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I, 1985



By: Komang Bagiasna*, Kiyohiko Urnezawa** ToshioSu;uki*** and

ABSTRACT A pair of helical gearswith the followin8 specifications: the total contactratio ofmore (l) than 2.0, and (2) the overlapratio ofless tlun 1.0, hasbeeninvestigated determine to the rlationships the gearsluf( alignntent of errors with the vibrationcharacteristics, with and the tooth strains well. as For this purposean experimentalsetup hasbeenmade available measure accelerarron to the level,tooth root strains,and to carry out frequencyanalysis the gearvibration signals. of It was found that at a cenitin level of gearsiuft aiignrnent errors characteristics the ofgear vibration were strongly affectedby errors.The resultsdemonstrated that for the same amount of error, the gearshaft deviation and gearshaft inclination appliedat different sides, i.e., at gear leadingside and at geartrailing side,produceddifferent gearvibration characterirticsaswell astooth strain values.

SARJ Suatu penyelidikan dilakukan terhadappasangan roda gigi miring yang rncmiliki spesifikasi sebagai betikut: /ord contactrotio lebih besardari 2,0 dan overlaprotie lebihkecil dari I ,0. I Dalampenyeiidikrn dibuat suaturc1 r?ppercobaan ini untuk mengukur pcngaruh kewlaharr poros roda gigi terhadapkarakteristik pemasangar getaranmaupun rgangan yangterjadi padarogagigi miring tersebut. yangdiukur mencakup percepatan (akselerasi) Besaran getaran, reganganpada akar gigt, dan dilakukan pula analisafrekuensi terhadap sinyal getaran tersebut. Data yang diperoleh menu jukkan bahwatingkatkesalahan pemasangan tertentumemyang padaroda berikan pengaruhyang besarte(hadapkarakteristikgetaranmaupunpola regangan gigi miring tersebut.Kesalahan deviasiporos maupun inklinasi poros yang sama besar,yang terjadipadasisi depandan padasisibelakangan rodagigi,ternyata menghasilkan karakteristik getaran maupunharga regangan yangberbeda.

Guesrresenrcher,l\'lechanical l_ngjreerin! Deportmcnt. Ba.ndung lnsliluleofTcchnolDgy. Jl. Ganesha Bandung. l0 lndonesia. Professor, Research Lab. ot Precision Machinery and Elecrrcnics, Tokyo lnsdtute of Technology Nagalsuta, Midori-ku Yokohama 227,Japan. Graduate Sludenl, Craduatc School ofCoordinated Sciencc, fokyo lnstituteotTechnology

l4 l.

PROCEEDINCS ITB VoL 18,No. 1, 1985

Review of research gearvibration by Prof. Umezawa, 4r. on er

Helical gears area widely used for power transmissionin vehiclesand for application where smooth tooth meshing condition is required. It is known that stiffnessof the gear pair has a stronginfluenceon vibration as well as on dynamic load which occuredduring power transmission. At the Laboratory of PrecisionMachinery and Electronicsof Tokyo lnstitute of Technology, Japan, intensiveongoningresearch works on gear vibrations, including gear noise prcblems have been conductedby Prof. Umezawaand his group. Emphasis of the researchwere initially devoted in formulating the governing equationsof gear tooth deflectionsand their solution. It was soon followed by researcheffods to determinetooth meshingconditionsand tooth deflection along the contact lineson helicalgears. a result, formulasfor apAs proxirnating del'lectionof gear tooth and bendingmontent distribution of gear tooth were developed.The validity of the approximationswefe subsequently values obtained determinedby comparingthe calculatedvalueswith measured from a rnodeledgeartooth (3,4,5). Measurements actualgears on were the next researchundertaking to analysethe tooth meshing and the behaviorof the driven gear under static lood and under lood transmission. Tooth profile modificationswere implementedin a number of teststo reduce the level of gearviusing a novel tooth flank modification method, as brations. Experimentations proposedby Prof. Umezawa,were conductedand the measured resultswere in good agreement with the calculated valuesfrom the theoreticalapproximations (6 , ? , 8 ) . In real life situation, a gear assemblyis seldom free from errors.Theseerrors nray be present due to manufacturingerors of the tooth and/or assembling errors of the gear. Severalresearchactiyities were therefore carried out to investigate the influenceof gear errors on gear vibration. Of particularinterestwas angles well as norby as the rotational vibration on spur geius caused pressure nul pitch errors. In order to investigatethis complex problem, a computer progranrwas developed sinulate the gearvibration on spurgears. The results to obtained by this simulation were validated by measured values from experiments. To examine the influence of Transverse Contact Ratio (TRCR) and proposedto caoverlap Ratio (OLR) on the level of vibration, Prof. Umezawa ( gearsinto threedifferent classesI I ) : tegorizcthe helical I . Class I 2. Class II 3. Class III : : : (TRCR + OLR) lessthan 2.0 (TRCR + OLR) greater or equal to 2.0, but (OLR) less tlian I .0 (OLR) greaterthan 1.0.

