the loop can be kept stationary and the magnetic field rotated. In above mentioned arrangement loop is formed by the armature windings on the rotor which revolves between the fixed magnetic poles of the stator. In the latter arrangement the armature is stationery, and the magnetic poles on magnet wheel revolve instead; the stator consists of an iron ring with induction coils mounted on the inside; the magnetic poles on the rotor move past the ends of these coils at a very short distance from them (Figs 1 and 3). In this case the current produced by the generator is taken direct from the stator, without the aid of special current collectors (brushes). Due to this reason this form of construction is particularly suitable for the generation of high-voltage alternating current. The reverse

conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by a motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. A generator forces electric charges to move through an external electrical circuit, but it does not create electricity or charge, which is already present in the wire of its windings. The sparking that occurs at high voltages i.e. around 20,000 volts in large generators would destroy the brushes. The relatively low output of direct current needed for producing the rotating magnetic field is fed to the rotor by means of slip-rings and carbon or copper-mesh brushes (Fig.3). The successive coils in Fig.1 are wound in alternate directions, which ensure that the generated current always flows in the same direction. The source of mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, the sun or solar energy, compressed air or any other source of mechanical energy. High-duty generators are usually coupled directly on the same shaft to steam or water turbines. A small direct current dynamo for producing the magnetic field is also mounted on the driving shaft (Fig.2). In the older type of power station with reciprocating steam engines, the rotor of the generator is generally constructed as a flywheel with the magnetic pole windings round its rim. Fig.3 shows a smaller generator which likewise operates on the principle described above (rotating magnetic field, stationery armature winding). In this case the magnet wheel is in the form of a two-part T-rotor.

Electrostatics I Matter is composed of neutral atoms. The electrical neutrality of the atoms is due to the fact that the positive charge of the nucleus of the atom is compensated by the negative charge of the electrons that surround it. The outermost electron may either be only loosely connected to the rest of the atom (Fig.1a) or be more firmly embedded in it (Fig.1b). Atoms of the first type tend to part with electrons to adjacent atoms, while those of the second type tend to tear electrons away from adjacent atoms. It is because of this phenomenon that, for e.g., glass becomes positively charged when it is rubbed with a silk cloth (Fig.2a), whereas ebonite acquires a negative charge on being rubbed with a woolen cloth (Fig 2b).


Electrostatic phenomena include such as simple as the attraction of plastic wrap to your hand after you remove it from a package to apparently spontaneous explosion of grain silos, to damage of electronic components during manufacturing, to the operation of photocopiers. Electrostatics involves the buildup of charge on the surface of objects due to contact with other surfaces. These charges then remain on the object until they either bleed off to ground or are quickly neutralized by a discharge: e.g., the familiar phenomenon of a static 'shock' is caused by the neutralization of charge built up in the body from contact with nonconductive surfaces. If two small balls, suspended pendulum wise, are given electric charges of the same sign e.g by touching each ball with a glass or ebonite rod charged by friction in the manner described, they will be pushed some distance apart by mutually repellent force exerted by the two similarly charged balls, as in Figs 3a and 3b. On the other hand two oppositely charged balls will attract each other, as in Fig 3c, and when they come into contact, their charges will neutralize each other. A positive charge means that there is a deficiency of electrons while a negative charge means that there is a surplus of electrons in relation to the neutral condition of the atoms. Electrons are the elementary particles of electricity. Each electron has a charge E = 1.602 x 10-19 coulomb, a rest mass Mo = 0.9108 x 10-27 grammes, and a radius of 2.82 x 10-13cm. Since similar charges repel each other, the electrons so arrange themselves at the surface of an electrical conductor e.g a metal ball that the space inside it contains no charge and is thus entirely free from electrical forces (Fig 4a and 4b). When a charged conductor is brought near an uncharged one, a separation of charges is induced on the latter (Fig.5a).

Electrostatics II The Van de Graaff generator (Fig.1) makes use of the possibility of spraying an electric charge from sharp points of a conductor. The charge is applied to a belt conveyor made of an insulating material, which conveys the charge into the interior of a spherical conductor of large radius, where the charge is collected by a comb of pointed electrodes. More and more electricity is collected in this way from the traveling belt and is accumulated at the surface of the large sphere, which thus acquires a very high charge. Since ancient history it is known that some materials attract light particles after rubbing.

Electrostatic phenomena arise from the forces that electric charges carry out on each other. Such forces are described by Coulomb's law. Even though electrostatically induced forces seem to be rather weak, the electrostatic force between e.g., an electron and a proton, that together make up a hydrogen atom, is about 40 orders of magnitute stronger than the gravitational force acting between them. The power output from this electrostatic generator is not very large, for the charge accumulated by this method cannot sustain a current of any significant magnitude. On the other hand, very high voltages can be obtained of the order of some millions of volts. The voltage can be further increased by installing the generator in an enclosed space in which the air pressure is increased above the normal atmospheric pressure, so that the spark-over voltage to earthed components is increased. The amount of electric charge that can be stored up in a body is called the capacity of that body. A condenser or capacitor is a device specifically intended to store up an electric charge. Its capacity is determined mainly by the action of electrostatic induction. It has essentially of two conducting surfaces which are insulated from each other (Fig.2a). In the case of a variable condenser the area (F) of these surfaces and/or their distance apart (d1, d2) can be varied.. Obviously, the quantity of electricity that can be stored up by induction will be greater according as F is larger and the gap d between the condenser plates is smaller. The capacity of a plate condenser is therefore proportional to F and inversely proportional to d. High capacity condensers are composed of plates consisting of rolled-up thin metal foils separated by sheets of paper as the insulating medium. The capacity of a condenser may be compared with the cubic capacity of a tank, which depends on the area of the bottom and on the height (Fig.2b). If a small ball pendulum is attached to a conductor and the latter is charged with electricity, the pendulum will acquire a deflection due to electrical repulsion which is proportional to the magnitude of the charge (Fig.3a). there is an analogy with the pressure of water in a tank, which pressure can be measured by means of a mercury manometer or pressure gauge (Fig.3b). The pressure of the water corresponds to the electric potential or voltage (the unit of measurement being the volt.) The voltage (U) is associated with the electric charge Q and the capacity C of a conductor (measured in farads) by the following relation: U = Q / C. In

the space which surrounds an electrically charged body an electric potential occurs which is proportional to the charge Q and inversely proportional to the distance r from the center of the body (U = Q / r). The electrical condition produced in a space by the presence of electrically charged bodies is called an electric field (Fig.4) points which all have the same potential (voltage) are located on equipotential surfaces. Forces always act in the direction of the potential gradient. The electric force which is exerted upon a charge of unit magnitude in an electric field is called the field strength. It is always directed perpendicularly to the equipotential surfaces. The lines of force in an electric field represent the direction of the force at any point on their length. The properties of an electric field can be described in terms of equipotential surfaces and lines of force. The lines of force are conceived as emerging from positive charges and disappearing into negative charges.

Fusion Welding Fusion welding can be applied to processes in which metals are heated to the temperature at which they melt and are then joined without hammering or the application of pressure. The joint can be formed without the use of a filler metal, but usually a filler metal in the form of a wire or rod is employed to fill the joint. The filler metal has the same composition as the parent metal, but may contain alloying metals to improve its fluidity in the molten condition or to produce a fine grained weld structure. The wire or rod of filler metal may be sheathed in a special coating. Such coatings perform one or more of various functions : serve as a flux, remove oxides or other disturbing substances that may be present, improve the wettability of the material surface, protect the weld against external influences, prevent excessively rapid cooling, and stabilize the arc. The composition of the coating depends more particularly on the material to be welded and on the welding method. Mixtures of oxides of iron, manganese and titanium, alkaline earth carbonates, fluorite, and organic compounds are used for coatings. Sources of heat employed in fusion welding are gas, electricity, chemical reactions, etc. Gas welding (Fig.1) uses a flame produced by the burning in oxygen of acetylene (oxyacetylene

welding) or sometimes another fuel gas (e.g., propane, butane, hydrogen) to heat and liquefy the metal at the joint to be welded. This is a very widely employed method of welding iron, steel, cast iron, and copper. The flame is applied to the edges of the joint and to a wire of the appropriate filler metal, which is melted and runs into the joint. A fairly recent development is the electroslag process (Fig.2) in which the metal at the joint is melted in an electrically conducting (ionized) molten-slag bath whose temperature is above the melting temperature of the metal. The welds are executed as vertical welds; with this method it is, for instance, possible to form butt welds in very thick plates quickly and economically. The current is supplied to the slag bath through bare metallic electrodes, which melt away and provide the filler metal. The molten filler metal sinks in the slag, fills the gap of the joint and slowly solidifies in it, from the bottom upwards. The gap is bridged by watercooled copper shoes which, together with the faces of the joint, form a mold for the molten metal. The shoes move upwards along the joint during welding. The most important and most widely used fusion-welding technique is arc welding, which employs an electric arc to melt the parent metal and the filler metal. The latter may be provided in the form of an electrode which melts away or it may be melted thermally i.e., without carrying the welding current. The general technique can be subdivided into three categories : open-arc welding, covered arc welding, and gas-shielded-arc welding. Open-arc welding by Benardos method (Fig.3a) employs direct current, the arc being formed between the parent metal and a carbon electrode. In Zereners method (Fig 3b) the arc is formed between two carbon electrodes; the heat of the arc is concentrated on the workpiece by the action of a magnetic coil. The method now most widely used was originated by Slavjanov (Fig.3c): the arc is formed between a metallic electrode, which gradually melts away to supply the filler metal, and the workpiece. The process known as firecracker welding (Fig.4) is an example of a covered-arc method. A heavily coated electrode is laid horizontally on the joint to be welded and is covered with an insulating layer of paper and a covering bar of copper or some other metal. The workpiece is connected to one pole and the electrode is connected to the other pole of a

current source. An arc is struck between the end of the electrode and the joint, and burns along the length of the electrode Another form of covered-arc welding is submerged-arc welding (Fig.5). The flux is supplied separately in the form of powder which blankets the arc. The powder melts and protects the molten filler metal from atmospheric contamination. Any powder not melted is recovered by suction and reused. When cool, the fused powder forms a slag, which peels off the weld. Shielded-arc welding is based on the principle of protecting the molten filler metal by an envelope of chemically inert gas, which may be helium (heliarc process), argon (argonarc process) or carbon dioxide. In atomic-hydrogen welding (Fig.6a) the heat liberated by monatomic hydrogen when recombining into molecules is used to fuse the metal. An alternating-current arc is maintained across two tungsten electrodes. A stream of hydrogen gas is passed through the arc, in which the hydrogen molecules are split up into atoms. Outside the actual arc these atoms recombine into molecules. This produces great heat, which melts the parts to be welded and unites them, with or without the addition of a filler metal. The inert-gas tungsten-arc process (Fig.6b) and the inert-gas metal-arc process (Fig.6c) are two shielded-arc welding processes that are used both for manual techniques and for automatic welding by mechanized equipment. Thermit welding (Fig.7) has already been referred to in connection with pressure welding. It is also used as a fusion-welding process, more particularly for iron and steel castings and forgings. The source of heat is not electricity or gas but a chemical reaction that produces intense heat (3000oC): the combustion of a mixture of aluminum powder and iron oxide by which the aluminum is converted into aluminum oxide and the iron oxide is reduced to molten iron (or steel). The parts to be joined are surrounded by a sand-lined mold. The powder mixture is packed in a conical crucible and ignited. The molten iron flows in and around the joint, where it fuses with the preheated parent metal. Friction drive


A Lambert automobile from 1906 with the friction drive revealed. A friction Drive or friction engine is a type of transmission that, instead of a chain and sprockets, uses 2 wheels in the transmission to transfer power to the driving wheels. This kind of transmission is often used on scooters, mainly go-peds, in place of a chain. An example of this system is in an early Turicum automobile. The Turicum's friction drive consisted of a flat steel disc coupled directly to the engine. This primary disc subsequently drove a smaller leather covered wheel oriented normal to its surface. Assuming a constant rotational velocity on the primary wheel, the angular velocity on the disc's surface will increase proportionally to the distance from the center of rotation. Therefore, positioning the smaller wheel at different points along the larger wheel's surface varies the gear ratio. Furthermore, since there are no limitations beyond the minimum and maximum positions, the gear ratios are infinitely adjustable. The problem with this type of drive system is that they are not very efficient. Since the output wheel (leather covered wheel) has width, the area of contact is spread across various radii on the primary disc. Consequently, since the angular velocity varies as radius varies, the system must overcome these variances. The compromise is slippage of the leather to metal contact area which creates friction, which in turn converts much of the energy transfer of this system into heat. Heat generation also requires a cooling system to keep the transmission working effectively.


Fluorescent Lamp The fluorescent lamp is a gas discharge tube whose output of light is so increased by special tools that it can be used for lighting purposes. The inner surface of the wall of the tube is coated with a light-emitting substance-usually fluorescent or phosphorescent metallic salts (calcium tungstate, zinc sulphide, zinc silicate). The tube is filled with mercury vapour at extremely low pressure. The electrons ejected from the incandescent electrodes collide with the mercury atoms and cause these to emit radiation which consists for the most part of ultraviolet rays, which are invisible. The visible portion of the mercury vapour rays is located in the green and blue range of the spectrum and gives a pale light. The ultra violet light strikes the fluorescent substance with which the wall of the tube is coated and causes this substance to emit radiation with a longer wavelength in the visible range of the spectrum i.e., the coating transforms the invisible rays into visible light. By suitable choice of the fluorescent substance, this light can be given any desired colour.

Fuel Injection and Supercharging Instead of a carburetor, a fuel-injection system may be applied for introducing fuel (gasoline, petrol) into the cylinder. It is basically similar to the system employed in a diesel engine, except that with gasoline as the fuel the ignition is initiated by an electric spark. A somewhat higher effective pressure better output can be achieved by injection as compared with a carburetor system. On other hand, the injection equipment is more expensive. In practical life, this method of introducing the fuel is therefore confined to high-output or racing engines. With the help of injection, the inlet pipe for each cylinder can be designed to give great performance as an individual Oscillation tube. Since the fuel is injected straight into the cylinder, the need to heat the inlet pipe (to prevent condensation of gasoline vapor) is obviated. Consequently, cooler and therefore denser air is drawn into the cylinder, thus improving the volumetric efficiency. Injection of gasoline starts during the suction stroke. On entering the cylinder, the gasoline vaporizes, and the heat for evaporation is extracted from the air, so that this cools

and decreases in volume, thus causing more air to be drawn in and thereby improving the volumetric efficiency. Fig.1 shows an arrangement in which the injection nozzle is aimed at the hot exhaust valve, which is cooled by the gasoline. During the compression stroke the piston sweeps past the outlet of the nozzle and thus protects it from the high pressure that develops at the instant of combustion i.e. initiated by spark ignition. A different arrangement is shown in Fig.2, in which the injection nozzle is located outside the cylinder, protected from high pressure and temperature. It injects the fuel through the inlet port on to the opened inlet valve and thus into the cylinder. The measure to improve volumetric efficiency that have been described in the foregoing relate to four-stroke internal-combustion engines which draw in the fuel-and-air mixture by the natural suction developed in the cylinder. Another means of increasing the power output is provided by supercharging. The supercharger is a compressor or blower which supplies air, or a combustion mixture of fuel and air, to the cylinders at a pressure greater than atmospheric. Because of this higher pressure, the air supplied to the cylinders has a higher density and absorbs more gasoline vapor. This increases the power output, but the gas consumption per horsepower is higher than in a suction-induced-charge engine, and wear and tear becomes more severe. Fig.3 is a partial section through an American V8 engine equipped with a Roots supercharger with three-lobed rotors. The supercharger is usually driven from the crankshaft. Foam Plastics One of the basic features of foam-type materials is the structural configuration of the cells. Absorbent cotton (cotton wool), felt and glass wool, for example, do not belong to this category of materials; sponges and cork, on the other hand, do. A difference can be made between true and false foams. In true foam the individual cells are not mere relatively thick-walled cavities or pores, but are separated only by thin partitions and are interdependent for their stability (Fig.1).


