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Monique Bassila Zaarour
Ethmc Cooking $26.95 (In Canada, $34.50)
hOS prac"cal and comprehens;ve
cookbook opens up a worl d of
delightf ul dishes and provides
numerous, Inspinng Ideas for healthy
eating. Monique 8assila Zaarour brings
t hree great gifts to her Lebanese Kitchen
from her Lebanese heritage, an intimate
knowledge of one of t he worl d's great
cuisines; from her training as a nutri -
t ionist , scientifIC underst anding of the
health benefits of food; and from her li fe
as a working mot her, emi nently practical
tipS. She will whip your cupboards Into
shape wi th her advice about advance
preparat ion and her arsenal of tips on
how to defend your kitchen from fast -
food culture.
She organizes. she Inspi res. Wit h this
book, you t oo can make healthy
delicious meals such as fortifYing chicken
and cOri ander, lentil soup, moussaka,
stuffed zucchini-without spending
hours In the ki t chen.
Beauti ful photography and design
Detailed, easy-t a-follow recipes
Comprehensive nutri t ional informat ion
Useful t ipS and variations
ISBN ' -56656-642-8
ISBN n 978-'-56656-642-'
Monique Bassila Zaarour
An imprint oflnl crlin k Publishing Group. Inc.
Non hamplOl1, Massachuscn s
I dedlcale this book 10 all the women in my family starting with my dear mother
Antoinerte and to all my sisters: Denise. Hilda, Claude, Nathalie. and espeCially
Nadme; endlllg with my adorable daughter Marja who completed the JOY of my
existence. Thank you all for being Stich an important part of my Ide Many
thanks to: Christine Amm, Habib Malek, Ghaleb Solh and Sabine Taoukjial1.
Fnsl published in 2007 by
An Imprrnt of Interlink Publishing Group, Inc.
46 Crosby Street. Northampton, MA 01060
www.inl erl
Copyright Monique Bassila Zaalour 2007
Photography copyright (C Reine Mahlouz 2007
Author photograph copyright Colette Tabet 2007
All fights rcscrved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in <lny form or by any means, electronic.
m(>(hanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior wntten
permiSSion of the publisher.
15BN 156656 642 8 (hardback)
ISBN 13 978-1-56656 647 1
Printed and bound in China
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I am a Canadian registered dietitian with Lebanese roots. I used my knowledge of nutrition and my
cultural background to uncover the nutritional value of Lebanese cuisine and appreciate I t s adequacy.
Lebanese dishes, if cooked in a healthy way. comply with the requirements and guidel ines of healthy
eating. They are rich in vegetables. legumes, and fibers, moderate in meat and chicken.
Being a working mother myself, I am often asked how I find the time to prepare the food without resorting
to commercial fast food solutions. The secret is very simple: it starts with believing in the importance of
healthy cocki ng, and refusing. as a mother, to fall prey to the fast-food industry_ I am very welt aware of
the Importance of healthy food and the fact that people, especially children, are not Just gettmg heaVier,
they are getting heavier fast. In the United States, for instance, where child obesity is emerging as a major
problem, the percentage of chi ldren who are overweight has doubled in the last 20 years
The lebanese Kitchen contains 65 quick recipes with comprehensive indications of every recipe's
nutritional information calories, cholesterol, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and
phytochemicals. This book is Intended for the entire family. It is also suitable for people who suffer from
high cholesterol or other health problems such as heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes.
The book begins In a user-friendly way with a section on the prior preparation of necessary Ingredients
in order to ease the daily task of cooking It is then divided into four chapters: Soups & Salads,
Vegetarian, Beef Platters, and Chicken & Fish. Read the recipe notes and tips, which will make cooking
the highlight of the day.
What I am hoping to provide in this book is a much-needed guide to organize your kitchen, as well as
an approach to sensible, enjoyable, and healthy Lebanese cooking at home that will not take more than
half an hour to prepare.
Efficient, nutritious, heal t hy and delicious meals are the goal of this book. Isn't this every cook's dream?
quart ""' 4 cups
cup = 8 ounces
t ablespoon = 1/ 2 fluid ounce
Note: The quantities of salt In the recipes are
moderate and can be modified accordi n g to taste.
Preparation Time
Is the time required to p repare t he Ingredients.
It does not Include p rior prepara ti on or cooking l i me.
Cooki ng Ti me
Is t he tlrne requi red for t he dish t o be cooked
Soaking Time
Is the Illlle needed to soak a specifi c Ingredient In
wdter or 10 marinate It In a certain sauce.
Con t ents
Prior Preparation 7
Soups & Salads
Veqetar n
Beef Platters <l
h ... Ie ,",
r 9
Nutntional Information
Glossary 134
Time Tabl e and
N utrit ional Values 13.
Index 138
Where to Find Ingredients 140
Prior Preparation
In thi s chapter there are 7 basic recipes, which I advise you to prepare and freeze once every
month or as needed. The whole idea of this cookbook is based on this chapter because having
these ingredients on hand will speed up and ease the process of daily cooking. After
completion of each recipe, you should:
Divide the food and place it in special bags or containers for the freezer.
Press the containers or bags well to get rid of all ai r inside.
Tag the containers or bags with their contents and the date when placed in the freezer.
Place the new foods at the back and the previously prepared ones at the front of the freezer.
Defrost the food in the fridge 24 hours before cooking, or immediatel y in the microwave, or
under cold running water.
Avoid defrosting in hot water or outside the f r idge, which could cause the growth of bacteria
and might , in some cases, result in food poisoning.
( OOKE[ Cl JBE[ [ EF
I.- "-~ - --:..;.:
1 serving
1/2 pound lean beef, cut into 3/4- inch cubes
, cup water
1 pinch salt
p i nch allspice
pinch cinnamon
112 Bouquet (see below)
8 servings
4 pounds lean beef, cut into 3/4- inch cubes
5 cups water
teaspoon salt
teaspoon allspice
teaspoon cinnamon
Bouquet :
2 cinnamon sticks
4 cardamom seeds
2 bay leaves
, medium onion, quartered
1 '2 small lemon
In a nonst ick pan, cook cubed beef over
medium heat Stir constantly for 10 minutes
or until lightly browned
Add water and bring to a bOil, shm surface
of water with slotted spoon.
Add seasonings.
Wrap contents o f Bouquet in cheesecloth
and tie closed, then add to mear. Cover pan
and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
Remove Bouquet and keep the cubed beef
and its broth for later use.
Tip: PI!!_ Ire B servinqs li d dlvld tl em 11'10 Fqu-l )
f),Ht f r .. md I,lfl j 2 UfJ 01 hf()th I, r I !\E!r
lJ II" .(rJlrec They Jrlbekf l ,1Il'If
Ire ze lor I. n,nlh Defrost t he t ef in Ih Irld9P.
24 'leur bet re USF I rrrd:ledoatpfy IJ the
T'll( I O ~ ave or uf,del cold rlllln,nq Wlt
5 1/ 4 oun ces lean ground beef
1/2 oni on, finely chopped
1 pinch a llspice
1 pinc h cinnamon
1 pinch salt
14 servings
4 pounds lean ground beef
6 onions, fine ly chopped
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons salt
In a nonstick pan, cook ground beef over
medium heat, stirring constantly uSing a flat
wooden spoon until l ightly browned Make
sure the beef doesn't stick t ogether
Add onions and seasonings. Stir for 15 more
minutes or until all water evaporates.
Tip: Prepare 14 ,f.H'lngS dnd dVIJ,_ theTl Into qu ,
P'lt them ilL alUfl I!>UIn f d. l Cl95, ( r ltd I 'I
m t h Ire "ler fer lat{:'r U5e In ,eVUJ reCIf-
Cjfl be ker- t III the freele, f.A 2 r }I,ths D'lr, t !h
yl' ,nd beef In the frld'Je 24 he,urs bel< Ie
1/1 the n f '-W ve.or urlder C
IN I.:r
, IImnlny
y( J ltl 2 serving:. I(>;tl o f luha n leat n
several re rpe:.
U\Nl C f'l J[ G!, L( I
1 serving
1/2 bunch ci lantro
5 garl ic cloves
1 pinch salt
20 servings
10 bunches cilantro
10 garlic bu lbs
1 tab lespo on salt
Chop cilantr o usi ng a food processor or
by hand.
Crush garli c with sal t usi ng a food processor
or by hand.
In a nonst i ck pan, st ir garlic and cilantro
cont inuously over low heat f or 15 minutes o r
unt il ten d er
Tip; Pr p 19 I,d d ,d, tl 1,1 l'
I )l l iJt r rec,p
TI se mqs oil I.: k pt II Ir lor II
10 ga rl ic bu lbs o r as needed
Peel garlic and crush Into a paste using a
food processor or by hand_
Tip: C1U h 1! 'Ol I: l JlI,s
fe, ater In "'ral re
tI e In _zel If g':lIl =: h .. n g-e
d I" Id. the eq a I ~
Place lr"1n ed. _,(.
If olar d,
n 1 se ny srJ./ltl, I dU
E .... ery ) : r u ~ ed 10\ t ~ spoon
TI y In be ke 1 In the "eue f ~ nIh
I ~ '
cup dried legumes of your choice
Water as needed
5 servings
5 cups dried legumes of your choice
Water as needed
Soak legumes in water for 12 hours (skip this
step If using lentils).
Dram well and put in a stockpot
Cover with wa ter. Bring to a bod
Cook over low heat f or 1 hour (or 30 minutes
in a pressure cooker). Allow to cool
Tip: PI I'tng n II m<t
In rl k dleq
~ ' I t h ,
I thi k,
, p, ,
h n n
, b the fr. ez r I, IE'
.:m be k tHl\hefr l r Ie r
o f,
I, 9 24 h UI n I'
In j . el f, '8 U e
. s 2'.t. C I p drained oeb d
Pine nuts, 1 to 8 cups (as needed)
Put pine nuts on a nonstick baking sheet In a
preheated oven {47S"j for 20 minutes_
Shake every 5 minutes for even toasting
Tip: Pff' pare 8 ups pme ruts and put ,n I I e frt'ez
f(' 1 l ater 'e In vE' ral I e :pe
The pine nuts n f kept In the freez r f. r 5 m<- nIt .
1 servi ng
1 pound chicken breast
1 quart water or as needed
1/2 Bouquet (p.8J
1 pinch salt
pinch allspice
pinch cinnamon
pinch white pepper
4 servings
4 pounds chicken breast
4 quarts water or as needed
Bouquet (p.B)
teaspoon salt
teaspoon allspice
teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon white pepper
Put chicken and water in a stockpot
Bring to a boil.
Skim surface of wa t er wi th a slotted spoon.
Wrap and l ie contents of Bouquet In
cheesecloth, then add to chicken with
Cook for 1 hour over low heat
Remove Bouque t and keep the chicken and
its broth for later use.
Tip: Prt p drt' 4 ervmgs and dl'vldt' d11' h n and bl ' th
,er r te!y Int, equ ! I ) rts fm I" t er u' In ev r,,!
rtolpe They an be kept In th .. freeLer lor 1 rl nth
Defrost in the fr idge 24 ht' ln s bd. re u':> e,
lI'm e d! 3tely n Ple mICrowave or under cold rur I f ) ~ l
wdt er
Soups & Saiaos

Lebanese soups and salads are considered highly
nutritious, simple to prepare and easy to digest.
They are nch in vegetables and legumes.
Vegetables, especially the darker ones, are considered a
very important source of vitamins, minerals, and
phytochemicals They are low in calories, fat free,
cholesterol free, and ri ch in fiber. Vegetables, In general,
lower the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer.
The nutritional content of vegetables decreases
gradually with time after harvest. Therefore, It IS best
to consume the freshest possible vegetables. Frozen or
canned vegetables are preserved fresh withlll 24 hours
of harvest, while they are still at their peak of
nutritional content. However, canned vegetables, as a
result of preservation in water, lose some of their
nutritional elements, especially water-soluble vitamins.
Frozen vegetables, on the other hand, keep most of
their nutnents and they regain their original texture,
flavor, and color after cooking.
Vegetables, regardless of their source, are best cooked
In a smal l amount of water and over high heat in a
covered conta i ner.
canned tomatoes
For qUick and easy
with their liquid
cooking, use
and frozen
For more information on the nutritional value of
legumes, see page 39.
serves 5 preparation time 3 0 min
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 teaspoon allspice
1/ 2 teaspoon sumac
3 bunches parsley leaves, finely chopped
5 small tomatoes, finely diced
2 ribs mint leaves, finely chopped
2 tablespoons fine bulgur, rinsed and
5 tablespoons lemon juice
5 tablespoons ol ive oil
M IX salt, allspice, and sumac, then rub
onions In the mi xture. coating them
Add remaining vegetables and mix
Add bulgur; mix again.
Add lemon juice and olive od.
Mix gently until evenly distributed
Serve cold.
Energy (Cal) 200
Cholesterol (mg) a
Fat (9) 13
Carbohydrate (g) 18
Prot em (g) 4
Rich in fi ber and vitamin C.
Fiber (g) 6 Conlains carotenoi ds (pp.12b-133)
serves 5 r'reparatlon time 2 5 min
large onion, thinly sliced
tablespoon sumac
2 large tomatoes, diced
4 cucumbers, diced
1/ 4 bunch mint leaves, chopped
1/2 bunch parsley leaves
1 bunch watercress leaves
10 lettuce leaves, shredded
5 radishes, sliced in rounds
1 med ium loaf pita bread, toasted
2 garl i c cloves, crushed
teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons red-wine or grape vinegar
5 tablespoons olive oil
Rub on i ons In sumac, coating them
Add vegetables gradually and mix we ll
Cut bread into small squares
Mix half of the bread with vegetables.
In a separate bowl, mix dressing ingredtents.
Add to vegetables and mix gently until
evenly distributed.
Serve cold
Garnish with remaining bread.
EJier9Y (Cal) 225
Ct,ole'>tercl (mg) 0
Fat (9) 14
Caroot'ydrate (9) 21
PrOtt'''' (9) 4
F ,b(:r (9) 3 Rich in fol ate. unsaturated fat, and vi tamin C (I 'P 126 133)
Rich in fiber and vitamin C (pp.12fr-133)
Energy (Cal) 190
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (g) 14
Carbohydrate (g) 14
Protein (g) 2
Fiber (g) 2
4 """ lime 15 mlr> cool<or'lg lime 6 mil"
1 large eggplant
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, fine ly diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1/ 2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch white pepper
1 teaspoon dried mint
2 tablespoons red -wine or grape vinegar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons olive oil
Peel eggplant, wrap it wi t h plastic wrap.
Cook In microwave for 6 minutes
Unwrap eggplant and cut Into small cubes.
M,x with onions and tomatoes_
In a separa te bowl , mi x garlic with must ard
Add remaining ingredients and mi x again
Add to vegetables and mi x gently unt ,1
evenly distributed
Serve cold
l / I
se rVE S 5 time 5 min coo king tlPl' 15 Irln
2 pounds frozen green beans
2 cups wat er
Dr essi ng
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons lemon juice
5 tablespoons ol ive oil
In a large saucepan, cook green beans In
water over medium heat until tender.