of activitieson gear includethe investigations gearnoise Presentlythe rL'search

PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18,No. I, 1985


problems, gear vibration induced by gear shaft misalignments, influence of shaftlengthon gearvibration, and research different typesof gears. on

2. The present work Stiffnesson tooth meshinghasbeenreported to havea significantinfluenceon the nature of vibration on helicalgears.Furthermore,improper alignments between the shafts on a pair helical gear during power transmission affect the tooth meshingstiffness and the load distributionalongthe tooth facewidth.To determinethe influenceof gear shaft misalignments vibration during power on transmission, seriesof experimentshave been conductedfor three different a classes helicalgears. of Simultaneous measurements were conducted on the vibration and the tooth root strainsduring tooth meshing. Tooth root strains,in particular,weremeasured by using strain gages implanted at several tooth root fillets. In addition, by incorporatinga pair of spur gear in the experimentation, waspossible it to perform a comparative study amongthe different classes gears. of Helical gearsused in the experimentswere selectedfrom the threc different classes, and designated Hl (from classI), H2 (from classII) and H3 (from as: class III). The spur gearwas assigned S. as In this partial report, only the experirnental resultsfrom helicalgearH2 will be discussed.

3. Line of action of helical gear (LAHG) On helical gears, geartooth lns a certain helix angleand consequently the the line of contact on a pair of helicalgear teeth during tooth meshingis not parallel to the tooth tip edge.The condition during tooth meshing betweena pair helicalgear teeth, showingthe geometrical of arrangement well as thc termias nologies usedin this report, is illustratedin Figure lTooth meshingstartsat point a' and during this action, the line of contact moves along bb',c',cc", d'd " on the plane of action. Tooth meshingis completedwhen the line of contactreaches point f: To analyse the line action of helical gcar (LAHG) during tooth meshing,it is necessary specily that: to (a) LAHG is located in the middle of the tooth facewidth,and on the planeof action. (b) The origin of LAHG coincides with the pitch point of the helicalgear.



C o n s e q u c n t l yr h e L A H G o f i l pair of helical gear teeth starts meshing at , p o i n t a . a n d t h e m e s h i n g o i n t moves through point b, c, d, e and terminates p point f. at

Base cyli.6er ol gc.r

E^d point mcshia9

Lenqth ol the ti.E ol action

Lin. ol c o n t a c t Li^e ol actlon ol helical gear Rane ol actioh Tlp cylinder ot 9.r Tlp cyllnder ot pinion -g l/ \' Start point ol meshing Erse cylrrdcr ol phion

Figure1 The line of actionof helical gear(LAHG in briefl

4. Experiment 4.I Instrumentation arul Experimental Set up Tire arrangenrent the mechanicalcomponentsof tlte experimentalset up is of i l l u s t r a t c di n F G u r e 2 . T h e i n p u t s h a t l o f t h e t e s t e dg e a rp a i r s( l ) w a s c o n nc'cted ya V-bclt to a variable pecd 55 KW induction motor(6): and s b t h e o u t p u t s h l f t w a s c o u p l e dt o a n e d d yc u r r e n tt y p e d y n a m o m e t e r . w o p i e T z o e l e c t r i c y p e a c c e l e r o m e t e(rn t a n u f a c t u r e ro d e :B B N 5 0 [ ) w e r ea t t a c h e d t t s c a 180 degree,oppositeto eachother, on eachsideof tlre gear blank. Eachaccele-

PROCEEDINGS ITB VoL 18.No. 1. 1985


rometers had the following specifications5 mm in diameter,l0 mm long and : weighted2 grams.The sensitive direction of both accelerometer positionswere arranged such that any one of the three different kinds of vibration, i.e, rotational (torsional),radial (transversal), axial vibration coukl be measured. and