The mechanical strength is the highest in the case of foams with closed (nonintercommunicating) cells. Since no convection is possible in such materials, they possess good thermal insulating capacity. With open (intercommunicating) cells the mechanical strength and thermal insulation are lower; while, these materials have a high sound-absorbing capacity and are therefore good acoustic insulators.

Artificial foam materials, including more particularly foam plastics, can be manufactured by three different methods: by churning (Fig.2), by expansion with chemical agents (Fig.4) and by physical methods (Fig.3). The initial materials that can suitably be processed into foams include polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene, urea and formaldehyde condensation products, and natural synthetic rubber. In the churning process of producing foam rubber, latex to which fillers, vulcanization accelerators and foaming agents i.e. surface-active substances have been added is stirred with air to form foam, which sets and is then vulcanized with hot air (Dunlop process).


Urea-formaldehyde foams are made by foaming a soap solution with an incompletely condensed water-soluble resin resolution and air in an impeller-type high-speed mixer. Further condensation is brought about by the addition of acid. In the process based on physical methods, the foaming (expanding) action is produced by gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or pentane. Gas dissolved in the material under pressure is liberated from the solution and thus forms bubbles in the material when the pressure is reduced; this is the foaming action. For example, PVC pastes are processed with carbon dioxide at a pressure of about 20 atm. (300 lb. /in 2) and a temperature between 5oC and 0oC. The fluid mass is passed into the heating zone of the installation. Here the dissolved CO2 escapes and thus foams the material. The foam sets at a temperature of 150 oC and is solidified by cooling. Polystyrene is foamed with pentane, which is added at the polymerization stage e.g., in the manufacture of styropor. Chemical foaming methods are based on the fact that certain substances will, on being heated, decompose and liberate gas, which forms small bubbles i.e. foam cells. Azo compounds, N-nitroso compounds and azides are employed as foaming agents. What all these compounds have in common is that they liberate nitrogen when they decompose. For the manufacture of polyurethane foam plastics e.g., the German product named Moltopren, compounds containing hydroxyl groups of high molecular weight are mixed


with disocyanates and water. The foam plastic is formed according to the equation HO.R1.OH + OCN.R2.NCO -> CO2.R1CO2.NH.R2NH.CO2.R1.CO2

Surplus isocyanate groups react with the added water and CO2 is evolved, which acts as a foaming agent: R-NCO + H2O -> R-NH2 +CO2 Isocyanate amine The reaction mixture is cast in molds in which both the foaming and the hardening process take place. Blocks of foam are cut up into slabs or sheets by cutting machines. In the building industry foam plastics have achieved importance as heat and sound insulating materials. They are also used for a number of other purposes e.g., as paddings, packing materials, materials for the manufacture of sponges and bath mats.

Galvanizing Zinc plays a very important part among various metallic coatings applied to iron and steel to provide protection against corrosion. This process of applying the zinc coatings is called galvanizing. It is very much useful for all types of articles and utensils, e.g.: buckets, washtub, bar, tube, wire etc. Hot-dip galvanizing is one of the most commonly applied zinc coatings. In this process zinc coating is obtained by immersion of the materials or articles in a bath of molten zinc. The zinc combines with the iron, so that iron-and-zinc alloy crystals are formed which provide a firmly adhering coating. The characteristic crystalline surface patterns presented by hot-dip coatings are known as spangles; their size and shape are influenced by the surface condition of the steel, the impurities present in the bath, the rate of cooling, etc. Other types of Zinc-coating process are electrogalvanizing, metal spraying & sherardizing. These coatings are less in use compare to Hot-dip galvanizing. For successful completion of hot-dip galvanizing first of all the steel must be free of oil, grease, dirt, scale, and corrosion products. Preparatory treatment includes all of the following: degreasing with a suitable solvent, pickling with acid, rinsing, treatment with a flux, and drying. The object of pickling is to remove any oxide film by the action of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Castings to which molding sand still adheres may have to be subjected to mechanical cleaning treatments such as grit blasting or tumbling, the latter

being an operation in which small articles are mixed with an abrasive and rotated in a cylindrical drum. The flux, usually a mixture of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride, serves to remove any remaining traces of impurities and increases the wettability of the steel surface. Certain metals such as tin and aluminum may be added to the bath, they promote fluidity, and tin imparts brightness to the coated material. Sherardizing is a process for forming intermetallic compounds of iron and zinc on a steel surface. This is formed by heating it in the presence of zinc dust below the melting of the zinc. This process is more often used for small articles such as bolts, nuts, chains, valves etc.

Improving Volumetric Efficiency Another method of improving the engine performance by increasing the mean effective pressure consists in improving the so-called volumetric efficiency i.e., the efficiency with which the cylinders are charged with the fuel-and-air mixture. The quantity of mixture drawn into the cylinder during the suction stroke determines the mean effective pressure and therefore the power output. This quantity should theoretically be equal to the working volume of the cylinder = piston area x stroke. In reality the quantity of mixture drawn into the cylinder is less. The ratio of the actual to the theoretical quantity is known as the volumetric efficiency. It depends on the size and shape of the inlet and exhaust ducts and ports, the shape of the combustion chamber, and the method whereby the fuel is introduced into the cylinder. There are several standard ways to improve volumetric efficiency. A common approach for manufacturers is to use larger valves or multiple valves. Larger valves increase flow but weigh more. Multi-valve engines combine two or more smaller valves with areas greater than a single, large valve while having less weight. Carefully streamlining the ports increases flow capability. This is referred to as Porting and is done with the aid of an air flow bench for testing.

Improving the Engines Mechanical Efficiency A major portion of the power developed by the expansion of the gas in the cylinders is used for overcoming friction between piston and cylinder and in the bearings of the

connecting rod and crankshaft and for driving the water-circulation pump, oil pump, dynamo, camshaft and valves (Fig.1). Hence only a certain proportion of the theoretical power output is available as effective output. This proportion is termed the mechanical efficiency of the engine. Depending on the type and design of the engine and on its state of maintenance, the mechanical efficiency is usually between 0.75 and 0.85. More than half the loss of power is due to friction of the pistons and bearings. The piston friction depends on the pressure developed in the cylinder and on the piston speed, which is determined by the stroke and speed of rotation. Generally speaking, the rotational speed should be as high as possible. Therefore the only possible means of reducing the friction is to shorten the piston stroke. The friction developed at the piston rings depends on the number of rings per piston. To reduce the loss of gas, it is necessary always to have two compression rings; in addition, each piston has an oil-scraper ring (Fig.2). Friction in the crankshaft bearings can be reduced by the use of lighter connecting rods. This also reduces the lubricant requirement of the bearings, so that the oil-pump power input is lessened. A crankshaft rotating at high speed causes frictional losses due to turbulence and foaming of oil in the sump. For this reason high-speed engines have drysump lubrication (Fig.3). In this system, oil entering the crankcase is immediately extracted by suction and is returned through a filter and a cooler to the oil tank. A second pump delivers the oil from the tank to the bearings. For E.g. A water cooled engine is usually equipped with a fan. The fan is necessary only when the cooling-water temperature is high. For a substantial proportion of the engines running time the fan is absorbing power without performing any useful function. For this reason fans have been developed that are switched on and off automatically, controlled by the temperature of the cooling water or air. The factor which has the greatest effect on mechanical efficiency is friction within the engine. The friction between moving parts in an engine remains practically constant throughout the engines speed range. Therefore, the mechanical efficiency of an engine will be highest when the engine is running at the speed at which maximum bhp is developed. Since power output is bhp, and the maximum horsepower available is ihp. When an engine is operating under part load, it has a lower mechanical efficiency than when operating at full load. The explanation for this is that most mechanical losses are

almost independent of the load, and therefore, when load decreases, ihp decreases relatively less than bhp. Mechanical efficiency becomes zero when an engine operates at no load because then bhp = 0, but ihp is not zero. In fact, if bhp is zero and the expression for fhp is used, ihp is equal to fhp. Improving Engine Speed The higher the speed, the higher will be the output of an engine. The formula for the output also contains the factor n, the rotational speed of the engine. This theoretical consideration cannot be fully translated into practical terms. With increasing engine speed, the piston speed increases and the fractional losses become higher. At the same time, the mean effective pressure diminishes because of the higher resistance encountered in the inlet and exhaust system i.e. throttling effect on the gas flow. This in turn reduces the volumetric efficiency. Besides, the inertial forces developed by the reciprocating parts of the crank and valve mechanisms are not allowed to exceed certain values, otherwise damage is liable to occur. When the cubic capacity for a new engine design has been determined, the influences of high speed that adversely affect power output and engine life can be largely obviated by a suitable choice of the number of cylinders, the stroke-bore ratio, and the piston speed. The engines used in ordinary present-day cars have rotational speeds of between 5000 and 6000 rpm a range that only a few years ago was reserved for sports-car engines. Racing engines have meanwhile moved up into the 11,000-14,000 rpm range, though this result has been achieved only with considerable effort and cost. The total cubic capacity i.e., the total piston-swept working volume VH of an engine should be divided over the largest possible number of cylinders, to ensure that the reciprocating masses of the individual pistons and connecting rods will be small. The lighter these components are, the easier and less power-consuming will be their acceleration and deceleration at the ends of the piston stroke. For a given cubic capacity, the capacity of the individual cylinder is reduced, the bore and stroke are likewise reduced, and the piston speed is lower. However, an increase in the number of cylinders also has its drawbacks. For one thing, there are now more bearings in which friction occurs. In addition, the cost of manufacture


goes up because of the more numerous components that have to be made, machined and assembled. For reasons of economy, the cubic capacity of a cylinder of an ordinary car engine is normally between 250 and 500 cc. A racing car engine usually has many relatively small cylinders ranging from, for e.g. 62cc (Honda) to about 200cc. In addition to dividing the total cubic capacity among a large number of cylinders each of relatively small capacity, other measures to reduce the reciprocating masses of the pistons and crank mechanism consist in the use of light-alloy pistons and connecting rods made from titanium, a metal not unlike steel, but lighter. When the capacity of the individual cylinder has been determined, the stroke s and the bore d can be determined from the stroke-bore ratio (s/d) that has been chosen. As a rule this ratio is somewhere between 0.7 and 1.0. It should be as low as possible for highspeed engines, so that the cylinder bore is larger than the stroke; i.e., the cylinder is relatively wide, making possible the use of large valves. Besides, the piston speed is then also lower, so that the frictional and throttling losses during the suction stroke are less. At high speeds the crankshaft functions under severe stress conditions because at each power stroke it is subjected to sudden impactlike torsional loading. The crankshaft must therefore be of very rigid construction; it must not deflect. Better resistance to deflection is obtained by closer positioning of the crankshaft bearings (usually called the main bearings). Efficient design of the valve mechanism is of major importance in high-speed engines because accurate valve timing at all rotational speeds is essential. This calls for rigid and vibration-free construction. The valve is opened against the closing action of a spring; the force developed by the spring should be sufficiently powerful to ensure that all speeds the valve motion accurately conform to the shape of the cam. At high speeds there is only very little time available in which closure of the valve can be affected, a mere fraction of a second. To keep the spring force needed for this within reasonable limits, the weight of the reciprocating valve parts in a high-speed engine should be reduced to a minimum. There are various methods of achieving this. Dividing the total cubic capacity among a large number of cylinders permits the use of correspondingly smaller and lighter valves. The high speeds of present-day engines have been attained partly as a result of using

overhead camshafts, thereby eliminating transmission elements which make the valve mechanism slower and more cumbersome. For high-speed engines the arrangement in Fig.1a is preferable to that in Fig.1b because the moving masses in the former are smaller. Sports-car and racing-car engines have hemispherical combustion chambers, so that the valves have to be inclined. For this reason each row of valves is provided with its own camshaft. This solution is too expensive for the engines of ordinary cars. Alternatively, two rows of inclined valves can be actuated by one camshaft (Fig.2), though in this arrangement the rockers constitute a larger moving mass. Fig.3 shows a different overhead camshaft arrangement embodying a tappet. In ordinary car engines, the overhead camshaft is usually driven by a chain from the crankshaft and at half the speed of the latter. To avoid objectionable noise arising from wear and thermal expansion, the chain is kept under uniform tension by a tensioning device. In some instances a silent valve drive in the form of a toothed plastic belt (reinforced with steel wire) is used instead of a metal chain. The camshaft drive systems illustrated in Figs.1 and 2 are suitable for engine speeds up to 7000rpm. In racing engines which operate at considerably higher speeds, the overhead camshafts are driven though the agency of gear systems or bevel-geared shafts. Such systems are preferable to chain drives because they are free of vibration and backlash effects. They are of course, also more expensive. Another means of reducing the weight of the valves consists in using valves with hollow stems. To improve the heat conduction and cooling of the exhaust valves, which becomes very hot, their stems are partly filled with sodium. At the high working temperatures the sodium is molten and its movements help to conduct heat from the valve head to the cooler parts of the stem, thus cooling the head (Fig.4). As an alternative to one large and heavy valve it is possible to employ two smaller, lighter valves. Thus the cylinders of some racing engines are each provided with two inlet valves and one exhaust valve. This is a very expensive form of construction and therefore unsuitable for ordinary engines. Various types of valve embodying positive actuation, as distinct from the spring-controlled reciprocating action of the usual poppet (or mushroom) valve envisaged here, have been devised, including more particularly the rotary valve, but

have never achieved much practical significance.

