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Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Y ear 1C Class B ulletin

January 2012

Dear Parents and Carers, Happy New Year! It is lovely to see the children back at school after the Christmas holidays. Our topic this term is The Olympics. After looking initially at symbols of the games and focusing on the Historical origins we will be learning about different countries taking part in the games and then making comparisons between some cultures. We will look at different sports that are involved and draw links with our Science topic of Ourselves by focusing on healthy bodies and exercise. If children have any books or resources related to our topic that they would like to bring in to show the class they are welcome to. If you have any queries or concerns please dont hesitate to contact me on.. Thanks, Hannah Cleveland

Literacy In literacy this term we are doing 3 units beginning with recounts then moving onto Poetry and finally focusing on writing labels, lists and captions using ICT methods. We have produced oral recounts about bedtime routines and will be writing up recounts of our trip to the Science museum in week 2. We will be focusing on what makes a good sentence e.g. finger spaces, full stops and capital letters, interesting words, time words and sentence starters. The poems will be written about an Olympic sport of the childrens choice and presented as a shape poem with a specific focus on pattern and rhyme. Finally the children will be creating their own time machines to help them travel to other countries or back in time to Ancient Greece. In doing this they will learn to use labels, lists and captions. Numeracy We are beginning the term with a unit on measures, looking at length, weight and capacity. We will then be integrating this with some data handling where we will be creating some block graphs and pictograms about particular subjects. Following on from this children will be using their counting and calculating skills in the context of measures e.g. using money. Finally children will be using everyday language to describe position, direction and movement. By the end of the term children will be able to use these skills and knowledge to solve mathematical problems.

Topics this term

Important Notes: Homework This will now be sent home On Fridays and is to be handed in on Wednesdays. ********* Reading Books- I would like to emphasise the importance of children bringing their book bags with reading books and reading records to school everyday as Mrs Bhagwan will continue to change books on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure that you read with your child at least once a week and sign their reading record accordingly. ********* Trips- We are visiting the Science Museum to conclude our previous terms topic work on Light and Dark and introduce our new topic of Ourselves.

Topics this term (continued): PSHCE This terms SEAL topic is Going for Goals! We will be thinking about how we learn and how we can achieve our goals by overcoming obstacles. We will be thinking about setting ourselves some important goals in our learning and relating these to our targets. This also ties in nicely with our overall topic of The Olympics. RE This term we will be focusing on Prayer. We will be thinking about why people pray and the different types of Christian prayer. We will also learn a famous Christian prayer and write prayers of our own to say at the end of each day. ICT-We will be linking our ICT with literacy this term. By writing captions for our time machines we will be continuing to learn how to word process and present our work including the use of space bar, caps lock and full stops.

This term the whole school will be learning about The Olympics. In science we will be thinking about healthy living, healthy bodies and healthy food. This will be linked to our science topic Ourselves in which we will be looking at animal life cycles and making comparisons between animal and human bodies, lifestyles and diet. We will also be thinking about Olympic ideals and sportsmanship in our Collective Worship, PE and PSHE sessions. Through art and design children will look at flags and symmetry, shape and stadiums and prints and patterns within cultural dress. Underpinning all our learning within this topic will be the Olympic values with a strong emphasis on the importance of teamwork. Go for gold!

The Olympics!

IMPORTANT DIARY DATES: Wednesday 1st February 2012: Parents Evening 1.456.45pm Friday 10th February 2012: Last Day of Term 3 Monday 20th February 2012: First Day of Term 4 Tuesday 22nd February: Trip to the Natural History Museum 1Bs collective worship: Term 4 Thursday 1st March 1Cs collective worship: Term 4 Thursday 8th March

Important Notes (continued): Indoor PE will be on Monday afternoons. Outdoor PE will be on Friday mornings. Please ensure your child always has their PE kit otherwise they will not be able to take part. It is important at this time of year that children have a warm Outdoor PE kit following school guidelines. ********* Spellings- These will continue to be set on Fridays and tested on Fridays. The children are still tested in their phonics groups.

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