0. ivi^9


@ T e s t9 ea . @ B a t to e a r i n g


@ Baltuearing ( 6205 ) ty @ Dyn"-o-"t"|. (eddycurrent pe)

@ I n d , J c t i o nm o t o / ( v a r i a b l e s p e e d )

Figure Setup of themechanical 2 components The arrangementof electricalinstrumentations schematically is shown in Figure 3. The rotational spebdof the induction elcctric motor flM) was controlled either manually by usinga speedcontroller (SC), or automaticallyby combined use of speedcontroller and a swecp oscillator (SWO). The trans-


PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18.No. 1. 1985

mitted torques were delivered by eddy current type dynamometer (ED) adjusted through torque controller (TC).

( R M S --v a l u e--] ) s - - l'-


( Manua[ )

I tvl

L;:-J |

TG i

( FREO. Analysis)

( Mechanica[
SvcIorn \



Waveform ) TS
Figure3 Schematic arrangement the electronical of instrumentations DA DC DR DV FV lM LPF MC OS : dualdifferential amplifier : digitalcounter : tape recorder : digitalvoltmeter : frequencyto voltageconverter : inductionelectric motor : low pass filter : mini computer : oscilloscope PS RTSA SA SC SR SwO TC TG TS X-Y : polversupply : realtime spectrum analyzer I strainamplifier : speed controller : s l i pr i n g : sweeposcillator : torque converter gear : tested : triggering signal : x-y recorder

Additional anangement of strain gagesfor dynamic load and strain measurements at different tooth root fillets as well as the positions of both accelerometers are shown in Figure 4.

^^ r;l >. b. L4

TOOTH -=--_-_:t N0.23 TOOTH l7 NO.

WHEATSTONE b r i dg e

c,.: L:, fil v.

Trailing srde LeadinQ

Figure Straingages accelerometers 4 and arrangement


PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18,No. 1, 1985

Data acquisitionwas conducted as follows. The acceleration signals neasured were sent to two low passfilters (LPF) and thet outprrt by the accelerometers were combined in a dual difl'erential signals amplifiers(DA). Meanwhilestrains measuredby the strain gagesat tooth root wcre amplified by a strainamplifier (SA). These measuredsignals,i.e, accelerations and strains.were sent front the nrechanical systenrto the peripheralinstrumentsthrough a slip ring (SR). The output signalsfronr the differential antplifiersand the strain amplifiers subsequcntly became thc measuredcxperimental data ready to be processed or storedlor later use. 4.2 Data processitrg Tlrce kinds of data processing were pcrformed,narnely: ( a ) R M S v a l u c s f t h e v i b r a t i o nl e v e l o The output of the differential anrplifier (DA) represcnting the vibration levcl (in tenns ot acceleration) was nreasured a digital voltnleter(DV) and its diby gital output signals were then averaged a nlini computer(MC). The averaged by values(llMS-valucs)of the acceleration signals hencebecante the assigned value of thc Y-ordinate in the X-Y plot. At the &?ntctinte, the varying rotational speedof the output shalt of thc testedgears(TC;),havinga reduction ratio of I .0, was tallied by a digital counter (DC). Usingfrequcncyto voltageconvcrter (FV) the pulseswcrc convcrtcd into analogvoltagesignaland assigned the as m o v i n gv a l r r eo f t h e X - l b s c i s s ia t h e X - Y p l o t . s n (b) Frc<1uc yanalysis ata nc d A real tinre spectrunranalyzcr(RSTA) was usedto process output signalof the the differential amplificr from the time domain to the frequencydomain. The resultswerc plotted on an X-Y coordinatesystemwith the X-axis rcpresenting thc lieqLrency and th(- Y-uxis as the vibration level. ( c ) W a v cl o r m d a t a Data in the timc dornainwere recordedby a tape recorder.Thesedata included the acceleration signalsfrom the differential amplifier (DA), the strain signals from thc strain anrplifier and one-pulse rcvolution triggeringsignal( TS). By p(-r retrieving the data frorn the tapc, data observations and analyses were accomplishedusingplots obtained from a pen recorder. 4.3 Aligument of gear shaft In addition to rotational speed and transmitted torquc tlut were sclectedas measuringparunlcters.shaft alignrnents were also introduccd as another parameter. Two kinds ol shaft misalignments, shaft deviationand shaft inclii.c. 'l-ile n a t i o l l .w e r e c o n s i c l c r c d t h c e x p e r i m e n t . in t e n n i n o l o g i eu s e di n t i r i sr e s

PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18.No. I. lg85


port to describcthe alignmentof the gcar shaftare in accordance with the ISO standard. ln the actual crperimental set up, the shaft misalignments were obtaiuedby ingagcs plate or on its side surface, sertingscveralslip either on the surfaccof the as shown in Figure 5. Tire thicknessof the slip gages choscnfor the cxpcri n)ent wcre 0.2 mm and 0.4 mrn. The resultedsluft deviation and shaft inclination were mersuredby two dial indicators.For tooth facewiclth 10.0 rnm, of the anglrlarcrror and tlre alignrrel.|t error rcsrritedfron] two different slip gage thicknesses shown in Table L are gear Table Tested specification itsclassification I and
H] Far v/idlh Pressureanqle H e l i xa n a l e



(6ir ( (


35 ?0 30


2A t0 1200 0 t6:


t2t7 -0 t72
ld0 045 0-qt

r 8 5 ?tl




Transler3e conlaci r.tio s

Table 2 The valuesof shaft deviation and shaft inclination

Slip'q. thickness lmm)

Shaft Deviation 0 (rad) 5 . 6X 1 0 1 X 1.12 1ct3 For b=20mm 11 . 1i r m

Shatt Inclination

0 ltadl 5 . 9X 1 0 4 1. 1 4X 1 c r r

For b=20mm
I 1 . 9l l m 2 2 . 8p m



PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18.No. l. 1985

deviation: Inc||nal


ISO standard a I i gnment



Driven Gear0riving Gear


Realization al ignment




Figure 5 Shatt deviation and shaft inclination

PROCEEDINGSITB Vol. 18. No. I. 1985


5. Experimental resrlts of vibration measlrements on helical gearsH-2 5.1 Influence of rotatianal peed on vibration level for different gear shaft alignments In these experiments,three kinds of vibration level (in terms of RMS values) weremeasured, i.e: (a) Rotational (torsional)vibration (b) Radial (tranwersal) vibration (c) Axial vibration For the three different kinds of vibration level, measurements were carried out by varying the rotational speed in a continuous manner from about 600 RPM of levelwere to 3400 RPM. At the sametime, the RMS values the accelemtion measured the torque transmission I 47 N.m ( l5kgf .ln). for of into two major findings,namely: The obtainedresultswere categorized (a) The influence of gear shaft deviationon rotational, radial and axial vibrations, respectively. (b) The influence of gear shaft inclination on rotational,radial and axial vibrations, respectively. The results area presented in Figure 6 for gear shaft deviation, and in Figure 7 for sear shaft inclination.


Deviation. ----.22.3 um
-.-.-.-.ll.l um

E G E A RH - 2 T O R O U 1 4 7 N . m


ry\'-E -


c :5


- 11.9 m u -ll.u um


2000 Speed rpm

a. Rolational

..'ibrat lon



PROCEEDINGS Vot.18, t, I9t5 ITB No. TOROUE t47|'lm

Devialion :


. ? ? . 3u,n

_ _._.- ,ltl


trlq ^- F] 'g


--_.. _ll.l um -22.3 m u




.: )u



I i a Ci a I




H G E A R - 2 T O R Q UtE7 N m {



-__-- .22.3
_ _._._ .11.1

:l .e,S=

-tlt um -223 um


I z kllz c. AxraI vrbratlon

Figure Influence rotationalspeed vibrationlevelfor gear 6 of on shaltdeviation


G E A RH - 2 T O R O U 1 4 7 m E N


lnclination: ---- .ll.o um - - . - . 1 1 . 9u m --0.0 - 11.9 m u



f--r-zJ h-.H.<"

:fU q/

'' '''' -11.6 um


o J

a. Rotalj.onal




100 E E

GEARH-2 TORQUE fl.m 147 Inclinalion: - - - - . 2 2 . 8u m -- - '119 um --0.0 - 11.9 m u - 2 2 . 8u m


iEf.b-.1-T-- F1 <'s
0r iving


b. F a dl d I





Vol. I8,No. 1,1985


147 H-2 ToROUE N.m GEAR Inclination: - - - - . ? 2 . 8u m -- - ,]l.9 um 00

0r rven



' '