Natural Petrol (Gasoline) A distinction is made between synthetic petrol, which is produced from coal and other raw materials by chemical processes, and natural petrol, most of which are obtained as a substance already present in petroleum denotes a mixture of liquid, volatile hydrocarbons or to be more precise, a mixture of alkenes, naphthenic and aromatic compounds with boiling points between 40 and 180C. Hydrocarbons is a general designation for chemical compounds which consist solely of the elements hydrogen and carbon and which readily burn to produce carbon dioxide and water if they are mixed with a sufficient quantity of air and then ignited. Petrol for use as a fuel for internal combustion engines is produced by following process: The petroleum is pumped from the well though pipelines to storage tanks at the port of shipment, where the crude oil undergoes a preliminary purification treatments. Tankers convey the crude oil to other ports, where it is discharged into storage. From here it is distributed to the refineries e.g. through pipelines. At the refinery the petroleum is preheated in heat exchanges, and then passed to the tube stills, where heated to a high temperature in special steel tubes. These stills are fired with oil which is likewise obtained from the crude oil. The crude oil, heated to a temperature of several hundred degrees, expands in the distilling column, where it is separated into fractions: power gas, light petrol and petrol The remaining of the original quantity is again passed through the still, is reheated to a high temperature, and is passed to a distilling column in which a vacuum is applied; because the distillation temperature can be kept considerable lower when the vacuum is employed. In this second column 20% of the original quantity of crude oil is split into petrol, 15% into fuel oils and 20% of the original oil. The residue, about 27% provides tar, pitch and coke or undergoes for processing whereby in some cases, more petrol is produced. However, such petrol is more properly to be regarded as synthetic petrol. The various petrol factions are mixed and refined : the composition of the mixture depends on the time

of year, in the winter the proportion of liquid petrol in the mixture is higher than in the summer. Refinement involves various processing treatments whereby the quality of compounds, anti-knock agents, anti-oxidants etc. the result must be volatile fuel which must, among other properties, have a minimum octane number of 80 to 90, ignites easily does not gasify at room temperature, does not develop gumming, does not smell objectionably, and burns without residue. Such a mixture of substances is of extremely complex composition comprising two hundred individual constituents.

Powder Metallurgy The technology of powdered metals can be used in the production and utilization of metallic powders for fabricating massive materials and shaped objects. This process in which articles and components are produced by agglomeration of fine metallic powder, is employed in cases where other methods of shaping such as casting, forging and machining are impracticable or where special material properties have to be achieved. The materials used in powder metallurgy,metallic posers or, for some purposes, mixtures of metallic and nonmetallic powders are shaped by cold pressing at room temperature between steel dies, which produces initial adhesion of the particles. This is followed by heating of the compacts in a nonoxidizing atmosphere (sintering) to obtain final cohesion. The dies usually consist of two parts thrusting against each other, and each part may be subdivided to produce the required shape (Fig 4). Another technique is isostatic pressing: the powder is pressed in a closed flexible container rubber plastic under liquid pressure. The function of the sintering treatment is to bond the powder particles of the compact into a coherent mass. As a rule, the sintering temperature is somewhat below the melting point of the powder, or the temperature may be so controlled that fusion of certain constituents of the powder mixture is achieved. Sintering as a subsequent separate treatment may be dispensed with by pressing of the powder at elevated temperature or by subjection of cold-pressed compacts to hot shaping e.g., by drop forging, rolling or extrusion. In certain cases, it is advantageous to process the powder in a protective metal envelope which provides mechanical strength and/or protection against oxidation (Fig.2c). To prevent

oxidation, hot pressing or sintering is usually carried out under the protection of a shielding gas or in a reducing atmosphere. Shaping of the powder is generally done by the application of pressure. However, in slip casting process, a technique adopted from the ceramics industry (Fig.1), the powder is mixed with a suitable liquid suspension medium to form a slip (a thick suspension), which is put into a mold (a, Fig.1). The liquid is absorbed by the walls of the mold, usually consisting of gypsum plaster (b). Then the shaped component is removed from the mold, dried and sintered (c). The powders used in powder metallurgy are produced by comminution of solid materials, by atomizing of molten materials in a stream of gas or water (Fig.3), or by chemical processing. It is essential to obtain particles that are suitably graded in size and are of regular shape and surface condition, so that they interlock and adhere properly when compressed.

Plastics Processing The properties of plastics and the many different requirements depending on finished products made from them have led to the development of a number of methods for shaping and molding these materials. From the manufacturers who synthetically produce plastics for industrial use the fabricating industry obtains the specified initial materials, i.e., the appropriate polymers with or without the requisite additives.

In the latter case the user will have to add auxiliary materials such as plasticizers, stabiliziers, pigments and fillers. Batch mixing of powdered ingredients is performed in agitators or mixing drums. Alternatively, kneaders or mixing rolls (Fig.1) are used for plastifiable materials. The last mentioned device comprises a pair of rollers which revolve in opposite directions and which can be heated or cooled as required.


The material entering the gap between the rollers is squeezed and mixed. On completion of this treatment the so-called rough sheet is stripped from the rollers (Fig.1) and passed to a further stage of processing. Continuous mixing is performed in extruders, which offer the additional advantage of filtering the plastics before they undergo further processing (Fig.4).

The shaping of plastic articles and components without the application of pressure is effected by casting. The simplest method of shaping in conjunction with pressure is by molding (Fig.2), which is suitable for both thermosetting and thermoplastic compositions. Thermoplastics can be softened by the application of heat; thermo setting plastics undergo chemical change under the action of heat and are thereby converted to infusible masses which cannot be softened by subsequent heating.

The Plastic Processing programme has been drawn up by the Finnish plastics industry, the


universities and Tekes with the aim of improving the competitiveness of companies developing injection moulding, and manufacturing and using injection-moulded components. The programme is finished. The aim of the entire programme was to improve the competitiveness of the companies in the business chain. This was achieved by speeding up the product development process, the mould manufacturing process and making them more efficient and by controlling the production process considerably better than at present. An additional goal was to improve mould performance, speed up start-up times for production processes and minimize environmental impacts.

Another method of producing molded articles is by injection molding (Fig.5), which has the advantage over ordinary molding that preheating, plasticizing, and shaping are done by the same machine. The only materials suitable for injection molding are thermoplatics of high fluidity. The granules are introduced through a hopper into the cylinder, in which they are heated-by means of a heating jacket- to above their softening point. A moving piston plasticizes the material and forces it through a nozzle into the mold. The plasticizing action can be enhanced by the use of a screw instead of a piston (Fig.6). Articles or components can also be shaped by the machining of semifinished products films, sheets, rods or tubes. Machining is more particularly employed in cases where the articles are of complex shape or where only a small number are required. Whereas thermosetting plastics can be shaped only by machining (milling, turning, cutting, drilling) once they have hardened, semifinshed thermoplastic materials can be shaped by heating and joined by welding. Hot shaping of thick sheets can be effected by bending or drawing (Fig.3). In the drawing process the material to be shaped is gripped, heated and deformed to the desired shape. If the wall thickness must remain constant, the sheet must be resiliently gripped; with so-called stretch forming a reduction in wall thickness occurs. In recent years shaping by the vacuum process has gained importance. In the female-mold method or negative mold method, the heated plastic sheet is laid on a concave mold and

subjected to further heating. Air is extracted through holes in the mold, so that the sheet is drawn by suction into the mold. For the molding of complex components the plate is prestretched before the actual negative molding operation begins. Alternatively, a convex master model may be used, in which case the process is known as the male-mold method or positive-mold method. The preheated sheet is placed over the master model and preformed. When the air is evacuated, the desired shape is obtained. The molding techniques are schematically illustrated in Figs.8 and 9. Endless products such as sections, sheet, strip and thin are produced by extruders (Figs. 4 and 6). Extrusion consists in forcing a plastic material through a suitably shaped die to produce the desired cross-section shape. The extruding force may be exerted by a piston or ram (ram extrusion) or by a rotating screw (screw extrusion) which operates within a cylinder in which the material is heated and plasticized and from which it is then extruded through the die in a continuous flow. Different kinds of die are used to produce different products e.g., blown film formed by blow head for blown extrusions, sheet and strip slot dies and hollow and solid sections i.e. circular dies. Wires and cables can be sheathed with plastics extruded form oblique heads. The extruded material is cooled and is taken off by means of suitable devices which are so designed as to prevent any subsequent deformation. For the manufacture of large quantities of film or thin sheet, the sheeting calender is employed (Fig.7). The rough sheet from the two-roll mill is fed into the gap of the calender, a machine comprising a number of heatable parallel cylindrical rollers which rotate in opposite directions and spread out the plastics and stretch the material to the required thickness. The last roller smoothes the sheet or film thus produced. If the sheet is required to have a textured surface e.g., to resemble wood graining, the final roller is provided with an appropriate embossing pattern; alternatively, the sheet may be reheated and then passed through an embossing calender. The calender is followed by one or more cooling drums. Finally the finished sheet or film is reeled up. Another field of application consists in coating a supporting material e.g., textile fabrics, paper, cardboard, metals, various building materials with plastics for the purpose of electrical insulation, protection against corrosion, protection against the action of moisture or chemicals, providing impermeability to gases and liquids, or increasing the mechanical strength. Coatings

are applied to textiles, foil and other sheet materials by continuously operating spread-coating machines (Fig.10). A coating knife, also known as doctor knife ensures uniform spreading of the coating materials in the form of solutions, emulsions or dispersions in water or an organic medium on the supporting material, which is moved along by rollers. The coating is then dried. Alternatively, the coating applied to the supporting material may take the form of film of plastic, in which case the process is called laminating. Metal articles of complex shape can be coated with plastics by means of whirl sintering process. The articles, heated to above the melting point of the plastics, are introduced into a fluidized bed of powdered plastics a rising stream of air in which the powder particles are held in suspension, whereby a firmly adhering coating is deposited on the metal by sintering.

Resonance And Echo Resonance is a phenomenon that structures capable of oscillation will oscillate in sympathy with relatively feeble external forces which act periodically and whose oscillation period coincides with that of the resonating structure. While it is resonating, the structure stores up energy. The oscillations do not, however, go on increasing indefinitely, but are limited by energy losses in this case more particularly by losses due to friction of the liquid on the wall of the tube. Resonance of a magnetically polarised steel spring can be induced by the fluctuating magnetic field of an electromagnet energized by an alternating current (Fig.2a). This resonance effect is, for example, utilized in frequency meters. The conception of resonance had its origin in the science of acoustics. Fig.2b illustrates an acoustic resonator, a device known as Kundts tube which is used for measuring the wavelength of sound waves. Projecting into the glass tube is one end of a metal rod which is held gripped in the middle. Longitudinal vibrations are set up in this rod by rubbing it with a cloth sprinkled with powdered rosin. The end of the rod in the tube is provided with a disc which in turn transmits the vibrations to the air in the tube.


Under certain circumstances the amount of energy stored up in this way may become so great that it brings about the destruction or collapse of the structure. A simple example of a resonating structure is a childs swing (Fig 1a). It is a pendulum, which is given a push or a thrust in the swinging direction each time it reaches its maximum deflection. Its energy build up i.e., its resonance, is directly evident from the increasing amplitude of the deflection of the swing. Another example is a liquid in a U-shaped tube (Fig.1b). The liquid can be set in motion by blowing into one end of the tube, and by blowing it periodically at the appropriate instant, the amplitude of its oscillations is progressively increased. The effective length of the tube can be varied by means of an adjustable disc at the other end. The vibrations i.e sound waves are reflected by this disc, and on suitably adjusting its position, a stationery wave will be produced in the tube, and resonance occurs. This happens when the distance between the two discs is equal to an odd multiple of onequarter of the wavelength of the sound waves set up in the tube, and vibration nodes and antinodes are formed. These can be indicated by introducing a small quantity of some suitably light powder e.g., lycopodium powder, into the tube. The powder congregates in a heap at each node. The nodes are thus made Visible, and the distance between them can be measured. The distance between two successive nodes is equal to half the wavelength of the sound waves set up in the tube. Resonance effects are also observed in connection with electromagnetic phenomena. The most well known and important example is the excitation of an electromagnetic oscillatory circuit, comprising a self-inductance L and capacity C by an alternating voltage (Fig.3) In the circuit the energy oscillate between its electrical state in the condenser (Fig.3a) and its magnetic state in the magnetic field of self-induction (Fig.3b) If the natural period of vibration and therefore the frequency of the oscillatory circuit corresponds to that of the alternating voltage, resonance will occur. The circuit will in that case absorb the maximum amount of energy from the source of energy that produces the excitation. Radio transmitters and receivers are turned with the aid of this resonance effect. To prevent the energy attaining disastrously high values, resistances are included in the circuit; these cause energy losses in the form of heat. Another phenomenon that acoustic and electric vibrations have in common is echo, i.e., the reflection of sound waves or electromagnetic waves from obstacles they encounter

Resonance and Engine Efficiency In addition to the measures explained in the foregoing, an inlet-and-exhaust system of favorable design with regard to oscillation condition of the gas does much to improve the intake and exhaust efficiency of the engine. The pulsating intake of the fuel-and-air mixture and discharge of the exhaust gases initiates oscillation in the system. At the end of the suction stroke the fuel-and-air mixture in the inlet duct flows at high velocity to the inlet valve, which is in the process of closing. No engine design should ignore the potentially destructive and energy wasting effects of resonance, but very little anti-resonance development has been applied since the IC engine was first introduced. The closure slows down the rush of the mixture, which impinges on the valve and causes a buildup of pressure in front of it. As a result, the fuel mixture continues to flow into the cylinder even after the piston has passed through bottom dead center and is rising again to start the compression stroke. But the inlet valve now closes completely and deflects the mixture back along the inlet duct. This is what initiates the oscillation in the duct. At the open end of the duct the fuel mixture is again deflected, and the cycle is repeated. If in case when the inlet valve opens again, the pressure wave in the inlet duct is moving toward the valve, the mixture will immediately enter the cylinder. The system is now in a state of resonance. As the inlet valve opens wider and the piston moves downwards, the pressure in the inlet duct drops, while the velocity rises to its maximum. Toward the end of the suction stroke the inlet valve begins to close again, so that the flow is again retarded, the pressure builds up, and the oscillation phenomena are repeated. Optimum charging of the cylinder with the fuel mixture is achieved when the frequency of oscillation coincides with the opening and closing frequency of the valve so as to produce resonance, as envisaged above when the inrush of fuel mixture finds the valve just opening to let it into the cylinder. Evidently this will occur only at one particular engine speed. At other speeds the volumetric efficiency will be lower. Long inlet ducts provide good charging at high speeds, whereas short ones are better at relatively low speeds.


The development of oscillation and resonance is counteracted by the flow resistance in the inlet duct, the constriction and turbulence at the throttle valve (in the carburetor), and the damping effect occurring at the open intake end of the duct. Figs 1 and 2 show the oscillation system in a four cylinder engine: the inlet pipes all emerge from a single connection at the carburetor, so that damping occurs there. The charging is therefore poorer than in the case of the inlet system of a fuel-injection spark-ignition engine as illustrated in Figs 3 and 4. Synthetic petrol is also manufactured from water and coal by a process in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are produced form coke, raw brown coal or brown coal briquettes and, after careful cleaning, are passed over catalysts at low pressure. Solid hydrocarbons, in addition to petrol and other products are formed in this process. In a more recently developed process, gases containing carbon monoxide are conducted, together with water over suitable catalysts. The resulting reactions produce petrol, as well as acids, alcohols and other substances. Also, petrol is produced from unsaturated hydrocarbon gases with aid of catalysts. However, since such synthetic petrol are more expensive to produce than petrol from petroleum in western Europe synthetic petrol is nowadays importance only as a additive for natural petrol so as to adjust their properties to meet the exacting requirements of modern internal combustion engines. For purpose, synthetic petrol have a high octane number are particularly valuable.