Drain and put In serving bowl
MIX dressing Ingredients In a smilll bowl
Pour over green beans and mix untd evenly
Serve hOI or cold.
Energy (Cal) 210
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (9)
Carbohydrate (g) 11
Protem (9) 4
F1ber (9) 7
Rich in fiber clnd v1tamin C
Cont ains carolenoids and isoflavone (ff- 12b-133)
Energy (Cal) 360
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (g) 15
Carbohydra t e (g) 42
Prote,n (g) 15
Fibel (g) 14
Rich in fi ber, folate, potassium, and vitamin 86.
Contains isoflavone (pp. 126.-.133).
~ e r \ e s 4 preparation time 5 min cooking lime 1 5 min
2 cups wa t er
4 cups cooked kidney beans (p. 12)
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 teaspoon sal t
1 pinch red pepper
1 pinch dried mint
5 tabl espoons lemon juice
4 tabl espoons o l ive oi l
Tip: II ~
" ,
t V' rI U
k e
I l
In a la rge saucepan, bnng water to a bod
Add kidney beans over medium heat until
tender. Put In a large bowl with some of their
cooking liquid.
In a small bowl, mix all dressing ingredients
Add to kidney beans and mix. gently until
evenly distributed
Add more olive oil If desired.
Serve hot with fresh tomatoes and on i ons.
t (Cd) 460
Energy (Cal) 41;

(111 g) 0
F " "I
19 Fat (g)
Cad ,I yd. te (g)
Carb hydrate (g) ,0
ltell (g) 19 Protem (g) 16
F" E.-r
11 fiDe, (9) 6
serve 3 p'eperat ~ n \, e 5 min COOkll1g t me 1 5 min
2 cups wa ter
4 cups cooked black fa va beans (p.12)
4 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
1 teaspoon salt
112 cup lemon juice
1/4 bunch parsley, f inely chopped
4 tablespoons olive oi l
In a large saucepan, bring water to a bod
Add fava beans and cook over medium heat
until tender. Put in a large bowl with some of
their cooking liqui d
In a small bowl, mil( garlic, salt. and lemon
Add to beans and mix well
Garnish with chopped parsley and olive oil
Serve hot with fresh onIons and tomatoes.
S{'rves 4 pf/:'parat on time 5 111ln cooking timE> 15 min
2 cups water
4 cups cooked chickpeas (p.12)
4 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11 )
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 cup lemon juice
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 pinch ground cumin
, ,
In a large saucepan, bring water to a bod
Add chickpeas and cook over medIum heat
until tender Put In a large bowl wI t h some
of their cooking l iquid
In a small bowl, mIx garlic, salt, lemon
JUIce. and olive oi l.
Add to chIckpeas and mIx well
Sprinkle cumin over chickpeas and serve
$erves 4 preparation time 10 min soaking lime 30 min cooking t l r l ' H ~ 30 mill
Dr essing
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons red -wine or grape vinegar
4 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 medium potatoes, boiled and diced
medium onion, thinly sliced
3 eggs, hard -boiled and sliced in rounds
1 tablespoon parsley leaves, finely chopped
In a large bowl, mix all dressing Ingredients.
Add potatoes, mix slowly and marindte for
30 minutes.
Add on i ons and mix again
Garnish with eggs and parsley.
Serve cold
Energy (C"I) 290
Cholesterol (mg) 185
Fat (g) 12
Carboh)tdrate (g) 3.
PrOtern (g) 9
Rich In folate. unsaturated fat. and vItamins B6 and C.
F,ber (g) 3
Contams lutein (pp. 126-133)
Energy (Cal) 715
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (g) 3
Carbohydra:e (9) 37
Prote,n (g) 10
Fiber (g) I
serve' 6 preparation time 2 5 onln cooking lime 4 0 min
tablespoon vegetable oil
medium onion, finely chopped
serving Cilantro and Garlic (p.1 0)
2 cups cooked lentils (p.12)
8 cups water
1 pound chard, shredded
2 medium zucchin i s, diced
2 medium potatoes, diced
1/ 2 cup lemon juice
1 pinch allspice
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons dried cilantro
In a large st ockpot. heat oil Add onfOns and
stidry until light l y browned
Add Cilantro and Garl i c and stir wel l.
Add lent ils, wat er, and vegetables
Bring to a boil. Cook over low hea t until
vegetabl es are tender.
Add lemon Juice and seasonings.
Cook for 10 more mi nut es over low heat
or until mi xture th i ckens.
Serve hot.
Energy (Ccll) 325
(mg) 0
Fat (9) 4
Carbohydrate (g)
Protein (9) 17
Fiber (g) 18
\ J
r /\
s erve 6 preparat , n time 10 min COOt n9 I me 60 min
1/2 cup dried white kidney beans
1/2 cup dried red beans
1/4 cup dried black fava beans
1/2 cup dried chickpeas
1/4 cup dr ied big black lentils
2 quarts water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 medium onions, finely chopped
1/ 4 cup coarse bulgur
1/4 cup short-grain rice
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons lemon juice
Soak all beans (except lentils) In water for
12 hours, then dram
Put lentils and beans (except fa va beans) in
a pressure cooker.
Cover with water, and cook over high heaL
Bring to a bod
Lower heat and cook for 30 more minutes.
Cook fava beans separat ely using the same
method, drain and add to the other beans (do
not add cooking liquid).
In a large stockpot, heat oil, add onions and
stir-fry until browned
Add to beans wi t h bulgur, rice, and seasonings.
Cook over low heat, stirring occasionaJJy for 30
minutes or until nce is tender.
Add lemon JUice; cook over tow heat for
5 more minutes.
Serve hot
serves 4 preparatton time 1 0 mIn cookIng time 30 min
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 large onion, fjnely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p. l1 )
2 cups cooked lentils (p.12)
6 cups water
3 1/ 2 ounces tagliatelle
1 serving Cilantro and Garlic (p. l 0)
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 t easpoon salt
In a large stockpot, heat oil, add onions and
stir-fry unt il light l y browned.
Add garlic and stir-fry for 2 more minutes.
Add lentils and wat er. Bring to a boil
Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
Cook over low heat for 30 minut es or until
mixture thickens.
Serve hot.
Energy (Cal) 275
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (9) 4
Car bohydra t e (g) 46
Protelfl (g) 14
Rich in folat e, fi ber, and vitamin C.
FIber (g) 6
Cont ai ns tannins (pp. 126-133)
NUTRITIONAL VALUE PER SERVING Rich in calcium, fiber, and vitamins 86 and 812 (pp 126-133)
Energy (Cal) 375
(mg) 45
Fat (9) 11
C<lrbohyd, Ie (9) 50
Protein (9) 19
Flbe (9) 10
St'IVt' 4 prl:p. rat'Or1 1 Ire 5 mlr. cook - ng limt' 10 m r.
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
5 garlic doves. crushed (p.l l )
1 serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 cup keshek powder
4 cups water
, pi nch dried mint
I n a large stockpot, heat ad, add onions and
stir fry until lightly browned
Add garlic and stir-fry for 2 more minutes.
Add Cooked Ground Beef (p.9) and keshek
Stir for 1 minute until keshek becomes
lightly brown.
Add water gradually, stirring quickly to
dissol ve all keshek powder Bring to a bOIl.
Cook over low heat. stirring constantly, for
5 mlllutes or until mixture thickens
Sprinkle mint over soup.
Salt to taste and serve hot
se r v e s 5 p repa r at io n tllne 5 mi n coo k.i n g tl m c 3 5 !TIln
1 pound boiled chicken, cut in strips (p.13)
6 cups chicken broth (p.13)
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 teaspoon white pepper
1 pound mixed vegetables, raw or frozen
3 1f2 ounces vermicelli
" ,
t Iy ! {P
, I. t fl
cd trtl j,1I
h 1;'1' life
In a large stockpot, add chicken to broth and
bring to a boil
Add remaining ingredients.
Cover pan and cook over low heat for 20
more minutes.
Serve hot.
r:- u I I k n I- e r:
J.,. liS fWCl tt'r r r fl
Energy (Cal) 270
C ~ o l e s t e l o l (mg) 80
Fat (9) 5
Corbohyd,ate (g) 32
ProteIn (g) 25
Rich In vi lamms A, 83, 86, and C.
Fiber (9)
Contains carotenoids (pp.' 26-133)
t r
Lebanese vegetarian dishes are based on vegetables and
legumes such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
Legumes are a vital source of vitamins (especially B1, B?, 83.
and 86) and folate (pp.176-133) They are a nch source of
minerals such as Iron and magnesium Legumes are
nutritious, tasty, and an Inexpensive protein source They are
also cholesterol free and among the best fiber SOllr(:()s,
Besides being healthy and deliciOUS, legumes fil l you L I ~ . mu
help curb your appetite for higher-fat foods.
If cooked uSing the method described In tillS b o o ~ , the;e
dishes will be low In fat and rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and
many nutrients. and therefore Will offer many health benefits,
Including a lower risk of heart disease and certain types of
For more mformation on the nutritional value of vegetables,
see page 15.
se l v e s 6 pr e para ti on t . m e 1 0 mIn <.:oo k in g t ime 30 m i n
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.l 1)
4 t ablespoons tomato paste
4 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 pinch whit e pepper
5 cups cooked kidney beans (p.12)
d , n ( I
r 11 tl
In a large pot. heat o il , add on ions, and
st i r-f ry until l igh t ly browned
Add garl ic and sti r-f ry f or 2 more minut es.
Dissolve toma to paste i n water, then add to
onions and garl ic mixture.
Add sal t and whi t e pepper. Bring t o a bo d.
Ad d kidney beans . M,x and br ing to a boil
Cook over low heat fo r 20 mmutes or until
mi xt ure thi ckens.
Se rve hot o r cold .
k I, Y hE
Energy (Cal) 330
Cholesterol (mg) 0
FCit (9) 3
Carbollydrate (9) 57
Protem (9) 18
Rich in fi ber, folate, magnesium, potCiSSlum, and vitamins Bl and B6.
Flbel (9) 15 Contains Iycopene and isofl.wone (pp 126--133)
ser ... es 5 preparation time 5 rrln cooking lime 15 min
cup water
2 1/2 cups cooked chi ckpeas (p., 2)
4 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11 )
, teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons fat -free plai n yogurt
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 pinch cumi n
4 tablespoons ol i ve oil
1/4 bunch parsley leaves, finely chopped
1\ /\
In a large pot, bnng water to a boil.
Add chickpeas; cook over low heat until
Drain and set aside cooking liquid
Mash chickpeas using a food processor,
adding cooking liquid if necessary.
In a separate bowl, mix garlic, salt, tahinl,
yogurt and lemon JUICe.
Add to mashed chickpeas. Mix well to obtain
a soft, creamy consistency.
Put in a serving diSh, and garnish with
cumin, olive oil and chopped parsley.
Serve cold.
erve<. 3 preparatIon \Irr'e 15 min cooking time 15 rrln
1 large eggpl ant
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11 )
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons tahini
1 tablespoon fat -free plain yogurt
4 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oi l
1 pinch parsley leaves, finely chopped
Peel eggplant, wrap It with plast i c wrap.
Cook in microwave for 10 minutes
Unwrap and mash with a fork, allow to coo l
In a separate bowl, mix. garlic, salt, tahinr,
yogurt, and lemon Juice.
Add to mashed eggplant and mix. again.
Put In a serving dish. Garnish With olive oil
and chopped parsley
Serve cold
Nole: To prepare Zucchini Dip, substitute
eggplant with pulp of 5 medium zucchinis.
boiled and drained.
Energy (Ca!) 330
Chole5teror (mg) 0
Fat (9) 18
Carburydrate (9) 32
Protein (g) 10
Fiber (9) 8
Energy (Cal)
Cholesterol (mg)
Fat (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Protein (g)
Fiber (g)
, ~ .
-- ,., / --
Energy (Cal) ;00
Cholesterol (mg) 4
Fat (g) 7
Carhohydrate (9) 80
Protein (9) 30
Fiber (g) 12
'H'rve 5 preparation t,me 10 min c o o ~ ' n g lime 2 0 mil'
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
, teaspoon cumin
5 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
5 cups cooked chickpeas (p.12)
4 cups fat -free plain yogurt
1 teaspoon dried mint
1/2 teaspoon tahini
1 medium loaf pita bread. toasted
5 teaspoons pine nuts, toasted (p.13)
In a large pot, bring water to a bod.
Add 112 of the salt, cumin. gar lic, plus all the
chickpeas Cook over medium heat untd
Set aside.
In a separate bowl, mix yogurt, mint, and
tahini Add remaining garlic and salt.
MIX again and set aside
Cut bread into small squares.
Put hot chIckpeas with some of their cooking
liquid In a servi ng dish. Add bread and cover
With yogurt.
Garnish with pine nuts and remaining CUlTlln

Energy (Cal) 260
Cho l e5terol (Ing) 0
Fil l (g) 6
CarbohydriltE' (9) 42
ProteIn (9) 10
Fiber (9) 9
Rich in folate and vitamins 86, C, and K.
Contains Iycopene (pp.126-133).
\ )
\ J
11 alall)!' tIme
1 large eggplant, un peel ed
4 cups water
1 tablespoon sea sa lt
Vegetable o il
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 small Oni ons, thinly sl iced
5 garli c cl oves, finely chopped
1 14. S-cunce can diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon allspice
2 cups cooked chickpeas (p . 12)
2 cups water
,< ,
,< Ilnlt; 60
Cut eggplant Into 10 pieces, each 3/4 inch
Soak ii' water and sea salt for 10 minutes
Drain well and put In a baking dish lightly
greased with ad I I'. preheated oven (475<') for
30 minutes
Flq from time \0 time.
In a large pot . heat oil, add onions, gadic,
and stir-fry unt i l lightly browned.
Add tomatoes and seasonings; stir-fry for 2
more fT'lInutes. Add chickpeas and water
Cook over high heat and bring to a boil
Add chickpea mixture to eggplant, cover
wIth alumlnulr fod
Cook over low heat for 30 r"1ore mil'1utes or
unt Il mixture thickens.
Serve cold
Energy (Cal) 330
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Fat (g)
Carbohydrate (9) 52
Protein (9) 12
Fiber (9)
Rich in fiber. folate. and vitamins 86 and K.
Contains aflylic sulfite Clnd tannins (pp.126--133).
'- /
[JP Rl ))\RJ\
s e r ~ e s 4 preparation time 5 min cook ing t ime 45 min
2 tablespoons veget able oil
3 smal l onions, thi nly sliced
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/ 2 cup short-grain rice, soaked in water
for 112 hour
2 cups cooked lenti l s (p. 12)
, I
In a large pot, heat oil, add onions, and
stir-fry for 10 minutes unt il fully brown and
cr ispy. Remove 1/2 the on i ons and se t aside
for later use.
Add water and seasonings to t he remaining
onions In the p ot.
