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Scurta prezentare a provinciilor Canadei Alberta

Alberta este una din provinciile Canadei, avnd o suprafa de 661.190 km i o populaie total de 3.236.906 de locuitori . Capitala este oraul Edmonton, care este simultan i capitala provincial cea mai nordic din Canada. Cel mai mare oras este Calgary, important centru economic, se afl n sudul provinciei. Geografic, provincia se ntinde ntre Munii Stncoi, aflai n vest, la preeria canadian din est, respectiv a zonei subarctice a taigalei din nord.

Columbia Britanica
Capitala Columbiei Britanice este Victoria, a cincisprezecearegiune metropolitan din Canada. Cel mai mare ora esteVancouver , pe locul trei ca mrime din Canada, pe locul nti din vestul Canadei, i pe locul doi n zona Pacificului de nord-vest. n 2009, Columbia Britanic avea o populaie estimat la 4.419.974 de locuitori, din care aproximativ 2 milioane n zona oraului Vancouver.

Manitoba este provincie localizat n preeria din centrul Canadei, la sud-vest de golful Hudson. Capitala provinciei i cel mai mare ora este Winnipeg. Provincia se ntinde pe o suprafa de 647.797 km i are 1.178.348 de locuitori. Circa 14.5% (sau 64.241 km) din suprafaa provinciei este ocupat de lacuri.

Ontario este o provincie canadian, localizat ntre Marile Lacuri i golful Hudson. Este cea mai industrializat provincie din Canada. Capitala provinciei este cel mai mare ora din Canada, Toronto, situat pe malul nordic al lacului Ontario.Capitala naional a Canadei, Ottawa se afl n estul provinciei. Provincia se ntinde pe o suprafa de 1 076 395 km i are 12 541 410 locuitori, majoritatea comasai n sudul provinciei, in fia fertila i temperat dintre lacul Ontario, lacul Erie i valea rului Lawrenc

Provincia Qubec (n francez: Province du Qubec) are o populaie de 7.700.807 de locuitori. Aceasta are frontier n vest cu provincia Ontario i golful Hudson, la nord teritoriul Nunavut i strmtoarea Davis, la est cu Provinciile Maritime i Labrador i la sud cu statele nord-american New York,Vermont, New Hampshire i Maine. Cea mai mare parte din populaie se concentreaz pe fluviul Sf. Laureniu, unde se afl capitala provinciei, Oraul Qubec, precum i Montreal, cel mai mare ora al provinciei

Bugetul Local
Sistemul bugetar al fiecarei tari cuprinde ansamblul relatiilor si al formelor organizatorice prin care se asigura formarea, repartizarea si utilizarea fondurilor bugetare. Problema esentiala a structurii oricarui sistem bugetar deriva din ierarhizarea dreptului de decizie asupra folosirii resurselor bugetare,care impune instituirea unui anumit sistem de venituri cuvenite fiecarei verigi bugetare,precum si modalitatile de incasare a veniturilor si de alocare pe destinatii a resurselor bugetare. Aceasta ierarhizare se face in raport cu competentele stabilite prin lege pentru organele centrale si locale ale puterii administratiei de stat. Bugetele locale se elaboreaza,se adopta si se executa de catre organele locale ale puterii si administratiei de stat. Bugetul local al Canadei este prezentat astfel: .
Venituri Totale (mil. $) Cheltuieli totale ( Mil. $)
Venituri Totale Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick

State Newfoundlan d and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut

7951 1512 9797 8254 87994 109761 12778 14836 43253 41777 942 1538 1318

6853 1652 9903 8625 91023 118059 12774 12196 42058 43215 957 1682 1314

Q uebec O ntario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Colum bia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut

Din punct de vedere al veniturilor provincia Ontario este fruntasa. Desi din punct de vedere al suprafetei este mai mica decat Quebec, Ontario are o populatie net superioara si prin urmare un numar de contribuabili mai mare care se refecta in volumul veniturilor al acestei provincii. Urmatoarea provincie si cea mai dezvoltata din punct de vedere economi este Quebec . Cele mai multe contributii in formare bugetului total al Canadei Ontario are o contributie de 32%, urmata de Quebec cu 25% si Alberta, British Columbia fiecare cu 13%.