Sulphuric Acid Although sulfuric acid is now one of the most commonly used chemicals, it was probably little known before the 16th cent. It was prepared by Johann Van Helmont (c.1600) by destructive distillation of green vitriol (ferrous sulfate) and by burning sulfur. The first major industrial demand for sulfuric acid was the Leblanc process for making sodium carbonate (developed c.1790). Sulfuric acid was produced at Nordhausen from green vitriol but was expensive. A process for its synthesis by burning sulfur with saltpeter (potassium nitrate) was first used by Johann Glauber in the 17th cent. and developed commercially by Joshua Ward in England c.1740. It was soon superseded by the lead chamber process, invented by John

Roebuck in 1746 and since improved by many others. The contact process was originally developed c.1830 by Peregrine Phillips in England; it was little used until a need for concentrated acid arose, particularly for the manufacture of synthetic organic dyes.

In the pure state, sulphuric acid is a clear, colorless, oily liquid. One-hundred percent H2SO4 has its melting point at 10C; when heated, it gives off SO3 until the concentration of the acid has fallen to 98.5%, and it then boils at a constant temperature of 338C. Considerable evolution of heat occurs when concentrated sulphuric acid is diluted with water. Substantial amounts of SO3 can dissolve in the acid. The resulting solution is known commercially as fuming sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid does not occur as a free acid in nature. It is found only in the form of its salts (sulphates): gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), Epsom salts (MgSO4.7H2O), barite (BaSO4) and Glaubers salt (Na2SO4.1OH2O). Up to about the eighteenth century, sulphuric acid was made by heating alum (aluminum potassium sulphate) or iron vitriol (hydrous ferrous sulphate). This method was superseded by the burning of natural sulphur with saltpeter, which eventually evolved into the so-called lead-chamber process, which has the advantage that the acid can be obtained in any desired concentration, whereas the highest attainable

concentration with the lead chamber process is 78%. The contact process is as follows, Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is obtained by roasting iron pyrites (FeS2) in a rotary kiln, shelved roasting kiln or fluidized bed kiln. Which of these kiln types is employed depends on the particle size and nature of the pyrites to be processed. When the gases from the roasting process have cooled in gas ducts, by radiation of heat from 1000 oC to about 400C -500C, the dust they contain is removed in electrostatic precipitators (electric fitters). Next, the SO2 gas is passed through a washing tower, where constituents that are present in vapor form mainly compounds of arsenic, selenium and chlorine are removed with sulphuric acid serving as the washing liquid. Remaining traces of impurities present as very fine suspended droplets (fog) are removed in an irrigated electrostatic precipitator (wet Precipitator). Then the gas is dried by being brought into contact with concentrated (98%) sulphuric acid. A blower draws in the cold dried SO2 gas and delivers it into the converter, which is a tank or tower in which a suitable catalyst e.g., vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is placed in layers on shelves or arranged in some other appropriate manner to ensure through contact with the gas. The reaction whereby SO2 is converted to SO3 by oxidation (2SO2+O2-> 2SO3) takes place at 430C to 550C. A heat exchanger installed before the converter serves to cool the gas discharged from the converter and at the same time preheats the incoming gas flowing to the converter. Sulfuric acid is one of the most important industrial chemicals. More of it is made each year than is made of any other manufactured chemical; more than 40 million tons of it were produced in the United States in 1990. It has widely combined uses and plays some part in the production of nearly all manufactured goods. The major use of sulfuric acid is in the production of fertilizers, e.g., superphosphate of lime and ammonium sulfate. It is widely used in the manufacture of chemicals, e.g., in making hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfate salts, synthetic detergents, dyes and pigments, explosives, and drugs. It is used in petroleum refining to wash impurities out of gasoline and other refinery products. Sulfuric acid is used in processing metals, e.g., in pickling (cleaning) iron and steel before plating them with tin or zinc. Rayon is made with sulfuric acid. It serves as

the electrolyte in the lead-acid storage battery commonly used in motor vehicles acid for this use, containing about 33% H2SO4 and with specific gravity about 1.25, is often called battery acid.

Ship Stabilizing A ship at sea does rolling and pitching movements about its longitudinal and its transverse axis respectively (Fig.1). Rolling in particular is disagreeable to crew and passengers because of its relatively large amplitude, besides presenting problems with regard to the storage of the cargo. The rolling motion depends on various factors: the wave movement according to the state of the sea, the vessels moment of inertia with respect to the rolling axis, the damping moment due to friction between the hull and the water, and the stability moment, determined by the horizontal distance between center of gravity and center of buoyancy. Ship stabilizers are fins mounted beneath the waterline and emerging laterally. In contemporary vessels, they may be gyroscopically controlled active fins, which have the capacity to change their angle of attack to counteract roll caused by wind or waves acting on the ship. Different kinds of devices, known as stabilizers, have been developed for the purpose of reducing the rolling motion of ships. In general these appliances are of the passive or of the active type. The action of a passive stabilizer can be obtained by the rolling itself, i.e., such a device responds to the motion and takes corrective action. On the other hand, an active stabilizer has present control whereby the corrective action in the form of a counteracting movement is programmed to take place simultaneously with the occurrence of the disturbing movement that causes the rolling of the ship. The wave movements, in particular, are never quite regular, but it is nevertheless possible, by means of appropriately designed active stabilizers, to reduce rolling by at least 75%. The greatest effect is obtained when the stabilizer operates at the natural frequency of the ship, but with a phase difference of 90 degrees in relation to the ships motion. The simplest stabilizing device is the bilge keel (Fig.2), this is one such keel which is fitted on each side and extending about 30-50% of the ships length. Bilge keels develop


considerable resistance to the rolling motion and thus reduce it. The stabilizing effect achieved by these keels depends to a great extent on the speed of the ship. They have the drawback that they present a not inconsiderable resistance and thus slow down the vessel. Instead of being a continuous keel, the stabilizing device may take the form of a series of short fins having a streamlined shape in section so as to reduce the resistance.

Absorption refrigerator An absorption refrigerator is a refrigerator that uses a heat source (e.g., solar, kerosenefueled flame, waste heat from factories or district heating systems) to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling system. Absorption refrigerators are a popular alternative to regular compressor refrigerators where electricity is unreliable, costly, or unavailable, where noise from the compressor is problematic, or where surplus heat is available (e.g., from turbine exhausts or industrial processes, or from solar plants). For example, absorption refrigerators powered by heat from the combustion of liquefied petroleum gas are often used for food storage in recreational vehicles. Absorptive refrigeration can also be used to air-condition buildings using the waste heat from a gas turbine or water heater. This use is very efficient, since the gas turbine produces electricity, hot water and air-conditioning (called trigeneration). Both absorption and compressor refrigerators use a refrigerant with a very low boiling point (less than 0 F/18 C). In both types, when this refrigerant evaporates (boils), it takes some heat away with it, providing the cooling effect. The main difference between the two types is the way the refrigerant is changed from a gas back into a liquid so that the cycle can repeat. An absorption refrigerator changes the gas back into a liquid using a different method that needs only heat, and has no moving parts[1]. The other difference between the two types is the refrigerant used. Compressor refrigerators typically use an HCFC or HFC, while absorption refrigerators typically use ammonia or water. Principles Absorptive refrigeration uses a source of heat to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling process.


Absorption The absorption cooling cycle can be described in three phases:

1. Evaporation: A liquid refrigerant evaporates in a low partial pressure environment,

thus extracting heat from its surroundings the refrigerator. 2. Absorption: The gaseous refrigerant is absorbed dissolved into another liquid reducing its partial pressure in the evaporator and allowing more liquid to evaporate. 3. Regeneration: The refrigerant-laden liquid is heated, causing the refrigerant to evaporate out. It is then condensed through a heat exchanger to replenish the supply of liquid refrigerant in the evaporator. [edit] Simple salt and water system A simple absorption refrigeration system common in large commercial plants uses a solution of lithium bromide salt and water. Water under low pressure is evaporated from the coils that are being chilled. The water is absorbed by a lithium bromide/water solution. The water is driven off the lithium bromide solution using heat.[3] [edit] Water spray absorption refrigeration

Water Spray Absorption Refrigeration Another variant, depicted to the right, uses air, water, and a salt water solution. The intake of warm, moist air is passed through a sprayed solution of salt water. The spray lowers the humidity but does not significantly change the temperature. The less humid, warm air is then

passed through an evaporative cooler, consisting of a spray of fresh water, which cools and re-humidifies the air. Humidity is removed from the cooled air with another spray of salt solution, providing the outlet of cool, dry air. The salt solution is regenerated by heating it under low pressure, causing water to evaporate. The water evaporated from the salt solution is re-condensed, and rerouted back to the evaporativecooler.

[edit] Single pressure absorption refrigeration

Labeled photo of a domestic absorption refrigerator. A single-pressure absorption refrigerator uses three substances: ammonia, hydrogen gas, and water. At standard atmospheric conditions, ammonia is a gas with a boiling point of -33C, but a single-pressure absorption refrigerator is pressurised to the point where the ammonia is a liquid. The cycle is closed, with all hydrogen, water and ammonia collected and endlessly reused. The cooling cycle starts with liquefied ammonia entering the evaporator at room temperature. The ammonia is mixed in the evaporator with hydrogen. The partial pressure of the hydrogen is used to regulate the total pressure, which in turn regulates the vapour pressure and thus the boiling point of the ammonia. The ammonia boils in the evaporator, providing the cooling required.


The next three steps exist to separate the gaseous ammonia and the hydrogen. First, in the absorber, the mixture of gasses enters the bottom of an uphill series of tubes, into which water is added at the top. The ammonia dissolves in the water, producing a mixture of ammonia solution and hydrogen. The hydrogen is collected at the top of the absorber, with the ammonia solution collected at the bottom. The second step is to separate the ammonia and water. In the generator, heat is applied to the solution, to distill the ammonia from the water. Some water remains with the ammonia, in the form of vapour and bubbles. This is dried in the final separation step, called the separator, by passing it through an uphill series of twisted pipes with minor obstacles to pop the bubbles, allowing the collected water to drain back to the generator. Finally the pure ammonia gas enters the condenser. In this heat exchanger, the hot ammonia gas is cooled to room temperature and hence condenses to a liquid, allowing the cycle to restart.

Miller cycle In engineering, the Miller cycle is a combustion process used in a type of four-stroke internal combustion engine. The Miller cycle was patented by Ralph Miller, an American engineer, in the 1940s. [edit] Overview This type of engine was first used in ships and stationary power-generating plants, but was adapted by Mazda for their KJ-ZEM V6, used in the Millenia sedan, and in their Eunos 800 sedan (Australia) luxury cars. More recently, Subaru has combined a Miller cycle flat-4 with a hybrid driveline for their concept "Turbo Parallel Hybrid" car, known as the Subaru B5TPH. A traditional Otto cycle engine uses four "strokes", of which two can be considered "high power" the compression stroke (high power consumption) and power stroke (high power


production). Much of the internal power loss of an engine is due to the energy needed to compress the charge during the compression stroke, so systems that reduce this power consumption can lead to greater efficiency. In the Miller cycle, the intake valve is left open longer than it would be in an Otto cycle engine. In effect, the compression stroke is two discrete cycles: the initial portion when the intake valve is open and final portion when the intake valve is closed. This two-stage intake stroke creates the so called "fifth" stroke that the Miller cycle introduces. As the piston initially moves upwards in what is traditionally the compression stroke, the charge is partially expelled back out the still-open intake valve. Typically this loss of charge air would result in a loss of power. However, in the Miller cycle, this is compensated for by the use of a supercharger. The supercharger typically will need to be of the positive displacement (Roots or Screw) type due to its ability to produce boost at relatively low engine speeds. Otherwise, low-rpm torque will suffer. A key aspect of the Miller cycle is that the compression stroke actually starts only after the piston has pushed out this "extra" charge and the intake valve closes. This happens at around 20% to 30% into the compression stroke. In other words, the actual compression occurs in the latter 70% to 80% of the compression stroke. In a typical spark ignition engine, the Miller cycle yields an additional benefit. The intake air is first compressed by the supercharger and then cooled by an intercooler. This lower intake charge temperature, combined with the lower compression of the intake stroke, yields a lower final charge temperature than would be obtained by simply increasing the compression of the piston. This allows ignition timing to be advanced beyond what is normally allowed before the onset of detonation, thus increasing the overall efficiency still further. An additional advantage of the lower final charge temperature is that the emission of NOx in diesel engines is decreased, which is an important design parameter in large diesel engines on board ships and power plants. Efficiency is increased by raising the compression ratio. In a typical gasoline engine, the compression ratio is limited due to self-ignition (detonation) of the compressed, and therefore hot, air/fuel mixture. Due to the reduced compression stroke of a Miller cycle engine, a


higher overall cylinder pressure (supercharger pressure plus mechanical compression) is possible, and therefore a Miller cycle engine has better efficiency. The benefits of utilizing positive displacement superchargers come with a cost. 15% to 20% of the power generated by a supercharged engine is usually required to do the work of driving the supercharger, which compresses the intake charge (also known as boost). A similar delayed-valve closing method is used in some modern versions of Atkinson cycle engines, but without the supercharging. These engines are generally found on hybrid electric vehicles, where efficiency is the goal, and the power lost compared to the Miller cycle is made up through the use of electric motors Lenoir cycle The Lenoir cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle often used to model a pulse jet engine. It is based on the operation of an engine patented by Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir in 1860. This engine is often thought of as the first commercially produced internal combustion engine. The absence of any compression process in the design leads to lower thermal efficiencies than the more well known Otto cycle and Diesel cycle. In the cycle, an ideal gas undergoes 1-2: Constant volume (isochoric) heat addition; 2-3: Isentropic expansion; 3-1: Constant pressure (isobaric) heat rejectioncompression to the volume at the start of the cycle. The expansion process is isentropic and hence involves no heat interaction. Energy is absorbed as heat during the isochoric heating and rejected as work during the isentropic expansion. Waste heat is rejected during the isobaric cooling which consumes some work.

Turbocharger for two wheelers This mechanical engineering project deals with turbocharging a two wheeler.