Drain rice, then add to pot and bring to boil.
Cover and cook over low heat for 10
Add lentils and slowly stir the mixt ure
Bring to a boil again, cover, and cook over
very l ow heat withou t stirring for 20 minutes
o r until all water evaporates.
In a serving plate. garnish with remaining
Serve hot or cold.
2 pounds small eggplants
2 pounds small zucchinis
7 ounces small green bell peppers
1/2 cup short -grain rice
2 medium onions, finely chopped
1 bunch parsley leaves, finely chopped
14.S-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 pinch dried mint
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon salt
1 p i nch white pepper
1,2 cup lemon juice
tablespoon ol ive oil
718 cup tomato sauce
1 cup water
EI'erqy IC all ',0
CI lester Ii,
gJ 0
Fil l IgJ
C rI Clhyd r dl Iyl
Ie 'n (9)
F,r-, ! (9)
Remove the pulp of the lUcch,nls, and carve
out the insides of the eggplarts and green
In a large bowl, dram rice and mix Wit t
remalring Sluffing Ingredients.
Stuff vegetabl es to 3/4 full and arrange
homontally ir a deep pot.
M,x tomato sauce With water and f,our over
Place a heavy plate on vegetables to kePI I
them il"' place, add more wat er tc cover the
Brrng to bait
Cover pot and cook over low heat for 1 hour
or unt,l rice is tender.
Serve hot or col d.

\ '
/ \
r ' v
$ e r v' 4 ptepilratlon time
1 tablespoon vegetable oi l
1 large onion, finely chopped
10 garli c cloves, finely diced
2 pounds frozen green beans

2 5 m,n
1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes
tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 cups water
teaspoon salt
1/ 4 teasp oon allsp i ce
Energy (Cal) '90
(111 g) 0
Fat (9) 4
Cilrbohydrate (g) 32
ProteI!' (9) 6
Fiber (9) 7
i r
I '

, \
/ \
\ )
cooking tme45min
In a large pot, heat oil, add onions and
stir-fry until l ightly browned
Add garlic and stir fry for 2 more mmutes.
Add green beans and stir-fry for 20 minutes or
unt il very tender.
Add tomatoes and st ir- f ry for 2 more minutes
Dissolve tomat o paste in water.
Add to green beans, plus seasonings
Cook over high heat and bring to a boil
Cover pan; cook over low heat for 20 more
minut es (add water and use pressure cooker
i f needed)
Serve cold with onions.
Note. To prepare Green Bean Stew, add 1/2
pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.8) and 1/2 cup
water and serve with Cooked Rice (p.72).
To prepare Zucchini in Tomato Sauce, substitute
green beans WIth pulp of 5 medium zucchinis.
boiled and drained.
3 p,el' rallOI1 t!TIe 1S mil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1/ 4 cup short -grain rice, soaked in water
for 1/2 hour
2 cups water
2 cu ps cooked lentils (p.12)
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon salt
Energy (Cal) 280
CI cles!erol (Ing) 0
Fat (9)
Carbonydrate (9)
(g) 14
FILer (9) 13
In a large pot. heat oil, add onions and
stir-fry until lightly browned
Add drained ri ce and 1 cup of the water
Bnng to a bod. Cover and cook over low
heat for 10 minutes
Meanwh.le. In a large pot, bring remaining
water to a ball
Add lentils; cook over medium heat untt!
Mash the mixture in a food processor. Add
t o rice with seasonings.
Cook over low heat. st lrrtng constantly.
Remove from heat as soon as boiling starts
Pour Immediatel y mto the serving plate,
al l ow to cool , and serve cold with fresh
vegetables and salad.
Energy (Cal)
Cholesterol (mg)
Fat (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Protem (g)
Fiber (g)
t ,C
5crll('$ 3 p!eparatlol' tlroe 1 0 M!n cooling t me 4 0 m I n
1 t ablesp oon vegetabl e o il
1 l arge oni on, finely chopped
2 garli c cl oves, crushed (p . l 1)
1 14.S-ounce can di ced tomat oes
1 cup coarse bul gur
1 112 cups water
1/4 teaspoon allspice
, teasp oon sal t
In a large pot, heat oil, add onions, and
st Ir-fry until lI ght ly browned
Add garli c and st ir-fry for 2 mor e mi nutes.
Add t omatoes and st ir fr y for 3 more
minut es
Add remaining ingredients and st i r
Bnng t o a boil.
Cover pot and cook over very l ow heat for 2S
more minutes or until water evaporates,
Serve wi th plain yogurt.
Energy (C!I)
(IlHJ) 0
F,JI (g) 9
C rbohyJra t F (9) 13
Protern (g) 3
Fiber (9) 11
RKh In fiber, folale, pot<lssiurn, p llltothep,c tid, <lncl \Il<lrnll
A. C, and K
COHtains carOlenoids (PI-' 126 133)
,(, ves 5 time- 30 min
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 large onions, thinl y sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11 )
2 large heads boiled chicory, finely
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 lemon, sliced in rounds
I ( ) r

( j
f f
I ,
tirne 15 min
In a large pan, heat oil, add onions, and
stir-fry until fully brown and crispy.
Remove and put on paper towels to dlY. Set
aside for later use.
In the same pan, add garlic and stir-fry for
1 minute.
Add chicory and stir-fry for 5 more minutes
Add salt and lemon juice, and stir-fry for a
few more minutes
Garnish with onions and lemon slices.
Serve cold
I\'r li E SPAGH[ TTI
s er v e s 6 prepa rati o n time 1 0 min c o o king time 30 min
1 pound spaghetti
White Sauce
5 cups wat er
10 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
1/4 nutmeg, grated, or 1/4 teaspoon ground
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
4 tablespoons cornstarch
1/7 cup mozzarella cheese, grated
Cook spaghetti in boiling water. Drain well
In a separate pot , mix white sauce
ingredients and cook over low heat
Sti r constant ly unt il mixture starts t o thicken.
Add spaghetti and grated cheese t o while
Cook over low heat for 2 more minutes,
stirr ing constantly_
Serve hot,
Energy (Cal) 420
Choler-teral (mgl 30
Fdt (g) 6
Carbohydrate (g) 72
Protein (g) 20
F,bel (g) 2 Rich In calcium, protein, and 'vItamin B3 (pp 126-133)_
IV' 4 n t me 1 5 min
1 sma ll onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/ 2 bunch parsley leaves, finely chopped
1 zucchini, grated
1/ 4 green bel l pepper, finely chopped
6 eggs
1/2 teaspoon or grape vinegar
1/4 cup water
4 t ablespoons all -purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon nonfat dry mi lk
Vegetable oil
4 tablespoons dri ed bread crumb s
4 tablespoons mozzarella cheese, grated
oklf19 tIme 30 min
Mix sah, allspice, and black Rub
onion In spices, coating thorougl'Jy
Add vegetables and parsley and mIx <19<1 n.
In a separate bowl, mix eggs with vinegar
and wat er,
Add flour, baking powder, and dry mrlk Mix
Pour over vegetables and mi x agdln
Grease a 13x9-inch baking dish with all.
Spr inkle dried bread crumbs on pan.
Pour egg mIxture In and sprinkle cheese on
Bake in a preheated oven (475
) for 20
mi nutes or untrl top is golden brown
Serve hot wi t h Fattoush (p 18) or Tdbbouleh
(p 16)
b'E'ryy (C<,I) 280
Cho e ~ t e T i I (m'l) 330
F ' (g) 11
C rt 011 ... j, (g) 77
<en q) 18
b .. '11 3
Beef Platters
Lebanese dishes are b ased on moderat e amount s of
mea t , with the f ocus on grain products. legumes. and
vegetabl es. They are typi cally low In fat and high in
fiber. which IS consistent wi th the International dietary
guidel ines for heal t hy eat i ng In this chapter. the dishes
are prepared with beef. Except for the Roast Beef
recipe (p.68). you may replace beef with Jamb or goat
Meat, in general, is highly nu tritious. rich (n zinc and
vitamins 83. 86. 812 (pp. 126-133) It is an excellent
source of heme-iron (pp.1 26-1331 that helps prevent
anemia and enhance the immune system Meat
suppl ies compl et e protei ns. essential t o make new
body prot ei ns. ce li s, and muscl es, and to ensure
healthy growth.
Mea t also cont ai ns, depending on its source, sa t urated
fats and chol esterol. Choose lean cuts such as beef
Sl rioin and fi ll et Tri m the fat before use. Brod, roast, or
grill ; t hi s way you won't add fat during cooking Saute.
st ir-fry. or broil using vege t able oi ls low In saturated
fats such as corn, su nfl ower, soy, or canola, rather than
butter and ghee.
~ e f \ l e S 5 preparation time 5 min (00111'9 lime 30 mIn
1 tablespoon vegetable o il
10 pearl onions
1/2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.B)
2 cups cooked chickpeas (p.12)
2 cups coarse bulgur
3 cups wa t er
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/ 2 teaspoon caraway powder
In a large pot. heat o i l, add on ions, and
st i r-fry un t il l i ght l y browned Omons should
remain whole
Add remai ning Ingred ient s and mix well
Br i ng to a boil. Mix agai n and then cover
Cook over l ow heat f or 25 minutes.
Serve hot wi th fat -free yogurt
Erl ergy (Cal) 445
Cholestero l (mg) 22
Fat (g) 8
Carbohydrate (g) 67
Protern (g) 26
Ri ch in fiber, folate, magnesium, protein, and vitamins 83, 86, and 812.
Fibe r (g) 16 Contains isoflavone (pp.126-133l
Rich in zinc and vitamins B3, B6, B 1 2, C, and K (pp.126- 1 33).
Energy (Cal) 510
Cholesterol (mg) 96
Fat (9)
Carbohydrate (9) 14
Protein (g)
Fiber (9) 3
serves 5 preparation time 1 0 min soaking time 6 hrs (001.; 1n9 time 50 min
2 pounds sirloin beef steak, cut into st rips
3 tablespoons vege t able oil
4 tablespoons red-wine or grape vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 4 teaspoon b lack peppe r
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/ 4 teaspoon cardamom, crushed
1/ 4 teaspoon mastic, crushed
1/4 nutmeg, grated, or 1/ 4 teaspoon ground
Tah i ni Sauce
5 tablespoons tahini
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/ 2 cup water
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p. 11)
5 tablespoons lemon juice
2 onions, thinly sl iced
2 teaspoons sumac
2 tomatoes, finely diced
1/2 bunch parsley leaves, finely chopped
Mix steak strips with seasonings, then ma rinate
for 6 hours, stirring every 1 hour
Put on a large rimmed baki ng sheet, cover with
aluminum foil.
Cook in preheated oven (475) for 40 minutes.
MIX tahlni sauce Ingredients i n a food processor
Set aside.
Scrub onions with sumac until they are
t horoughly coated.
Pour tahini sauce over hot meat
Serve with onions, t omatoes, and parsley.
El"ergy (Cal) 280
Cho lesterol (mg) 185
Fat (g) 18
Carbohydlate (9) 6
Protem (g) 23
Fiber (9)
Rich in compl ete proteins, zinc, and vitamins 83 and 812
serves 5 preparation time 2 0 min cooking time 4 0 min
1 pound lean ground beef
3 garlic cloves, crushed (p. 11)
1 teaspoon sa lt
1/ 2 teas poon allspice
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1 pinch red pepper
3 tables poons dried bread crumbs
3 e ggs, hard-boiled
Corn oil
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/ 4 cup water
Bl end ground beef in a food processor on
high speed until it becomes like a dough
(add water if needed).
I n a medium bowl. mi x ground beef with
garlic, seasonings, and dr ied bread crumbs.
Knead Wi th hands unt il it becomes a dough
Roll dough with a wooden rol li ng pin Into a
12xl0-inch piece.
Arrange eggs in the middle of the beef.
Fold beef over eggs and tightly seal the
edges with wet fingertips.
In a nonstick pan lightly greased with oil,
brown meatloaf. t urning occasionally
Cover With water. Br ing to a boi l.
Cover pan and cook over low heat for 30
minutes or until meat is no longer pink Inside
Re move meatloaf from wat er
Reserve t he broth for later use
Cut meatloaf into 15 equal slices.
Dissolve cornstarch in water
Add to 1 cup of broth. st ir const antly over
low heat until sauce thickens.
Serve hot with sauce and roasted potatoes
ser ... es 5 preparat on Ilf'rIe 2 0 m n cooking time 9 0 Inln
2 pounds roast beef
7 garlic cloves. cut in half
1 tablespoon pistachios
tablespoon vege t able oil
2 medium onions, th i nly sliced
2 garlic doves, crushed (p.1l )
1 cup sliced carrots
1 medium potato, diced
1/2 quarts wa t er
1 Bouquet (p.8)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 large apple, diced
1 tablespoon cornstarch
USing a sharp knife. pierce roast beef Insert
garlic and pist achios
In a heavy pot or Dutch oven lightly greased
With oil, b r own meat, turni ng occasionally.
Remove from pot and set aside.
In the same pot, add onions, cook until
translucent, then add other vegetables,
stirring const antl y until tender
Return roast beef to pot and cover With water
Wrap and tie contents of Bouque t In
cheesecloth; add to pot Add remaining
ingredi ents (except cornstarchl and bring to
a boi l. Cover pan and cook over low heat for
1 112 hours (40 minutes In a pressure cookerl_
Remove roast beef, all ow to cool, and cut
Into 10 equal sli ces
To make the sauce, remove Bouquet from
the pot, add cornsta rch to the remaining
vegetables and l iquid, and blend In a food
processor. Return liquid to pot, and stir
constantly over low heat for 2 mmutes
Add sauce to roast beef
Serve hot with Mashed Potatoes (p.70)
Energy (Cal) 470 Energy (Cal) 200
Cholesterol (mg) 103 Choles t erol (mg) 0
Fat (g) 19 Fat (9) 0
Carbohydrate (9) 29 Calbohydra t e (9) 43
Prote'!1 (g)
Protein (9) 7
Fiber (g)
riber (9) 3
setlles 4 I prepa r ation time 1 0 min I c oo king lIme 30 mIn
3 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
1 cup water
1 pinch nutmeg
1/ 4 teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon salt
6 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
Tip: Instead of 1 cup wate r and 3 tablespoons nonfat
dry mi lk. you can use 1 cup fresh skim mi lk.
Potat oes are more nut ritious If kept unpeeled
because t hei r skin is very rich In fiber. vitamins, and
In a small bowl, mi x dry mIlk, wa t er, and
Add t o mashed potat oes in a large pot.
St ir mixture over low heat t o obt ai n a soft,
cr eamy consi st ency.
Serve hot With Roast Beef (p.68).
serves 4 preparation time 5 min cooking lime 3 0 min
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, cr ushed (p.1l)
1/ 2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.B)
1 pound frozen artichoke
1 1/ 2 cups water
1 serving Cilantro and Garlic (p ., 0)
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon allspice
In a large pot , heat oi l, add onions and
st ir-fry unt i l lightly browned.