Structura veniturilor Bugetului Local

State Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut

Venituri din activitati proprii ( mil $) 3982 955 6257 5589 71770 92391 8870 12722 38954 35151 211 513 121

Impozit pe venit( Mil $) 1278 274 2230 1481 25851 36447 2892 3502 12440 8920 68 202 37

TVA ( mil. $) 711 195 1168 1058 9758 17453 1650 1181

Accize ( mil. $) 491 109 758 576 4698 7854 945 1140 3950 4160 32 58 18

Impozit pe profit ( mil. $) 10 87 68 408 1178 2298 373 122 1462 2655 3 22 2

Alte venituri ( mil. $) 246 35 207 164 7772 6931 651 1340 1389 901 10 11 2



A lte venituri ( mil. $) Impozit pe prof it ( mil. $) A c cize ( mil. $) TV A ( mil. $) Impozit pe v enit( Mil $) V enituri din ac tivitati proprii ( mil $)




nd la nd an Pr d in La ce br Ed ad w or ar d Is la N nd ov a Sc N ew ot ia B ru ns w ic k Q ue be c O nt ar io M an ito Sa ba sk at ch ew an B A rit lb is er h ta C ol um bi N a or th w Y es uk on tT er ri to ri es N un av ut

Din situatiile de mai sus putem observa faptul ca provinciile Canadei se bazeaza pe veniturile din activitatiile proprii aceste aducand peste 50% din veniturile bugetului. Impozitul pe venit este si el o sursa importanta exprimand aproximativ 20% din contributiile la bugetu de stat. Dupa impozitul pe venit urmeaza TVA-ul care adduce o contributie in suma de aproximativ 10%.

Ne w fo u

Structura Cheltuieliilor pe teritorii

Cheltuieli.T otale Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunav ut

Alocarile principale de fonduri sunt transmise catre cele patru cele mai dezvoltate regiuni, Ontario , Quebec, Alberta si British Columbia insumand aproximativ 70% din totalul fondurilor allocate.

Structura Cheltuieliilor pe domenii de alocare

State Newfoundlan d and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Paza si protectie Sanatate Protectie Sociala Transporturi Educatie Dezvoltare 549 372 47 380 253 2639 4513 484 562 1270 1301 79 110 86 2228 491 3312 3246 24549 44481 4429 4178 12954 14877 138 376 288 757 129 1171 892 24533 18399 1874 1129 5260 7233 114 152 105 1448 427 2545 1888 17753 28431 2563 2849 11807 11448 157 314 251 312 128 130 347 311 3679 2880 651 901 2564 1676 130 216 135 444 591 4635 3495 587 729 3779 2149 152 150 38

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
nd la n d ri a n ce nd L E dw ab ra a d rd or Is N la N ov nd ew a S c B ru oti ns a w ic k Q u eb ec O n ta Sa Ma rio n sk it o a tc ba he B w ri a ti sh A lb n e C N ol rta or um th w b ia es Y t uk T e o rr it n or N i es u na vu t

Transporturi Dezvoltare Educatie Protectie Sociala Sanatate Paza si protectie

In Quebec majoritatea fondurilor se duc spre sanatate , protectie sociala de sanatate si de educatie aproximativ in mod egal. In celelalte regiuni domeniul asigurarilor de sanatate publica predomina urmat de educatie si in cele din urma protectie sociala. In concluzie pot spune ca Regiunile Canadei nu sunt dezvoltate uniform, astfel regiunile cu o suprafata mai mica sunt mai bine dezvoltate decat cele cu o suprafata foarte mare. Spre exemplu regiunea Nunavut este cea mai mare din punct de vedere al suparfetei dar este sic el mai putin dezvoltata, insa Alberta este cea mai mica provincie si se afla printer primele provincii din punct de vedere al veniturilor.

N e

w fo u

ANEXE Bugetul complet pe regiuni si teritorii

Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
2009-2010 Canada N.L. P.E.I. $ millions Total revenue Own source revenue Income taxes Personal income taxes Corporation income taxes Mining and logging taxes Consumption taxes General sales tax Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes Amusement tax Gasoline and motive fuel taxes Liquor profits Remitted gaming profits Other consumption taxes Property and related taxes General property taxes Capital taxes Other property and related taxes Other taxes Payroll taxes Motor vehicle licences Natural resource taxes and licences Miscellaneous taxes Health and drug insurance premiums Contributions to social security plans Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue from own sources General purpose transfers from other government subsectors Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors 341,582 7,951 1,512 9,797 8,254 277,358 3,982 95,652 1,278 74,901 19,005 1,747 899 329 50 955 6,257 274 2,230 234 1,844 39 .. 384 1 5,589 1,481 1,340 128 13 1,633 1,058 105 1 198 153 119 .. 408 380 21 7 164 .. 92 2 70 .. 188 630 688 398 1,824 842 N.S. N.B.

