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A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
For the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Pure
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
I hereby declare that I have checked this project and in my opinion this project is
adequate in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering.
Name of Supervisor: WAN AZMI BIN WAN HAMZAH
Position: LECTURER
I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is my own except for quotations and
summaries which have been duly acknowledged. The project has not been accepted for
any degree and is not concurrently submitted for award of other degree.
ID Number: MA06046
I humbly dedicate this thesis to
my lovely mom and dad, Rogayah Mahmud and Memth Ali
my dearest sister, Shakina Shanaz, Nurul Anizah and Balqis Faradilla
my dearest brother, Hariz Irfan
my heart and soul, Nurul Farahdilah
who always trust me, love me and had been a great source of support and motivation.
First I would like to express my grateful to ALLAH s.w.t. as for the blessing
given that I can finish my project.
In preparing this paper, I have engaged with many people in helping me
completing this project. First, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main
thesis supervisor Mr. Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah, for encouragement, guidance, advices
and motivation. Without his continued support and interest, this thesis would not have
been the same as presented here.
The next category people who help me to grow further and influence my project
are my colleagues especially my projectmate Mr. Mohammad Khyru Bin Aris and Mr.
Khaider Bin Abu Bakar who always help me in order to finish this project. I would like
to express my gratitude especially to all FKM laboratory instructors for their help and
advices. I appreciate very much to them because of the idea and information given.
I acknowledge my sincere indebtedness and gratitude to my family for their
love, dream and sacrifice throughout my life. My father, mother, brother and sisters that
always support, motivation and encourage me to success.I cannot find the appropriate
words that could properly describe my appreciation for their devotion, support and faith
in my ability to attain my goals. Special thanks should be given to my presentations
panel members. I would like to acknowledge their comments and suggestions, which
was crucial for the successful completion of this study.
Thank you all.
This research focused on the study about the effect of nozzle diameter on jet
impingement cooling system. The impinging jet can be described as a phenomenon in
which the fluid exiting from a nozzle or orifice hits a wall or solid surface usually at
normal angle. Impinging air jets have been widely used in many industrial applications
in order to achieve enhanced coefficients for convective heating, cooling or drying. A
single air jet or arrays of air jets, impinging normally on a surface are an effective
method to enhance heat and mass transfer. Engineering applications that widely use air
jets include cooling of hot steel plates, tempering of glass plates, drying of textiles and
paper, cooling of turbine blades, electronic components and de-icing of aircraft.
Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nozzle diameter on the heat
transfer coefficients from a small heat source to a jet impingement cooling system,
submerged and confined air. The experiment were carried out with a single jet with
three different nozzle diameter, d; 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 cm and four dimensionless jet to heat
source spacing, S/d (6, 8, 10, 12) were tested within the laminar jet Reynolds number
ranging from 500-2300. The results indicate that the heat transfer coefficient, h increase
with the increasing nozzle diameter at the stagnation point region corresponding to
0< r/d <4. This may be attributed to an increase in the jet momentum and turbulence
intensity level with the larger nozzle diameter, which results in the heat transfer
augmentation. However, the effect of the nozzle diameter on the Nusselt numbers does
not exist at the wall jet region corresponding to r/d>4. This may be attributed to the fact
that the impinging jet flow characteristics are almost lost in the process of the re-
development of the boundary layer after the jet impinges on the plate. By the increasing
of the heat transfer coefficient, h the local Nusselt number, Nu also will be increase.
This research are significant to improve the overheat component and devices problem
nowadays. The results can also significantly increase the performance of the needed
component in order to improve product reliability and customer satisfactions.
Penyelidikan ini difokuskan pada kajian tentang kesan daripada diameter nozel pada
sistem pendingin hentaman jet. Hentaman jet dapat digambarkan sebagai sebuah
fenomena di mana bendalir keluar daripada nozel atau lubang hits dinding atau
permukaan pepejal biasanya di sudut normal. Sistem penyejukkan hentaman jet telah
banyak digunakan di banyak aplikasi industri untuk mencapai peningkatan pekali untuk
konvektif pemanasan, pendinginan atau pengeringan. Sebuah jet udara tunggal atau
array daripada jet udara, biasanya menghentam pada suatu permukaan adalah kaedah
yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan perpindahan haba dan perpindahan jisim. Teknik
aplikasi yang digunakan secara meluas meliputi pendinginan jet udara panas plat baja,
penemperan daripada kaca piring, pengeringan tekstil dan kertas, pendinginan kipas
turbin , komponen elektronik dan penyejukan pesawat. Eksperiment dilakukan untuk
menentukan kesan diameter nozel pada pekali perpindahan haba dari sumber panas
kecil untuk sistem penyejukkan hentaman jet, tenggelam dan terkurung udara.