Turbocharging is usually carried out in diesel engines. This is because turbocharges work using the pressure from the exhaust gas (For diesel engines the compression ratio is high and hence the pressure.). But it can be used in petrol engines also if the engine is 4 cylindered or more. Turbocharging a bike is possible only if it is a 4 cylinder one. Usually only performance bikes are turbocharged. It is also possible to improve the performance of a bike using nitro injection, bigger carburettors etc, but the advantage of turbocharging its stock engine is that you save a lot of money and at the same time obtain better performance. ALLOWANCE The intentional or desired difference between the maximum limits of mating parts to provide a certain class of fit. ACHME THREAD A screw thread having an included angle of 29 and largely used for feed screws on machine tools. ANNULUS A figure bounded by concentric circles or cylinders (e.g., a washer, ring, sleeve etc.). BEVEL - Any surface not at right angle to the rest of the workpiece. If a bevel is at a 45 angle, it is frequently called a MITER. BIMETALLIC STRIP - A strip of metal consisting of one metal (or alloy) in the top portion bonded to a different metal in the bottom portion.A straight strip becomes curved when heated. BRUSH - Pieces of carbon or copper that make a sliding contact against the commutator or slip rings. CAM - A plate or cylinder which transmits variable motion to a part of a machine by means of a follower. CHAMFER To bevel or remove the sharp edge of a machined part. CHECK VALVE A valve which permits flow in one direction only. CIRCULAR PITCH The distance from the center of one gear tooth to the center of the next gear tooth measured on the pitch line.

COMMUTATOR A number of copper bars connected to the armature windings but insulated from each other and from the armature. CONVOLUTION One full turn of screw. ECCENTRIC A circle or cylinder having a different center from another coinciding circle or cylinder. Also, a device for converting rotary motion to reciprocating motion. FEATHER A sliding key, sometimes called splint. Used to prevent a pulley, gear or other part from turning on a shaft but allows it to move lengthwise. The feather is usually fastened to the sliding piece. FILLET A concave surface connecting the two surfaces meeting at an angle . FLANGE A metal part which is spread out like a rim, the action of working a piece or part to spread out. FLANK (Side of thread) The straight part of the thread which connects the crest with the root. FLARE To open or spread outwardly. FULCRUM The pivot point of a lever. FLUSH When the surfaces of different parts are on the same level, they are said to be flush. FLUTE A straight or helical groove of angular or radial form machined in a cutting tool to provide cutting edges and to permit chips to escape and the cutting fluid to reach the cutting edges. GATE VALVE A common type of manually operated valve in which a sliding gate is used to obstruct the flow of fluid.


GEAR A general term applied to types of toothed wheels, valve motion, pump works, lifting tackle and ropes. GEARING A train of gears or an arrangement of gears for transmitting motion in a machinery. GIB An angular or wedge like strip of metal placed between two machine parts, usually sliding bearings, to ensure a proper fit and provide adjustment for wear. GLAND A device to prevent the leakage of gas or liquid past a joint. HAND WHEEL Any of the various wheels found on machine tools for moving or positioning parts of the machine by hand feed, as the tailstock handwheel on a lathe. HALF MOON KEY A fastening device in a shape somewhat similar to a semicircle. HELICAL GEAR A gear in which the teeth are cut at some angle other than a right angle across the gear face. HELICOIL A thread insert used to repair worn or damaged threads. It is installed in a retapped hole to bring the screw thread down to original size. HELIX The curve formed by a line drawn or wrapped around a cylinder which advances uniformly along the axis for each revolution, as the thread on a screw or the flute on a twist drill. A helix is often called a spiral in the shop. HELIX ANGLE OF A THREAD The angle made by the helix of the thread at the pitch diameter line with a line at right angle to the axis. HEXAGONAL NUT A nut having six sides and shaped like a hexagon. INVOLUTE GEAR TOOTH A curved tooth generated by unwinding a string from a cylinder to form the curve.


JOURNAL The part of a shaft or axle that has been machined or finished to fit into a bearing. KEYS Metal pieces of various designs that fit into a slot in a shaft and project above the shaft to fit into a mating slot in the center hole of a gear or pulley to provide a positive drive between the shaft and the gear or pulley. KEYSEAT The slot or recessed groove either in the shaft or gear, which is made to receive the key. Also, it is called a KEYWAY. KNURL A uniform roughened or checked surface of either a diamond, a straight or other pattern. LAND The top surface of a tooth of cutting tools, such as taps, reamers and milling cutters. LEAD ANGLE The angle of the helix of a screw thread or worm thread. It is the measure of the inclination of a screw thread from a plane perpendicular to the axis of the screw. LEAD HOLE A small hole drilled in a workpiece to reduce the feed pressure, aid in obtaining greater accuracy, and guide a large drill. Sometimes called PILOT HOLE. LEAD OF THREAD On a single threaded screw the distance the screw or nut advances in one complete revolution. PEEN The end of the head of a hammer opposite the face, such as ball, straight or cross peen, and used for peening or riveting. PILOT A guide at the end of the counter bore which fits freely into the drilled hole and align the body of the counterbore while cutting takes place. PILOT SHAFT A shaft positioned in or through a hole of a component as a means of aligning the components. PILOT VALVE A valve used to control the operation of another valve.

PINION The smaller of the pair of gears regardless of the size or type. PITCH In screw threads, the distance from a point on one thread to a corresponding point on the next thread measured parallel to the axis. In the case of spur gears, indicates the size of the gear teeth and is correctly called diametral pitch. PITCH DIAMETER For screw threads, the diameter of an imaginary cylinder, the surface of which would pass through the threads at such points that would make the width of the groove and width of the land equal to one half the pitch. RACK A straight metal strip having teeth that mesh with those of a gear to convert rotary into reciprocating motion or just the opposite. RATCHET A gear with triangular shaped teeth to be engaged by a pawl which gives it intermittent motion or locks it against backward movement. RIGHT HAND THREAD A screw thread which advances into the mating part when turned clockwise or to the right. RIVET A one piece fastener consisting of a head and a body and used for fastening two or more pieces together by passing the body through a hole in each piece and then forming a second head on the body end. It cannot be removed except by taking off the head. SCREW A helix formed or cut on a cylindrical surface which may advance along the axis to the right or left. The helix may be single or multiple. SCREW THREAD A ridge of uniform section or shape in the form of a helix on the external or internal surface of a cylinder, or in the form of a conical spiral on the external or internal surface of a cone. SPUR GEAR A toothed wheel having external radial teeth.


SQUARE THREAD A form of screw thread in which the crosssection of the thread forms a square, making the width of the thread equal to the space between the threads. STUD A rod having thread on both ends. STUFFING BOX A chamber having manual adjustment device for sealing. TAPER A shaft or hole that gets gradually smaller toward one end. TAPER PINS Steel pins used for locating and holding the machine parts in position on a shaft. TEMPLATE A flat pattern or guide plate usually made from sheet metal and used as a gauge or guide when laying out, drilling, forming in a machine or filing irregular shapes on metal pieces. VALVE Any device or arrangement used to open or close an opening to permit or restrict the flow of a liquid, gas or vapour. V-BLOCKS Square or rectangular shaped blocks of steel that are usually hardened and accurately ground. These have 90 V groove through the center and are provided with clamps for holding round workpiece for laying out, drilling, milling etc. VISE A mechanical device of many designs and sizes in which work pieces are clamped for hand or machine operations. V-WAYS The top of the bed of a lathe, planer or other machine tool which acts as bearing surface for aligning and guiding the moving parts such as the carriage of a lathe. WORM A threaded cylinder which meshes with and drives a worm gear, the thread being specially designed to mate with the teeth in the worm gear. WORM GEARS Gears with teeth cut at an angle to be driven by a worm. The teeth are usually cut out with a hob to fit the worm.

ABRASIVE A natural or artificial material such as sand stone, emery, aluminium oxide or silicon carbide. ACID A chemical term to define a material which gives an acid reaction. ADDITIVES Chemicals added to oil or fuel to increase its effectiveness and obtain desirable qualities. ADHESIVES Materials or compositions that enable two surfaces to join together. An adhesive is not necessarily a glue, which is considered to be a sticky substance, since many adhesives are not sticky. AGGREGATE Small particles such as powders that are used for powder metallurgy, that are loosely combined to form a whole, also sand and rock as used in concrete. ALLOTROPIC METALS Metals which exist in one lattice form over a range of temperature, but at a certain temperature the lattice form changes to another type which is stable over another temperature range. ALNICOS Alnicos materials are composed mainly of aluminium, nickel, cobalt and iron. Some include additions of copper and titanium. They are high-coercive force, high magnetic energy alloys. ALOXITE Artificial abrasive material used in the manufacture of grinding wheels. Essentially it consists of alumina, or aluminium oxide, the chemical symbol for which is Al2O3 ALUMEL A nickel base alloy containing about 2.5% Mn, 2% AI, and 1 % Si, used chiefly as a component of pyrometric thermocouples. ANTIFREEZE A chemical added to the coolant in order to lower its freezing point.


ANTIFRICTION BEARINGS Ball, roller and needle bearings exhibit very low friction and are suitable for very high speeds, and high loading. ANTIMONY Brittle, bluish white metallic element designated Sb. Melting point 630C. Used as a constituent in some alloys, for instance, bearings and storage battery plates. BABBITT METAL White metal bearing alloy, suitable for bearings subjected to moderate pressures, contains tin 59.5% min, copper 2.253.75%, antimony 9.5-11.5%, lead 26% min, iron 0.08% max, bismuth 0.08% max. BACKING SAND Foundry sand placed next to the facing sand after the latter is in place. It forms the bulk of sand used to complete the mould. BAINITE A structure in steel named after E.G. Bain that forms between 481 C and the Ms temperature. At the higher temperatures, it is known as upper or feathery bainite. At the lower temperatures it is known as lower or a acicular bainite and resembles martensite. BAKELITE Trade name for one of the first used thermo-setting synthetic resins. It is derived from the name of the inventor Dr. L.H. Backeland, and its formation is the result of a chemical action between formaldehyde and phenol. BARK The decarborized layer just beneath the scale that results from heating steel in an oxidizing atmosphere. BASE METAL Metal present in the alloy in largest proportion. BEARING METALS Metals (alloys) used for that part of a bearing which is in contact with the journal e.g., bronze or white metal, used on account of their low coefficient of friction when used with a steel shaft. BELL METAL High tin bronze, used in the casting of bells, which is

composed of up to 30% tin, together with some zinc and lead. BESSEMER STEEL Steel manufactured in a Bessemer converter, and sometimes referred to as mild steel. BILLET A solid semifinished round or square product that has been hot worked by forging, rolling or extrusion. BLUE VITRIOL A chemical mixture of copper sulphate, water and sulphuric acid. Applied to polished metal for layout purposes, it turns to copper colour. BOND In grinding wheels and other relatively rigid abrasive products, the material that holds the abrasive grains together. In welding, the junction of joined parts. BORON CARBIDE An abrasive used in cutting tools, a compound whose chemical formula is B4 C and obtained from borontrioxide (B2O3) and coke at a temperature of 2500C. Fine powder as hard as diamond. BRASS A range of copper zinc alloys, usually those containing 55-80% copper. Alloys containing not less than 63% of copper are called ALPHA BRASSES. When less than 63% of copper is present, the alloy is called ALPHA-BETA alloy. BRAZING ALLOY Copper zinc alloy, which sometimes includes small percentages of tin, and lead, used for brazing, the melting point of which is governed by the percentage of zinc. BRINE Water that has been saturated or nearly saturated with salt. CAPPED STEEL Semiskilled steel cast in a bottle top mould and covered with a cap fitting into the neck of the mould. The cap causes the top metal to solidify. Pressure is build up in the sealed in molten metal and

results in a surface condition much like that of RIMMED STEEL CARBON STEEL Steel containing carbon up to about 2% and only residual quantities of other elements except those added for deoxidation, with silicon usually limited to 0.60% and manganese to about 1.65%. Also termed PLAIN CARBON STEEL. CARBORUNDUM Artificially manufactured abrasive, trade name for a carbide of silicon (SiC) which is prepared by heating sand with coke in an electric furnace. CARTRIDGE BRASS Alloy containing about 70% copper and 30% zinc, in which impurities are kept to a minimum, and it possesses a high degree of strength, combined with good ductility CEMENTED CARBIDE A solid and coherent mass made by pressing and sintering a mixture of powders of one or more metallic carbides, and a much smaller amount of a metal, such as cobalt, to serve as a binder. CEMENTITE Hard, brittle, crystalline iron carbide (compound of iron and carbon Fe3C) found in steels having a high carbon content. It is characterized by an orthorhombic crystal structure. When it occurs as a phase in steel, the chemical composition will be altered by the presence of manganese and other carbide forming elements. CERAMIC Metallic oxides of metals such as silicon and aluminium. CERAMIC MATERIALS The materials that demonstrate great hardness and resistance to heat and are used to make cutting tools, coatings on tools, parts subjected to very hot conditions, abrasives and mechanical parts CESIUM 13T A radioisotope, recovered as a fission product from nuclear reactors, with a half-life of 33 years and a dominant characteristic gamma radiation of 0.66 mev. It is suitable as a gamma radiation source,

especially in radiography and therapy CHILL (1) A metal insert embedded in the surface of a sand mould or core or placed in a mould cavity to increase cooling rate at that point. (2) White iron occurring on a gray iron casting such as the chill in the wedge test. CHROMEL (1) 90% Ni, 10% Cr alloy used in thermocouples. (2) A series of Nickel chromium alloys, some with iron, used for heat resistant applications. CHROMIUM Grayish white metallic element obtained from chromite, chemical symbol is Cr and melting point 1830C, used in alloying steels and corrosion resisting plating. CLAD METAL A composite material containing two or three layers that have been bonded together. The bonding may have been accomplished by rolling, welding, casting, heavy chemical deposition or heavy electroplating. COAL TAR Also called crude oil, when subjected to fractional distillation and purification, yields a variety of useful products-neutral, acidic, and base oils. COBALT-60 A radio isotope with a half-life of 5.2 years and dominant characteristic gamma radiation energies of 1.17 and 1.33 MeV. It is used as a gamma radiation source in industrial radiography and therapy. COLD FINISHED STEEL Steel bar which has been cold drawn/cold rolled, centerless ground or turned smooth to improve surface finish, accuracy or mechanical properties. COLD ROLLED STEEL Steel which has been passed through rollers at the steel mill to size it accurately and smoothly.