.5 Um

-22.8 m u





c. AxiaL vib).at.ion gn Figure Influence rotational ol speed vibration gear for inclination 7 shaft

Discussions (l) In general,the gcar shaft devirtion gavesignificantinfluenceon vibration levcl. On thc other hand, the shaft inclination error exertedinflucnceonly to a nrinor extent on the vibration level. Furthermore, errors at the gear lcading side yielded higher levcl of vibrltion as comparedto the errors at the geartrailing side. (2) For both shaft misaliplnments, shaft dcviationand shaft incLination, i.e. the highcst lcvel of vibration occurcd on rotational vibration. followed by radial vibration, and the lowest on axial vibration. Henceforth,the axial viin bration, on thc tested helicalgcarsH-2 was neglected the subsequcnt invest rgatlo n, (3) With respect to the vibration level of proper geirr shaft alignment, error v a l u e so f I l . l g m a n d l l . 9 g n t ( c o r r e s p o n d i ntg s l i p g a g et h i c k n e s s f o o 0.2 nrm) did not render much influence.However,error values 22.3 prn of and 22-8 pni (corresponding the slip gagethickness 0.4 mm) produced of to significantinfluence on the levelof vibration at the gearleadingsideand at the geartrailing sideas well. (4) Cune peaks,which for some cases corresponding fn/2 and fn/3, shifted to toward lower rotatiorlal speed(lower tooth meshingfrequency)for both

ITB Vol. 18.Na 1. 1985 PROCEEDINGS


type of rnisalignments. Theseshiftswere clearly observedfor curveswith error valuesresultedfrom slip gagethickness 0.4 mrn. of (5) For error values correspondingto the gagethickness 0.4 mm, the radial of gearshalt deviationwas,generally,higherthan the vibration levelcaused by one producedby gearshaft inclination. 5-2 Inffuence of transmitted torque on rotational vibration for different shaft awnments As was discussed earlierslip gagethicknessof 0.4 mm produced valuesat the gear leadingside as well as at the gear trailing side which causedrotationalvibration to occur at high vibration lejrel.Therefore,the following investigation was conductedon rotational vibration prirndrilyto explorethe behaviorof torque transmisionand the levelof vibration due to impropergearshaft alignment. On a graph of accelerationlevel (RMS values) versusrotational speed,the values acceleration of levelat different rotational speeds, : 800, 1000, 1460, i.e. 2000, 2150, and 2300 RPM were plotted for a vaiation valuesof torque o t r a n s m i s s i o v a l u e s f 4 9 . 0 , 7 3 . 5 , 9 8 . 0 , 1 2 2 . 5 ,a n d 1 4 1 . 0N - m . T h e s er o t a t i o n nal speedswere selectedbecausethey produced vibrations beyond the resonancefrequencies still in the normal rangeof operatingspeed. but For data processing, the maxinrum transmitted torque was specifiedto be 147.0 N-m, corresponding the tangentialransmitted force of 2800 N (285.7 to kgf) on the pitch circle. The computed results of gear shaft deviation and gear shaft inclination are preTheseplots are in good ageement with sentedin Figure 8 and 9, respectively. as the compiledresultof Figure 10, presented the compositecurvcsof different values. torque transmission

(a) SHAFT OvtaTtON

(b) tlo CvlATtON

E ^40 I z-_ ozu ;

A T t E a O l N G r O :+ 2 2 . 1 u m S

p|;tr3 o
/.9 735 t 2 2 . 5t L 7 (N TOROUE m)

).;7+], :
a --,1 -," !


- {,0 a {30



19 735 98 122.5 17 1 (N m) IORO(E



Vol 18, No. 1, 1985


aT TRatLtNG |DE:- 22.j S


E 30 z 9 20

t0 0 t9 735 9B 1225 u7

N T O R O U(E m )

Fig{.rre Influence transmitted 8 ot torqueon rotational vibralionfor gearshattdeviation


(b) t\O ll.lCLlNATlOtl un

40 l0

E z 20 o

E 30 z 20 9 r0
49 735 98 1225r47 .IOROUE (N m)
( c ) S H A FI I N C L I N A I I o N

0 (l


l3-5 98 ]22.5 1L',7


E 1.0 30 z o ?o t0 0



49 73.5 98 r225 14? (N TOROUE m)