64,499 1,202 38,232 4,747 505 8,249 4,594 6,697 1,474 8,689 3,969 2,402 2,319 19,660 10,450 3,557 1,425 4,228 3,390 12,866 29,862 37,314 5,426 711 175 .. 152 58 106 .. 10 3 7 .. 246 103 70 7 66 .. 149 481 617 0

304 1,927 195 1,168 43 1 39 12 14 .. 87 82 2 3 35 .. 12 0 24 .. 32 148 16 246 212 136 .. 68 .. 68 .. 207 .. 101 .. 106 48 255

151 1,206 43 28 315 0

29,476 3,280 34,749 688

367 2,387 190 1,153

Total expenditures General government services Protection of persons and property Transportation and communication Health Social services Education Resource conservation and industrial development Environment Recreation and culture Labour, employment and immigration Housing Regional planning and development Research establishments General purpose transfers to other government subsectors Debt charges Other expenditures Surplus (+) / deficit (-)

350,184 6,853 1,652 9,903 8,625 6,530 12,093 17,423 223 372 549 65 47 128 111 380 444 146 253 591 3,246 892 1,888 271 60 64 31 84 40 .. 124 936 .. -371

115,501 2,228 61,738 757

491 3,312 129 1,171 427 2,545 125 42 33 4 11 5 .. 23 121 .. -140 301 63 86 14 164 46 1 140 997 130 -106

81,819 1,448 12,547 2,827 3,426 1,147 3,345 1,352 655 4,861 24,196 724 270 133 86 14 77 42 .. 74 535 46

-8,602 1,098



2009-2010 Canada Que. $ millions Ont. Man.

Total revenue Own source revenue Income taxes Personal income taxes Corporation income taxes Mining and logging taxes Consumption taxes General sales tax Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes Amusement tax Gasoline and motive fuel taxes Liquor profits Remitted gaming profits Other consumption taxes

341,582 277,358 95,652 74,901 19,005 1,747 64,499 38,232 4,747 505 8,249 4,594 6,697 1,474

87,994 71,770 25,851 21,806 3,959 86 15,709 9,758 825 22 1,659 797 1,395 1,252

109,761 92,391 36,477 29,249 7,048 179 25,307 17,453 1,480 461 3,069 1,375 1,469 ..

12,778 8,870 2,892 2,447 380 65 2,595 1,650 185 3 227 227 303 ..

Property and related taxes General property taxes Capital taxes Other property and related taxes Other taxes Payroll taxes Motor vehicle licences Natural resource taxes and licences Miscellaneous taxes Health and drug insurance premiums Contributions to social security plans Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue from own sources General purpose transfers from other government subsectors Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors Total expenditures General government services Protection of persons and property Transportation and communication Health Social services Education Resource conservation and industrial development Environment Recreation and culture Labour, employment and immigration Housing Regional planning and development Research establishments General purpose transfers to other government subsectors Debt charges Other expenditures Surplus (+) / deficit (-)

8,689 3,969 2,402 2,319 19,660 10,450 3,557 1,425 4,228 3,390 12,866 29,862 37,314 5,426 29,476 34,749 350,184 6,530 12,093 17,423 115,501 61,738 81,819 12,547 2,827 3,426 1,147 3,345 1,352 655 4,861 24,196 724 -8,602

1,178 .. 806 372 7,772 5,334 1,037 17 1,385 975 5,825 5,956 7,185 1,317 9,333 6,891 91,023 1,873 2,639 4,635 24,549 24,533 17,753 3,316 712 928 610 600 363 383 1,050 7,081 .. -3,030

2,298 12 1,134 1,152 6,931 4,664 1,117 5 1,145 .. 3,723 12,388 3,538 1,730 4,207 13,163 118,059 1,733 4,513 3,495 44,481 18,399 28,431 2,556 533 772 220 829 324 30 1,904 9,558 282 -8,298

373 162 163 48 651 349 126 21 154 .. 237 810 1,039 273 2,458 1,449 12,774 167 484 587 4,429 1,874 2,563 522 71 120 41 95 129 12 302 1,378 .. 4