COLLOIDS Finely divided material, less than 0.5 micron in size, gelatinous, highly absorbent and sticky when moistened. COLUMNAR STRUCTURE A coarse structure of parallel columns of grains having the long axis perpendicular to the casting surface. COMPOSITE FIBRES The strands of material used as reinforcement extending through a resin or other matrix in a composite material. An example is carbon fibres in an epoxy matrix. Loads applied to the structure are carried by the fibres. COMPOSITE MATERIAL Materials exhibiting a much higher strength than the matrix or base material because of reinforcement fibres. CONDUCTORS (electrical) Materials in which an electromotive force causes appreciable drift of electrons, called CURRENT. CONSTANTAN A group of copper nickel alloys containing 45-60% copper with minor amounts of iron and manganese and characterized by relatively constant electrical resistivity irrespective of temperature used in resistors and thermocouples. CONVERSION COATING A coating consists of a compound of the surface metal produced by chemical or electro-chemical treatments of the metal. CORUNDUM Natural abrasive of the aluminium oxide type that has higher purity than emery CRUCIBLE A vessel or pot, made of refractory substance or of a metal with a high melting point, used for melting metals or other substances. CRUCIBLE STEEL A high grade steel made by melting iron in a crucible


and adding charcoal, pig iron and some substance rich in carbon so that the resulting metal will contain from 0.75-1.5% carbon. This steel is used for tools, dies and better grades of cutlery. CRYSTALLOID A substance that forms a true solution and is capable of being crystallized. CURIE The quantity of a radioactive nuclide in which the number of disintegrations per second is 3. 700 10 to the power of ten. CUTTING FLUID A fluid, usually a liquid, used in metal cutting to improve finish, tool life or dimensional accuracy. DEGASIFIER A material employed for removing gases from metals and alloys. DELTA IRON An allotropic (polymorphic) form of iron, stable above 1390oC, crystallizing in the body centered cubic lattice. DENDRITE A crystal that has tree like branching pattern, being most evident in cast metals slowly cooled through the solidification range. Dendrite generally grow inward from the surface of a mould. DEOXIDIZER A substance that is used to remove either free or combined oxygen from molten metals, for example, ferrosilicon in steel making. DIAMAGNETIC SUBSTANCES Actually set up fields that oppose applied fields. DIAMOND Allotropic form (crystalline form) of carbon (the hardest known mineral) which when very strongly heated, changes to graphite. Used as a cutting tool, and a grinding tool and to dress grinding wheels. DROSS The scum that forms on the surface of molten metals largely

because of oxidation but sometimes because of the rising of impurities to the surface. DURALUMIN Aluminium alloy containing copper, manganese and magnesium, which can be cast, forged or stamped, and is widely used for sheets, tubes, forgings, rivets, nuts, bolts and similar parts. DYE PENETRANT Penetrant with a dye added to make it more readily visible under normal lighting conditions. ELASTOMER Any of various elastic substances resembling rubber. ELECTRIC STEEL Special alloy steel, tool steel, and steel for castings, melted in electric furnaces that permit very close control and the addition of alloying elements directly into the furnaces. ELECTRICAL SHEETS It is the trade name for iron and steel sheets used in the manufacture of punchings for laminated magnetic circuits and usually refers to silicon steel sheets. ELECTROLYTE A non-metallic conductor, usually a fluid, in which electric current is carried by the movement of ions. ELECTROMAGNET A magnet of variable strength produced by passing current through conductors around a soft iron core. ELEKTRON Magnesium base alloy supplied in the form of tubes, sheets, extruded sections, forgings and castings EMERY An abrasive material which, like corundum or aluminium oxide type, is a natural abrasive. EMULSIFIER (1) A material that increases the stability of dispersion of one liquid in another. (2) In penetrant inspection, a material that is

added to some penetrants after the penetrant is applied to make a water washable mixture. ENAMEL Type of paint that dries to a smooth, glossy finish. FIBRE GLASS A resin matrix reinforced with glass fibres for strength. A reinforced plastic manufacturing material with many applications. FILTER In radiography a device, usually, a thin metallic layer inserted into a beam of radiation so as to modify the transmitted spectrum of radiation. It may be used to enhance or reduce contrast or minimize undesirable scattered radiation. FIRE BRICK Brick made of refractory clay or other material which resists high temperatures. FIRE CLAY A type of clay which is resistant to high temperatures. FLUX A solid, liquid or gaseous material that is applied to solid or molten metal in order to clean and remove oxides. FOAM RUBBER It is also called sponge. Foam rubbers are formed by the inclusion of chemicals in rubber compounding which form gases during vulcanization. FREE CARBON The part of the total carbon in steel or cast iron that is present in the elemental form as graphite or temper carbon. HIGH CARBON STEEL Steel that has more than 0.6% carbon. HIGH SPEED STEEL Alloy steel (alloying elements being tungsten, chromium, vanadium, cobalt and molybdenum) which retains its strength and hardness at red heat, and is thus suitable for cutting tools which reach high temperatures in use.


HINDU MINIUM A high strength aluminium alloy containing, in addition to aluminium, magnesium, iron, titanium, copper, nickel and silicon, which after heat treatment has a strength exceeding that of mild steel. HOT ROLLED STEEL Steel rolled to shape while being heated to the plastic condition. HOYT METAL Commercial grade of white metal used for bearing purpose. HYPER EUTECTIC ALLOY Any binary alloy whose composition lies to the right of the EUTECTIC on an equilibrium diagram and which contains some eutectic structure. HYPO EUTECTIC ALLOY Any binary alloy whose composition lies to the left of the EUTECTIC on an equilibrium diagram and which contains some eutectic structure. IMPURITIES Elements or compounds whose presence in a material is undesired. INCONEL Nickel alloy highly resistant to heat and corrosion, with good mechanical properties, consisting of 80% nickel, 12-14% chromium, the balance being iron. INERT GAS A gas that may be used as a shield in welding or heat treatment to prevent oxidation or scaling. INGOT A large block of metal that is usually cast in a metal mould and forms the basic material for further rolling and processing INVAR Nickel iron alloy (35-36% nickel, 0.5% carbon and 0.5% manganese, the remainder being iron) having a very low coefficient of thermal expansion at ordinary temperatures


KILLED STEEL Steel that has been deoxidized with agents such as silicon or aluminium to reduce the oxygen content to such a level that no reaction occurs between carbon and oxygen during solidification. This prevents gases from evolving during solidification. LAMINATE (1) A composite metal, usually in the form of sheet or bar, composed of two or more metal layers so bonded that the composite metal forms a structural member. (2) To form a metallic product of two or more bonded layers. LAMINATIONS Metal defects with separation or weakness generally aligned parallel to the worked surface of the metal. LASER Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation. A device in which heat is derived from the intense coherent beam of laser light energy. This intense, narrow beam of light is used in some welding and machining operations. LEAD Heavy, bluish grey, soft, ductile metal, which has a specific gravity of 11.3 and a melting point of 327C, extensively used alone, and as the basis of many antifriction alloys. LEAD SCREEN In radiography, a screen is used (1) to filter out soft wave or scattered radiation and (2) to reduce the intensity of the remaining radiation so that the exposure time can be decreased. LEDEBURITE The eutectic of the iron carbon system, the constituents being austenite and cementite. The austenite decomposes into ferrite and cementite on cooling below the transformation temperature. LIGNIN A substance that is related to cellulose, that with cellulose forms the woody cell walls of plants and the material that cements them together. Methyl alcohol is derived from lignin in the destructive distillation of wood. LOAM Clayey sand mixture having the consistency of slime, and used in

the making of moulds and cores for heavy castings. LOW CARBON STEEL Steel containing less than 0.3% carbon. LUTE Fine adhesive composition of substances such as clay, sharp sand, plumbago and horsedung tempered with water. Used for sealing joints in moulds and cores, for the purpose of making them air or metal MAGNETICALLY HARD ALLOY A ferromagnetic alloy capable of being magnetized permanently because of its ability to retain induced magnetization and magnetic poles after the removal of externally applied fields, an alloy with high coercive force. MAGNETICALLY SOFT ALLOY A ferromagnetic alloy that becomes magnetized readily upon the application of a field and that return to practically a non-magnetic condition when the field is removed, an alloy with the properties of high magnetic permeability, low coercive force, and low magnetic hysterisis loss MALLEABLE CAST IRON A cast iron made by a prolonged anneal of WHITE CAST IRON in which decarbonization or graphitization, or both, takes place to eliminate some or all of the CEMENTITE. The graphite is in the form of temper carbon. This is less brittle than gray cast iron. MANGANESE BRONZE A group of special alloys, not really bronzes at all, containing about 1% manganese , 60% copper, 40% zinc and small traces of iron, tin, lead or aluminium, the total percentage of these not exceeding 5%. MARTENSITE An unstable constituent that is formed by heating and quenching steel. It is formed without diffusion and only below a certain temperature known as Ms temperature. Martensite is the hardest of the transformation products of austenite, having an acicular or needle

like microstructure MEDIUM CARBON STEEL Steel with a carbon content of 0.3-0.6% METALLOID A non-metal that exhibits some, but not all, of the properties of a metal. Examples are sulphur, silicon, carbon, phosphorous and arsenic. MILD STEEL Carbon steel with a maximum of about 0.25% carbon. MUNTZ METAL Alloy of brass family containing 60% copper and 40% zinc used for manufacturing condenser tubes. MUSIC WIRE A high carbon steel wire of the highest quality used for making mechanical springs. NAVAL BRASS Alloy containing from 57.5-59.5% copper, 0.6-1.0% tin and not more than 0.75% of impurities, the balance being zinc (addition of tin improves the resistance of the alloy to corrosion by sea water). Used for under-water fittings of marine craft. NICHROME Alloy of nickel and chromium which is practically noncorrosive, can withstand high temperature without oxidation and is used for furnace components. NICKEL BRONZE Bronze alloy of which there are two main series (1) low nickel bronze (nickel below 5%) used, for bronze castings, and (2) high nickel bronze (nickel over 10%) resistant to heat, and to corrosive attack from chemical liquors. NICKEL SILVER Also called GERMAN SILVER. Alloy with composition copper 60%, zinc 20%, and nickel 20%. Class of alloys used in the manufacture of electrical resistance coils and elements, decorative articles for which its lustrous colour (which increases in whiteness with nickel content) make it very suitable, or for heavy duty works such as high

pressure steam fittings. NICROSILAL A nickel-chromium alloy cast iron having a composition 1.7% carbon, 4.5% silicon, 0.8% manganese, 18.0% nickel, and 2% chromium, the balance is iron. NIRESIST IRON Alloy cast iron (typical composition 14% nickel, 1.5% silicon, 1 % manganese, and 3% carbon and remainder iron) which possesses exceptional resistance to heat and corrosion. NODULAR CAST IRON A cast iron that has been treated while molten with a master alloy containing an element such as magnesium or cerium to give primary graphite in the spherulitic form. NODULAR GRAPHITE Graphite or carbon in the form of spheroids. NUCLEUS (1) The first structurally stable particle capable of initiating recrystallization of a phase or the growth of a new phase and possessing an interface with the parent matrix. (2) The heavy central core of an atom in which most of the mass and the total positive electric charge are concentrated. NYLON A group of plastics of nitrogenous structure known as polyamides which are crystalline in nature and can be so processed as to orient the crystals axially thus making the tensile strength of fibres extremely high. OIL STONE An abrasive stone that is oiled and used to sharpen cutting tools. OSMIUM Osmium is the heaviest of all metals (sp gr. 22. 48), which melts at 4900F and is harder than glass and quartz. PARAMAGNETIC MATERIALS These materials are only feebly magnetic.

PARTING SAND Fine sand used for dusting on sand mould surfaces that are to be separated. PHOSPHOR BRONZE Alloy containing 78.5-81.5% copper, 9-11 % tin, 9-11 % lead, 0.05-0.25% phosphorous and 0.75% zinc, has excellent antifriction properties. Used as bearing material PITCH Usually coal tar pitch obtained in the manufacture of coke and distilled off at about 175C. PLASMA An ionized gas of extremely high temperature achieved by passing an inert gas through an electric arc. Plasma arcs are used in welding, cutting and machining processes. PLASTIC ELASTOMERS Plastic elastomers are materials which exhibit the characteristics of rubber, but are of a basic chemical structure that is decidedly different from that of natural rubber. PLATINUM It is a silver-white heavy metal, unaffected by acids, air, or a great variety of chemical agents. It is extensively used, either solid or clad, for chemical equipment PORCELAIN Porcelain is a ceramic product made up of clays, quartz, and feldspar used as high voltage insulator. POWDER METALLURGY Forming parts out of powdered metal by compacting the powder into a mould under great pressure and heating it. PRECIOUS METAL One of the relatively scarce and valuable metals gold, silver and platinum group of metals. PRUSSIAN BLUE A blue pigment, obtainable in tubes which is used to

find hot spots in a bearing. QUICK SILVER Metallic mercury. RADIUM A radio active element. It is found in nature as radium 226, which has a half-life of 1620 years RIMMED STEEL A low carbon steel (insufficiently deoxized) that during solidification releases considerable quantities of gases (mainly carbon monoxide). When the mould top is not capped, a side and bottom rim of several centimeters forms. The solidified ingot has got scattered blow holes and porosity in the center but a relatively thick skin free from blow holes RUST A corrosion product containing hydrated oxide of iron. Applied only to ferrous alloys SILICA Silicon dioxide, SiO2 occurring in nature as quartz, opal etc. SILICON Non-metallic element which can be added to steel, cast iron and non-ferrous alloys. It acts as a DEOXIDIZER, and also tends to form graphite by throwing the carbon out of solution and thereby increases the impact resistance of the steel, and, up to a silicon content of 1.75%, the elastic limit is increased also SLAG The more or less completely fused and vitrified matter separated during the reduction of a metal from its ore. SLURRY A watery mixture of insoluble material such as mud, lime or plaster of paris. SMOG The irritating haze resulting from the suns effect on certain pollutants in the air, notably those from automobile exhaust. Also a mixture of fog and smoke.

SMOKE Solid or liquid particles under 1 micron in diameter. Particles suspended in air after incomplete combustion of materials containing carbon. The matter in the exhaust emission which obscures the transmission of light. SODIUM SILICATE Na2SiO3-Also called water gas. SOLDERING ALLOY Fusible alloy used to join together two metallic surfaces with the aid of heat. Soft solder is an alloy of lead and tin, in which the proportions of the two constituents may vary from almost pure lead to almost pure tin. SOLDERING FLUID Liquid flux used when soldering. SOLID SOLUTIONS Solid solutions are alloys containing alloying elements that are relatively soluble in the base metal in the solid state. SORBITE Structure consisting of evenly distributed carbide of iron particles in a mass of ferrite, formed when a fully hardened steel is tempered at between 550 and 650C. TROOSTITE Structure in steel (consisting of very finely divided iron carbide in what is known as alpha iron) produced either by tempering a martensitic steel at between 250 and 450C or by quenching steel at a speed sufficient to suppress the thermal change point fully. SPHEROIDITE It is the structure in steel, in which cementite takes the form of rounded particles, or spheroids, instead of plates. STAINLESS STEEL Steel which resists corrosion by the atmosphere and the attack of acids and which does not scale when subjected to high temperature. Alloy steels containing iron, atleast 11 % chromium, nickel, molybdenum and 0.1-1 % carbon.

STELLITE Non-ferrous alloy containing 35-80% cobalt, 10-40% chromium, 0-25% tungsten and 0-10% molybdenum TERNARY ALLOY An alloy that contains three principal elements. THERMIT Powdered form of finely divided iron oxide and aluminium which burns intensely to produce superheated liquid steel at a temperature of about 30.35C, used for welding wrought iron and steel forgings and castings. VANADIUM A rare metal used as an alloying element in steel to improve shock resistance and forgeability. VULCANATES Vulcanates are materials which reduce plasticity of the rubber compound, while maintaining its elasticity. WHITE IRON An extremely hard cast iron that results from pouring the hot metal into a mould with a chill plate in it. WROUGHT IRON Contains 1-2% slag, which is distributed through the iron as threads and fibres imparting a tough fibrous structure. Usually contains less than 0.1 % carbon. It is tough, malleable, and relatively soft. WROUGHT METALS These are metals furnished in the shapes resulting from the operations such as rolling, forging, drawing and extrusion. YELLOW BRASS An alloy of about 70% copper and 30% zinc. MATERIAL PROPERTIES ACICULAR STRUCTURE A microstructure characterized by needle shaped constituents.