Figure9 Influence transmitted of torqueon rotational vibrational geAr Jor shaftdeviation



Discussions Based the resultsshown in the previousllgures, the foltowing cases on can be discgssed, mely na : (l) In general,the curvessuggest increasing an level of rotarjonal vibration. at a constalttrotational speed,when the transmittedtorque is increased. ( 2 ) W i t h h i g h e rr o t a t i o n a ls p e e d s. e . : 1 4 6 0 , 2 0 0 0 , 2 1 5 0 , i and 2300 RpM, the increaseof torque transmissionyielded higher level of vibration on eear shaft deviltion (corresponding the slip gagethicknessof 0.4 mm) t-han to o n g e a rs h a f ti n c l i n a t i o . n (3) Likewisc, for both gear shaft misalignments, i.e.: gear shafl deviation and gcar shaft incLination,errors at gear leadingside produced higher level of vibration than the one caused errorsat the geartrailing side. by (4) Thc compositegraphs presentedin Figure 10, shown that the curvepeaks, which correspondto half and onethird of the looth meshing resonance frequency, shift toward highcr rotational speed(tooth meshing frequency). Thesetooth nrcshingrcvtnance frequencies wcre determinedby frequency analysis of the vibration signals. In addition, gear shaft deviation of J2.3 pn dLreto irnproper sluft alignnrentcausedthe level of vibration to increascif the transmittcd torque valucswere increased. Theseconditions were clcarly observcd rotational speedof g00 RpM to 3400 RpM. for


T o r q u e( N m )
/o / J.5

G E A RH - 2

c : )U
.! CJ '=

9B 12? 5
l nt 3


Speed kHz



Cear shafL devration at the gear leadrng side: + 22.3 um


PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol- l,8,No. l, 1985

Torque( N.m)


c :

r.9 73.5 98 122.5




" ;::: ;::li'i;':i:::n-"!,1!"u'

Figu.el0 Influenc of rotational sped on rotationalvibration for different valuesof transmitted torque

6. Experimental results of strain nreasurementon helical gearsH-2 6.I Tooth root strain along the line of action for different strain gagepositions In order to know the behavior of tooth root strajn along the line of action (LAHG) during tooth meshingof a pair of heLical gear teeth, the stmin values o n t e n d i f f e r e n t p o s i t i o n s l o n g L A H G , i . e . : 0 . 0 . 2 5 , 0 . 5 , 0 . 7 5 , 1 . 0 , 1 . 2 5 ,I . 5 . a, and 2-25 Ptn (where Ptn is the transverse normal pitch) were evaluated and plotted. The evaluationswere carried out on the strain wave form data. at a constant transmitted torque of 196 N-m (20.0 kgf.m). This torque value correspondedto the tangentialtransmitted force of 3733.3 N (380.95 kg| on the pitch circle. The plotted result are showr in Figurcs1l and l2 for gearsluft deviationand gearshat'tinclination,respectively. Similar data havebeen evaluated transmittedtorque of98 N.m ( 10.0kgf.m), for and the obtained results show similar strain conditions except the strain amplitudes were smaller than those ones obtained for the transmitted torque of 1 9 6 . 0N . m .

PROCaEDINCS Vd. I8,No. 1,1985 nB


Discrusions ( I ) Gear slnft deviation and gearshaft inclination a. FiguresI I and 12 showedthat the maximumtooth root strainscaused by shaft deviationis higherthan thoseonescaused shaftinclination. by When the gear shaft deviation at the geartrailing side is 22.3 tm the valueof l8l .3 higheststrainvalue is 880 pe, corresponding a stress to gearshaft inclination at the gear MPaor 18.5 kgf/mm2. But when the leading sideis 22.8 pn, the maximumstrainis 500 trrecorresponding to , valueof 103.0MPa or 10.5 kgf/mm2.Both shaftalignment a stress errorswereobtainedfrom slip gages thickness 0.4 mm. of b. For both gear shaft misalignments, errors at the gear leading side deated an oppositestrain phenomenon the positionof straingageI . at However,it did not occur for the sameerror at the geartrailing side; exceptfor shaftirclination of 22.8 pm. c. Errors at the gear leadingside increased strain at the position of the straingage2, but it suppressed strainat straingage4. On the other the hand,errorsat the geartrailing sidegenerated oppositecondition. an d. Errors distorted the tooth root straindistributionof a propergearshaft alignment; however, the maximum tooth root strain still occured around1.0-1.25ftn. (2) Errors at the geartrailing sidecaused maximum tooth root strain values a which were higher than thoseonesgenerated ermrs at the gearleading by side,asslrcwnin Figure I l.