Add gar li c and st ir-fry for 2 more minutes
Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil
Cover p ot; cook over l ow heat for 20 more
minutes or until mi xture t hicken s.
Serve hot Wi th Cooked Rice (p.72).
Note: To prepare Cauliflower Stew, SubStllule
artichoke with 2 pounds frozen cauliflower.
Tip: If the rn , t ~ ~ : n)1 prcv. ,Iy P "pori d, ';, tart b\ C J, ln'll/ f' 10 . ]w CJt d h ~ I (I' 8
erve 6 preparation time 5 min I cooking t ime 15 min
2 cups long-grain rice
2 tablespoons vermicelli (if desired)
1 teaspoon sa lt
4 cups water
Tip: You can use 1 teaspoon oil to sti r-fry vermicelli.
If you do not use vermicelli, start preparation by stir-
frying the nce.
Wash rice and drain
In a saucepan, preferably nonstick, stir-fry
vermicelli until lightly browned
Add rice and salt, then stir-fry for 2 more
Add water and mix we l l. Bring to a boll. Stir
Cover pan. Cook without stirring over very
low heat for 25 minutes.
(without vermicelli)
Energy (Ca\) 210
Cholesterol (mg) 27
Energy (Cal) 740
Fat (9)
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Carbohydrate (9) 17
Fat (9) 0
Protein (g) 20
Carbohydrate (g) 55
Fiber (9) 7
Protein (g) 5
Fiber (g)
serves 4 preparation time 1 0 min cooking time 30 min
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11)
10 ounces okra, canned or frozen
1 14.S-ounce can diced tomatoes
1/ 2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.8)
1 "2 cups water
1 serving Cilantro and Garlic (p.10)
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Tip : Ir
Ii tl y , . t r I
In a large pot, heat oil, add onions and
s t i r ~ f r y until light ly browned.
Add gar lic and stir-fry for 2 more minutes.
Add okra; st ir-fry slowly for 5 minutes
Add tomatoes and cook for 2 more minutes.
Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil.
Cover pot. Cook over low heat for 30
minutes or unt il mi xt ure thickens.
Serve hot wit h Cooked Ri ce (p_72)
fr I n d I
I ,be J b el (r ).
Energy (Cal)
Cholestero l (mg)
Fat (9)
Carbohydrate (g)
Protein (g)
Fiber (9)
Ie JI1 n
W n 8
s elves 5 pleparatlon lime 1 0 min I cooking time 15 min
, tabl espoon veget able oil
'0 pearl onions
5 garlic cloves, crushed (p.")
1/ 2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.B)
, cup water
Labanyieh (Yogurt Sou p)
4 cups fat -free plain yogurt
, tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon ta hini
1/ 2 t easpoon salt
1 pinch white pepper
teaspoon dried mint
I n a large p ot, heat oil, add onions, and
stir-fry unt il lightly browned Onions should
remain whole.
Add garlic and sti r-fry for 2 minut es.
Add beef and wat er; cook over l ow heat lor
10 more mi nu t es.
In a separate bowl, mi x yogurt sou p
ingredi ents.
Add to beef gradually, stiffing constantly.
Bring to a boil.
Sprinkl e mi nt over top.
Serve hot with Cooked Rice (p .72).
Tip: I ;:JU e,.i, fl' I
lfth -n 11 ). n
e p - on on , rer-o! Jllh Y: -ji nn onion ut I(,t( ~ u t,
I .... cJI:: d t_ ;1\. J ~ rl' [ lied, S! -t cy C )kln , 1
t \j f
) T t vV
' f"',," S 4 f,rel i'l r a t, o n li M e 5 min oo krr1(J I me 30 m I l'
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 medium onions. finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p. 11 )
1 14.S-ounce can diced t omatoes
1/2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.B)
2 cups canned or frozen peas and carrots
2 cups water
, teaspoon salt
1 pinch cinnamon
pinch allspice
In a large p ot. heat ad, add onions and
st.r-fry until lightly browned
Add garl i c and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
Add tomatoes and Stir for 3 more minutes
Stir in remaining Ingredients.
Bring to a boil
Stir again, cover pot. and cook over low heat
for 30 mInutes or unt il mixture thickens
Serve hot with Cooked Rice (p.72)
Energy (Cal) 260
Chol esterol (mg) 27
FCl t (g) 8
CClrbohydra t e (g) 26
Protein (9) 21
F,ber (9) 5
Rich In ... i lami ns A. 86. B12. C, and K
Contains carotene and isoflavone (rp.126- 133)
serves 6 p re p a r a t io n lime 1 0 m in c o o king ti m e 3 0 m in
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
, large onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
1 14.S-aunce can diced tomatoes
1/2 pound Cooked Cubed Beef (p.B)
5 cups cooked kidney beans (p.12)
2 cups wa t er
1 teaspoon salt
1 pinch whi t e pepper
Tip: II
f f
) ' ~
d, tdt r y
I [ I': y I 11 / u ~
In a large pot, heat oi l , add onions. and
stir- fry until lightly browned.
Add garlic and stir-fry for 2 minutes
Add tomatoes and stir-fry over high heat for
3 more minutes.
Add remaining ingredients. Bring t o a boil.
Cover pot and cook over low heat fo r 20
more minutes or until mi xt ure thickens.
Serve hot with Cooked Rice (p_72) ,
t c
lid r "t e ef (f.-
, I n (r 171
E n ( o r g ~ (Cil l ) 35O
Cholesterol (mg)
Fot (g) 5
Carbohydrate (9) 49
Protem (9) 27
Rich In fIber, folilte, Iron, magnesium, potassium and vltallllnS B6 and 612.
Fiber (g) 14 Contains .soHavone and Iycopene (pp 126-133).
Energy (Cal) 195
Cholesterol (mg) 18
Fat (g) ?
Carbohydra t e (g) 32
Pro teH1 (g) 12
Fiber (g) 5
serves 5 preparation time 30 min cooking time 60 min
5 medium zucchinis
1/ 2 cup short -grain rice, soaked in water
for 1/ 2 hour
1 tomato, finely chopped
se rving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1/ 4 teaspoon allspice
1/ 4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon sal t
718 cup tomato sauce
3 cups water
6 tablespoons l emon juice
teaspoon dried mint
3 garli c cloves, crushed (p .1 1)
Tip: Ycu I cunresl.w r d I
Cut zucchini S i n hal f crosswise Scoop out
t he pul p and keep it f or la t er use (refer to
note p .42, 51, or 82).
Dra i n rice and mi x wit h the remaining
stuffi ng ingredient s.
St uff each zucchi ni t o 3/4 full and arrange
st anding up vertical l y In a deep pot.
In a sepa rat e bowl, mi x rest of ingredients.
Pou r over zucchinis.
Place a heavy pl ate on zucchinis t o keep
t hem in p l ace; add more water to cover the
pl at e.
Br in g to a b oil.
Cove r pan and cook over low heat for I hour
or unt i l ri ce is tender.
Serve hot With pl ain yogur t.
No te: To prepare Stuffed Eggplan ts, subs/ltute
zucchini s with eggplants.
Energy (Cal) 230
CholeSlcfot (mg) '90
Fat (9) '}
Carbohyrhatc (9) 8
Prote,n (g) n
Fiber (9)
scr\l(,S 5 preparat'on time 5 m'n soaking (if'1C 30 m,n (001<ln9 t,me 3 0 m'n
Pulp of 5 medium zucchinis (without skins;
see p.aO)
2 teaspoons salt
6 eggs
1 serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 medium tomato, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.1 1)
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
pinch white pepper
pinch red pepper
112 cup mozzarella cheese, grated
Add sa lt to zucchini pulp; mix and set aSide
for 1/2 hour Squeeze wel l with hands to
drain. Discard water
Mi x with remaining Ingredient s (except
Place mixture In a lightly greased 13x9-lnch
baking dish.
Sprinkle cheese over top.
Bake ,n preheated oven (475) for 30
Serve hot or cold wi th sal ad
Note: To prepare Zucchini Dip, refer to note
To prepare Zucchini in Tomato Sauce, refer
to note p.51
Energy (Cal)
Cholesterol (mg)
Fa t (9)
Carbohydrate (9)
Prote,n (g)
Fiber (9)
R h If Ji1 f,
n It r
PI-' 1 )(.
qr 1 r:h
I f1 !' 1:'
serves 5 prepara t ion I,me 30 min cooking time 60 mIn
Kebbe Rolls
1 small onion
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 pinch marjoram
1 pinch cinnamon
1 pinch dried mint
1 pinch dried basil
7 ounces lean ground beef
1 cup fine bulgur, soaked in water
for 112 hour
1 serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted (p.13)
Labanyieh (Yogurt Soup)
1/2 cup short-grain rice. soaked in water
for 1/2 hour
1 cup water
4 cups fat -free plain yogurt
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon tahini
1 serving Cilantro and Garlic (p . 10)
112 teaspoon salt
1 pinch white pepper
Tip: I .
I "
h tl f'
Mash onion with seasonings in a food
processor on high speed
Gradually add lean ground beef to onion
mixture, blending continuously un t il mi xture
becomes l i ke dough
Knead bul gur with hands while In soaking water
Drain well and then add to meat
Blend again until dough becomes smoot h and
el astiC (add water If needed).
Cut kebbe dough Into 25 equal roll s. Hollow out
each piece, then stuff wi t h ground beef and pine
nut s. Tightly seal the edges with wet fingertips.
Arrange the rolls on a nmmed baking sheet
lightly greased with oil Cook in preheated oven
(475) for 20 minutes, flip rolls every 5 mi nutes
unt il lightly browned. Remove rolls and set aside.
Drain rice, then put In a deep pot Cover with
water and bring t o a boil Cover pot. Cook over
low heat fo r 10 minut es or until rice is tender
I n a separat e bowl, mix remaining Ingredient s;
add to rice, stirr ing constantly. Bring to a bal l
Add kebbe rolls and stir for 1 more minute
Serve hot
I I tl
II oJ h (> Ii' tl
Energy (Cill)
Cholesterol (mg) 60
Fat (9)
Cdrbohydrilte (g) 45
Protem (9)
F,ber (9)
Rich in calcium, fiber, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B3. B6. and 812
ser"e 8 p r epa r at i on t,me 30 min cooki n g t ime SO m . n
Kebbe Dough
1 medium onion
2 teaspoons salt
1 t easpoon al lspice
1/ 2 teaspoon marjoram
1/ 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
112 teaspoon dried mint
1/ 2 teaspoon dried basil
1 pound lean ground beef
3 cups fine bulgur, soaked in water
for 1/2 hour
Stuff ing
2 servings Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
3 tablespoons pine nuts, toas t ed (p.13)
2 tablespoons water
2 tabl espoons oil
Vegetable oi l
To p re pa re kebbe d o ugh, use Ingredients o n
thi s p ag e but fol l ow t he same met hod o f
pre p arat ion as on p ag e 83
Divi de d ough int o 2 p arts. Knead each p art wel l.
light ly grease a la rge cas se role dis h with
vegetable oil. Press fi rst part of kebbe dough
e venly Into dish . Spread g round beef and pine
nut s on top .
Cut rema ining d ough Int o b alls , Flatten each
b all Int o a round shap e, and lay them over the
ground beef and pi ne nuts until the entIre
surf ace is covered.
Use wet f Ingert ips t o smooth out any dent s in
the surface and patch up any ho les.
Use a kni fe t o deco rate kebbe surface wI th
square- or di amond-shaped cuts
MIX water wIt h oi l. Spread on kebbe surface
Wrap b aking dish with aluminum foil.
Coo k In preheated o ven (475) f or 40 mInutes.
Remove alumi num foil , and drizzle a bit more o d
on keb be.
Broi l f or 10 mi nutes.
Serve ho t with sal ad or pl ain yogurt .
Ene rgy (Cal) 370
Cholester o l (mg)
Fa ! (g) 9
Carbohydrate 191
Pr o tein (9) 16
Fiber (9) 5
se r ves 8 prepar a ti on li me 20 min c ooking time 5 0 mi l '
2 tablespoons nonfat dry mi l k
112 cup wat er
1 t easpoon salt
1 pinch nut meg
1 pinch white pepper
12 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
1 teas poo n vegetable oil
2 servi ngs Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted (p . 13)
1 cup canned corn
1 egg
1 pinch allspice
1/2 cup dried bread cr umbs
Mix milk with wa ter and seasonings.
Add to potatoes, knead mixture well
Divide Into 2 equal parts
ligh t ly grease a large casserole dish with oil,
then spread ha lf the potatoes in the bottom.
Cover wi th mea t , pi ne nuts, and corn.
Cut remaining pot at oes Into bal ls_ Flatten
balls Into ci rcles.
Layer over stu ffi ng un til the en t ire surfa ce is
Use wet f ingert ips to smooth the surface.
Mix egg Wi th allspice and brush over lhe
potat oes, then sprinkle dried b read crumbs
on top.
Bake i n preheated oven (475) for 20
Broil f or 5 minutes un t il golden brown.
Serve hot
Energy (Cal) 20S
Cholesterol (mg) 36
Fat (g) 7
Carbohydrate (9) 19
Protein (g) 17
Fiber (g) 6
RICh in vitamins 86, 812, and C
Contains Iycopene (pp.126-133),
( \
\ )
; (
l"rv<,,' 5 >[1 time 1 5 m i n cook"'9 (Ime 9 0 f'Hn
2 pounds eggplant s
2 servings Cooked Ground Beef (p .9)
3 t a b les p oons p ine nut s, t oast e d (p. 13)
1 14.S-ounce can d iced t omat oes
2 cups wa t e r
1 p i nch white pepper
1 teas poon sal t
1 pinch d rie d mint
" J l'
e j y f.- e are
1 "
, p
her. I
Put eggplants in a nonst ick 13x9 inch b akmg
dish in preheated oven (475) for 1 hour
Turn every 15 mi nu t es for even cooking
Cut an opening i n each eggpl ant and f il l
with g round beef and pme nut s
Put back In baking d i sh and cover wi th
tomat oes.
MIX remai ni ng mgredl ents, pour over
egg pla nts and cove r ba king di s h wi t h
al uminum foi l.
Cook over l ow hea t for 30 mi nu tes or unt il
mi xt ure th ickens.
Serve hot wi t h Cooked Ri ce (p . 72)
Note_ To prepare Ablama (meat-st uffed
zucchrnrs), substitute eggplants wr th zucchinis
S f ' t ~ e s 4 preparation time 5 min cooking time 1 5 min
t a blespoon vegetable oil
medium onion, finely chopped
serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
serving Cilantro and Garlic (p.10)
teaspoon salt
1/ 4 teaspoon white pepper
1/ 4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/ 4 teaspoon black pepper
, pound frozen chopped spinach
1 cup water
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted (p.13)
4 tabl e spoons lemon juice
In a large pot, heat oil, add onions, and
stir-fry until lightly browned.
Add Cooked Ground Beef, Cilant ro and
Garlic, and seasonings, stirring constantly.
Add spinach and water.