Eksperiment dilakukan dengan satu jet dengan tiga diameter nozel yang berbeza iaitu
0.5, 1.0, 2,0 cm dan dengan tiga jarak berdimensi dari hujung jet ke sumber panas, S / d
(6, 8, 10, 12) yang diuji dalam nombor Reynolds jet laminar berkisar 500-2300.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa pekali perpindahan panas, h meningkat dengan
peningkatan diameter nozel pada titik stagnasi pada daerah sesuai dalam lingkungan
0< r/d <4. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh peningkatan momentum jet dan
peningkatan intensitas ombak dengan diameter nozel yang lebih besar, yang
menghasilkan perpindahan panas augmentasi. Namun, kesan daripada diameter nozel
pada nombor Nusselt pada jet dinding tidak wujud dalam lingkungan untuk r/d > 4. Hal
ini mungkin disebabkan fakta bahawa ciri aliran hentaman jet hampir hilang dalam
proses pembangunan semula lapisan batas selepas jet menghentam pada permukaan
rata. Dengan meningkatnya pekali perpindahan panas, h nombor Nusselt, Nu juga akan
meningkat. Penyelidikan ini adalah penting untuk peningkatan kajian komponen terlalu
panas dan masalah peranti saat ini. Hasilnya juga dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan
prestasi komponen yang diperlukan dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kehandalan
produk dan kepuasan pelanggan.
1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Project Objectives 3
1.4 Project Scopes 3
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Jet Impingement 5
2.2.1 Configurations of Impinging Jets 5
2.2.2 Characteristic Zones in the Impinging Jet 7
2.3 Prior Study 9
2.4 Theory of Study 13
2.4.1 Convection Heat Transfer 13
2.4.2 Laminar Flow 15
2.4.3 Reynolds Number 16
2.4.4 Newtons Law of Cooling 17
2.4.5 Steady State Equation 19
2.4.6 Nusselt Number 20
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Project Flow Chart 22
3.3 Apparatus 23
3.4 Experiment Setup 25
3.5 Heat Source Configuration 26
3.6 Procedures of Experiment 27
3.7 Flow of the Experiment 28
3.8 Experiment Data Distribution 30
4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Data of Experiment Results 31
4.3 Calculation of Important Parameter 32
4.4 Result and Discussions 37
4.4.1 Analysis 1: Graph by Reynolds Number varies Nozzle
4.4.2 Analysis 2: Graph by Distance Ratio varies Nozzle
4.4.3 Analysis 3: Graph by Nozzle Diameter varies Reynolds
4.4.4 Analysis 4: Graph by Nozzle diameter varies Distance
ratio, S/d
4.5 Project Constraint 55
5.1 Conclusions 56
5.2 Recommendations 57
5.2.1 Suggestions 57
5.2.2 Problem of The Research 58
A Table A-15 61
B1-B6 Data of Experiment 62
C Sample of Calculation 68
D1-D2 Graph of Plate Temperature After Impingement Versus
Dimensionless Radial Distance from The Stagnation Point
E1-E2 Graph of Heat Transfer Coefficient Versus Dimensionless Radial
Distance from The Stagnation Point
F1-F2 Gantt Chart 73
G Experiment Progress 75
Table No. Title Page
3.1 List of the equipments typically required for the experiment
effect of nozzle diameter on jet impingement cooling system
3.2 Experiment data distributions for d = 0.5cm 30
3.3 Experiment data distributions for d =1.0cm 30
3.4 Experiment data distributions for d = 2.0cm 30
4.1 Experiment data distributions for d = 2.0cm 34
4.2 Distribution data of mass flow rate, for all case 36
4.3 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 6 37
4.4 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 8 39
4.5 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 10 41
4.6 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 12 43
4.7 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 500 and S/d = 6 45
4.8 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 950 and S/d = 6 47
4.9 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 1960 and S/d = 6 49
4.10 Value of heat transfer coefficient, h and Nusselt number, Nu for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 6 51
6.1 Table A 15 61
6.2 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 0.5 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 500 62
6.3 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 0.5 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 950 62
6.4 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 0.5 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 1960 63
6.5 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 0.5 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 2300 63
6.6 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 1.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 500 64
6.7 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 1.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 950 64