Leading side



PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18.No. I. 1985

'o 400


b ooo

(Y tul-


z I'00 (


r0 r.5
c. N o e rror

P ln -40
d. Trai I i ng side - 2:,.1 trro

P tn


GEAR H-2 TOROUE N.m 196 STRAIN AGE: G oo-o I Leading side
7 L--L-i

fi F


.{-a 3 L--*---^ 4 Trailing side




- Li,I


Figure11 Tooth root strainsalongthe line positions. of actionat differentstrainqage Gearshaftdeviation

(3) Gear shaft inclination With respect to the tooth root strain of proper gear shaft alignment,inclination eror did not affect the tooth root strain severely, except to strain gage l. Maximum tooth root strainsoccured around l' 0 to 1.25 Ptn; and ft tlreb valueswcre slightly lower than those ones of the proper gear sha alignment.

PROCEEDINCS ITR Yol. 18,No. I,lq85



100 200

a cr

z 2O0 (r


0.5 l0 LAIiG

.25 P


a- Leadrng side





22,3 um



= rr

r0 r.5
c. llo ertor_


5 r.0
d. Trrllrng




srde - i2,u unr

500 400

z 200



lLeading side






,-*-- L 4 Trailing sjde Figurel2 Tooth root strainsalongthe line positions. of actional differentstraingage Gearshaftinclination


e. Tra 1l i ng side



ITB YoL 18,No. I , 1985 PR0CEEDINGS

6.2 Tooth root strains during tooth meshingat different struin gageposilions During tooth meshing, tooth root strains at four different strain gagepositions were examinedfor a set of constantvaluesof Ptn. The tooth root strainsalong the tooth facewidth for Ptn valuesof 0.25 (at the start oftooth meshing),1.5, were ob1.0 (<iuringtooth meshing),I .5 and 2.0 (at the end of tooth meshing) the load distribution as described servedat different times. Theseobservations well. The results are shown in Figures 13 and 14 for gear shaft deviation and gear shaft inclination, respectively. The evaluation was carried out for the transmitted torque of 196 N-m (20.0 kef-m).
TOOrs ROOr 51R,uN A1 OIFFER!NI SIRAIN 6A6E P O S I I I O N O U R I N G T O O I1 1M E S H I N G SarrI 0tvl^rlor C?,!s.0.nh r00rr MtSrr16 Pogro! cF.--a ort P,n .. rh. !^H6 d---4,050 Lo ro0 . ^ IO0

60 :.0



roioul r96rot 10r0rh,



(seeiabte2 )
positions duringtooth meshing' straingage difJerent Figule13 Tooth root stralns Gearshaftdeviation.

PROCEEDINGS Vol. |8, ltb.I,Ia8) ITB






\, /! slRAlfr

60 0 :4oc ?








(see iable ) 2
Figure 14 Tooth root strain at different strain qageposition during tooth meshing. GearshaJt inclination

DiscLtsslons o s ( l ) T h e g e a r s h a f td e v i a t i o n f 1 l . l g m a n d 2 1 . 3 p m a t t h e g e a r) e a d i n g i d e yielded tooth root strainssimilar to thosc which occured with propergear o s h a f t a l i g n m e n t T h e m a x i r n u ms t r a i no f 5 5 g e ( t h e s t r e s s f I I 3 . 3 M P a . or I L6 kgf/mmr ) wasobserved straingage2 fbr Ptrrvalueof 1.0.On thc at other hand, erors at the gear trailing side yielded maximum tooth root 4 o s t r a i no f E 5 0 g e ( t h e s t r e s s f 1 7 5 . 1M P ao r I L 6 k g f l r n m 2a t s t r x i ng a g e for Ptn values f I and L5. o (2) The relationship of tooth root strainsand gcar shall inclination showed gear siratldeviationrelationshil-), e\similar trend as the tooth train versus w e r e s m a l l r . -T.i r e m a x i m u n ts t r a i no f i 2 5 l 1 ( t h e r cept the strain.valucs stressof 25.8 MPa or 2.(r kgf/mm'z)wasobservedfor Ptn valtteof 1.0 at s t r an g r g e2 . i