ALLOTROPY Ability of a material to exist in several crystalline forms. AMORPHOUS Non-crystalline, a random orientation of the atomic structure. ANISTROPY A material that has specific physical properties in different directions. Rolled steel is strongest in the direction of rolling. CHLORINATION A refining or degasification process, wherein dry chlorine gas is passed through molten aluminium base and magnesium base alloys to remove entrapped oxides and dissolved gases. CLEAVAGE Splitting (fracture) of a crystal in a crystallographic plane of low index. CLEAVAGE FRACTURE A fracture, usually of a polycrystalline metal, in which most of the grains have failed by cleavage, resulting in bright reflecting facets. It is one type of crystalline fracture. CLEAVAGE PLANE A characteristic crystallographic plane or set of planes on which cleavage fracture easily occurs. COALESCENCE The union of particles of a dispersed phase into larger units, usually effected at temperatures below fusion point. COHESIVE STRENGTH (1) The hypothetical stress in an unnotched bar causing tensile fracture without plastic deformation. (2) The stress corresponding to the forces between atoms COLUMNAR STRUCTURE A coarse structure of parallel columns of grains having the long axis perpendicular to the casting surface. COMPLETE FUSION Fusion which has occured over the entire base

metal surfaces exposed for welding. COOLING STRESSES Residual stresses resulting from nonuniform distribution of temperature during cooling. CORROSION The destructive chemical or electro-chemical reaction of a material and its environment, usually associated only with metals in contact with liquids. CORROSION EMBRITTLEMENT The severe loss of ductility of a metal resulting from corrosive attack, usually intergranular and often not visually apparent. CORROSION FATIGUE Effect of the application of repeated or fluctuating stresses in a corrosive environment characterized by shorterlife than would be encountred as a result of either the repeated or fluctuating stresses alone or the corrosive environment alone. COUPON A piece of metal from which a test specimen is to be prepared, often an extra piece as on a casting or forging. COVALENT BOND A bond between two or more atoms resulting from the completion of shells by the sharing of electrons. CRAZING Minute surface cracks on the surface of materials often caused by thermal shock. CREEP Slow plastic deformation in steel and most structural metals caused by prolonged stress under the yield point at elevated temperatures. CREEP LIMIT (1) The maximum stress that will cause less than a specified quantity of creep in a given time. (2) The maximum nominal stress under which the creep strain rate decreases continuously with the time under constant load and at constant temperature. Sometimes called

CREEP STRENGTH. CRITICAL POINT The temperature or pressure at which a change in crystal structure, phase, or physical properties occur. CRYSTALLIZATION Act or process of forming crystals or bodies formed by elements or compounds solidifying so that they are bounded by plane surfaces. Magneto A magneto is an electrical generator that uses permanent magnets to produce alternating current. Hand-cranked magneto generators were used to provide ringing current in early telephone systems. Magnetos adapted to produce pulses of high voltage are used in the ignition systems of some gasoline-powered internal combustion engines to provide power to the spark plugs.[1] The magneto is now confined mainly to engines where there is no available electrical supply, for example in lawnmowers and chainsaws. It is also universally used in aviation piston engines even though an electrical supply is usually available. This is because a magneto ignition system is more reliable than a battery-coil system. Magnetos were rarely used for power generation, although they were for a few specialised uses.


Rotary engine The rotary engine was an early type of internal-combustion engine, usually designed with an odd number of cylinders per row in a radial configuration, in which the crankshaft remained stationary and the entire cylinder block rotated around it. Its main application was in aviation, although it also saw use in a few early motorcycles and cars. This type of engine was widely used as an alternative to conventional in-line or V engines during World War I and the years immediately preceding that conflict, and has been described as "a very efficient solution to the problems of power output, weight, and reliability".[1] By the early 1920s, however, the inherent limitations of this type of engine had rendered it obsolete, with the power output increasingly going into overcoming the airresistance of the spinning engine itself. The rotating mass of the engine also had a significant gyroscopic precession: depending on the type of aircraft, this produced stability An 80 horsepower rated Le Rhne 9C, a typical rotary engine of WWI. The copper pipes carry the fuel-air mixture from the crankcase to the cylinder heads. and control problems, especially for inexperienced pilots. Another factor in the demise of the rotary was the use fundamentally of fuel and inefficient

lubricating oil caused in part by the need for the fuel/air mixture to be aspirated through the hollow crankshaft and crankcase.

Starter motor A starter motor (also starting motor or starter) is an electric motor for rotating an internalcombustion engine so as to initiate the engine's operation under its own power.


An automobile starter motor Auxiliary power unit An auxiliary power unit (APU) is a device on a vehicle that provides energy for functions other than propulsion. They are commonly found on large aircraft, as well as some large land vehicles.

The APU exhaust at the tail end of an Airbus A380 flange coupling

a driving coupling between rotating shafts that consists of flanges (or half couplings ) one of which is fixed at the end of each shaft, the two flanges being bolted together with a ring of bolts to complete the drive


Flange A flange is an external or internal ridge, or rim (lip), for strength, as the flange of an iron beam such as an I-beam or a T-beam; or for attachment to another object, as the flange on the end of a pipe, steam cylinder, etc., or on the lens mount of a camera; or for a flange of a rail car or tram wheel. Thus flanged wheels are wheels with a flange on one side to keep the wheels from running off the rails. The term "flange" is also used for a kind of tool used to form flanges. Pipes with flanges can be assembled and disassembled easily.

Flanged railway wheel Mechanical joint A mechanical joint is a part of machine which are used to connect the other mechanical part or mechanism. Mechanical joints may be temporary or permanent. Most types are designed to be disassemble when required Types Of Mechanical Joints 1.Knuckle Joints 2.Turnbuckle Joints 3.Pin Joints

4.Cotter Joints 5.Bolted joints 6.Screw Joints 7.Welded Joints Knuckle Joints

Knuckle joint A knuckle joint is used to connect the two rods which are under the tensile load, when there is requirement of small amount of flexibility or angular moment is necessary. There is always axial or linear line of action of load. The knuckle joint assembly consist of following major components : 1.Single eye. 2.Double eye or fork. 3.Knuckle pin. At one end of the rod the single eye is formed and double eye is formed at the other end of the rod.Both, single and double eye are connected by a pin inserted through eye.The pin has a head at one end and at other end there is a taper pin or split pin. For gripping purpose the ends of the rod are of octagonal forms.Now, when the two eyes are pulled apart, the pin holds them together .The solid rod portion of the joint in this case is much stronger than the portion through which the pin passes.[3]


Application of knuckle joint in tractor The modes of failure are : 1.Shear failure of pin (single shear). 2.Crushing of pin against rod. 3.Tensile failure of flat end bar. Application : 1.Tie rod joint of roof truss. 2.Tension link in bridge structure. 3.Link of roller chain. 4.Tie rod joint of jib crane. 5.The knuckle joint is also used in tractor. COTTER JOINT cotter joint is used to connect the two member which are subjected to the various stress.[1] The end of the bar has a hole in it and it is called a lug. The hole carries a shaft. This shaft is locked in place by a smaller pin that passes through the side of the lug and partly or

completely through the shaft itself. This locking pin is named a cotter, which sometimes is also applied to the whole this joint is called as a cotter joint.[2]. A cotter joints is a flat wedge link piece of steel of rectangular cross section which is inserted through the rods at high angle to their axes .It is uniform in thickness but tapering in width , generally on one side only. Usually the taper is 1 in 30. when a special arrangement like a set-screw is provided for keeping the cotter from slackening ,its taper may be as large as 1 in 7. the end of the cotter are made narrow to facilitate the hammering for fixing and removing.cotter joins are generally use to fasten rigidly two rod s which is subjected to tensile or compressive stress along their axes. this joint is used to connect two circular rods.This joint in not suitable where the member are subjected under rotation.Thus they differ from key joints which are used to fasten shaft and hubs subjected to tensional stress.[3] APPLICATIONS OF COTTER : 1.Connection of the piston rod with the cross heads 2.Joining of tail rod with piston rod of a wet air pump 3.Foundation bolt 4.Connecting two halves of fly wheel (cotter and dowel arrangement) COMPARISON BETWEEN KEY AND COTTER 1.Key is usually driven parallel to the axis of the shaft which is subjected to torsional or twisting stress. Whereas cotter is normally driven at right angles to the axis of the connected part which is subjected to tensile or compressive stress along its axis. 2.A key resists shear over a longitudinal section whereas a cotter resist shear over two transverse section. DIFFERENT TYPES OF COTTER JOINTS 1.Socket and spigot cotter joint 2.Sleeve and cotter joint 3.Gib and cotter joint

Go/no go gauge A Go-NoGo gauge (or Go/no go) refers to an inspection tool used to check a workpiece against its allowed tolerances. Its name derives from its use: the gauge has two tests; the check involves the workpiece having to pass one test (Go) and fail the other (No Go). It is an integral part of the quality process that is used in the manufacturing industry to ensure interchangeability of parts between processes, or even between different manufacturers.

A Go NoGo gauge is a measuring tool that does not return a size in the conventional sense, but instead returns a state. The state is either acceptable (the part is within tolerance and may be used) or it is unacceptable (and must be rejected). They are well suited for use in the production area of the factory as they require little skill or interpretation to use effectively and have few, if any, moving parts to be damaged in the often hostile production environm Plug gauge

Hardened and ground plug gauge

Replaceable thread and plug gauges These gauges are referred to as plug gauges; they are used in the manner of a plug. They are generally assembled from standard parts where the gauge portion is interchangeable with other gauge pieces (obtained from a set of pin type gauge blocks) and a body that uses the collet principle to hold the gauges firmly. To use this style of gauge, one end is inserted into the part first and depending on the result of that test, the other end is tried.


A set of pin type gauge blocks from 1.550 - 6.725 mm In the right hand image, the top gauge is a thread gauge that is screwed into the part to be tested, the labeled GO end will enter into the part fully, the NOT GO end should not. The lower image is a plain plug gauge used to check the size of a hole, the green end is the GO, red is the NO GO. The tolerance of the part this gauge checks is 0.30mm where the lower size of the hole is 12.60mm and the upper size is 12.90mm, every size outside this range is out of tolerance. This may be initially expressed on the parts drawing in a number of styles, three possibilities may be:

12.75mm +/- 0.15mm 12.60mm +0.30 -0.00 12.90mm +0.00 -0.30

GAUGE In engineering, a gauge or gage, is used to make measurements. A wide variety of tools exist which serve such funtions, ranging from simple pieces of material against which sizes can be measured to complex pieces of machinery. Various types of gauges include:

A bore gauge, a device used for A caliper, a device used to measure the

A micrometer, sometimes known as a

measuring holes.

"micrometer screw gauge", is a device incorporating a calibrated screw used widely for precise measurement of small distances in mechanical engineering and machining as well as most mechanical trades, along with other metrological instruments such as dial, vernier, and

distance between two opposing sides of an object.

Center gauges and fishtail gauges are

engineering gauges used in lathe work for checking the angles when grinding the

profiles of single-point screw-cutting tool bits and centers.

digital calipers. Micrometers are often, but not always, in the form of calipers.

A dial indicator, also known as a dial

A pressure gauge or vacuum gauge is A profile gauge or contour gauge is a

test indicator, dial gauge, or probe indicator, is an instrument used to accurately measure small linear distances.

used for pressure measurement.

tool for recording the cross-sectional shape of a surface.

A feeler gauge is a simple tool used to A gauge block, (also known as a gage

measure gap widths.

A radius gauge, also known as a fillet

gauge, is a tool used to measure the radius of an object. Radius gauges require a bright light behind the object to be measured. The gauge is placed against the edge to be checked and any light leakage between the blade and edge indicates a mismatch that requires correction.

block, Johansson gauge, slip gauge, or Jo block) is a precision ground and lapped length measuring standard. It is used as a reference for the setting of measuring equipment used in machine shops, such as micrometers, sine bars, calipers, and dial indicators (when used in an inspection role).

A ring gauge is a cylindrical ring of

steel whose inside diameter is finished to gauge tolerance and is used for checking the external diameter of a cylindrical object.

A gauge pin is similar to a gauge

block. It is a precision ground cylindrical bar for use in Go/no go gauges or similar applications.

Strain gauge is a device used to A stream gauge is a site along a stream

A Go/no go gauge is an inspection tool

measure the strain of an object.

used to check a workpiece against its allowed tolerances. Its name derives from its use: the gauge has two tests; the check involves the workpiece having to pass one test (Go) and fail the other (No Go).

where measurements of water surface elevation ("stage") and/or volumetric discharge (flow) are made.

A thermometer or temperature gauge

A load cell is a transducer that is used

is a device that measures temperature or temperature gradient using a variety of different principles.

to convert a force into electrical signal. This conversion is indirect and happens in two stages. Through a mechanical arrangement, the force being sensed deforms a strain gauge. The strain gauge converts the deformation (strain) to

A thread pitch gauge, also called a

threading gauge, pitch gauge, or screw gauge, is used to measure the pitch or lead of screw threads.

electrical signals. A load cell usually consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Load cells of one strain gauge (quarter bridge) or two strain gauges (half bridge) are also available. The electrical signal output is typically in the order of a few millivolts and requires amplification by an instrumentation amplifier before it can be used. The output of the transducer is plugged into an algorithm to calculate the force applied to the transducer.

A tide gauge is a device for measuring Vernier height gauge is a measuring

sea level and detecting tsunamis.

device used either for determining the height of something, or for repetitious marking of items to be worked on. The former type of height gauge is often used in doctor's surgeries to find the height of people.

A wire gauge measuring tool

determines the thickness of a wire.