6.8 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 1.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 1960 65
6.9 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 1.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 2300 65
6.10 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 2.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 500 66
6.11 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 2.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 950 66
6.12 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 2.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 1960 67
6.13 Temperature distributions for nozzle diameter, d = 2.0 cm and
Reynolds number, Re = 2300 67
6.14 Experiment progress 75
Figure No. Title Page
1.1 Jet impingement heat transfer mechanism 2
2.1 An impingement jet 5
2.2 a) Submerged jet; b) Free impinging jet 6
2.3 a) Unconfined impinging jet; b) Confined impinging jet 7
2.4 Characteristic zones in impinging jets 8
2.5 Local heat transfer coefficient distribution for d = 0.5mm, 1mm
and 1.5mm, H/d = 2 and Re = 5000 (Air) 12
2.6 Local heat transfer coefficient distribution for d = 1mm, H/d = 1,
2 and 4 and Re = 20000 (Air) 12
2.7 Heat convection current triggered by a radiator and in boiling
water 14
2.8 Laminar boundary layer 16
3.1 Project process flow chart 22
3.2 Arrangement of the experiment 25
3.3 Heat source configuration 26
3.4 Process of the experiment 28
4.1 Effect of nozzle diameter on the local Nusselt number distribution
for Re = 2300 and S/d = 6 38
4.2 Effect of nozzle diameter on the local Nusselt number distribution
for Re = 2300 and S/d = 8 40
4.3 Effect of nozzle diameter on the local Nusselt number distribution
for Re = 2300 and S/d = 10 42
4.4 Effect of nozzle diameter on the Nusselt number distribution for
Re = 2300 and S/d = 12 44
4.5 Effect of nozzle diameter on the Nusselt number distribution for
S/d = 6 and Re = 500 46
4.6 Effect of nozzle diameter on the Nusselt number distribution for
S/d = 6 and Re = 950 48
4.7 Effect of nozzle diameter on the Nusselt number distribution for
S/d = 6 and Re = 1960 50
4.8 Effect of nozzle diameter on the Nusselt number distribution for
S/d = 6 and Re = 2300 52
4.9 Nusselt number distribution for d = 2.0cm, S/d = 6 and Re = 500,
950, 1960 and 2300 53
4.10 Nusselt number distribution for d = 2.0cm, Re = 2300 and S/d =
6,8,10,12 54
4.11 Nusselt number distribution for d = 1.0cm, Re = 2300 and S/d =
6,8,10,12 55
6.1 Plate temperature versus r/d for Reynolds number, Re = 500, and
S/d (a) 6, (b) 8,(c) 10, (d) 12 69
6.2 Plate temperature versus r/d for Reynolds number, Re = 2300, and
S/d (a) 6, (b) 8,(c) 10, (d) 12 70
6.3 Heat transfer coefficient versus r/d for Reynolds number, Re =
500, and S/d (a) 6, (b) 8, (c) 10, (d) 12 71
6.4 Heat transfer coefficient versus r/d for Reynolds number, Re =
2300, and S/d (a) 6, (b) 8, (c) 10, (d) 12 72
6.5 Gantt chart for FYP 1 73
6.6 Gantt chart for FYP 2 74
or t Thickness, (m)
Dynamic viscosity of the fluid, (Pas or Ns/m)
Mass flow rate, (kg/s)

Heat convection rate, (Watt)

Rate of net heat transfer, (kJ/s)
Density of the fluid, (kg/m)
Kinematic viscosity, ( = / ), (m/s)
d Nozzle diameter, (m)
D Wall diameter, (m)
h Convection heat transfer coefficient, (W/m

k Thermal conductivity, (W/m.K)
Plate cross-section area, (m
Heat transfer surface area, (m
Constant pressure specific heat, (kJ/kg.K)
L or r Radius of the impingement region, (m)
Hydrodynamic entry length, (m)
Nu Nusselt number
Q Volumetric flow rate, (m/s)
Re Reynolds number
S Exit nozzle to heat source plate distance, (m)
T Temperature different, (K)

Ambient temperature, (C)

Surface temperature, (C)
Plate surface temperature, (C)
Average temperature of the plate surface, (C)
V Mean fluid velocity, (m/s)
FKM Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
FYP Final year project
Impingement heat transfer is considered as a promising heat transfer
enhancement technique. Among all convection heat transfer enhancement methods, it
provides significantly high local heat transfer coefficient. At the surface where a large
amount of heat is to be removed /addition, this technique can be employed directly
through very simple design involving a plenum chamber and orifices. For instance, in
gas turbine cooling, jet impingement heat transfer is suitable for the leading edge of a
rotor airfoil, where the thermal load is highest and a thicker cross-section enables
accommodation of a coolant plenum and impingement holes. This technique is also
employed in turbine guide vanes (stators). Other applications for jet impingement could
be combustor chamber wall, steam generators, ion thrusters, tempering of glass,
electronic devices cooling and paper drying, etc.
