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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Gain, input/output impedance, frequency response, noise, linearity

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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4 types of feedback Voltage-series Current-series Voltage-shunt Current-shunt

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback Amplifier Types

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Voltage-Series Feedback

Vo = A*Vi = A(Vs Vf) = A*Vs A*Vf = A*Vs A(A)Vo (1 + A)Vo = A*Vs Vo/Vs = A/(1 + A)

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Gain w/o Feedback Gain with

A Af

Voltage-Series Vo/Vi Vf/Vo Vo/Vs

Voltage-Shunt Vo/Ii If/Vo Vo/Is

Current-Series Io/Vi Vf/Io Io/Vs

Current-Shunt Io/Ii If/Io Io/Is

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Voltage-Series with input and output resistances

Voltage-series feedback - Avf, Zif, Zof Avf = Vo/Vs Vo Vi Vo = A*Vi = Vs Bf*Vo = A*(Vs Bf*Vo) = A*Vs

Vo(1 + A*Bf) Vo/Vs

= A/(1 + A*Bf)

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Zif = Vs/Is Vs Vi Bf*Vo = 0 Vi Vo = Is*Zi = A*Vi

so, Vs Is*Zi Bf*A*Is*Zi = 0 Vs/Is = Zi(1 + Bf*A) Zof Disconnect RL and replace with Vx Zof = Vx/Ix Vx = Ix*Zo + A*Vi Vi = -Vf = -B*Vx

Vx = Ix*Zo + A(-B*Vx) Vx(1 + BA) = Ix*Zo Zof = Vx/Ix = Zo/(1 + BA)

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Current-Series Common-emitter amplifier with an emitter resistor.

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Voltage-shunt feedback

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Current-series feedback

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Current-shunt feedback

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Zif Vs Is

= Vs/Is = Ii*Zi = Ii + B*Io = Ii + B*A*Ii


= (Vs/Zi)(1 + BA)

Vs/Is = Zi/(1 + BA) Now disconnect RL and replace with Vx Realize that Zo is in parallel with the A*Ii = Io source, Zof = Vx/Ix Vx = (Io + Ix)*Zo

A*Ii Vx/Zo = Io = - Ix A*(-B*-Ix) Vx/Zo = -Ix (B*A + 1)Ix = Vx/Zo Zf = Vx/Ix = Zo(1 + B*A)

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Determine the following,

a) The frequency of this oscillator is 400 kHz. What is the value of the capacitor, C ? b) This single shot has a pulse width of 35s. RA = 7.5K. What is the value of the capacitor, C ?

a) f = 1.44/(RA + 2RB)C C = 0.16nF b) T(high) = 1.1RA*C C = 4.24nF

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

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