Stir and b ring to a bod.
Add remaining ingredients.
Cover and cook over low heat for 15 more
minutes or until mixture thickens.
Add more l emon Juice, If desired, and salt to
Serve hOI with Cooked Rice (p.72).
Energy (Cal) 190
Cholesterol (mg) 22
Fat (9) 9
Carbohydrate (9) 13
Protein (9) 14
Fiber (9) 6 Rich i n folate and vitamins A, B6, B12, and C.
Contains carot enoids and lutein (pp.126-133).
r /\
{ 4 pHparill n t,",e 2 0 IT n c o\" 1 9 III e 4 0 m r
1 pound kafta meat
1 green bell pepper, sliced In rounds
2 onions, sliced in rounds
4 po tat oes, thinly sliced in rounds
3 tomatoes, sliced in rounds
1 quar t water
2 tablespoons tomato paste
7/8 cup tomato sauce
1 te.;lspoon salt
1/2 t easpoon allspice
, teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon basil
Radishes , as garnish
Divide kafta into patties (ltke hamburger),
Broil for 30 minutes, 15 minutes each SIde
Add green pepper, on.ons, potatoes, and
In a large bowl. mix rema i ning Ingredients.
Pour over kafta, cover with aluminum fod
Cook in oven (475') for 40 minutes or untd
potatoes soften
Serve hot. garnished with radishes
Energy (Cal) 380
Cholesterol (mgJ 75
Fat (9) 8
Carbohydrate (g) 45
Protein (g) 32
F,ber (9) 7
Rich in potassium, zinc, and vIt amins 83, 86, 812, C, and E
Contains Iycopene (pp. 126-133).
Energy (Cal)
Cbolesterol (mg)
Fat (9)
Carbohydrate (g)
Protein (9)
Flbter (9)
Rich in Vitamins B3, B6, and 812.
Contalrs Iycopene (pp.126-133).
serves 5 f,reparal,on t,me 1 5 min cooking lime 50 min
1 pound kafta meat
tabl espoon vegetable oil
1 large onion, fine ly chopped
2 gar lic cloves, cr ushed (p.ll )
1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 cup water
1/ 4 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon salt
1 pinch dried mint
pinch oregano
p - ,
Divide kafta meat in to 20 small balls.
Put on a nonstick ri mmed baking sheet 111
preheated oven (475) for 30 minut es.
Flip meatballs every 10 mi nut es for even
cooking. Remove and set aside
In a large pot , heat oil, add onions, and
st ir-fry until lightl y browned
Add garl i c and stIr-fry for 2 more minutes.
Add tomatoes and kafta; stir- fry for 3 more
mi nutes.
Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a bod
Cover and cook over low heat for 20 more
minutes or unt i l mi xture th lcke"ns.
Serve hot with Cooked Rice (p"l2).
h ... un '.31{ (. '/I
f' f I I I
If "
NUTRIT IONAL VALUE PE R SERVING Rich in calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin B12 (pp.12b--133)
Energy (Cal) 285
Cholesterol (mg) 25
Fat (g) 6
Carbohydrate (9) 37
Protein (9)
Fiber (g)
1 [
~ e \o'es 5 I"epa, , 11 01 ("'Ie 30 min co ~ k l n g IIIne 6 0 min
1 cup all -purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/ 4 cup water
7 ounces kafta meat
Labanyieh (Yogur t Soup)
1 cup water
4 cups fat -free plain yogurt
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teas poon tahini paste
1 pinch white pepper
teaspoon salt
112 servi ng Cilantro and Garlic (p.l 0)
Knead flour, salt, and 0.1 with fingertips, unt .1
mixture becomes crumbly Add water
gradually while kneading well, until mixture
becomes a dough.
Cover with a clean ki t chen towel and leave
for 1/2 hour.
Roll dough and divide mto 50 small circles
using a 2-lnch cutter.
To make lortel ' mis, divide kaft a into 50 equal
Place each kafta ball on the cer'ter of a
dough circle Fold 1 side over the other to
make a half moon shape, scaling the filling in
the dough.
Wrap the shape around index finger and
press the two ends together
Arrange on baking sheet and put In
preheated oven (475). Turn occasional ly until
lightly browned, about 20 30 mi nutes.
Remove and set aside.
In a large pot, mix yogurt soup ingredients,
Cook over medium heat stirring constantly
Bnng to a boil
Add tort ellims and StH for 1 more minute
Serve hot wi th Cooked Rice (p.72)
( r (
Chicken is a vital source of complete proteins. minerals
(such as Iron, zinc. and selenium). and vitamins B1. B2,
83.86. and 812 (pp.126-133).
Fats are concentrated In the chicken's skin and under it.
therefore, use skinless poultry and choose chicken
breasts instead of the whole chicken. By remOvll1g the
skin, you can cut the fat content In half Cholesterol IS
in both the lean tissue and the fat in chicken.
Look (or qual i ty in fresh poultry chicken thilt has
creamy white to yellow skin and IS free of bruises. tmy
feathers, and torn or dry skin. Check for dates on food
Besides being a good source of protein, f,sf IS low in
saturated fat It also contains Omega-3 fatty aCids,
which offer pot en t ial heart-health benefits by reducing
cholesterol and fat level s In the blood. Choose dark
colored fish such as salmon and tuna, since they are
richer In fish oil than light-colored fish.
Always buy fish from a reputable source Seafood
should be displayed with food safety In mind properly
iced, well refr i gerated. and 111 clean displdY cases To
save time, use properly labeled frozen fish fillets, Since
the nutritional value doesn't decrease with freezing,
especially If frozen while fresh.
1 pound skinless chicken breasts
1 t easpoon sal t
1/4 teaspoon allspice
3 t ablespoons red-wine or grape vi negar
3 tablespoons vegetabl e oil
5 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
112 cup lemon juice
1/2 serving Ci l antro and Garlic (p.l 0)
, tablespoon olive oil
Mix chicken with salt, allspice, vinegar, and
vegetable oil.
Put in a baking dish and cover with aluminum
foil. Marinate for 1 hour In the fridge,
Cook in preheated oven (475) for 30
Remove aluminum foil and cook until chicken
IS golden brown.
Mix remaining Ingredients; pour over
Cook for 5 more minutes.
Serve hot with Hummus Be Tahini (p 42) or
baked potatoes.
Energy (Cal) 320
Cholesterol (mg) 96
Fat (9) 15
C<HL('hydrale (g) 7
Prote In (9) 39
Fiber (9)
Rich in vitamins B3, 86, and C
Contains allylic sulfite and carotene (pp.12b-133)
serves 8 ~ , r e p a r a t CI" 15 ml' 0,1"'1'9 \,I""'e 3 0 mi.'
1 serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 1/2 cups long-grain rice, soaked in water
for 1/ 2 hour
3 cups chicken broth (p.l3)
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 cups water
3 cups boiled chickpeas (p.12)
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
1/2 teaspoon salt
Yogu rt Sa uce
4 cups fat -free plain yogurt
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.ll )
1 teaspoon tahini
1 teaspoon dried mint
1 teaspoon salt
1 pound ski nless chicken breast,
boiled (p.13) and shredded
1 medium loaf pi t a bread, toasted and cut
int o small squares
1 t ablespoon pine nuts, toasted (p.' 3)
Put ground beef In a large pot over high
Drain rice and add to !lleat, stll fry f<1I 2
Add chicken broth With seasonlllgs <lnd mix
well Bring to a boil.
Cover ar1d cook over low I,eat for 30 minutes
wi thout st irr i ng.
To prepare the chickpeas, bring W<ltf'! to <l
boil in another deep pot
Add chi ckoeas, garlIC, and salt and cook
over low heat until tender. Set aSide
In a separate bowl, mi x yogurt sauce
rngredients. Set aside
Put hot rice in serving plate Garnish with
hot chicken and chickpeas.
Cover wlt l bread and yogurt sauce
Spnnkle toasted pine nuts over all
Energy (Cal) 450
Cholesterol (mg) 50
Fa t (8) 5
Ca ruohydra t e (9) 67
Protern (9) 35
Fiber (g) 2
Rich in fiber, folate, magneSium, phosphorus, ll[1C, and
vi tamins B3, 86, and 812
Contains isoil avone (I -'P, 12&- 133).
NUTRITIONAL VALUE PER SERVING Rich in vitamins A, 63, 66, and C.
Contains and isoflavone (pp.126-133)
Energy (Cal) 230
Cholesterol (mg) 130
Fat (g) 4
Carbohydrate (g) 9
Protein (g) 40
Fiber (9) 2
S ~ 6 ~ - r e p a r lion lime 2S min cooking I,me 6 0 min
Chi cken Dou gh
1 medium on i on
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon sal t
1/2 teaspoon whit e pepper
1/ 4 teaspoon red pepper
1/2 teaspoon cumin
112 teaspoon dried ci lantro
2 pounds ski nless chicken breast , cu t
into 5 pi eces
1 egg
1/2 bunch parsley leaves
1/2 cup carrot, sliced
2 tabl espoons pistachios
Bouquet (p.8)
rosemary sp ri g
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/ 4 cup water
In a food processor, blend onion and garhc
wi t h seasonings. Gradually add chicken
pieces until welt blended
Add egg and parsley; mix constantly untd
the mixture becomes a dough Add water I'
Divide dough into 2 equal parts.
Roll out first por t ion With a wooden rolling
pi n Into a 6x6-lnch piece.
Sprinkle half the quanti ty of carrots and
pist achios over dough Fold over and t Ightly
seal the edges with wet fingertips.
Repeat for the second piece of dough
In a large nonstick pan light l y greased Wi t I.
ad, gently cook chicken loaves, turning them
constantly untd Sides are browned Cover
With wa ter
Wrap and t ie contents of Bouquet In
cheesecloth, then add to pan along With
rosemary. Bri ng to a bal l
Cover and cook over l ow heat for 30 more
Remove Bouquet and rosemary and set
chicken broth aside In a bowl
Cut each chicken loaf into equal slices_
Di ssolve cornst arch In 1/4 cup of water.
Add to chi cken broth; st ir over low heat uni t!
mixture starts to thicken
Add chicken slices Bnng t o a boi l.
Serve hot with Mashed Pota toes (p.70)
Er.ergy (Cal) 540
Cholesterol (rng) 72
Fat (9) 6
Carbohydrate 191
Plotem (9) 43
Fiber (9) 6
Rich in fi ber. folate. and vitamins B3 and 86
Contains allylic sulfite and Isollavone (pp.126-133).
lervE' 8 preparation l ,me 15 min cook 119 lime 6 0 min
2 quarts chicken brot h (p.13)
2 pounds frozen moughrabieh
1 teaspoon salt
2 t e aspoons allspice
2 t easpoons cumin
2 teaspoons caraway
2 t e aspoons g round cinnamon
2 cups cooked chickpeas (p . 12)
1 tablespoon vegetabl e oi l
20 pearl onions
2 cups chicken broth (p.13)
2 p ounds skinless chicken breast , boiled
(p . 13) and shredded
In a large pot. b n ng chicken broth to a bod
Add moughrabieh and season i ngs. Stir and
bod again.
Cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes
or unt il tender, st lrrmg occasionally.
Add cooked chickpeas, cover and cook over
low heat for 10 more mmutes
Dram mIx t ure, reserving liquid for later use
Put drained moughrabieh and chi ckpeas In a
large serving dish. Keep WiHm while you
p repare the sauce.
To make the sauce, heat od in a large pan,
add onions and st ir fry un til light l y browned
Onions should remain whole
Add chicken broth and moughrableh liquid
Bring to a bod
Cover and cook over l ow heat for 15 minutes
or until sauce t hi ckens
Remove oni ons and 1 cup sauce, add to
moughrabieh and chickp eas, and mix sl owly
until evenly distribut ed.
Add chicken to remaining sauce in pan
Bnng to a boi l
Remove ch icken and pl ace on moughrabieh
mixt ure
Add sauce accordi ng to taste
Serve hot
NUTRITIONAL VALUE PER SERVI NG Rich in llnc and vitaminS 83, B6, dnd B12 ( p ~ 126-133)
Enelg)' (Cal) 390
Cholf1 II lof (ll1g) 16
Fat (g) 6
Calbobyd,<H (g)
ProleH1 (g)
Fiber (9) 2
e,ve5 5 prepa r ation t me 15 m ro cocking limE' 30 min
serving Cooked Ground Beef (p.9)
1 112 cups long-g rain rice. soaked in water
for 1/ 2 hour
3 cups chicken broth (p. 13)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon allspice
1/ 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups chicken broth (p.13)
1 tablespoon all -pur pose flou r
1 teaspoon sa lt
1 teaspoon a llspice
teaspoon ground cinnamon
pound skinless chicken breasts,
boiled (p.l3) and sh redded
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted (p.l3)
Put ground beef In a large pot over high
Dram rice and add to meat , stir for 2
Add chicken broth and seasonings.
Bring to a boi l
St i r; cover and cook over low heat for
30 more minu t es, wIthout st i rring.
Put r ice on a servmg plate
In a separate pot. mi x sauce Ingredi ents and
cook over low heat. stirring constantly until
mixtu re starts to thicken.
Add chicken and bring to a bOil
Remove chicken and put on rice.
Garnish wi t h pine nuts.
Add sauce according to taste
Serve hot with salad or plain yogurt
er' e' 5 prepdrallon 2 0 min cooling lIme 45 mIn
Jew's Mal low St ew
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 onions, finely chopped
1 1/2 quarts chicken broth (p.13)
1 teaspoon sa It
1 pinch white pepper
112 teaspoon dried cilant ro
3 pounds canned chopped Jew's mallow
1 serving Cilantro and Garlic (p.1 0)
1/2 cup lemon juice
large loaf pita bread, toasted
cup red-wine or grape vinegar
1 pound skinless chicken breast,
boiled (p.13) and shredded
Cooked Rice (p.72)
In a large pot, heat oil, add 1 chopped
onion, and stir fry unt i l lightly browned
Add chicken broth and seasonings.
MIx and bring to a boil
Dram Jew's mallow well and add mallow to
chicken broth wi th Cilantro and Garlic
Stir and bring to a boil again.
Cover pan and cook over low heat for 20
minutes. Add lemon Juice and cook for 5
more minutes Set aSide
Make Cooked Rice, without vermicelli
Cut bread Into small squares
In a small bowl. mix remaini ng onions and
vinegar. Set aside.
Put hot rice In a serving dish, add hot
Cover with hot stew.
Garnish With bread and onion mixture
Ene'9Y (Cal) 350
Cholesterol Imgl 60
Fat (9) 5
Carbohyd,ate (9) 43
P'ote'fl (9) 33
Fd '"" (9) 7 Rich in fi ber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamms A, B3, 86, C. and E.