Jet impingement cooling (or heating as well) is a very effective heat transfer
mechanism. The main reason is that jet impingement flow forms a very thin boundary
layer, as shown in the top plot in Figure 1.1. Impingement means collision that the
coolant flow collides into the target surface and guarantees a thin stagnant boundary
layer at the stagnant core for cold coolant contacting the hot surface without damping.
The bottom plot in Figure 1.1 shows that the heat transfer coefficient decays as radius
increases except that a second peak occurs when jet is close enough to target surface
(small z).
A wealth of information exists on the basic cases on individual and array jet
impingement heat transfer. This information is widely
design community for applicable impingement configuration and flow parameters.
However, lately, newer and more specific cases of cooling design require additional
information to account for affect on the impingement heat transf
extraction, prefilm impingement chamber, compartmentalized or zonal impingement,
roughened target surfaces, and confined impingement within various wall structures.
The present study is undertaken to investigate the effects of nozzle di
impinging jet heat transfer and fluid flow.
submerged air jet issuing from a long straight nozzle. Of interest in such geometry is the
heat transfer on the target surface or impingement wall.
end walls, or liners, the total heat transfer distribution is important to the proper
assessment of thermal mechanical loading in the component.
Figure 1.1: Jet impingement heat transfer mechanism
Source: Osama M. A. Al-aqal, (1999).
A wealth of information exists on the basic cases on individual and array jet
impingement heat transfer. This information is widely used within the gas turbine
design community for applicable impingement configuration and flow parameters.
However, lately, newer and more specific cases of cooling design require additional
information to account for affect on the impingement heat transf
extraction, prefilm impingement chamber, compartmentalized or zonal impingement,
roughened target surfaces, and confined impingement within various wall structures.
The present study is undertaken to investigate the effects of nozzle di
transfer and fluid flow. Nusselt numbers are determined for a
submerged air jet issuing from a long straight nozzle. Of interest in such geometry is the
heat transfer on the target surface or impingement wall. In integral struc
end walls, or liners, the total heat transfer distribution is important to the proper
assessment of thermal mechanical loading in the component.
Jet impingement heat transfer mechanism
A wealth of information exists on the basic cases on individual and array jet
used within the gas turbine
design community for applicable impingement configuration and flow parameters.
However, lately, newer and more specific cases of cooling design require additional
information to account for affect on the impingement heat transfer of film coolant
extraction, prefilm impingement chamber, compartmentalized or zonal impingement,
roughened target surfaces, and confined impingement within various wall structures.
The present study is undertaken to investigate the effects of nozzle diameter on
Nusselt numbers are determined for a
submerged air jet issuing from a long straight nozzle. Of interest in such geometry is the
In integral structures of airfoils,
end walls, or liners, the total heat transfer distribution is important to the proper
Experimental studies of an impingement jet cooling system. The primary
objectives are:
To study about the effect of nozzle diameter on the jet impingement
To define the relationship between the heat transfer coefficient, h with
the Reynolds number, Re and the distance from end nozzle to the heat
source, S.
This experimental study was carried out using air as the coolant medium that
impinge with laminar flow region from the nozzles to the heat source which has
Reynolds number in the range of 500 2300 (500, 950, 1960, and 2300). The diameter
of nozzle was varies for the purpose of this study by use three different diameter of
nozzle, started with 0.5cm,1.0cm and 2.0cm. The heat source will be at constant
temperature with 100C which used steel as the material and had dimensions (12 x 12 x
0.8) cm with 6.5cm diameter impingement region. But the nozzle length is constant for
this case with 50cm and the material of nozzle is PVC (diameter-2.0cm) and the other of
the diameter use vinyl as a material. The dimensionless parameter that was defined in
this study is diameter ratio, D/d (3.25, 6.5, and 13) and the dimensionless jet to heat
spacing, S/d (6, 8, 10, and 12). Then, the temperature effect is measured on the heat
source plate by using Non-contact Thermometer by pointing on the heat source plate
point prepared. The nozzle jet impingement was designed and fabricated with the
appropriate dimension (diameter and length) of nozzle.