PROCEEDINGS ITR Vol. 18.No. 1. 1985

6.3 Maximum tooth root strain at different st/ain gagepositions Evaluation of the recorded strain data (waveform measurements the strain) of was also carriedout to show the relationshipbetweenthe maximum tooth root strainsat four different strain gagepositionswith the two gearshaft alignment effois. Both gear shaft alignment erors were evaluatedeither at the geartrailing side or at the gearleadingsidc.The evaluation was madefor the transmitted torque of I 47 N-m ( I 5.0 kgf-m) and the obtainedresultsare shown in Figure 15-

:H_2 TORQUE:147N.M(15KgTM) GEAR STRAIN GAGE POSITION: 1231' 0.07 0.41 0.59 0.84 Ptn
A L 5 + 0 . 4 n r mC l - _ o N OE R R O R - . T S - 0 . 4 m m A-'{ TS-0.2mm t-}-{l LS'02nrm : G E AL t f " 0 l N Cl l t R Sl T S: G E AT R A I L I S IG I R ND I--f


>< UJ


( F

200 0

| -//:f A\ J L: t r T \ 1

E TI D\ A\Ir N I J t -' rt

PROCEEDINGS Vol.l8. No. 1.1985 ITR

(o I O X UJ


600 400 200 n 1 STRAIN GAGE

q T tn- |



and differentgear Figure15 Maximumtooth root strain at differentstraingagepositions shaftalignment.

Discussions (l) From the strain measurentents, was observed that a pair of helicalgears it particularlyto the gearshaft gear shaft misalignment, H-2 were sensitive to tleviationat the gear trailing side.On the other hand, they are lesssensitivc to gear shaft deviationat the gear lcadingside.For the transmittedtorque to of 147 N-nr, corresponding the tangentialtransmittedforce of 2800 N (285.7 kgtl on the pitch circle, tlle maxintumstrainvaluervas575 4e (the s t r c so f | 1 8 . 5M P ao r 1 3 . I k g f / n r n rtl. s were (2) For proper gear shaft alignment,il wasobsened that the strainvalues gear shaft not much affected by gear shaft inclination, exccpt wllen the 22.8 pe. deviationat the gearleadingsidereached


An expcrimentalset up, devicedfor geu vibrationand gearstrain measurement, to the RMS valuesof gear acccleratiolr. has been successfull bLrilt to lncasure on carry out frequencyanalysisof gearvibration signals a pair of helicalgears. of This set up was also capableof readingsignals : ( I ) gearvibration' (2) tooth in root strains,and (3) one-revolutiontriggeringpulses the time domain. Meawere conductedon a pair of helicalgearswith the folowing specifisurements


PROCEEDINGS ITB Vol. 18.No. 1. 1985

cations,i.e., the total contact ratio of over 2.0 and the overlapratio of lessthan 1.0. It.was observed,among the three modes of misaligned helicalgear vibrations, the highestvibration leveloccuredby rotational (torsional)vibration. Gear shaft alignment errors (gear shaft deviation or gear shaft inclination) at the gcar lcading side has sgnificant influence on the gear vibration characteristics, i.e., RMS valuesof the acceleration and tooth meshingfrequency.This is especiallyevident for error valueof 22 pm obtainableby the slip gagethickness of 0.4 mm. In addition, if the valuc of transmitted torque was raised,the levelof the gear rotational vibration increased accordingly. Gcar shaft deviation or gear shaft inclination at the gear trailing side strongly influencedthe tooth root strainson thesehelical gears. Finally, the calculatcddata should be helpful in constructingother theoretical modelsof vibration of misaligned helicalgears.


One of the authorswho was a guestresearcher Prof. Umezawaat the Laboraof tory of PrecisionMachineryand Electronics, T.l.T., would like to acknowledge the members of this rcsearchgroup. Sincerethanks to Mr. H. Houjoh for his kind help, discussions and lriendship.This acknowledgement also conveyed is to tire Japan Society for Promotion of Science(JSPS) for its financial assistancc during the author's sojourn in Japan.Specialthanks to the readingcomittee of the ITB Proceedings for their correctionsand efforts so that the possible. irublicationof this paper becomes

9 l.


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