Contains carotenlods (pp_126-133)_
serves 8 preparation t,me 30 min cooking time 1 0 min
White Sauce
1 1/ 2 quarts ch i cken brot h (p. 13)
10 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
6 tablespoons corns t arch
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1 pinch nutmeg
pound tagliat elle
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
pound skinless chicken breast,
boiled (p.13) and shredded
1/ 2 cup mozzarel la cheese, grated
e 01
'jc. I e l' 11 l , 1
t e j or 1( t LI, r: 1
k n ,II
k e e JS Y 1 rt t
In a saucep an, mi x whi t e sauce Ingredi ents,
Cook over low hea t , stir constantly until
sauce sta rt s to thicken.
In a sep arate large pot, cook tagliat elle in
boil i ng wat er.
Drai n past a and di vi de in t o 2 equal portions.
Pu t fi rst p o r t i o n i n a l arge casserol e dish
Cover with hal f the white sauce
Add chicken and mushrooms; mi x well
Add rema i ni ng tag llatelle and sauce.
MIX again.
Cover with grat ed cheese.
Bake In preheat ed oven (475) for 20
mi nu tes.
Bro il for 5 minu t es until cheese is golden
b rown.
Serve hot.
Energ)' (Cal) 430
Choleste rol (mg) 120
F,lt (g) 10
Carbchydrdte (9) 55
PrOle<n (9) 30
FIber (9) 3 Rich in vi tamIns 83, 86, and 812 (PP 126-133)
serves 5 preparation time 15 min cooking time 35 min
, tablespoon vegetable oil
, pound chicken drumsticks
2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed (p.l1)
1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes
6 medium potatoes, diced
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1;2 teaspoon allspice
1; 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
In a l arge pot , heat 011, add chicken, and
stir-fry until sides are light ly golden.
Remove and set aSide.
I n the same pot, add onions and stlrfry until
lightly browned.
Add garl ic and stir fry for 2 more minutes
Add tomatoes; cook until t ender
Add remaining ingredients, plus ch icken
Cook over high heat
Bring to a boil; stir well and cover pot.
Cook over low heat for 30 minutes or until
mixture thickens and pot atoes are tender.
Serve hot with Cooked Rice (p.72)
EnfHgy (Col) 360
Chc.>ie:.terol (mg) 77
Fal (9) 7
Ca.b<;.hydrctle (9) 51
Pr<;'It'u, (9)
F,t)(H (9)
3 Rich In potassium and vllam,ns 83. 86, and C.
Contains Iycopene and phenolic acids (pp 126-133)
,;erves 3 f reparation t,me 5 min soaking time 6 0 mil' cooking lime 2 0 min
, pound chicken liver
2 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons red -wine or grape vi negar
, tablespoon yellow must ard
1/2 teasp oon salt
1 pinch whi t e pepper
pinch allspice
tablespoon vegetable oi l
5 garlic cloves, cr ushed (p." )
2 tablespoons lemon jui ce
1 pinch par sley leaves
Trim vis ible fat from chicken liver.
M,x soy sauce with vinegar, mustard, and
seasonings Add chicken liver_
Mannat e In the fridge for 1 hour
Drain and keep sauce lor later use.
In a large pan, heat oil, add chicken liver
and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
Gradually add sauce, stirring slowly until all
liquid evaporates and liver is no longer pink
Inside. Add garlic and lemon Juice.
Cover pan and cook for 1 more minute
Garnish with parsley.
Serve hot with spaghetti or fned potatoes_
Note: You can substitute chicken breast or beef
steak for the chicken liver, if deSired.
hergy (C I) 260
CI Il!steroJ (mg) 728
Carl hydrate (g) 10
Predell" (9) 31
F Ih('r (g) 0
High i n cholesterol, but also very ri ch In folate and vitamins A, B3,
86, B 12, C, and K (pp. 126- 133J
Energy (Cal) 330
Cholesterol (mg)
F<:Jt (g) 17
Carbohydrate (g) 12
Protein (g) 43
Fiber (g) 2
serves 3 preparation tllT'e 5 min cooking trme 4 0 11'1[\
10 garlic cloves, crushed (p.11 )
1 tablespoon red-wine or grape vinegar
1/2 cup fat -free plain yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
tablespoon tomato paste
teaspoon allspice
teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon red pepper
1 pi nch oregano
cup mushrooms, sliced
pound skinless chicken breast, diced
In a bowl, mix all dressing ingredients well
Add mushrooms and chicken and mi x well
Place In a nonstick baking dish
Cover with aluminum foi l and cook In
preheated oven (475C) for 1 hour.
Turn every 20 minutes for even cooking.
Serve hot with Hummus Be Tahlnl (p.42)
and salad.
Energy (Cal)
Fat IgI
Carbehydrate {gl
Pretei,. (g)
F,ber (g)
n t,P'le 5 P'llf' co kirlg tlP'le 30 "",n
1 pound fish f i llet
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1 lemon, sl iced in rounds
Brush fi sh fillet wi th oil.
Sprinkl e with sa l t and whi te pepper
Add lemon slices and wrap with
aluminum foi l.
Bake In preheated oven (47sn)
for 30 minutes
Serve hot With baked potatoes
SP'"f>5 5 p,er);,H3Iion time 3 0 mIn cooking time 60 min
Fi sh Sauce
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 medium onions, thinly sliced
3/4 ounces fish
t easpoon cumin
teaspoon caraway
teaspoon ground cinnamon
t easpoon salt
2 bay leaves
2 cinnamon sticks
1/ 2 lemon
6 cups water
1/ 2 cups long-grain rice. soaked in water
for 1/2 hour
tablespoon cornstarch
1/ 4 cup wat er
2 pounds fish fillet, baked (p.119)
3 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted (p.13)
In a deep pot, heat oil, add onions and
stir-fry until fully brown and crispy.
Remove half the onions and set aside for
later use.
Add uncooked fish to onions in pot and stir-
fry for 3 minu tes
Add seasonings, lemon, and water.
Bring to a boil.
Cover and cook over low heat for 30 more
minutes. Drain mixture, reserving only the
I n a large pot, stir-fry drained rice for 2
minutes. Add 3 cups of the hot l iquid from
previous step.
Cover and cook over low heat for 30 more
minutes. Rice should be brown in color.
Dissolve cornstarch in water.
Add to remaining liquid and stir over low
heat until sauce starts to thicken.
Put rice on a serving plate. add baked fish
and some sauce.
Garni sh with pine nuts and remaining onions
Serve hot, Wi th salt and lemon Ju!ce If
deSi red
((.11) 510
CI It "I
I (n gl 96
F t
Cafb I ydl (gl
Pn" "
F-.b f
R,th" B.i, B6" nd ell
c< ('ta,ns Orneoa 3 fatly a d1; WI1176-1331
fo, ... es 5 prepardtlol1 t me 2 0 min
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 med ium onion, thinly sliced
1/2 cup carrot, finely chopped
112 cup red bell pepper, finely chopped
1/ 2 cup g reen bell pepper, finely chopped
1 tomato, f i nely chopped
1/2 serving Cilantro and Ga rl ic (p. , 0)
4 tablespoons tahini
4 tablespoo ns lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/ 4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 teaspoon red pepper
1 cup water
2 p ounds fish f i l let, baked (p.119)
1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted (p . l3)
1 pinch fresh cil antro
In a large pan, heat oi l, add onions, and
st ir-fry until l ightly browned
Add carrots and red and green bell peppers;
st 'r-fry until tender.
Add tomato and Cilantro and Garl,c and stlr-
fry for 5 more mmutes.
In a separate bowl. mi x remaining sauce
ingredient s, then add to vegetabl es, stirring
const ant ly_ Bring to a boil
Cook over low heat for 3 more minut es,
stirring constantly.
Put hot fish on a serving plate
Add sauce
Garnish With pine nuts and cilantro.
Add salt and lemon Jui ce If desired.
Serve hot
Enft'IY ((..1) liD
Cnole!.INO (mq) 96
F 1(9)
C .. r ~ onydrale (9) 16
PrOle,n q) 42
Ftbt>r (q) 3
RICh ,n vitam,,,!> A, 63, 66, B 12, C, and K
Conta,ns Omega3 fatty aCids (pp 126 133)
E nerfly (Cal) 310
Cholesterol (mg) 76
Fill (g) 10
C.Hb()hydrale (g) 8
Proleln (g) 47
fiber ,g) 2
Rich In phosphorus and \iltamms A, 63. 66, 612, <lnd D_
Cort<lins carotenoids and Omega-3 fatty aCIds (pp 126-133)
. ervp 5 rreparatlon trine 1 0 min cooking l imE:' 30 1"111
7 ounces salmon, cut into 5 slices
tablespoon vegetable oi l
teaspoon salt
teaspoon white pepper
leek, thinly sliced
cup celery, thinly sliced
2 carrots, thinly sliced
Brush fish with oil, then sprtnkle with salt
and while pepper.
Wrap In al uminum foil with vegetables.
Cook in preheat ed oven (475) for 30
Remove aluminum fori
Serve hOl wi t h lemon Juice and baked
Calories are unIts of energy. The term "calorie" describes both the amount of energy in food and the amount
of energy the body uses. The body's need for energy never stops.
Three nutnents - carbohydrate, fat. and protein - as well as alcohol supply energy, measured in calories, !n food.
Source of Energy
Calories per gram
These nutrients are released from food during digestion, then absorbed in the bloodstream and converted to
glucose, or blood sugar, after a long process in the digest ive system. This energy is used to perform all bodily
functions, both involuntary (mental effort, breathing, digestion, vision) and voluntary (walking, athlet ics).
Age, sex, basal metabolic rate, body size, physical condit ion, and act ivity level all contribute to how much
energy an individual needs. Healthy individuals need between 1,800 and 3,000 calories.
- 1,800 calories is about rig ht for many sedentary women and some older adults. Young chil dren need a variety
of foods, but may need fewer than 1 ,BOO calories.
- 2,200 calones meets the needs of most children, teenage girls, act ive women, and many sedentary men.
Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding may need more.
- 2,BOO calories IS about nght for teenage boys, many act ive men, and some very active women.
The numbers g iven in the nutritional value sect ions of each recipe are approximate calculated values of energy
per serving.
Protein supplies amino acids, which are the building blocks that build, repair, and maintain body tissues.
As a nutnent, protein performs many functions. It is a part of every cell in the body and a constant supply IS
necessary to repair cells as they wear out. During times of gro......-th - infancy, childhood, adolescence, and
pregnancy - the body needs protein to make new body tissues.
Protein also helps regulate body processes. As enzymes and hormones, proteins make various chemical
react ions happen. As antibodies, they protect you from disease-carrying bacteria and viruses.
Protein also supplies your body with energy if you don't consume enough from carbohydrates and fat.
Otherwise, protein can be saved for its unique funct ion: to bUIld and repair body t issue. When you consume
more protein than you need, it's broken down and stored as body fat, not as a reserve supply of protein.
15% of one's dail y energy intake should come from protein, around 70 grams per 2,000 calories.
Fats in food have a number of nutritional functions. They serve as a concentrated source of energy and a source of
essential fatty acids. They act as carriers of fat -soluble vitamins - A, 0 , E, and K - and affect the palatabili ty of foods.
Body fat. also known as adipose tissues, is where extra energy is stored. It also serves to protect the body from injury and
to provide insulation from cold weather.
Fats are of several types:
Saturated fats, which are firm at room temperature, include butter, coconut oil, and palm oil and are also found in red
meats and chicken. They are genera!ly unhealthy because they increase the cholesterol level in the blood, even if they are
cholesterol free.
Unsaturated fats, which include oils derived from canola, olives, corn, sunflowers, and rape seeds, are generall y healthy;
they increase the good cholesterol (HoL) in the blood, and sl ightly decrease the bad cholesterol (LoL).
a Omega-3 fatty acids - polyunsaturated fatty acids of a somewhat different structure - are found mostly in seafood,
especially higher-fat, cold-water varieties such as mackerel. albacore tunCl, salmon, sardines, and lake trout. Both soybean
oil and canola oil supply some Omega-3s, too. Some research, although inconclusive, suggests that Omega-3s may help
prevent blood platelets from clotting and sticking to artery walls. and so may help lower the risk for blocked blood vessels
and heart attacks . Omega-3s may also help prevent arteries from hardening.
a Hydrogenated fats are unsaturated fats that are processed (by adding hydrogen molecules) to make them stable and
solid at room temperature. Through processing the fat is made more saturated and is called trans-fatty acids. It becomes
more harmful, increasing LoL and decreasing HoL.
25- 30% of daily energy intake should be from fats, around 60-65 grams per 2000 calories. Choose polyunsaturated over
hydrogenated or trans-fatty acids.
Cholesterol is a fat -like substance, but it is not a fat itself and does not have any calories. Cholesterol is only found in
foods of animal origin and has a different structure from fat. It has several necessary functions in the body, such as
creating cells, especially nerve and brai n cells. However, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream is linked to heart
The cholesterol that circulates in your body comes from two sources:
Foods and beverages of animal origin, such as eggs, meat, chicken, fish, and dairy products. Foods derived from plants
do not contain cholesterol, but still may increase cholesterol levels. For example, coconut oil is cholesterol free because it
is made from a plant, but It is still rich in saturated fats, which increase blood cholesterol.
The li ver and most of the tissues in the human body can make cholesterol to satisfy their needs. Therefore, high blood
cholesterol can be the result of internal production and not necessarily from food.
Daily food intake should provide less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol.
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, powering everything from jogging to breathing to digesting food.
Glucose, known as blood sugar, is the main form of carbohydrate used for energy in the body, especially the brain.
Carbohydrates are classified int o two groups:
a Simple carbohydrates, highly absorbable and easy to digest, are found in white sugar, fruit juice. sweets; they are usualJy
call ed "empty calories" because they provide energy and no nutrients.
a Complex carbohydrates are slow to be digested and absorbed, and are made up from many sugar units; examples are
pasta, potatoes, rice, beans. They are usually nut rient dense, supplying vitamins, minerals. and fiber.
55% of daily energy intake. or around 270 grams per 2000 calories. should come from carbohydrates. mostly complex
The term fiber refers to the complex carbohydrates in fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes that can' t be broken
down by human digestive enzymes and therefore are calorie free. Meat and dairy products do not contain fiber.
There are two basic types of fi ber:
Soluble fiber is found in grains and some frui ts and vegetables. It may help reduce blood cholesterol levels, thereby
reducing the risk of heart disease and may also help control t he rise in blood-sugar levels following a meal, which is
important for people with diabet es.
Insoluble fiber is found in fruit and vegetable skins, nuts, and grains, especially wheat. It creates a feeling of fullness and
adds bulk to the contents of the colon and relief from constipation. It may decrease the risk of colon and rectal cancers.
15 minerals have been identified as nutrit ionally necessary; a part of every body tissue, they are essent ial to life. Minerals
help chemical react ions take place in the body and provide structure in the form of bones and teeth. The human body
cannot produce them. They are calorie free and make up only about 4% of body weight .
The "major" minerals include those we need the most: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chloride, potassium, and sodium,
These last three are called electrolytes; together they help regulate fluid in the body and transmit nerve or electrical impulses.
The "trace" minerals include chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and ZIOC.