British Columbia





$ millions Total revenue Own source revenue Income taxes Personal income taxes Corporation income taxes Mining and logging taxes Consumption taxes General sales tax Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes Amusement tax Gasoline and motive fuel taxes Liquor profits Remitted gaming profits Other consumption taxes Property and related taxes General property taxes Capital taxes Other property and related taxes Other taxes Payroll taxes Motor vehicle licences Natural resource taxes and licences Miscellaneous taxes Health and drug insurance premiums Contributions to social security plans Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue from own sources General purpose transfers from other government subsectors Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors Total expenditures General government services Protection of persons and property Transportation and communication Health Social services 341,582 14,836 43,253 277,358 12,722 95,652 74,901 19,005 1,747 64,499 38,232 4,747 505 8,249 4,594 6,697 1,474 8,689 3,969 2,402 2,319 19,660 10,450 3,557 1,425 4,228 3,390 12,866 29,862 37,314 5,426 29,476 34,749 3,502 1,901 596 1,005 2,322 1,181 192 1 425 180 342 .. 122 2 120 .. 1,340 .. 147 952 242 .. 265 1,151 4,020 0 359 1,755 38,954 12,440 8,666 3,774 .. 4,026 .. 840 .. 725 680 1,705 75 1,462 1,462 0 .. 1,389 .. 398 381 610 790 1,025 3,185 14,528 109 1,224 3,075 41,777 35,151 8,920 6,298 2,275 347 9,368 5,058 713 .. 1,482 867 1,101 147 2,655 1,840 80 735 901 .. 452 38 410 1,577 1,104 3,821 5,262 1,544 1,663 4,963 43,215 842 1,301 2,149 14,877 7,233

350,184 12,196 42,058 6,530 12,093 17,423 115,501 61,738 181 562 729 4,178 1,129 828 1,270 3,779 12,954 5,260

Education Resource conservation and industrial development Environment Recreation and culture Labour, employment and immigration Housing Regional planning and development Research establishments General purpose transfers to other government subsectors Debt charges Other expenditures Surplus (+) / deficit (-)

81,819 12,547 2,827 3,426 1,147 3,345 1,352 655 4,861 24,196 724 -8,602

2,849 855 117 182 33 217 46 12 276 792 .. 2,640

11,807 2,464 723 519 116 553 100 209 673 576 227 1,195

11,448 1,593 319 576 50 384 83 8 185 2,168 .. -1,43

(Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut)

2009 Canada Y.T. N.W.T. $ millions Total revenue Own source revenue Income taxes Personal income taxes Corporation income taxes Mining and logging taxes Consumption taxes General sales tax Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes Amusement tax Gasoline and motive fuel taxes Liquor profits Remitted gaming profits Other consumption taxes Property and related taxes General property taxes Capital taxes Other property and related taxes Other taxes Payroll taxes Motor vehicle licences 341,582 942 277,358 211 95,652 74,901 19,005 1,747 64,499 38,232 4,747 505 8,249 4,594 6,697 1,474 8,689 3,969 2,402 2,319 19,660 10,450 3,557 68 51 17 .. 30 .. 15 .. 7 7 3 .. 3 3 .. .. 10 .. 4 1,538 513 202 133 69 .. 58 .. 15 .. 17 22 4 .. 22 21 .. 1 11 .. 4 1,318 121 37 31 6 .. 18 .. 12 .. 3 3 .. .. 2 2 .. .. 2 .. 0 Nvt.

Natural resource taxes and licences Miscellaneous taxes Health and drug insurance premiums Contributions to social security plans Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue from own sources General purpose transfers from other government subsectors Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors Total expenditures General government services Protection of persons and property Transportation and communication Health Social services Education Resource conservation and industrial development Environment Recreation and culture Labour, employment and immigration Housing Regional planning and development Research establishments General purpose transfers to other government subsectors Debt charges Other expenditures Surplus (+) / deficit (-)

1,425 4,228 3,390 12,866 29,862 37,314 5,426

0 6 .. 26 42 31 0

0 7 .. 38 118 40 24 820 205 1,682 123 110 150 376 152 314 133 12 19 11 120 83 .. 65 15 .. -144

.. 2 .. .. 51 7 4 979 218 1,314 151 86 38 288 105 251 57 19 21 3 180 48 .. 31 35 .. 4

29,476 575 34,749 156 350,184 957 6,530 12,093 89 79

17,423 152 115,501 138 61,738 114 81,819 157 12,547 2,827 3,426 1,147 3,345 1,352 655 4,861 24,196 724 -8,602 85 23 21 0 32 45 .. 15 3 2 -15

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