The linear variable differential

transformer (LVDT) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement. The transformer has three solenoidal coils placed end-to-end around a tube. The center coil is the primary, and the two outer coils are the secondaries. A cylindrical ferromagnetic core, attached to the object whose position is to be measured, slides along the axis of the tube. (Master Gauge) A thread-plug gauge which represents the physical dimensions of the nominal or basic size of the part. It clearly establishes the minimum size of the threaded hole and the maximum size of the screw at the point at which interference between mating parts begin. accumulated error accuracy air gage air regulator The collected inaccuracy in measurement that can occur when multiple elements are combined. The difference between a measurement reading and the true value of that measurement. A variable, non-contact pneumatic instrument that uses pressurized air to inspect the ID of holes. The part of a pneumatic inspection system by which

pressurized air is controlled. backflow pressure Movement of pressurized air in the direction opposite to which it was pushed out of the device. In an air gage, backflow pressure is caused by resistance from the sides of the hole. bore gage A hole inspection gage that makes three points of contact within the hole. Bore gages are handheld, mechanical or electronic contact instruments with variable measuring systems. borescope A non-contact optical inspection device consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with an eyepiece at one end and a magnifying lens at the other. Borescopes provide a view of hole interiors that are otherwise difficult or impossible to see. caliper A handheld, variable contact instrument that functions as a precision slide ruler. The indicators on the top of the instrument expand to measure internal diameters. capable A gage's predictable range of ability, even when under the influence of natural variation due to common causes. comparison device concavity contact instrument contact probe A measuring instrument that adjusts to assume the size of a feature. A curved surface condition like the inside of a ball. A measuring device that actually touches the part in order to obtain its measured value. The main measuring member on a coordinate measuring machine that communicates its position on a workpiece to the CMMs control panel or computer. A probe often has a sphere of ruby at its tip. continuous scanning An inspection method used by a coordinate measuring machine in which the probe slides along

the surface of the workpiece to collect seamless data in the form of a series of numerous points. coordinate measuring machine A sophisticated electronic measuring instrument with a flat polished table that inspects parts in threedimensional space using either a contact or a noncontact probe. All CMMs are variable devices. dial indicator A measuring instrument with a contact point attached to a spindle and gears that move a pointer on the dial. Dial indicators have graduations that allow you to read different measurement values. digital readout electronic instruments An indicator on a measuring device that presents data through a numerical display. Inspection devices that use electrical impulses to report either position changes or contact between the inspection device and the part. extension eyepiece flowmeter tube A piece that is added to the head of an inside micrometer to expand it to the width of the hole. The part of a boroscope through which the inspector views the interior of the workpiece. A cylindrical indicating device on a pneumatic measuring instrument that looks similar to a thermometer. gaging instrument An inspection device of a standard size that determines fit but does not determine actual measurement value. go-no go gage An instrument that determines whether a part feature simply passes or fails inspection. No effort is made to determine the exact degree of error. indicator A device, often numerical, that displays a measurement. An indicator may be a dial with a needle or a digital readout. inner diameter ID. The interior surface of a hole in a workpiece.


inside micrometer

A mechanical or electronic, variable, handheld contact instrument, usually cylindrically shaped, used to measure the inside diameter of larger holes.

laser system

A non-contact, variable, optical inspection method that uses light to examine the inside diameter of holes. Laser systems send out a single light wave on a straight line that is detected by sensors and converted into an electrical signal.

light wave linear scale

A form of visible energy used by lasers. A series of parallel lines that represent a measurement standard. A ruler contains a linear scale.


The amount of error change throughout an instrument's measurement range. Linearity is also the amount of deviation from an instrument's ideal straight-line performance.


A condition in which the manufacturing process creates a rounded projection out from what would otherwise be a circular hole. A hole may have more than one lobe.

master gage mechanical device

A measuring device of a standard size that is used to calibrate other measuring instruments. A measuring instrument that must be physically manipulated by the inspector. Mechanical devices may be go-no go or variable.

micrometer head

The main component of an inside micrometer that includes the scale and indicating device. Extensions are added to the micrometer head.

non-contact instrument

A measuring device that is able to obtain the measured value of the part without making physical contact. An air gage is an example of a non-contact instrument.

optical comparator

A sophisticated measuring instrument that projects


an image of a part onto a screen to compare the shape, size, and location of its features. Optical comparators are non-contact, variable, optical inspection devices. optical instruments Inspection devices that use light and lenses to inspect parts. The part may be viewed directly through the lense or displayed on a screen. outside micrometer A handheld device consisting of an anvil, a shaft, and an indicator that is used to measure outside diameters. ovality pin gage A condition in which a hole that should be round has two opposing lobes, resulting in an egg shape. A cylindrically shaped length of metal of a specific diameter used as a gaging inspection device. A pin gage is a handheld mechanical contact instrument. plug gage A hardened, cylindrical gage used as a handheld mechanical contact instrument to inspect the size of a hole. Plug gages are available in standard diameters and are often two-sided, with a "go" side and a "no go" side. pneumatic instrument precision probe cable A measuring device that uses a pressurized gas, such as air, to function. The degree to which an instrument will repeat the same measurement over a period of time. The portion of a laser system that transmits information and power to and from the tip of the device and the computer. ring gage A circular measuring device of a standard size that is used to calibrate other instruments or inspect cylindrical parts. rotary laser scale An inspection device that projects a light wave on the surface of the part's internal diameter as it turns. A standard of measurement that is often displayed as

a series of lines. setting gage A measuring device of a standard size that is used to check or prepare a working gage for use. Bore gages often come with matching setting ring gages. split-ball gage A cylindrical device with an expanding, flat-ended ball on one end and a locking device on the other. A split-ball gage is a handheld, mechanical contact instrument that is used for comparison measurement. It is also called a small-hole gage. taper telescoping gage A gradual narrowing of an inside or outside surface. A T-shaped measuring device that has two springloaded measuring arms and a lock in the base. A telescoping gage is a handheld, mechanical contact instrument used for comparison measurement. thimble A ring or cylinder that fits around the spindle of a micrometer. To advance the spindle, you turn the thimble. tolerance tolerance range variable instrument The acceptable variation from a specified dimension. The expected range of measurements produced by a given operation. It is also known as a tolerance zone. An inspection device calibrated in standard measurement units. Variable inspection reveals the degree of variation from a given standard. video borescope working gage A borescope that contains a video camera rather than an eyepiece. A measuring device of a standard size that is used to inspect parts. Reaming: Reaming is a process which slightly enlarges a pre-existing hole to a tightly toleranced diameter. A reamer is similar to a mill bit in that it has several cutting edges arranged around a central shaft, as shown below. Because of the delicate nature of the operation and since little

material is removed, reaming can be done by hand. Reaming is most accurate for axially symmetric parts produced and reamed on a lathe.

Counter Bore/Sink

Counter-sinking is often done to accommodate heads of flat head screws. However as can be seen from the figure, there is a sideways component of the thrust which could split the countersink due to the generated hoop stresses

Counter-boring is done to accomodate pan-head, fillister-head or round-head screws or other screws with flat-bottomed undersides.

Drilling, tapping, counterboring, and countersinking are the usual operations done in sheet metals. Drilling: Drilling is done in sheet metal only when piercing cannot deliver the accuracy required. For example, on a formed part, when holes on different features need to be coaxial, the accuracy obtained by machining may be required. Tapping: Tapping can be done using cut threads or formed threads. Formed threads (thread rolling) is preferable for the following reasons:

Thread rolling is faster than cutting. Fewer burrs are generated, so no clean up is required or risk of future hazards such as

shorting with electronic components.

Larger sized holes are required for thread rolling vs. tapping, resulting in improved tap life. Rolled threads are stronger due to cold working. Typically, rolled threads are 20% stronger than cut threads. For very thin stock, either threaded fasteners such as clinch nuts, or forming thread in extruded holes is recommended. OR

The material is upset in the sheet metal hole to form one thread pitch.

Counterboring: Counterboring is often done to provide clearance and a bearing surface for the fastener's head. Countersinking: Countersinking allows for flush mounting of flat head fasteners. Countersinking cannot always be done for very thin stock or for very large fasteners. Introduction to Injection Molding

Injection molding is considered one of the most common plastic part manufacturing

processes. It can be used for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermoset polymers. The process usually begins with taking the polymers in the form of pellets or granules and heating them to the molten state. The melt is then injected/forced into a chamber formed by a split-die mold. The melt remains in the mold and is either chilled down to solidify (thermoplastics) or heated up to cure (thermosets). The mold is then opened and the part is ejected.

A Typical Injection Molding Process In spite of the relatively expensive tooling cost, injection molding remains the most popular manufacturing process for plastic materials in mass production, thanks to its low operational cost, high throughput, and the flexibility to make parts with complex shapes. Polymers commonly used for injection molding include

Polystyrene (PS) Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Polyamide (PA) Polypropylene (PP) Polyethylene (PE) Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Other short fiber reinforced plastics


Counter-bored screws exert only force in the axial direction, thus operate mostly under compression, with no sideward component to the applied force vector. Such design is

inherently more robust than counter-sinking. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding: An arc is struck between a consumable electrode and the sheet metal to be welded. The consumable electrode is in the form of continuous filler metal. An inert gas surrounds the arc and shields it from the ambient to prevent oxidation. Carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless steels, most aluminum alloys, zinc based copper alloys can be welded using this process. Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding: An arc is truck between a tungsten electrode (nonconsumable) and the sheet metal to be welded. An inert gas shields the arc from the ambient to prevent oxidation. A filler material is optional


Carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless steels, most aluminum alloys, zinc based copper alloys can be welded using this process. TIG is quite suitable for welding dissimilar materials, but usual cautions of galvanic corrosion still apply. The TIG process is a slower process compared to the MIG process, but the quality of weld is cosmetically better. There is no weld spatter, and the quality of welds is higher than MIG welding. Oxy Acetylene Gas Welding: Acetylene or some combustible gas is combined with Oxygen and the flame heats the sheet metal to be welded. A filler metal rod supplies the molten metal for the joint. This method is readily available, but the heat can cause distortion in sheet metal. Due to this, this method is being displaced by other methods such as MIG and TIG welding.

Types of Weld Joints

Butt, T, corner, lap, and T joints are the common types of joints used in sheet metal welding. These can all be used with MIG and TIG welding. Corner joints are used frequently in sheet metal cabinet construction.


Types of welds are often confused with the types of joints. The basic types of welds are fillet, square, and grooved.

Stress-Based Criteria

The purpose of failure criteria is to predict or estimate the failure/yield of machine parts and structural members. A considerable number of theories have been proposed. However, only the most common and well-tested theories applicable to isotropic materials are discussed here. These theories, dependent on the nature of the material in question (i.e. brittle or ductile), are listed in the following table:


Material Type Ductile Brittle

Failure Theories

Maximum shear stress criterion, von Mises criterion Maximum normal stress criterion, Mohr's theory

All four criteria are presented in terms of principal stresses. Therefore, all stresses should be transformed to the principal stresses before applying these failure criteria. ball indenter A spherical indenter used in the Brinell test and certain Rockwell tests. Ball indenters are made from hardened steel or tungsten carbide and must be checked periodically for wear. brale Brinell hardness test A conical diamond indenter used in Rockwell hardness tests. A hardness test that measures the diameter of a circle formed by the penetration of a 10 mm steel ball under a fixed load pressure. case hardened Heated within a carbon-rich environment to increase carbon levels on the metal surface. Case hardening creates a hardened exterior shell. casting A workpiece formed by pouring molten metal into a mold and cooling it into a solid shape. Castings are formed near their finished shape. cemented carbide A compound developed by the combination of carbon with tungsten, titanium, or tantalum. It is used in metal cutting tools for its hardness and wear resistance. cold working The shaping of metal at temperatures much lower than the metal's molten state, often at room temperature. Cold working adds certain properties to the metal, such as increased strength and improved surface finish. diamond pyramid hardness test A hardness test that forces a pyramid-shaped diamond against a material for a standard dwell time to create an indentation.


The size of the indentation determines the hardness value. Also known as the Vickers hardness test. durometer durometer hardness dwell time The testing instrument of the Shore hardness test. The durometer is used to test elastic materials. The hardness value determined by a durometer during a Shore hardness test. An intentional time delay during which an indenter is held against a material under load during a hardness test. Dwell time is used to ensure accurate hardness ratings. elastic modulus The relative force required to elongate a material. The International Rubber Hardness Degrees Test indicates the elastic modulus of test materials. elastic penetration Metal penetration that is temporary. If a material is penetrated beyond its elasticity, the material experiences plastic penetration. elastic recovery forging hardness A period of slight rebound in a material after a load has been removed. A workpiece that has been made by forming bulk solid metal into a specific shape at elevated temperatures. The ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, indentation, or cutting. Hardness is generally measured by the depth or area of penetration under a fixed load using a diamond indenter. hardness testing Standardized experiments designed to determine how a material responds to external forces that attempt to scratch, penetrate, or indent the material. hardness value heat treatment A number from a hardness testing scale that indicates the ability of a material to resist scratching and penetration. The controlled heating and cooling processes used to change the structure of a material and alter its physical and mechanical properties. Heat treating is often used to adjust a material's hardness.


indentation test

A type of hardness test in which a hardened indenter is forced against a material under a fixed load. The size of the indentation indicates the hardness of the material.

indenter indicator international rubber hardness degrees test Knoop hardness test

A device used in a hardness test that is pressed into the test material. A device that displays a measurement. An indicator may be a dial with a needle or a digital readout. A hardness test that uses minor and major loads to measure the elastic modulus of rubber test materials. A microhardness test that uses a small pyramid-shaped diamond indenter and relatively light loads between 10 g and 1 kilogram. The Knoop indenter has a long diagonal that is perpendicular to and 7 times the length of the short diagonal.

Leeb test

A portable hardness test that measures the rebound of a hammer mechanism. Unlike the scleroscope, the Leeb test can be administered from any angle regardless of gravity.

load macrohardness test major load mechanical properties microhardness testing

The overall force applied to an object by external objects. The hardness testing of normal-sized materials with standard loads, indenters, and dwells. The second and largest static load delivered during a hardness test. The properties that describe the way a material responds to forces that attempt to bend, break, twist, dent, or scratch it. Hardness testing that involves very small or brittle test materials and very light loads. Also known as microindentation testing.

microindentation testing Hardness testing that involves very small or brittle test materials and very light loads. Also known as microhardness testing. microstructure The shape and alignment of the microscopic components of a metal. A material's microstructure often determines its hardness, toughness, and other properties.


minor load nonferrous material

The first and smallest static load delivered during a hardness test. A metal that does not contain iron as a main ingredient. Common nonferrous metals include aluminum, titanium, copper, and nickel.

ocular scale physical properties

A scale built into a microscope that makes it possible to view magnified images and measure very small features. The way that a material reacts to forces other than mechanical forces. Melting, freezing, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity are all physical properties.

plastic penetration polishing properties Rockwell hardness test

Metal penetration that is permanent. During hardness testing, plastic penetration is measured to determine hardness. An abrasive finishing process used to improve the surface of a part. The characteristics of a material that distinguish it from other materials. A hardness test that measures the degree of penetration into a metal caused by a diamond or ball indenter that is applied under a fixed load.


A hardness testing measurement standard based on several factors including the indenter, the type of material being tested, and the size of the test loads.


A hardness test that measures the rebound of a hammer dropped from a fixed height. The higher the rebound, the higher the hardness.

Shore hardness test static load

A hardness test designed for elastic materials such as rubbers. The Shore tester is called a durometer. An external force that is applied and held in a fixed position for a specific amount of time. Static loads are an important component of standardized hardness tests.

Superficial Rockwell hardness test

A Rockwell test designed for thin test materials. The Superifical Rockwell test is identical to the Rockwell test,


except the minor load is 3 kg and the major load is either 15, 30, or 45 kilograms. tungsten carbide ultrasonic microhardness test Vickers hardness test The original carbide tool material that offers excellent hardness and wear resistance. A microhardness test that vibrates a Vickers diamond against a workpiece under a specific load. The change in frequency determines the material's hardness value. A hardness test that forces a pyramid-shaped diamond against a material for a standard dwell time to create an indentation. The size of the indentation determines the hardness value. Also known as the diamond pyramid hardness test.





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