Major M i ner als
F, ld Dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, fish With edible bones, legumes. seeds, and nuts.
Fur tl( n
The most abundant mmeralm the body, especially In bones and teeth.
Helps muscle movement and regulates heartbeat
Plays an important role in the function of nerves.
Helps blood to coagulate.
r d S( urce< Milk, meat, poul try, fiSh, eggs, legumes, nuts, bread and baked foods
Functl( no;;
A major component of bones and teeth,
Helps produce energy in the body.
Plays a Vital role In regulating energy in the organs.
A component of DNA and RNA.
r d Sc .... rcf's Legumes, nuts, whole grains, and green vegetables.
r ,I I, n<
An Important part of 300 enzymes that regulate body functions.
Produces energy, builds proteins, and helps in muscle contracti ons.
Maintains nerve and muscle cells.
Fights sleep disorders, depression, and fatigue.
Plays an import ant role in maintaining teeth and bones.
Major Minerals: Elect r o lytes
F d S( " s Table salt.
Fun 'tiP!"'
Helps regulate fluids Inside and outside body cells.
A component of stomach acid, which he lps digest food and absorb nutrients_
Helps transmit nerve impulses.
, F
F{ l rl Sources: Apricots, avocados. bananas, cantaloupe, grapefrui t, kiwi, oranges, strawberries. tomatoes, potatoes, dried
fruil, fresh meat, poultry, and fish.
Helps regulate fluids and mineral balance inside and outside body cell s.
Helps maintain normal blood pressure.
Helps ir' the transmission of nerve signals.
Helps in muscle movement.
F( dS(Uf<'
About 75% of the sodium we eat is from processed foods; the remai ning 25% comes from table salt A small amount occurs
naturally In food.
Furl" lion'
Helps regulate fluids and mineral balance inside and outside body cells.
Helps t ransmit nerve Impulses.
Regulates blood pressure.
Helps in muscle relaxation, including the heart.
Trace Minerals
Chromi um
F J Source Meat, whole grams, and nuts.
F,Jn _tIOI1
Works with insulin 10 help the body use glucose (blood sugar).
F ~ d S( W( i Organ meats, especially liver; seafood, nuts, and seeds
Fun "II )n
An essential component of enzymes.
Helps in creatmg hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body.
Helps In producing energy.
F, od Scurr
Fun(\1 In!
Fish with edible bones (such as canned salmon), and tea.
Stfengthens teeth and protects against cavi ti es.
Helps prevent osteoporosis.
Iodi ne
F, 0'. S(ILHCe Saltwater fish, fort ified table salt.
FUI 3ioll
Part of thyrOXin (thyroid hormone), which regulates the rate at which the body uses energy.
F. d S<)W Heme iron from animal sources, incl uding meat, liver, poultry, and salmon.
Nonheme iron from plant sources as spinach, chard. prune juice, dried apricots: legumes such as lentils, beans, soybeans, nuts.
HefT'e Iron is absorbed better than non-heme iron in the human body. Nonheme iron absorption can be enhanced by
consuming it with foods high in vitamin C
Form" hemoglobin m the red blood cells; hemoglobm carnes oxygen throughl'lut the body_
Fights memia, fat igue, and infectlons_
Sl Whole gram products, pineapple, kcde, strawbernes, and tea.
A component of many enzymes_
F d Milk, legumes, bread and grain products.
A comronent of many enzymes.
Works with IIboflavin to Incorporate Iron into hemoglobin fOI fed blood cells.
Seleni um
Seafood, her, kidney, gram products, and seeds.
Works as an antloxlddnt with vitamin E to protect cells from damage that may lead to cancer, heart disease, and other problems.
Aids In cell growt h
S Meal , liver, and seafood are the best SOt.<f ces; als('l whole-grain products such as wheat bran, legumes, c1nd
Essential for growth; a component of 70 different enzymes
Promutes cell reproduct ion, tissue growth and repair, and wound healing
Helps the body use carbohydrate, protein, and fat
13 vitamins have been identified as nutritionally necessary; they work with other nutrients t o hel p perform a variety of
functions. Vitamins are also called micronut rients because they are needed In only tiny amounts. The human body cannot
produce them. They are calorie-free.
Vitamms are divided into 2 groups: water soluble and fat soluble. The group name describes how they are carried in food
and transported in the body .
Fat-soluble vitamins include vi tamms A, D, E, and K .
Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the B-vitamins: thiamin (Bl ), riboflavin (B2), niacin, vitamin B6, folate,
vitamm B12, biotin, and pantothenic acid.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamm A
f d S, JlC S liver, fish 0 11, eggs, and milk.
Carotenoids are converted in the body to vitamin A Carotenoids are found In spinach, collards, kale. broccoli, carrots,
peaches, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and cantilloupes
Fl.! 1,01
Strengthens Vision, especially night vision.
Promotes the growth and health 01 all cells, tissues, bones, ilnd teeth
Protects ag.Jmst infection by keeping the skm and tissues healthy.
Protects against several diseases, especially cancer
, I I
Vitamin 0 (Calciferol)
F d S"ute Chet ,e, eggs, 50me fish (sardines and salmon), fortified milk. breaUast cereals, and margarine
Vitanllfl k lW IS the "sunshine vitarrHn
because the body can make it after expOSure to sl.nlighl or ultra .... iolet II9hls.
FUI)( ,uns:
Miltllt.W1S the ciliClllm-phosphc,rus exchange in the body.
In fOI!IlII<9 bones ;jnd teeth
Pre\it'nts os.tear: >r05
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vegetable oils, margarine, salad dressings. seeds, nuts. and wheat germ.
u' t
Works ;IS an antloxidar,\.
May help fJroteo against illnesses. including heart disease and some types of cancer.
Vitamin K
d 5,
F-un ion
Parsley. spinach, broccoli, dairy products, meat, eggs, and cereals.
Kteria produce some of the Vitamin K we need
Help' II' k.r II ling rroteins that encourage blood to clot
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
F' Citrus fruits, belries, melons, peppers. many green leafy vegetables, potatoes. and tomatoes
t ,
Helps In oeatlng ....... hch cOllneds ml>scles, bones, and tissues.
Heir-'S the llody IrOIl from plant sources of food
Prevents tissue ollid,zat lon, lowers the fisk of getting cancer and heart disease.
Helps forlO ,11ld rep<1If red blood cells, bones and other tissues, and helps keep capillary walls and blood vessels firm
hnpOltdllt lor healthy gums dnd to heal cuts and wounds.
Pre\"l;'nts IIlfertlOrl by keeping the Immune system healthy.
Vitamin 61 (Thiamin)
F \d $, Blt:-ad, lice, pasta, tortillas, fortified breakfast cereals, pork. liver. and other variety meat s.
Helps rt;-Ib product' energy from carbohydrates.
Build::. dnd ler-dlrs lIerve and muscle tissue.
Vitamin 62 (Riboflavin)
F d liver. kidney, dairy products, enriched bread. cereal, eggs, meat, green leafy vegetables, and nuts.
Helps i111 cells f:'loduce energy from proteins.
d tlyplophan (,In dmino acid) into niacin (vitamlfl 63).
hair and niliis.
Facilitates the function of the nervous system.
Vitamin 63 (Niacin)
SI'U Poult ry, f,sl , beef, peanul butter, and legumes.
Some \illan'lI 63 IS produced in the body from tryptophan (al. amino acid).
Hetps all rroduce energy from carbohydrates and fats
Helps function In the body
Maintains healthy skin_
Helps digestion.
Protects the nervous system.
Vitamin S6 (Pyridoxi ne)
F- Ir Chicken, fish, pork, liver, kidney, whole grains, nuts, and legumes_
Fllr lIen
Helps produce other body chemicals, such as insulin, hemoglobir1, and antibiotics, to fight infect ion.
Helps all cells produce energy from proteins
Helps In transporting amino acids.
Helps IfI creating vitamin 83_
Facilitates the function of the nervous system_
Folate (Folic Acid)
r, S, Ir Leafy vegetables, orange Juice, some fruits, legumes, liver, yeasted breads, wheat germ, bread, cereal, rice,
and pasta products.
F'Jn II< I
Plays an essential role IfI producmg DNA and RNA to make new cells.
Works with vitamin 812 to form hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Prevents heart disease.
Lowers risk of neural tube defects in newborns_
Vitamin 812
F --I S Meat, fish, poultry, eggs. milk, breakfast cereals, and some fortified foods_
F ,
Works wi th folate to make red blood cells_
Serves In every cell as a vital part of many chemicals_
Helps the body use fatty acids and some amino acids
Facili tates the function of the nervous system.
1 S, 1If{ Eggs. liver, yeasted breads. and cereals
F ~ I II
Helps ali body cells produce energy from protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
Pantothenic Acid
F .j Sr 1(1 Meat. poultry. fish, whole grain cereals, iegur', and milk.
, n
Helps ali body cells produce energy from protein. fats. and carbohydrates
Plants naturally produce these chemicals to protect themselves against vi ruses, bacteria. and fungi. They also provide
color, flavor, and scent. Recent scientifi c studies have proven that they coul d help in protecting humans against some
diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, as indicated below:
Allyli c Sulfite
I- r! S( ur((' Garlic and onions.
Helps in removing toxins that cause cancer.
8-Carotene (Seta-Carotene)
j SI Carrots. apricots, peaches, and zucchinis
Fur tl( I' Helps protect the Immune system.
F Dark green and orange-colored plants such as parsley, Jew's mallow, chicory, spInach, chard. etc.
If. t n Prevents toxic molecules from Invading and damaging cells.
An anti-inflammatory, which lowers the risk of some cancers
J e Turmeric, curry. mLostard, and saffron.
_, An at'lioxidanl that helps prevent heart disease ar,d cancer.
f S, ,f{t' Ginger
f t, An antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and cancer.
F' d ur Beans, peas, peanuts, and tofu.
F JII I( I May reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Isothiocyanates, Indoles
f' d Il - ~ Cabbage, broccoli, ka le, and cauliflower.
F (II( I Blocks carCinogens from damaging cells; interferes with the action of a precancerous form of estrogen,
F d S( Spinach.
F Reduces blindness in the elderly.
f Tomatoes. especially cooked. and kiwi.
Moy decrease the nsk of prostate cancer.
Omega 3 Fatty Adds
~ Fish 011. mackerel. salmon. and trout
F t, MdY decredse the risk of heart disease.
Phenoli c Acids
F d SC L1I ',f' Potato, apple, blueberry, cherry, orange, grapefruit, and coffee beans
Fur' tlU An antioxidant that may prevent some cancers.
F, ,I Lentils, blackeyed peas, Lava beans, and grape and apple juices
FUI'"tl(1 An ant ioxidant that may prevent some cancers.
d 5< Kale. mustard. horseradish. and corn .