The use of impingement jets for the cooling of various regions of modern gas
turbines is widespread, most especially within the high pressure turbine. Since the cooling
effectiveness of impingement jets is very high, this method of cooling provides an efficient
means of component heat load management and gives sufficient available pressure head
and geometrical space for implementation. Regular arrays of impingement jets are used
within turbine airfoils and endwalls to provide relatively uniform and controlled cooling of
fairly open internal surface regions. Such regular impingement arrays are generally directed
against the target surfaces by the use of sheet metal baffle plates, insert, or covers that are
fixed in position relatives to the target surface. These arrangements allow for the design of
a wide range of impingement geometries, including in-line, staggered, or arbitrary pattern
of jets. In more confined regions of airfoils such as the leading edge or trailing edge,
spanwise lines of impingement jets are sometimes used to focus cooling on one primary
location of high external heat load like the airfoils stagnation region. In these cases,
impingement jets may be delivered by orifices that have been cast or machined into the
internal structural members of the airfoil. There also exist many other applications for the
individual impingement jets on selected stationary and rotating surfaces. Vane endwalls,
blade platforms, and unattached shroud may all have specific local cooling requirement
well suited to the use of individual jet cooling. Impingement jets are also used on rotor disk
cavity faces, and in some applications may provides additional functions of sealing. The
use of impingement cooling is not confined to the turbines component, however, as
combustor component such as liners, transition pieces, and splash plates also make good
use both individual and array impingement cooling.
The impinging jet can be defined as a high-velocity coolant mass ejected from a
hole or slot that impinges on the heat transfer surface (Figure 2.1). A characteristic feature
of this flow arrangement is an intensive heat transfer rate between the wall and the fluid. It
predetermines the fluid jets to be widely used in industrial applications where intensive heat
transfer rates are needed, for example for cooling of turbine blades, laser mirrors and
electronic components, for paper drying, and so forth.

Figure 2.1: An impingement jet
Source: Osama M. A. Al-aqal, (1999)
2.2.1 Configurations of Impinging Jets
Two qualitatively different flow configurations can distinguish: submerged
impinging jets and free impinging jets (Figure 2.2). In the former case, the fluid issuing
from the nozzle is of the same nature as the surrounding. In the latter case, the fluids are of
a different nature (e.g., a water jet issuing in air). The dynamics of both cases are different.
In submerged jets, a shear layer forms at the interface between the jet and the surrounding
fluid. This shear layer is unstable and it generates turbulence. In free jets, this kind of
instability is usually not important, and the turbulent motion in the shear layer does not
have a substantial effect on the flow.
Figure 2.2: a) Submerged jet; b) Free impinging jet
Source: Osama M. A. Al-aqal, (1999)
In terms of geometry, there are two cases: a planar case with the jet issuing from a
slot, and an axisymmetric case with a round nozzle. The dynamics of both cases are
different: round jets exhibit formation of axisymmetric vortex rings, which are stretched
during their convection along the wall. In plane jets, the vortices are formed as filaments
parallel to the slot. They are created on both sides of the jet, either in symmetric or
antisymmetric mode. These vortex filaments are not stretched. Many others geometries are
also possible--jets issuing from square, rectangular, or elliptical nozzles; oblique jets; and
Figure 2.3: a) Unconfined impinging jet; b) Confined impinging jet
Source: Osama M. A. Al-aqal, (1999)
There is a further distinction between unconfined and confined jets (Figure 2.3).
Confinement, which is common in industrial applications, causes flow recalculation around
the jet. In industrial applications, the cooled surfaces are usually large, and a single jet is
usually not sufficient for cooling it. In this case, an array of jets is used. The flow in arrays
is rather complex.
2.2.2 Characteristic Zones in the Impinging Jet
The flow field in an impinging jet can be divided into three characteristic regions
(Figure 2.4): the jet zone, the stagnation zone, and the wall jet zone.
The jet zone is situated directly beneath the nozzle. The fluid issuing from the
nozzle mixes with the quiescent surrounding fluid and creates a flow field, which is up to a
certain distance from the wall identical with the flow field of a submerged nonimpinging
jet. The jet flow is undeveloped up to six or seven nozzle diameters from the nozzle lip.
Consequently, in most applications, the nozzle-to-plate distance is too small to enable the
developed jet flow condition. A shear layer forms around the jet. Its properties depend
strongly on the nozzle type. In most situations, except a laminar flow from a tube nozzle,
the shear layer is initially relatively thin compared to the nozzle diameter, and therefore its
dynamical behavior is similar to that of a plane shear layer. The shear layer thickness

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