' ,(\ An antioxidant that enhances immune funct ion and may pre ... ent some cancers
Al lspice, Bihar he lou
Artichoke, Ardichaouki
Asparagus, Halioun
Basi l, Habak
Basi l, dried, Habak yabes
Bay leaves, Warak ghar
Beef kafta, Kafta bakar
Beef steak, slices, Steak bakar sharaeh
Beef steak, sirloin, Steak folillet
Bel l pepper, green, Fleifleh khadra
Bel l pepper, red, Fleifleh hamra
Black lentils, Adas aswad
Black pepper, Bhar aswad
Bulgur, Burghol
Bulgur, coarse, Burghol khishen
Bulgur, fine, Burghol naem
Cabbage, Malloul
Caraway powder, Karawyah Boudra
Cardamom, Habbat al hal
Cardamom, crushed, Habb el hal madkuk
Cauliflower, Karnabit
Celery, Kralis
Chard, Salek
Chicken broth, Marak al dajaj
Chicken liver, Kasbet dajaj
Chickpeas, Hummus habb
Chicory, Hendbah
Cinnamon stick, Oud Kerfeh
Cinnamon, ground, Kerfeh naema
Ci lantro, Kezbara Tazaj ah
Ci lantro and garlic, Kezbara wa toum
Cilantro, dried, Kezbara yabisa
Corn, Doura
Cornstarch, Nashaa
Cracked wheat, Burghoi
Crystal salt, Maieh khishen
Cumin, Kammoun
Eggplant, Bazenjan
Fava beans, Fui
Flour, Tahin
Flour, white, Tahin abiad
Garlic bulb, Kouz toum
Garlic clove, Fass toum
Ginger, Zanjabeel tazaj
Jew's mallow, Mouloukhieh
Keshek, Keshek
Kidney beans, Fassoulieh
Kidney beans, red, Fassoulieh hamra
Kidney beans, white, Fassoulieh baida
Leek, Karrat
Lentil, Adas
Lima beans, Loubieh khadra
Marjoram, Mardakoush
Mastic, Messek
Meat, blended, Lahem madkouk
Meat, diced, Lahem ras as four
Meat, minced, Lahem mafroom
Mint, dried, Naanaa yabes
Mushroom, Feter
Mustard, yellow, Khardal as far
Nutmeg, Jouz el Vb
Okra, Bemiah
Parsley, Bakdouness
Pear, green, Bazella khadra
Pine nuts, Sanawbar
Pita bread. Khobez Arabi
Radish, FeJel
Raisins, yellow, dried, Zbeeb asfar
Red beans, Fassoulieh hamra
Red pepper, Bhar ahmar
Rice, long-grain, Roz amariki, tawil
Rice, short-grain, Roz massri, kassir
Rosemary stick, Eklil al jabal
Saffron, Zaafaran oroppi
Shrimp, Kraydess
Sumac, Sum mac
Tahlni, Tahini
Tomato paste, Robb al banadoura
Tomato sauce, Salsat al banadoura
Vermicelli, Shaayriah
Vinegar, red, Khall inab
Watercress, Baklah
White pepper, Bhar abiad
Zucchini, Kousa
1: )
AddS Be Hamad
Artichoke Stew 71 5 30 4 710 27 7 17 20 7
Baba Ghannut
42 15 15 3 205 14 16 4 2
Baked Fish Fi let 119 "" 5 30 3 15? 88 2 37
Baked Salmon 125 10 30 5 310 76 10 8 47 2
Balila 27 5 15 4 415 0 17 50 16 6
Burghol Be Dfin 62 , 5 30 5 445 22 8 67 26 16
Bulgur wi th Tomato 53 10 40 3 29() 6 51 8 11
100 +-
Chickel' and Cilantro 5 45 3 320 96 15 7 39 1
Chicken and Potato Stew 114 ~ 15 35 5 360 77 7 51 24 3
Chicken with Rice 109 15 30 5 395 76 6 50 35 2
Chicken Liver
116 +
5 20 3 260 728 11 10 31
Chicken Loaf 105 25 60 6 230 '30 4 9 40 2
Chicker. Soup 36 5 35 5 270 80 5 32 25 1
Cooked Rice 12 5 15 6 240 55 5 1
Dawood Basha 95 15 50 5 19() 54 8 9 20 1
Eggplant Salad 21 15 6 4 19() 14 14 7 2
rattet Dajaj
102 +
15 30 8 450 50 5 67 35 2
Faltel Hummus 44 10 ?O 5 500 4 7 80 30
Faltoush 18 25 5 225 14 21 4 3
Ful Mudammas 27 5 15 3 460 19 53 19 11
Green Bean Salad 22 5 15 5 210 14 17 4 7
Green Beans in Tomato Sauce 51 25 45 4 19() 4 32 6 1
Green Pea Stew 76 5 30 4 260 27 8 26 21 5
Hummus Be Tahini 42 5 15 5 330 18 32 10 8
Kaha and Potatoes 92 20 40 4 380 75 8 45 32 7
Kebbe in a Pan 85 30 50 8 390 60 12 45 2'1 11
Kebbe labanyieh 83 30 60 5 380 41 5 56 28 7
Keshek 35 5 10 4 375 45 11 50 19
Kidney Bean Salad 25 5 15 4 360 15 42 15 14
Kidney Bean Stew 78 10 30 6 350 18 5 49 ?7 14
Kidney Beans in Tomato Sauce 40 10 30 6 330 3 57 18 15
Laban Emma 75 10 15 5 225 26 6 19 23 1
Mashed Potatoes
Meatloaf with Eggs
M,'hshi Katel
M( Jdardara
M, Jglrableh
M( lJJadara
NOlJdl es
Okra Stew
Oven- Baked Omelet
Potato and Egg Salad
Roast Beef
Samkeh Harra
Sherkh el Mehsr.,
Shepherd's Pie
Shi sh Barak
Shish Taouk
Siyadel Samak
Spinach Stew
Stir-Fried Chicory with Onions
Stuffed ZucchiniS
White Spaghetti
Zucchini Omelet
31 ~ 10 W 6
70 10 30 4
, ~
67 20 40 5
SO ' 30 W 5
, ~
49 ~
5 45 4
107 , 15 W 8
52 ' 15 40 3
110 +-
20 45
47 10 W 4
112 +- 30 10
74 10 30 4
58 15 30
28 t
10 30
32 t-
10 30
6 8 ~
20 90
172 +-
20 30
65 ~
10 SO 5
89 15 90
86 +
20 50
97 +
30 W 5
118 +-
5 40 3
120 30 W
9O t-
5 15
55 '
30 15
80 '
30 W
16 ~
56 10 30 6
82 ' 5 30 5
325 4 55 17 18
200 43 7 3
280 185 18 6 73 1
47 7 13
330 8 52 12 15
540 72 6 79 43 6
280 5 45 14 13
3SO W 5 43 33 7
6 42 10 9
430 120 10 55 30 3
215 27 7 19 19 4
280 330
11 27 18 3
290 185
36 9 3
4 46
470 103 19 2'1 46 4
370 96
16 42 3 ,
510 96
48 3
205 36 I 19 17 6
3/0 51
57 16 5
285 25 6 37 21 1
330 97 12
12 43 2
510 96 12 57
'4 3
190 22 9 13 14 6
145 9 13 3 11
195 18 2 32 12 5
200 r 13 18 4 6
30 6 72 20 2
230 2'10
12 8 22
Ablilma zucchinis), 89
Be Hamod (sour vegetable and lento! soup), 30
Ar!kh"ke Stew, 71
Bab" GhannuJ. 42
Baked FIsh Follet , 119
Salmon, 125
Bil l d,.! (d"ckpeC) salad). 77
[,ear', See also legumes
Balila (chickpea salad), 27
S,,'gbol be Dfin (bulgu, wi t h meat and
chICkpeas), 62
Fatte! Hummus (chickpeas wit h yogur t ). 44
be Tahin, (chickpea dip). 42
lilva bl:'ans
Ful Mudammas [lava bean salad), n
Green Be.;!n Silled, 22
Greer, Bear, St ew, 51
Grf'en Beans In Toma to Sauce, 51
k,dney I,eans
"' ,dney Bean Salad. 75
Kidney Bean 51!;'w, 78
Kidney Bedns ,n Tomato Sauce, liD
bean soup!. 31
preparatl(Hl 01, 12
Artichoke Stew, 71
h", Dlin (bulgur With meat and
ch,d'peas). 62
C ... bed, 8
Cooked Gro ... nd. 9
O(lw00cl BClSh" I,eatballs ""lh t orl'il t o sa ... ce), 95
Green Pea Stew. 76
KClftCl and Potatoes. 97
Kebbe '" iI Pan. 85
Kel'he Labany,eh (kebbe In so ... p). 83
Keshek (tradit,ono:!l Lebanese SOI'p). 35
t ,dney Bean Stew. 78
Lahan Emmo (yog ... ,t so ... p w,th cubed beef ). 75
Me.ltlo<lf Wi th Eggs. 67
nutntlon<ll l nformat,on.61
prf'pa'ation of. 8-9
Roast Beef. 68
(sirloir' st eak stripS wit h tahln' sa ... ce). 65
She,kh el Mehshl (meatstuffed eggplants), 89
Shf-J.;herds PII'. 86
Sh,sh Barilk (kaf:il lort ellmlS In so ... p). 97
SJ.;,nilch Stew. 90
Stuffed Zucch,nls. 80
Z ... cchinl Omelet, 82
Boiled Chicken and Broth, 13
Boded Lf-q ... rnes. 1 '2
B""9hol be Dfin (b ... lg ... ' with meilt ilnd
chlckpeilsl. 62
b,19 ... r
Bulq ... , w,th Tomato, 53
Burghol be Ofin lbulg ... r with meat and
ch,e.kpeas), 62
Kpbl,e in a Pan, 85
t,eble (kebbe ,n sotJ pJ. 83
T .. bbo ... lf'l, 16
St ew 71
Boiled Chi de" and Brotl , 13
Chicken and C,l antro. 100
Chicken and Potato Slew, 114
Chicken Vollh RICe. 109
Chicken Liver. 116
Chicken Loa f 105
Chicken SotJp. 36
Fattet Dalai (chicken w'lh yog ... ,t sauce), 102
Mough'ilbieh (duck en wi th peashar,f'd dough). 107
Mouloukh,eh (Jew's mallo".' ste,'. wl!h ch,dpn). 110
No ... illes (chicken l aghalt'lie ""Ih cream sa ... ce). 117
Sh,sh Taouk (Medilerrnean d.;cken ... ts), 11B
Chicken and Cilant'o, 100
Cilantro af'd GarliC, 10
as i ngredIent , 71, 74, 83. 90. 100, 110
chickpeas See under beaf's
St ir fried Chico,y wllh O",O"'S, 55
Cooked Cubed Beef. 8
Cooked Gro ... nd Beef. 9
Cooked Rice. 72
as accompaniment. 12, 74. 75. 76, 89. 90. 95, 110
Crushed Garlic, 11
Dawood Basha (kaha meatballs w'lh tomato siluce) 95
Baba Ghann"'J, 42
Eggpl ant Salad, 21
Mo ... ssaka. 47
Mehshi Ka t el (meat less stuffed veg("tahJes). 30
St-eikh el Mehshl (meal-Sluffed eSj9plants). 89
Stuffed Eggplan:s 80
Meatloaf wi th Eggs, 67
Oven Baked Omelet. 58
and E99 Salad. 28
Zucchini Omelet. 82
lava beans. See under beans
Fallet Oaja/ (chicken with yog ... rt sauce). 102
Faltet Hummus (ct-Ickpeas WIth yogurt ), 44
Baked Fish Fillet. 119
Baked Salmon, 125
Samkeh (spICy fish With tahrn; s" ... c:e). 177
Slyad,el Samak (Lebanese fIsh stew). 120
Ful Mudamrnas (favil bear. s"lad). 27
Cdantro and Garhc, 10
as ingredient. 71 74.83,90. 100. 110
Crushed Garlic, 11
Green Bean Sillad, 22
Green Bean Stew, 51
Green Beans In Tomato Sauce 51
Green Pea Sl ew, 76
Hummus Be Tahin! 1;2
as accompaniment, 118
Jews mallow
Moulo ... khieh (Jew's mallo ..... st ew w,th chicken). 110
k,tflil ilnd POI<llOeS, 97
Kel,be 'n Pan, as
KeLbe LaL .. nYleh (kebbe In yogurt soup). 83
(I1;:1d'\lol'al Lebanc!.e soup), 35
kIdney Leans, See under beans
Laban Fml1'1O (yogurt soup "",Ih cubed beef), 75
leg""le5 See ,lisa bears, lentils
nutritIonal Inlonna\lon. 39
prepMcI\lon of (Boiled Legumes), 17
lemlls_ See also legumes
Ad .. s be H,)lnod vegetable and lentil soup), 30
1I,1oudilrdara (lentils wltn rice), 79
MouJadara {mashed le'1ll1sL 52
(lel'loi SOup ""'Ih pasta). 32
.. {rnl>t'd bear 31
Medllo,,1 l:g<Js, 67
Mehshl K.Jtel (rneilliess stuffed vegetilLlez), 50
WIth rice), 79
Mougnrd("eh (chlden ""'Ih pedshaped dough), 107
M()u)ad,"d {r"ilsred lel"ltisl. 52
(Jew's mallow 'Hew wilh chldell), 110
Nouilles (o:.hlden !ilyliatelle WIll- cream sauce), II?
Okra Slew, 74
Cvell-BafO:'d Omelet. 58
CI"den Soup. 36
No"oIles khlcke" Idglialelle WIth (:reaM sauce), 112
R"hta (lel"liI sO"P wilh pasta). 3'
ShIsh Bd",k (Lllta tortl:'lIip;s rn yoV",t soup). 97
Whitf, Spaghett',
P(''''I, 9",'eo
G'E'en Pea Stew, 76
p,"e nuls.
P,ne NlJIS. 13
Ch,den and PotdtO Stf'W, 114
i'afta .lPrJ Pot.!toes. 9'
Potdloes. 70
PotdlO and Eg9 Salad, 28
Cooked RI(.e. n
72, 74, 75, 76, 89, 90, 95, 110
WIll. Rice, 109
I\lolJd<lrc!-lra (lentIls WIt! rice), 49
R,sha (1"'''IJi ',OU[, I'IJlh p<lsla). 3'
Rr'as.1 BI:'t:!, 68
B<tj,la (chIckpea ?7
E9VI"lant S"L.ld, ?1
Ful MlIddnHllas (Ia\'a bear salad). 77
(,reen Beiln Salad, 7'
Kidney Be;;!n S"lad, ?5
<tnd E99 Salad, 28
T.Jl.bouleh, 16
5,IInkch (SpICY lis I. WIth tahlnl sauce). 122
Shaw .. ,f'l,' SlE'<lk witl' tilhin, sauce!. 65
SheIkh el lvIehshl (meal stuffed eg9pl<lntsl, 89
Pi!:', 86
Slush (k<t/tJ tort!:'lIrnls in yogurt so"p)' 97
Sh,sh (Medilerranean ch,cken culs), 118
Siyadiet Samak {Lebal1('se stew). 1?0
SOl.pS <lnd stews
AddS he Hamod (SOUl vegetdble ,,nd lentil $1 U[.), 10
ArtIchoke Stew, 71
Ca"lillower Stew, 71
C!o,eken and POtiUO Stew. 114
C",den SOUf', 36
Green Pea Stew, 76
Kebbe LabanYleh (kebbe in yoguf\ ,Oolfi), 83
{t'ad,llor-al LeiJ,'Pese sO"J.ll, 35
L.-.bdn EmfTlO (yogurt wilh rut,ed Lf>ei), 15
Makhlula ("."xed bean soup). 31
(Jew',. "'al1o,' Will, d"d;en) 110
Okr .. Stew, 74
Rishta (lentil soup will, pasla), 32
ShIsh Bdrdk {kafta tortellwls on yO!)lU! 97
Siyad,et Sarna! {Lehanesl.' 120
Spmach 90
Sr,l1acl1 Stew, 90
Stll Fried Chico,y w,lh 55
Stuffed Eggplaf"'ls, 80
SI"lfed Z,'co:.h,I"IS, 80
Tabbouleh, 16
Baba GhannuJ, 42
Hu,..,mus be Tahlrll, 42
Sarnkeh Harra {spIcy {,sh WIth tahinl sav(.e). 1?7
Shawarmd (SirlOIn steak strIps \'.'llh I"hml "al""'). 65
Toasled Pine NUIS. 13
vegetables. See unde, mdlvidual name,;
J allet DaraJ wllh yoguf1 soluce). 10?
Fanel Hummus (chldpeds wllh yogurt), 44
Kebbe Labany'eh In yogu,t 50Up). 83
Labdn El"'1mo {yogurt soup WIth c"hed l)el.'ll, 75
Shish (kafta tortellinis In yogurl <,')Up). 97
Ablama (meatstuffed ZUCChll"'5). H9
Mehshl Katel "fgetaL1e,l.
Stuffed ZucchInIS. 80
Zucchml DIp, 47
Zucchmi m Tomato Sduce, 5 \
Zucchml Ol"'1elel, 82
The list below includes a selection of places where you can purchase specialty
Lebanese ingredients that may not be available at your local supermarket.
Dayna's Market
26300 Ford Rd. - Suite 415
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
tel 1-888-5-DAYNAS (1-888-532-9627)
A wide selection of grains, herbs and spices (including mastic, sumac, and zaatar),
legumes, and nuts. Also carries tahini, rose water, and orange water.
2650 University Blvd.
Wheaton, MD 20902
tel: (301) 942-9726
fax: (240) 337-6468
Carries herbs and spices, rose and orange water, canned mouloukhieh or Jew's
Mallow (search far "mloukhiyeh"), and a large selection of Middle Eastern caffees.
Buy Lebanese
tel: +961-3-602405
Carries keshek pawder, dried maulaukhieh (search far "mlaukhieh"), variaus infused
waters and syrups, and a select ion of fresh sweets and breads.
Lebanese Products & Haakahs
tel: +961 -3-473376
A broad variety af items, including canned maulaukhieh (search far "mloukhieh "),
keshek powder (search far "kishek"J, and hard-ta-find spices.
Monique Bassila Zaarour, a graduat e
of McGil l University In Montreal, is an
accompl ished food write r, nutri -
ti onist , and expert on healthy eating.
She li ves In Lebanon.
Related Idles from Interlink:
Moroccan Modern by Hassan M'Soull
The Spanrsh KItchen by Clanssil Hyman
Flavors of Greece by Rosemary Barron
The African Kitchen by Josie Stow
The Ottoman KIt chen by Sarah Woodward
A Taste o( Cuba by Beatfll Llamas
Portuguese Homestyle Cooking
by Ana Patuleia Oni ns
Cucina Sl ciliana by Clanssa Hyman
India WIth Passion by ManJu Malhi
Aro. implWI Publ,,h,09 G" u In
licious Lebanese specialties in less than hal f an hou r
lpl i fied, easy-to- follow recipes even for begi nners
ht and healthy dishes adequate for most ages and d i ets
tritional values and health benef its of each recipe
)ortant tips to faci litate and encourage hea lthy cooking on t he run
ISBN 13; 978 ' 56656642 '

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